Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 575: Treasure stolen, make up for it

That treasure was stained with rust, and it was impossible to see its original appearance at all. Such a treasure was not even considered a waste, and Yan Chengfeng instantly became interested.

For such treasures, he has no interest at all.

"Although this treasure is rusted, it is very real. You should have a lot of doubts in your heart!"

Baili Dongjun looked at the rusty treasure quietly, and said in a deep voice, "You will definitely think that there is such a treasure that can travel through the past, the present and the future, and the Tian family should have long ago brought it to fame. already."

"How is it possible that it has become rusty in this place, it's a long story."

"If there is a chance in the future, I will let you know!"

The legend about this treasure started many years ago.


Just when Yan Chengfeng wanted to get to the bottom of it, suddenly, a violent explosion came from outside.

This changed Yan Chengfeng's expression. He immediately felt that the monks outside should have found this place, and he immediately walked out without delay.

Baili Dongjun followed closely. If the creatures outside found the Tian Clan, then their speed was too fast.

After all, she and Yan Chengfeng had only just arrived in the Tian Clan.

The monks of those sects have definitely not arrived here yet. She felt that this matter was a bit strange, and she did not delay. She had to go outside as soon as possible to have a look.

At this critical juncture, there must not be the slightest mistake.

Outside is a scene of fire, and strange scenes are evolving everywhere. Seeing such a scene, Baili Dongjun's face is a little ugly.

Such a scene is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

She didn't delay, and immediately walked over to investigate the surrounding situation. At this time, the creatures of the Tian Clan also appeared one after another.

After all, with such a huge thing happening here, they certainly wouldn't sit idly by.

Yan Chengfeng was also observing the surroundings. He didn't feel any dangerous aura. This kind of scene was really weird.

The other party made such a big noise, the situation is definitely not simple, we must find a way to clarify all the problems.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

With such a big disturbance, the other party's idea is definitely not simple, perhaps it is for the rusty treasure.

A method that can travel between the past and present and the future is not something that ordinary people can ignore. If you can get such a treasure, you will be able to rise into the sky in this lifetime.

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, and immediately returned to the Treasure Pavilion. As soon as he entered the Treasure Pavilion, he ran into a man wearing a mask.

The rusted treasure is gone, obviously taken by this man.

"Who are you, leave that treasure behind."

Yan Chengfeng blocked the opponent's path. This man's strength is not weak, and as an enemy of such an invincible, he still has to be careful.

Otherwise, once he is in danger, he will suffer in the end.

"Yan Chengfeng, don't let him leave, you must **** that treasure back."

Baili Dongjun shouted loudly from behind, that treasure was snatched away, and it must be snatched back.

Otherwise, a lot of trouble will happen.

Especially in the current situation, there can be no mistakes in the slightest.

Some problems are like this. If you are not careful, you may fall into a situation of doom and gloom.

"I don't have time to delay with you two little friends, I'll go first."

The other party said a word, and disappeared immediately, as if invisible, and he could not find any trace of him at all.

This made Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun look a little ugly, and the other party was obviously prepared.

"This person should be from the Tianyi clan. Do you think the people of the Tianyi clan would have such wolf ambitions and want to **** this treasure."

Yan Chengfeng was analyzing it, and he always felt that this matter was not simple, and there must be an unknown secret hidden behind it.

As for what this secret is, he is not too sure.

After all, this was his first time here.

What the final outcome will be, he doesn't quite know.

At the moment, I can only deal with it slowly, and find useful clues, and all those things can be dealt with more easily.

"I don't know that either."

Baili Dongjun shook his head, this incident was too sudden, and she didn't quite understand who was behind the shot.

However, she had a bad feeling that she was about to suffer.

This time, a treasure was lost, and that was irrelevant. However, this treasure has an extraordinary history.

"You two are so courageous that you dare to lose the armillary sphere. This seat advises you to immediately kneel down and be slaughtered. Otherwise, your end will be a thousand times more miserable than it is now."

At this time, a thick voice sounded, and there was no need to look back, Baili Dongjun knew that the person who spoke was definitely the law enforcement elder of the Tian Clan.

When she met this old thing, there was nothing she could do.

Now there is nothing to say, only to deal with it quietly.

The law enforcement elder is an old man with gray hair. Don't think that he is too old to think that he is not good enough.

This old man has a very strong aura, and when he raises his hands, there is a kind of coercion from a superior, and his aura does not fall.

This is a peerless overlord with the means of reaching the sky. If they offend such an invincible existence, their fate may be miserable.

Moreover, this old thing is definitely more terrifying than the existence of the ancestor of the earth immortal.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal, a peerless figure who has survived before Hongmeng was sentenced, has the means to penetrate the sky.

Those who want to be his enemies are digging their own graves.

The same is true for this old man. His methods are unparalleled in the world. If he offends such an existence, he will definitely not end well.

The only thing that can be done is to deal with this situation as soon as possible.

What a pity! There is no clue now, and no one knows what the final outcome will be.

When they encounter such trouble, they can only deal with it slowly, and what should come will come eventually.

As for the situation in front of you, you don't need to worry too much, you don't need to worry too much at all.

"Elder Law Enforcement, although we were at fault in this matter, let us atone for our sins with death. This kind of punishment is still a bit big. Let us make up for it! We will definitely give you a perfect answer."

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