Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 553: Solve the Holy King and find an alliance

The eyes of the Holy King of Heart Demon were cold and silent. He stared at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, his heart was full of anger, and he was on an equal footing with an ignorant clown who jumped the beam.

Encountered such a situation, he only had one thought, and that was to be ashamed.

"Ignorant ants, you have succeeded and angered this seat, and the next step is your death."

The Heart Demon Saint King was full of anger. He didn't show mercy. He shot fiercely again and quickly attacked Yan Chengfeng.

His palms were pushed out horizontally, all the stars were shifting, and the burst of power was too tyrannical, and everyone was a little frightened by the scene in front of them, and they did not dare to stay in the center of the storm.

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and the Heart Demon Saint King is definitely not something that ordinary people can participate in.

Offend these two invincible overlords, then their end will definitely be very miserable. For the safety of their own lives, they still feel that it will be better to stay this way.

At least there won't be any mistakes, otherwise, one slip will turn into eternal hatred.


The tyrannical aura swept out, and everyone was backing away, and no one dared to approach this place, whether it was the creatures of Cangnan Star or the powerhouses of the Gorefiends.

In such a situation, they can only choose to retreat, and if they continue to stay in the center of the storm, the ending may not be very good.

"Little beast, die for this seat!"

The eyes of the Holy King of Heart Demon were piercing. He shot angrily and attacked Yan Chengfeng fiercely. At this moment, he just wanted to completely destroy Yan Chengfeng, and no one would be able to stop him.

Especially in the current situation, you must not be careless, otherwise, the person who died will definitely be you.

"The law of time."

Yan Chengfeng is too lazy to waste time, and these ignorant bugs, there is really no need to waste time, just shoot and kill it directly, there is no need to care too much.

No matter what kind of danger comes in the end, he will not take a half step back, no matter what these people want to do, he will not take a half step back, killing anyone who stands in the way.


The terrifying years are rhythmically rhythmic, and the wisps of ferocity come out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers are going to be ruined.

The law of years ran rampantly, forming a river of years in mid-air. That river of years was very domineering, and it took root in the sky in an instant.

There is a violent qi and blood pressure bursting out, the sun and the moon are rotating, no one can get close to this place, that force is extremely terrifying, and if you are not careful, it will be completely destroyed.


The terrifying breath rushed out, and everyone was pushed back. The rhythmic law of the years was too tyrannical, and the slightest carelessness would be completely destroyed.

They don't dare to be careless. If they are shrouded by the law of time, then they will definitely turn into powder in an instant.

This is not a joke. If you are not careful, you will be completely slaughtered and destroyed.


That long river of time was very ferocious, and it shrouded the Holy King of Heart Demon in an instant, and there was an incomparably terrifying killing blow, and the entire boundless world trembled.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were a little frightened for a while, and they didn't dare to approach this place at all. They all know that this time, the Holy King of Heart Demon will suffer.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are piercing through the sky, which is definitely not something that ordinary creatures can contend with.

If he offends Yan Chengfeng, then there is only one fate for him, and death is his final destination.


The bursts of violent aura rushed out, and all of them were retreating, and the law of endless years fell, directly shrouding the Holy King of Heart Demon.

The tyrannical power surged in waves, and the Holy King of Heart Demon couldn't resist it at all. The law of endless years erupted in bursts.

The Holy King of Heart Demon can obviously feel that his own life essence is madly passing away, and he has begun to grow old.

Yan Chengfeng's methods are very domineering. If he wants to compete with him, there is only one way to die. Offending such a creature will definitely lead to a miserable end.


The Sage King of Heart Demon is coughing up blood, and he can't hold it anymore. Yan Chengfeng has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, so how could the Sage King of Heart Demon be able to compete.

Offending such an invincible person will surely die.

"Little beast, this seat is the power of the Gorefiends. You dare to take action against this seat, are you really not afraid of death?"

The Holy King of Heart Demon is roaring angrily, his heart is full of anger, at this moment, he just wants to slaughter Yan Chengfeng.

However, he couldn't do anything.

He has no such ability at all. If he wants to compete with Yan Chengfeng, his end will be very miserable.

"What kind of creature you are, it doesn't matter now. After I kill this group of ignorant ants, I will definitely give you a ride."

Yan Chengfeng's expression was indifferent, he had already made a decision in his heart, as long as these ignorant ants were beheaded, he could take action to slaughter the Gorefiends.

He didn't want to continue to delay, and he had to get rid of these ants as soon as possible.

He was also worried that if he continued to delay, he might have a lot of sleepless nights.

Feeling the pressure of that tyrannical breath, everyone was frightened, but they were helpless.

Even an invincible like the Holy King of Heart Demon can only accept his fate at this moment, because there is no way for him to break free at all, which is simply a great shame for him.


Yan Chengfeng's method was very terrifying, he rushed out quickly, and directly ended the life of the Holy King of Heart Demon.

No one can stop Yan Chengfeng, and everyone will die. After all, to offend such an invincible person is to seek death.


Everyone was frightened, and they did not expect that the Holy King of Heart Demon would not escape in the end.

Especially those creatures of the Gorefiends, they are all fleeing at the moment, want to leave this place as soon as possible, if they continue to delay, then the situation may become more and more dangerous, absolutely can not be careless.

They don't want to die yet, they just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

Yan Chengfeng didn't show mercy, he quickly took action, and quickly wiped out the creatures of the Gorefiends.

The creatures of Cangnan Star are also starting to clean the battlefield.

Yan Chengfeng saw Li Youqing coming, and immediately said, "Go and find out if you want to destroy the creatures of the blood demons together. If so, you can choose to join forces."

"I don't want to sit still, it's better to take the initiative. If not, then we'll do it ourselves."

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