Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 493: More intentional, Jingyueshan people

Yanhong Carp was too lazy to say anything more to Yan Chengfeng, but just warned: "Then you remember to pay attention to safety."

She doesn't know what to say now, anyway, it's useless to say anything, and this annoying guy won't listen to persuasion.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were indifferent, and after nodding, he immediately left the place.

After seeing Yan Chengfeng's figure disappear, Yanhong Carp did not delay, and soon went to other places to practice.

The immortal and demon purgatory is boundless, and there are huge opportunities hidden everywhere, so she doesn't need to go with Yan Chengfeng.

No matter who you follow, it's actually the same, don't care at all.

What should come will come after all, no matter what happens next, she will not take these meaningless trifles to heart, and she will be at ease when it comes.


The black clouds surged in the sky, and there were thick lightning flashes that shuttled back and forth. Those flashes of lightning were very terrifying, and they contained supreme fierceness. Between those fierce and rhythmic rhythms, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse. Somewhat scary.

Everyone is very frightened by the current scene. They don't dare to approach this place. This place is full of terrifying aftermath of coercion.

If you set foot here rashly, you will definitely be affected.

This kind of thing is the last thing they want to encounter. For the safety of their own lives, everyone can only retreat to the farthest.

Watching the endless expedition in the expedition center.

For the current situation, they are too lazy to say anything. The conquest of these invincibles is definitely not something they can participate in.

When faced with such a problem, they are indeed quite a headache.

But no matter what happens next, you can only do your best to deal with it.

They can do as much as they can.


The killing in the expedition center was very terrifying. When the attacks fell, the entire vast mountains and rivers were about to collapse. The violent scene could be seen everywhere, and the fierceness was unparalleled in the world.

This boundless mountain and river is about to collapse, and the world on that side is crumbling and crumbling.

For such a sight, they are still quite afraid. Especially seeing those **** scenes, cultivators of all sects were very scared.


On this devastated mountain and river, there are hideous cracks appearing, and in those cracks, there are terrifying life essence surging, and the monstrous general situation is madly recovering.

The scene in this starry sky is really terrifying, and the expeditions are also very scary.

"I didn't expect it! Jiang Taibai's strength is so terrifying. If he had gone all out, he might have already ended this expedition."

"What kind of **** are you talking about? If Jiang Taibai went all out, this campaign would have ended long ago. Did you not take Ye Qingxian seriously?"

"This Ye Qingxian's strength is definitely not that simple. She and Jiang Taibai are actually only five to five. Even if these two people destroy the boundless mountains and rivers on this side, there will only be one outcome, and that is equal shares."

"The conquest of Ye Qingxian and Jiang Taibai is actually not the biggest attraction. The biggest attraction is Mu Liangfeng over there. She seems to be out of shape!"

"That's right! What's going on with this Mu Liangfeng? Before, she kept targeting Yan Chengfeng. I thought she was very powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that?"

"It's nothing but that. Mu Liangfeng is already very powerful. She is a land fairy in Beiyue City, a real peerless figure."

"If it wasn't for her not wanting to ascend, she would have been the first person to ascend to the Immortal Realm. I really don't know, what ability does that savage **** have to be able to ascend to Immortal Realm."

"Yeah! It's really some kind of cat and dog, they all jumped out and screamed..."

Cultivators of all sects are talking about it. They still have some headaches about what happened recently, but in any case, they must deal with these trivial matters as soon as possible.

Anyway, as long as the conquest of these people will not affect them, they will be able to chat and laugh like they are nothing.

If the conquest of the invincibles spreads to this place, these bed bugs who are talking and laughing will be revealed in an instant.

After all, not everyone can compete with those invincibles.

Facing the leaders of the younger generation, the invincibles of the older generation, these ignorant ants are of no use at all. Perhaps, they will eventually become corpses.


High in the sky, the surging killings became more and more terrifying, and the domineering fierceness rushed out, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were going to be ruined, and the thick grass and trees were instantly turned into powder.

This kind of scene can be seen everywhere, the scene is very amazing.

Mu Liangfeng's methods are equally terrifying, every single attack of hers is able to roll up the world-shattering, weeping ghosts and gods.

That wave of divine power rushed out, as if it was a pity to destroy everything, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

When this happens, it's all very frustrating. But there is nothing they can do, they can only quickly retreat far away. Only when they retreat to a safe area can they feel more comfortable.

Mu Liangfeng's opponent was Jingyueshan Ren, who was not an ordinary person, and was once an invincible existence who opened the forum and taught the Dharma.

There was a green branch in his hand, and when he was waving it, the whole mountain and river was going to be ruined, and the sound of crackling could be heard everywhere.

No one dared to approach this place. The surging fierceness in that side of the world was even more terrifying. If ordinary people set foot here, they would probably turn into powder in an instant.

"Sky Thunder Seal!"

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, he immediately shot and killed him fiercely.

He looked around just now, and didn't see any good fortune, and he didn't know why these old things started the expedition.

However, these are no longer important.

For Mu Liangfeng, he didn't like him at all.

He was going to deal with Mu Liangfeng first, this woman was a little arrogant, and he didn't really like such an arrogant person.


The sound of drums was loud in the sky, the black clouds were constantly surging, and the thick lightning struck down, splitting hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers.

Seeing such a scene, all beings were a little frightened for a while, but no one thought that Yan Chengfeng would choose to shoot directly.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is extraordinary, and he is also a peerless leader among the younger generation. With him joining the battlefield, those expeditions will definitely become more interesting.

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