Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 429: No fear, please come to foreign aid

Yan Chengfeng stepped out and came to the Qingyun Emperor, and said indifferently: "To be honest, it doesn't matter what background you have, as long as it is someone I want to kill, he must die."

"Now, you have met this condition, so let me give you a ride!"

He didn't put Emperor Qingyun in his eyes at all. No matter what background Emperor Qingyun had, he couldn't make too much trouble here.

He wouldn't take this group of ants to heart at all, it's just a group of ignorant fleas. If you want to survive, you must know who can offend and who can't.

If you have sinned against someone who shouldn't have sinned, then all that awaits you must be death.

Emperor Qingyun's expression was indifferent, and his heart was full of anger. At this moment, he just wanted to kill Yan Chengfeng, whoever wanted to compete with him would have to pay a painful price.

If anyone wanted to shout in front of him, the end would be very miserable as well.


Emperor Qingyun's expression was indifferent, and he said coldly: "Little beast, you are digging your own grave. Since you no longer want to live, this seat will fulfill you."

Emperor Qingyun did not delay, he immediately spread a message, no matter what, he would suppress Yan Chengfeng.

It's just an ignorant flea without any background, and he dares to run wild in front of him. He can't swallow this breath.

In any case, Yan Chengfeng must pay a painful price.

"Emperor Qingyun has begun to invite foreign aid. It seems that this time Yan Chengfeng is still doomed!"

"Although I don't know who the Emperor Qingyun wants to ask for help, but to make Emperor Qingyun value it so much, the opponent's strength is definitely not weak."

"It now seems that Yan Chengfeng will still die! His background is too weak, and he can't compare with Emperor Qingyun at all."

"This time, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die, no one can save him..."

The cultivators watching the battle were talking in low voices, and they all agreed that this time, the foreign aid that Emperor Qingyun invited was definitely not an ordinary person.

Emperor Qingyun wants to survive, I am afraid it is not that simple.

If you want to shout in front of Emperor Qingyun, then Yan Chengfeng will end up miserably.

Everyone felt that this time Yan Chengfeng's end was coming. However, being able to force Emperor Qingyun to this stage of the field is enough to show that Yan Chengfeng's methods are absolutely extraordinary.

However, the only flaw is that Yan Chengfeng's background is too weak, and it is definitely not an easy task to clamor with Emperor Qingyun.

For these ignorant reptiles, Yan Chengfeng will not show mercy, and no one can compete with him.

Even if he knew that Emperor Qingyun had invited foreign aid, he also did not take this matter to heart.


For a time, there was a terrifying rhythm in the entire town, and everyone felt an infinite coercion.

That breath was so terrifying, there was a strong sword qi surging, and the mountains and rivers lost their color.

The visitor is definitely not an ordinary creature, and all beings felt the terrifying pressure, and their hearts were also full of shock.

That energy cloud is too domineering, and the person here is definitely not an ordinary person. This is their first feeling.

In such a situation, everyone was a little helpless.

They also didn't know who the foreign aid that Emperor Qingyun invited was. However, judging from the current performance, the opponent's strength is definitely not simple.

Just as everyone was discussing, a figure stepped out of the air, and when they saw that figure, everyone was a little stunned, and did not respond for a while.

"That seems to be the little princess of the Shenyue Dynasty. How could she have something to do with Emperor Qingyun?"

"This is not very clear, but since the little princesses of the Shenyue Dynasty have all come here, it seems that Yan Chengfeng is really going to die this time!"

"I didn't expect it to be the little princess. After all, this little princess is the direct disciple of the old sword god, and her methods are definitely not weak."

"If Yan Chengfeng wants to take advantage of the little princess, it's probably not that simple."

"The little princess is actually here, I'm her loyal fan..."

Seeing the arrival of the little princess of the Shenyue Dynasty, everyone was very excited. After all, this person has an extraordinary origin and is also the person who is most admired in the hearts of all beings.

The little princess is not only beautiful, her means and strength are not weak.

No one thought that this time, the little princess of the Shenyue Dynasty would come here.

These invincible creatures are really unusual!

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to invite foreign aid. Someone like you would actually care. It's really not an ordinary person!"

"However, even if you invite foreign aid, it won't help you. Today, you still cannot escape death. No matter who you are, don't even think about competing with me."

Yan Chengfeng's expression was indifferent, and he didn't take Emperor Qingyun in his eyes at all. Similarly, the so-called little princess of the Shenyue Dynasty was not taken seriously.

These ants who don't know how to live or die, if they want to shout in front of him, they are seeking their own death.

There is no one who can resist his attack, just a group of ignorant bugs, will eventually become a wisp of dead soul in his hands, no one will be an exception.


"Straight is arrogant."

Emperor Qingyun's eyes were full of fierce killing light, and his heart was full of anger, and he could not wait to break Yan Chengfeng into ten thousand pieces.

It's just an ignorant clown. If you want to escape in front of him, the ending will be miserable.

No one wants to live. Today, he must make Yan Chengfeng pay a painful price.

No matter what the final outcome is, this matter must be dealt with, and he will never let Yan Chengfeng go.

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, they are dying, and they dare to be so arrogant. It seems that you are really tired of living."

Emperor Qingyun's eyes were piercing, and he said coldly: "Today, you will surely die, no matter who comes, it can't save you."

"In front of this seat, you dare to escape like this, do you really think that you are invincible in the world?"

Emperor Qingyun said with emotion, his heart was full of anger, at this moment, there was only one belief in his heart, that is to kill Yan Chengfeng.

No matter what, Yan Chengfeng would have to pay a painful price, especially in the current situation, it was even more important to not be careless.

After all, Yan Chengfeng's combat power is indeed not weak. If you want to suppress it, you still have to pay some price.

However, these are obviously not important anymore, as long as he can kill Yan Chengfeng, no matter what the price is, he doesn't care...

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