Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 569: Fix everything, not a good guy

The vast law of time is surging, and the aura has become extremely domineering. No one dares to approach this place, and everyone is retreating at a high speed.

They did not dare to stay in the center of the storm, for fear of being suppressed and affected.

Yan Chengfeng's methods were too tyrannical, and even if the generals of the Southern Immortal Dynasty used all their strength, it would be difficult to match them.

The turbulent law of the years seems very terrifying. The entire endless mountains and rivers are in ruins, the heaven and the earth are shaking, and the sun and the moon are in rotation.


The tyrannical aura emanated, and a strange scene appeared in the sky, and that invincible creature was directly suppressed.

The life essence of the general is passing wildly, and the law of the fluctuating years is too overbearing, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with.


Although he was being swallowed up by the eternal law of life, he still did not back down. No matter what, he would destroy Yan Chengfeng.

However, his idea is really unrealistic.

It's not an easy thing to fight against.


The monstrous ferocity is surging, and the tyrannical aura is exuding, and there is an infinite energy rhyme bursting out, and the sky is torn apart.


Yan Chengfeng's methods are very ferocious. He has no mercy at all. Facing those invincible creatures, he has only one idea, and that is to completely destroy this group of people, and no one can stop him from attacking.

The general of the Southern Immortal Dynasty has been destroyed. Before that endless rule of time, any resistance he made was in vain. It was simply delusional to want to match it. Everyone saw such a scene and was very frightened for a while.

But since they have come this far, they have nothing to say, and what should come will come after all, and they must not be careless.

"Little beast, you are digging your own grave."

The creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends were already angry, their faces were gloomy, their hearts were full of anger, and they shot at Yan Chengfeng angrily.

That piece of big killer is pressing in, and terrifying attacks are rampant, those attacks are very terrifying, the laws of endless years are shaking, the sky and the earth are cracking, and the sun and the moon are losing.


Those terrifying attacks fell overwhelmingly, causing a very terrifying scene. This star bucket was about to collapse, and all sentient beings trembled.

Especially in the current situation, no matter what the final outcome is, since it has come to this point, there is nothing to be afraid of. Only facing difficulties is the kingly way.


Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch, his attack was very tyrannical, the law of endless time rhythmically moved, and the big killers became rusty and stained, and they couldn't resist the erosion of the law of time.

Even some monks with weak Taoism were immediately destroyed.

For a time, the lives in the center of the storm suffered heavy casualties, blood flowed into rivers, bones were everywhere, and corpses were scattered everywhere, which was very scary.

The creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the powerhouses of the Gorefiends could not stop Yan Chengfeng's attack. Yan Chengfeng's combat power was too terrifying. Trembling, the world lost its color...

"So powerful!"

The monks onlookers let out a burst of sighs. Yan Chengfeng's combat power is sky-high, and no one can match such an invincible person.

This time, even if the invincibles from the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends went all out to pursue Yan Chengfeng, the final outcome was quite miserable.

They all fell into the hands of Yan Chengfeng. It is absolutely not easy for such ignorant ants to compete with Yan Chengfeng.

The time for a stick of incense quickly passed, and all the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiend were destroyed.

These creatures simply can't resist Yan Chengfeng's Law of Time.

This made the cultivators who were onlookers marveled for a while, and their hearts were full of helplessness. No one would have thought that Yan Chengfeng would have such a terrifying combat power.

Even if a large number of races came out, they might not be able to keep him.


After Yan Chengfeng completely destroyed that group of people, he was relieved.

These people are already dead, and he is relieved.

"Let's go!"

Since the troubles in front of him have been completely resolved, there is no need for him to continue to stay. He is too lazy to care about these ignorant ants.

The most important thing right now is to get things right.

"Let's go!"

Baili Dongjun didn't say much. Since everything has been resolved, they should also leave.

There are quite a lot of things that have happened recently, and she did not expect that the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends would be chasing after them all the time.

However, after this expedition is over, the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends should not do it again.

In a short period of time, they will be able to rest and will no longer deal with these troublesome things.

Especially in the current situation, although some things are unavoidable, it can't be controlled so much.

"This is Fengcheng. We can go to my hometown after walking for a while. This time, we will encounter many troubles along the way!"

Baili Dongjun felt that it was not a good thing to take Yan Chengfeng by his side. This guy was a master of trouble.

No one knows what the final outcome will be.

But she has come this far, and she has nothing to say. Since it is her choice, she will work hard no matter what.

Cultivators of all sects and sects are leaving this place one after another. Outside Fengcheng is a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the pungent smell of blood is everywhere.

There is no need for them to stay at all, but this time, the lives of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiend have suffered heavy losses, and these two races will definitely settle this account.

As for the final outcome, they don't know.

at the same time.

When the leaders of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends learned about this, they were very angry, and they directly increased their efforts and chased Yan Chengfeng frantically.

No matter what the price is, Yan Chengfeng must be beheaded, and he must not be allowed to bring harm to the world.

the other side.

Yan Chengfeng followed Baili Dongjun on his way home.

"You brought me home, you shouldn't want to deceive me and be your Taoist companion!"

Yan Chengfeng was a little wary. From the very beginning, he felt that Baili Dongjun was not a good person.

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