Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 578: Barbarian God Suggestions, Ancient and Modern Things

Barbarian God didn't want Yan Chengfeng to have too many expectations. As the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Yan Chengfeng came to Barbarian God's side in an instant, and said with a smile: "It's still Xiaoman who will be distressed, don't worry! I will definitely not put you in danger."

"It doesn't matter what the final outcome of this matter is. In fact, I just want to stay with you for a while."

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's words, the barbarian **** rolled his eyes at him and said, "How true or false are your words! It's a lie when you hear it."

This guy is really a stalker, and she is still very happy.

"Let's go! I really owe you in my last life."

The barbarian **** was a little speechless, but he was too lazy to say anything. He directly asked Yan Chengfeng to lead the way, and went to help him solve the trouble in front of him.

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, and immediately took the barbarian **** to leave the depths of the Tianshan Mountains and head for the Tianyi Clan.

The location of the Tianyi clan is very mysterious, even if Yan Chengfeng passed by once, he almost lost his way.

This is like a natural labyrinth, if you are not careful, you will fall into the endless cycle of reincarnation.

When Yan Chengfeng and Barbarian God came to the Tianyi Clan, it was already night, and the night was full of stars like the sea.

It wasn't like last night, when it rained heavily.

Tonight's night, it is very beautiful, it amazes the years, the time, you and me...

That ancient item, the armillary sphere, was stolen, a treasure that could travel between the past and the present, and it was lost in this way. No one knew who would be the winner in the end.

After all, those who fail will be eliminated.

And those who are eliminated will die.

No one will be an exception. This time, what happened is still something worth thinking about.

If you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

Yan Chengfeng took the barbarian **** and also saw Baili Dongjun, who was still worried about the Armillary Sphere.

If you want to find the armillary sphere within half a month, it is simply difficult to reach the sky.

This matter is too difficult to do, and there is no clue left at the scene. They have no direction to investigate at all. They can only touch the elephant by blind people.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. If you really can't find the armillary sphere, then we will leave the Tian family, leave the immortal world, and return to the human world to live. Those days are pretty good."

Yan Chengfeng stepped aside and comforted him for a while. After all, the current situation is very complicated. It is impossible to investigate all the problems in a short period of time.

The only thing they can do is to handle everything as best they can.

Especially in the current situation, although you don't have to do your best, you can't let yourself fall into a situation of no redemption.


Baili Dongjun sighed helplessly. The current situation is indeed quite complicated, but they are too lazy to say anything. As long as the next questions are not too weird, they should be able to retire. .

"By the way, this friend of yours, is there anything she can do?"

Baili Dongjun set his sights on the barbarian god. Since Yan Chengfeng admires this person so much, he must have some means, but she is not quite sure what such means are.

The only thing that can be done now is to deal with all the problems as much as possible.

As for the future, we will talk about it later.

"Barbarian God, what can you do to solve the current situation?"

Yan Chengfeng also looked at the barbarian **** and couldn't help but ask questions. It's an eventful time now, and many things have been out of control, so they must be extra cautious.

Barbarian God shook his head and said: "There is nothing to do now, let's go and see the place of the incident first!"

Since she promised Yan Chengfeng, she will definitely go all out and never hide her clumsiness. Although this matter seems complicated, it really needs to be investigated clearly.

Actually, it doesn't take too much effort.

These are all minor issues and don't matter at all.

Yan Chengfeng, the barbarian god, Baili Dongjun quickly came to the treasure pavilion where the incident occurred.

No one has come to destroy this place. If someone came to destroy this place, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver and three hundred taels in this place, and it will not be self-inflicted.

After the barbarian **** came to this place, he just glanced at it casually, and couldn't help frowning. She had a bad feeling in her heart that this place was very dangerous.

The Tian Clan has been calm for so many years, and it is time for a change.

When such a thing happened, she was surprised that the creatures of the Tian Clan could still eat and sleep.

Especially the current problem, must not be careless, after all, it is very likely to be destroyed if you are not careful.

"The situation of the Tianyi clan does not seem to be as good as imagined, and there may be wars soon."

The barbarian **** looked calm and said calmly, "Yan Chengfeng, I have a good suggestion for you. I suggest you leave this place quickly! Don't get caught up in the whirlpool."

"After all, the current situation is indeed quite dangerous, with hidden murderous intentions."

"As soon as I entered the Tianyi clan, I smelled a stench of blood and rain. There should be a conquest here."

She was not joking, but told Yan Chengfeng very seriously.

In the recent period of time, there will definitely be a destructive expedition. In such a crisis situation, we must leave as soon as possible, otherwise, it will definitely be affected.

In such a situation, if Yan Chengfeng did not choose to retreat, the problem would only become more and more serious.

As for Baili Dongjun's life and death, the barbarian gods would not care.

Baili Dongjun is Yan Chengfeng's confidante and has nothing to do with her. She has no need to worry about someone who has little to do with her.

"The situation shouldn't be as serious as you said, right? Besides, even if it's really serious, I don't need to leave. Judging from the current situation, even if I want to get out, I'm afraid there is no chance."

Yan Chengfeng said helplessly: "The most important thing now is to find the lost armillary sphere. Although this is very dangerous, I have no choice."

"Also, I'm still quite interested in this armillary sphere. If I can verify its authenticity in my lifetime, it seems to be pretty good."

armillary sphere.

A treasure that can travel through the past, the present and the future, such a peerless treasure, just ask, who wouldn't be tempted.

Yan Chengfeng was just a mortal man, of course he wanted to occupy the armillary sphere.

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