Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 618: To face difficulties is the kingly way

The expedition here is too terrifying. Those invincibles are fighting with all their strength. The mountains and rivers are collapsing, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere, devastated.

Many living beings died, but such horrific scenes did not frighten them, they were not afraid of life and death.

Everyone has been red-eyed, and the more they fight, the more brave they are, and they vow to push the ants who are blocking the way in front of them, enter the blood spring, and compete for the supreme opportunity.

The fluctuation of the blood spring has grown to an extremely terrifying state. Even the invincibles standing high in the sky can't hold that kind of pressure.

If those monks with weak Taoism set foot here, it is estimated that they will be directly obliterated.

The combat power of these creatures is very powerful, and they have the power to destroy the world in every move, and their aura is unparalleled in the world.

If you want to live in the hands of these creatures, it is simply a fool's dream.

They are very interested in the supreme good fortune in the blood spring. No one wants to miss this opportunity, and they all want to take the opportunity to capture some good fortune.


The sound of the drums was resonant, and there was a monstrous trend that was madly recovering, and the breath was unparalleled in the world. Everyone already knows that this disaster, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape.

Everyone wants to step back, and their hearts are full of fear. In this blood fountain, there are various scenes evolving. Such extreme madness makes all living beings completely lose their freedom.

Tornadoes and sandstorms can be seen everywhere, and those mountains of corpses and seas of blood have become an ancient fantasy. The sight was terrifying and frightening.

Seeing such a scene, all sentient beings were a little surprised for a while, no matter what the final outcome was, since they have come this far, they have no reason to retreat.

No matter how difficult it is, try your best to deal with it.

Life is like this, torrent bravely, unparalleled in the world.

"This time, it seems that in this blood spring, there must be an unparalleled good fortune hidden in the world. Such fluctuations in energy rhyme are really terrifying!"

"I don't know too well, but the current situation is probably the truth! If you want to figure out what's going on as soon as possible, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"I don't know, who will end up with the good fortune in the blood spring."

"This should depend on who can survive to the end! After all, only the strong can have the last laugh. The weak can't do anything."

"No matter how much it is, what should come will come eventually, and there is no escape."

"I just hope that these people can be blessed, and then the world will be truly blessed."

"Yeah! After all, these creatures have invincible means. If they start to conquer, then the whole world may fall into a terrifying situation."

"For those endless conquests, it is only us little fish and shrimps who suffer in the end..."

There are many monks watching, and they are all talking in a low voice. Such a scene is indeed quite terrifying.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless. This kind of situation is indeed a bit of a headache. No matter what the final outcome is, we must handle everything as best we can.


Suddenly, the changes in the blood spring are also increasing crazily. Everyone has an infinite power surge, and all kinds of domineering auras are rushed out, and the world will be ruined and collapsed.

Under the impact of that tyrannical divine power, the monks around were forced to retreat into the distance.

A terrifying expedition is about to take place here. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with. It must not be too careless.

When sentient beings see such a scene, they can only retreat slowly. No matter what the final outcome is, they must be cautious, otherwise they will surely suffer in the end.


Indistinctly, everyone seemed to hear a terrifying voice. The scream of killing shook the heavens and the earth, and everyone was flinching, not daring to approach this place at all.

There seemed to be a very powerful magic power in those bursts of shouting and killing, and that magic power was so terrifying that it gave people some headaches, and their hearts were full of panic.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless, they could only deal with this place as soon as possible.

Everyone's heart is full of doubts, and no matter if they can escape the disaster, they must go all out.

Although the scene in the blood spring is a bit terrifying, they have no other choice.

After all, they have come this far, and everyone wants to solve this conquest as soon as possible.

Some things cannot be ignored.

"The situation over there seems to be quite terrifying. Girl Jun, Yan Chengfeng should be able to turn a bad luck into a good one this time, and a disaster will be a blessing!"

The flaming red carp's willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her heart was full of worry. Yan Chengfeng was always in trouble recently, and she was also afraid that something would happen to Yan Chengfeng.

This matter must not be careless, otherwise, the problem may become more and more serious.

At this point, I have nothing to say, I can only pray silently in my heart, hoping that Yan Chengfeng can be safe and everything goes smoothly.

"Don't worry! There will be no problem."

Mo Lianjun stood aside, and was quite surprised by the vision that happened here. There are many things happening now, and it is likely to be the case. No matter what the final outcome is, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

There are many problems, and there is nothing to say now, what should come will come after all, it is best to be careful.

Yan Hongli was also very anxious. Even if someone comforted her, she always felt that this matter was absolutely unusual.

When everyone saw such a scene, they could only deal with it slowly.


The waves of violent ferocity rushed out, and everyone was waving their flags and shouting. There was a lot of surging essence in the blood spring, and that force seemed to destroy everything.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were already gearing up for it. They knew very well that the final outcome would definitely be miserable.

At this time, they have no reason to retreat, no matter what, they must deal with it as much as possible.

They must not make any mistakes. Now that they have come this far, they have no choice.

This is the case in many situations. Once a battle occurs, it must be dealt with as soon as possible, and there can be absolutely no mistakes.

Otherwise, it will definitely fall here.

Everyone is ready, they can take action at any time, and there will never be any fear, especially in this case, fear has no meaning, and only facing difficulties is king.

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