Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 439: With hot eyes, Lou Qianxun arrived


The little princess came to Yan Chengfeng's side and wondered: "You really don't want to play the piano and say love to her, and I won't be angry. What are you so afraid of?"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Playing with wool! I just tried it on purpose to see how you react."

"I have so many confidantes, will I find it boring?"

"Besides, I still have a lot of trivial matters to deal with, and I don't have time to mess with flowers."

"whispering sound!"

The little princess snorted, not believing what Yan Chengfeng said.

"Forget it, if you don't want to play, forget it."

The little princess said solemnly: "You remember to get up early to eat, I will come back before dark, and I will accompany you to toss then."

"You don't show your face, and don't let people know of your existence, so that the little Buddha will come to your door to find trouble."

She also wanted to stay with Yan Chengfeng for a while longer, and did not want to be separated from Yan Chengfeng so quickly.


Yan Chengfeng waved his hand and said nothing.

The little princess responded and left the place immediately.

After the little princess left, Yan Chengfeng continued to fall asleep again, not wanting to worry about the trivial matters in the world, just wanting to relax to the fullest.

After a while, he won't have time to rest.

Yan Chengfeng still has a headache about what happened recently. If Bai Jianshuang hadn't had an accident, he might not have to worry about these trivial matters.

However, there is no trace of Bai Jianshuang yet, and he must find Bai Jianshuang as soon as possible, otherwise, he is also worried that he will encounter danger in the future.

During this time, the little Buddha of Huangquanling will definitely come to the sanctuary. After all, the little Buddha is the fiance of the little princess.

Now that the little princess is in the hands of Yan Chengfeng, the little Buddha will definitely come to her door.

As for when the little Buddha will come to the holy place, Yan Chengfeng is not very clear.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. He has already changed his face. It is very difficult for the little Buddha to find him in a short time.

the other side.

The mountains and rivers are vast, and the universe is uncertain.

The little princess also met her good best friend. Her best friend is very beautiful and has an excellent temperament. The whole person reveals a mature and charming temperament, which is very tempting.

She is Lou Qianxun, the wife of the Holy Demon King.

"My little princess, what's your current situation? You fell into the hands of Yan Chengfeng. I heard that this Yan Chengfeng is not a good person."

As soon as Lou Qianxun came over, he said anxiously: "I heard that Yan Chengfeng has many confidantes by his side, and he has an extraordinary relationship with his confidantes."

"I think you should come with me quickly! Anyway, he doesn't dare to be an enemy of the Shenyue Dynasty. After all, your master is still the old sword **** in the land of Shenyue. If he really dares to be an enemy of you, then he is Kill yourself."

Lou Qianxun is also for the benefit of the little princess. After all, it must be impossible to stay with Yan Chengfeng all the time. Everyone knows that Yan Chengfeng is not a good person.

Staying with people like this is going to be a big loss sooner or later.


The little princess sighed, her heart was full of helplessness, she couldn't go back.

Some things have already started, and there is no going back.

"I'm already Yan Chengfeng's woman. When I was in the jungle, he forcibly took me."

The little princess sighed helplessly: "Perhaps, all of you think that this is nothing, but only I know that everything will never go back to the way it was before."

"I'm already dirty, and I'm not worthy of the little Buddha. I only have one thought now, that is, don't let the little Buddha come to the sanctuary."

"His methods are piercing through the sky. Yan Chengfeng is definitely not his opponent. I'm really worried that the two of them will fight to the death."

The little princess's heart is full of sadness, and some things are really not for her to decide. However, since it had already happened, she had no choice but to choose to endure it silently.

No matter what the final outcome will be, she also accepts her fate.

Fate is something that not everyone can resist.

"You were forcibly occupied by Yan Chengfeng."

Lou Qianxun frowned slightly, her heart full of surprise, this was something she had never thought about.

Now, the little princess was forcibly occupied by Yan Chengfeng, so she would definitely not be able to return to the past.

Moreover, looking at the posture of the little princess, it is obvious that she has already accepted her fate.

"That Yan Chengfeng, what kind of person is he?"

To be honest, Lou Qianxun didn't know anything about Yan Chengfeng. What she knew was only what she had heard recently.

What kind of person is that, she really has no image.

The little princess looked calm and said calmly: "He is a very caring man. Apart from being caring, he doesn't have many shortcomings."

"You know, before I came to see you, he said he wanted to get you. You said he was funny."

"I joked at the time that if he really wanted to play with you, I could help him."

"Are you kidding?"

Lou Qianxun's eyes sank, and he said, "Are you really joking with him, or do you really want to get me to his place and let him humiliate at will."


The little princess smiled and said solemnly: "To be honest, I really want to get you to his whereabouts and let him humiliate you at will."

"You've been with that real devil saint king for so long, and you're still not pregnant, so the real devil saint king is absolutely incompetent."

"Why don't you go over and make Yan Chengfeng happy, he wants to mess with you anyway."

Lou Qianxun shook his head and said, "I think it's better to forget it! There are still many trivial matters that have not been dealt with, and you still have the heart to hook up with men!"

"By the way, let's go and see Yan Chengfeng!"

Since they have already come, they must go to see Yan Chengfeng, and maybe they can get a good harvest.

"Let's go!"

The little princess didn't say much, since she's already here, she's definitely going to see her.

The little princess took Lou Qianxun and quickly came to the inn, where Yan Chengfeng was still sleeping.

Seeing Yan Chengfeng lying on the bed, the little princess walked over and said, "Didn't I tell you to get up and eat before going to bed? Why don't you eat, so hurry up and wash."

Yan Chengfeng opened his eyes with a headache, sleepy.

He really doesn't want to get up. Recently, there are a lot of things that need to be handled by him. Now he just wants to recharge his energy. After a while, he will not be so comfortable.

However, he still got up to take a shower.

During this time, the little princess deliberately went to get some wine and food.

While eating, Yan Chengfeng's eyes fell on Lou Qianxun's body, his eyes were very hot, Lou Qianxun was not a fool, he could feel it naturally.

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