Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 412: Closing the curtain, taking care of the aftermath

Yang Xiao's words finally silenced Yan Chengfeng. To be honest, he still cares about Bai Jianshuang's whereabouts.

If he didn't even care about Bai Jianshuang's whereabouts, then in this world, who else would care about her.

That little girl looked very smart, but no one could have predicted that she would encounter such a headache.

In the current situation, he could only choose to take a step back and said indifferently: "I can give you a chance to live, as long as you tell me honestly who took Bai Jianshuang away, I will let you go. "

"When I speak, it is always hard to follow a word. I will never lie to you, but you must tell me the truth."

"If I find out that you have said half a lie, then you should also know very well how miserable your end will be."

Of course, he would not let these ignorant ants go.

However, in extraordinary times, we can only take some special measures, especially in the current situation, we must not be careless.

Sometimes, you have to be careful.

If you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss of doom.

He is also very troubled by these complex issues. No matter what happens next, we must go all out to deal with it, especially in the current situation, we must not be careless.

There are a lot of questions, and that's about it. If you're not careful, no one knows what will happen next.

In such a situation, Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to mess around.

He must find the trace of Bai Jianshuang as soon as possible. As for other things, he can put it aside for a while, so he doesn't have to worry too much.

As long as Bai Jianshuang's strength is handled well, he will no longer have to worry about it in the future.

"Little beast, are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Yang Xiao's eyes were piercing, and he said coldly, "This seat is for you to kneel down and kowtow. You are asking me now. If you are begging, you must have a begging attitude."

"No matter what, you have to think clearly. No one can save you. If you continue to die, then your end will be miserable."

"If you want to know Bai Jianshuang's whereabouts, then you have to pay some price. After all, there is no free lunch in this world."

Yang Xiao's eyes were full of fierce killing light, and he did not intend to let Yan Chengfeng go.

In any case, we must take this opportunity to humiliate Yan Chengfeng severely. Anyway, Yan Chengfeng wanted to find the supreme secret from him.

He doesn't need to worry if he wants to change, Yan Chengfeng will take action against him.

It's really comfortable to have everything in your hands.

At this moment, Yang Xiao felt that he was going to heaven.

Looking at the whole world, who can compete with it.

No matter what troublesome things will happen next, he will not take a half step back.

No matter what happens next, as long as something troublesome happens, he will use this to threaten Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng would never dare to mess with him.

I have to say that Yang Xiao is really confident.

It's really quite speechless to be able to do this as a human being.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and being controlled by others does not exist. Not before, not now, and never will.

No one can be his weakness. These people think that they can control him, but they don't know that he is a lunatic, and he doesn't think about the whole thing with the thinking of a normal person.

For these ignorant fleas, Yan Chengfeng never cared too much.

If he can't get the answer he wants, then he will shoot directly and kill all these ignorant bugs.

No one can threaten him. Not even those invincible beings.

Wanting to shout in front of him is simply a fool's dream, seeking death.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said indifferently: "Since you don't want to rescue any more, then I don't bother to talk nonsense with you."

"Since you're begging for death, I'll give you a ride!"

Since Yang Xiao no longer wanted to live, he had nothing to say.

For this ignorant reptile, he has only one idea, that is, kill it and then hurry up.

Wanting to control him, how is this possible, it is clear that he is daydreaming.

"Little beast, you really don't want to know about Bai Jianshuang's whereabouts?"

Yang Xiao's eyes were gloomy and he roared: "If you kill me, then you will never be able to find the trace of Bai Jianshuang."

"I advise you, don't be too arrogant, some things are definitely not as simple as you think."

"If you want Bai Jianshuang to survive, you can only kowtow to me in a low voice. If you are stubborn, then you must be the one who suffers in the end."

Yang Xiao roared in anger, his eyes were full of fierce killing intent, but he was just a clown jumping on the beam. If he wanted to fight with him, it was a fool's dream.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "I've heard enough of your nonsense."

"Okay, now you die for me!"


Yan Chengfeng showed no mercy, he quickly stepped forward and savagely attacked Yang Xiao. When the attack fell, Yang Xiao had no power to resist.

Yang Xiao's head was directly blasted open, and his brain was overflowing. The scene here is so **** that everyone feels like they want to vomit.

"Yang Xiao finally fell into the hands of Yan Chengfeng, and the Yang family in Guanjiangkou is probably going to be uneasy!"

"Who knows this, but, I see the current situation, the Yang family doesn't seem to be embarrassing Yan Chengfeng."

"Even if they want to embarrass Yan Chengfeng, they must have that ability. Yan Chengfeng's strength is so terrifying that it is really difficult for ordinary people to compete with him."

"Yeah! If you want to compete with Yan Chengfeng, I am afraid that only those immortal characters can do it..."

The fall of Yang Xiao did not actually cause much commotion, and everyone was talking in a low voice for a while.

They are still quite helpless in the current situation.

Yan Chengfeng beheaded Yang Xiao, which is really unbelievable. However, the fact is that there is nothing to say at all.

This invincible crusade has come to an end, and the creatures who came to watch the fun have also left one after another, and no one stayed here.

Seeing everyone leave one after another, the people of the Yang family in Guanjiangkou didn't say much, and they left one after another. Regarding this matter, the life of the Yang family seemed to be a little silent.

"The manager, sweep the fresh blood nearby, and then ask someone to prepare a coffin for Yang Ershu and Yang Xiaocao's funeral."

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