Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 503: Qingyun dies, invincible means

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is unparalleled, even if the ancestor of Qingyun has the means to penetrate the sky, it is difficult to compete with Yan Chengfeng. After all, this is the leader of the younger generation.

If you want to match such an invincible existence, unless Qingyun ancestor's combat power is dozens of times more terrifying than Yan Chengfeng.

However, this is clearly not possible.

Everyone dared not approach this place, and the fear in their hearts was hard to add. They were all hurriedly retreating. Yan Chengfeng's combat power was too domineering, and if he fought against such a person, the end would be miserable.


In the face of such an invincible Yan Chengfeng, Qingyun's ancestor really had no way to do it at all, and he was blown away by Yan Chengfeng.

There is a big gap between him and Yan Chengfeng, and it will definitely not work if he wants to compete with such an existence.

When encountering such a domineering creature, the only thing you can do is to step back.

Feeling the endless pressure, everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to approach this place. They all know that this time, if the ancestor of Qingyun wants to survive, I am afraid it will not be so easy.


Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, his body was rhythmically filled with monstrous might, that tyrannical divine might surged out, and there was an endless impact of force, and the mountains and rivers were collapsing.

No one can be his enemy. He is the invincible in this world. If he offends such an existence, there is only one way to die.


High in the sky, the sound of drums was resonant, the sky was foggy, and a light rain fell, and it started to rain here.

However, no one left here.

Everyone turned their attention to the expedition center, and they all knew very well that even if it was raining, even if there were knives in the sky, this expedition would not end so easily.

Perhaps, the next expedition will be even more terrifying. When encountering such a thing, everyone is quite helpless, but they have no choice.

I can only watch the show from a distance quietly, and I don't want to be affected by that terrible spiritual energy. If it is affected, I guess I don't even know how to die in the end.

Everyone's hearts were frightened, and they didn't dare to be too careless. This time, Qingyun's ancestor would definitely die.


Old Ancestor Qingyun flew out, and he was in mid-air, spitting out a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper, his hair was disheveled, and he looked a little embarrassed.

He can't stop Yan Chengfeng at all. Yan Chengfeng's attack is really terrible. This is an invincible overlord. Even if ten Qingyun ancestors are tied together, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with Yan Chengfeng. .

"Little beast, you are digging your own grave."

Old Ancestor Qingyun roared angrily, and the fear in his heart was hard to add. Facing such a shame, his heart was full of anger, and some couldn't swallow it.

He just wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces as soon as possible, and smash his bones into ashes. It's a pity that he doesn't have this ability at all.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too tyrannical, but if he wants to be an enemy of such an existence, unless he really has the means of shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods, otherwise, he is looking for his own death.

Anyway, the cultivators of the major sects did not dare to offend Yan Chengfeng.

If they offend Yan Chengfeng, they will end up miserably. This kind of ending is unacceptable to them.

For the safety of their own lives, the only thing they can do is to retreat to the distance as soon as possible, and they must not have the idea of ​​becoming an enemy of Yan Chengfeng.

If they really choose to be the enemy of Yan Chengfeng, then there is definitely only a dead end waiting for them.

In this regard, they are also quite helpless, but this is also something that can't be done. Some things are beyond their control, and they can only take a step by step.

"Old man, you are already exhausted, and you are dying, and you are still talking nonsense. It seems that you have never died!"

Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, and the aura surging in his body was extremely tyrannical. This was an invincible overlord who could destroy a world at the click of a finger.

It is definitely not an easy task to contend with such an existence. In the face of such an overlord, it is estimated that everyone has the same idea!

If you really want to compete with it, unless the means are sky-high and the background is terrifying. Otherwise, there is only one dead end.


Yan Chengfeng didn't plan to let Qingyun ancestors go. This time, he had to kill Qingyun ancestors.

Just an ignorant bug, provoking him again and again. For such an ignorant existence, the only thing he can do is to destroy it.


Yan Chengfeng's method was too terrifying. No one could stop that attack. All souls could only watch helplessly as Qingyun's ancestor was slaughtered.

This scene is quite scary, no matter what, the ancestors of Qingyun are all invincible existences.

If you offend such an existence, wouldn't you be seeking your own death?

The ancestor of Qingyun has fallen.

This made the monks of all sects a little heavy, and their mood was very depressed. After all, even such an invincible existence may fall, and what is impossible in this world.

"Little beast, you dare to kill Qingyun's ancestor in front of this seat. It seems that you are really tired of living."

At this time, the ancestor of Kaitian Long Xuanwu came out. He stared at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, and his heart was full of anger.

If eyes can kill, then Yan Chengfeng at this moment must have been slashed by a thousand swords and died thousands of times.

The aura of Kaitian Patriarch is very terrifying, and there is an overwhelming aura rhythm in every gesture. This is an invincible overlord.

If it is an enemy, then the end will be very miserable.

This kind of existence, not everyone can contend with.

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, he was very calm and did not take the threat of Kaitian Patriarch to heart at all. If he cares about anyone's threats, wouldn't he be embarrassed to death.

For these worms that don't know how to live or die, his idea is to kill them quickly, and no one can stop him. All will die.

"Old man, I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense over there. If you want to die too, then hurry up and come over. Don't worry, I'll give you a good one."

Yan Chengfeng's expression was indifferent. Of course, he would not show mercy to such ignorant ants. It was not that simple and easy to compete with him.

For these ignorant overlords, he has only one idea, and that is to kill without mercy.

No matter who the other party is, he won't care, he must go all out to kill all those who stand in his way.

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