Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 421: Ice Woman, Ignorance Bug

The woman wearing the ice sculpture mask did not answer, but said indifferently: "Let's take a look at this battle between Yan Chengfeng and Emperor Qingyun!"

Only then did everyone react and cast their eyes on the street in the distance.

Xue Yao didn't ask any more questions, everyone calmed down and stared at the two people on the street quietly.

The confrontation between Emperor Qingyun and Yan Chengfeng was imminent.

Emperor Qingyun's eyes were sharp, he just wanted to kill Yan Chengfeng now, but he was just an ignorant flea who even dared to shout in front of him, he was really tired of living.

For such bugs, he will do his best to destroy them and let them know who is the real king in this world.

The weak have no right to speak in this world.

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, since you are bent on dying, this seat will fulfill you today."

Emperor Qingyun's expression was indifferent, and he said coldly: "If you offend this seat, there is only one fate for you, and that is death."

"If you want to live in the hands of this seat, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream. If you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, you may be able to die a little more happily."

"If you fall into my hands, then you will surely die, and no one can save you."

He didn't intend to let Yan Chengfeng die too happily, he must torture Yan Chengfeng so that he could not survive or die.

For the threat of Emperor Qingyun, Yan Chengfeng didn't take it to heart at all. It was just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam. It was delusional to want him to compromise.

No one can shout in front of him, even these so-called Tianjiao of the younger generation can't do it.

Even if the powerhouses of the older generation come, as long as they offend him, there is only one way to go in the end.

For these ignorant bugs, he will not take it to heart.

If you want to compete with him, you will have to pay a heavy price.

Death was their only destination.

"What ability do you have, just use it! It should be impossible to survive in my hands."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "If you want to yell at me, then you will definitely die miserably."

He is too lazy to care about these ants who don't know how to live or die.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

"Straight is arrogant."

Emperor Qingyun's eyes were full of fierce killing light, and he was so angry that he could not wait to smash it into ten thousand pieces.

It's just an ignorant flea, and wanting to show off his power in front of him is simply a fool's errand.

He has never been merciful to such ignorant bugs.

Since Yan Chengfeng wanted to find his own way, he would not be merciful.

No matter what happens next, he will go all out to deal with it, no one can make him lose face in front of him.


Emperor Qingyun's aura was soaring, and the wisps of fierceness poured out, the whole mountains and rivers were shaking, and there was a terrifying aura bursting out, this star bucket was about to collapse, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Feeling the surging power, everyone was backing away, not daring to approach this place at all.

The fierce rhythm of this expedition space is too terrifying, that energy burst out, as if it can destroy everything, and no one can match it.

If it is affected, it will surely die.

No one can resist that ominous power, especially in the current situation. Emperor Qingyun has gone all out to fight, and it is simply wishful thinking to compete with him.

"Emperor Qingyun's combat power is still quite good, Yan Chengfeng wants to compete with him, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

"Yan Chengfeng's strength is indeed quite good, but I have to admit that Qingyun Emperor's strength is even more terrifying, and suppressing Yan Chengfeng is just an easy thing."

"This time, Yan Chengfeng is dead, and no one can save him."

"People like him dare to come out and shout, I really don't know how high the sky is! His death is already doomed, and no one can live in the hands of Emperor Qingyun."

"Even if he is Yan Chengfeng, it is difficult to do it..."

The cultivators watching the battle from a distance whispered that they were not optimistic about Yan Chengfeng at all, and they all firmly believed that Yan Chengfeng would definitely die.

No one can make Emperor Qingyun capsize, even if it is Yan Chengfeng, it is difficult to do so.

This time, Yan Chengfeng was sure to die, and no one could save him.

Everyone is not very optimistic about Yan Chengfeng, which is understandable.

After all, no one really understands Yan Chengfeng.

Compared with Yan Chengfeng, what they knew better was Emperor Qingyun.

Emperor Qingyun's combat power is unparalleled, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Even those invincible geniuses would not dare to be so arrogant in front of Emperor Qingyun.

This time, Yan Chengfeng was dead.

Fate had already arranged the ending for them in this expedition.

This ending is Yan Chengfeng's death, and no one can change it.

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, today is your day of death."

Emperor Qingyun's breath is very terrifying, and the wisps of fierceness poured out, as if to tear apart the mountains and rivers. His breath is very terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

That infinite power burst out, and the entire boundless rivers and mountains were going to be ruined. His combat power was terrifying, his palms were pushed out horizontally, and the entire starry sky was shaking, and the stars moved.

His attack is extremely domineering, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to compete with it. This is an invincible means, and it is an absolutely terrifying existence.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to compete with Emperor Qingyun.

Everyone is backing away, and they don't dare to approach this place at all. The fierceness contained in this territory is really scary.

Feeling the domineering pressure, no one dared to approach this place at all, and everyone was retreating. The pressure contained in this territory was too domineering, and no one dared to approach.

Once near this place, it will definitely be crushed, and no one can deal with it.

In the face of Emperor Qingyun's attack, Yan Chengfeng did not flinch, and he did not take this level of attack to heart.

It is ridiculous and sad to want to use such an attack to suppress him.

No one can shout in front of him, it's just a group of ignorant fleas. If you want to compete with him, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

He didn't take this so-called Emperor Qingyun into his heart at all. He was just a bug that didn't know whether to live or die. He could kill it with a snap of his fingers, so how could he care.


The rhythmic ferocity in this space is getting more and more terrifying. That energy keeps erupting, the boundless mountains and rivers are collapsing, and terrifying scenes can be seen everywhere. This scene is really too scary, too scary.

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