Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 623: Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, Queen Mother of the Moon

Everyone is still a little afraid of this person in front of them. After all, he was suppressed by the Twilight Drum Bell Tower and sealed in the blood spring. Such a top configuration does not look like an ordinary creature.

This person must have an earth-shattering origin, and they dare not be careless. In such a dangerous situation, the more cautious they are, the more tragic the final outcome will be.

In the current situation, everyone has nothing to worry about. As long as they are not impulsive, everything can be turned into good luck.


The violent demonic sound emanated, the entire Star Dou was about to collapse, and ferocious cracks could be seen everywhere. Such a scene was really terrifying.

The brilliance around this creature finally burned out completely. He was wearing a black robe, and he was in high spirits. When he raised his hands, he carried an infinite coercion.

Such existence is definitely not something that ordinary people can offend.

Provoking such an invincible existence, the ending will definitely be miserable.


In an instant, the high-altitude drums sounded loudly, the endless sky lost its color, and black clouds surged everywhere.

All sentient beings are also quite worried about such a scene. They are very clear that this is another group of invincible creatures.

Moreover, looking at such a posture, it is definitely not an ordinary creature.

There are invincible creatures under this starry sky, and there will be a fierce battle at that time.

"That is the soul of the Yinyue Dynasty, and the leader seems to be the Queen Mother of the Yinyue Dynasty. How could she appear."

"It turned out that the queen mother of the Yinyue Dynasty appeared in person. It has been many years, and it has never appeared, which is really a headache!"

"These invincible overlords usually don't show up very much. This time, they appear one after another, which is really frightening."

"However, this time, it shouldn't have any effect! I think the creatures of these Yinyue Dynasty should not dare to mess around."

"After all, there are still invincibles from the Divine Court here. If the Yinyue Dynasty really dared to mess around, someone would be able to clean them up."

"This is not certain. The current Yinyue Dynasty is as terrifying as the sun! The absolute invincible overlord."

"It's definitely not easy to compete with such a peerless overlord, but it's probably not easy for the Yinyue Dynasty to cover the sky with one hand."

"We don't need to worry too much, what should come will come eventually, and escaping won't help..."

Everyone is discussing in a low voice, absolutely not everyone can handle this matter in front of them.

They can only choose to be a spectator. No matter what the final outcome is, they must figure it out as soon as possible. They don't know what kind of danger will happen next.

If you continue to delay here, the problem will only become more and more serious.


The violent aura is still surging, and all beings are quite afraid of the scene in front of them.

In the current situation, they are too lazy to say anything, no matter what the final outcome is, since they have come this far, there is nothing to say, and what should come will come after all.

Everyone must do their best, and absolutely can't be careless.

Otherwise, it will definitely be buried here.


With the arrival of the Queen Mother of the Yinyue Dynasty, the fluctuations caused here are quite terrifying. The queen dowager of this Yinyue Dynasty is very terrifying and full of momentum.

Even though she is already some years old, she still has a charm.

Such an invincible existence is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Offending such an invincible person will definitely be miserable.

No one dared to be careless, no matter what the final outcome was, since they had already reached this point, they had nothing to say, they just had to deal with it slowly.

This fierce battle may be able to be avoided without much fluctuation.

"Yinyue Dynasty came here specially to welcome the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods."

The Queen Mother of the Yinyue Dynasty stood in the air, her voice was enough for everyone to hear clearly.

The moment the sentient beings heard the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, they couldn't help but widen their eyes. Their hearts were full of doubts, but what followed was only fear.

"I didn't expect that he was actually the Seven Immortals Demon God, I heard right! This man is actually the Seven Immortals Demon God, what are you kidding me!"

"Is this person very powerful? Why are you so afraid of him! I really don't understand you, you are just a clown jumping on the beam, so why be afraid."

"You young people! It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and even the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods have never heard of it. How can you come out and mess with the rivers and lakes in the future!"

"The methods of the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods are indeed quite extraordinary. If you want to compete with such an invincible person, you can only say that you are hitting a stone with an egg and committing suicide."

"The Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, that is the oldest existence! I still remember a long, long time ago, when the past was in chaos. kill."

"Although that expedition lasted only a year, the troubles it eventually caused lasted an era."

"It was a turbulent era, and it was also a world where life was ruined and corpses and blood seas. Now, recalling the past years, people can't help but sigh!"

"Life is impermanent, time is impermanent."

"This time, the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods are reborn. Perhaps, another endless chaotic world is about to kick off."

"In that era, countless creatures died for it, and in the end, they did not exchange for the peace of one world. This time, it is estimated that they will be completely annihilated in endless years..."

After knowing the origin of the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, countless cultivators were terrified. When they encountered such a problem, all sentient beings did not dare to be careless.

After all, such a situation is indeed not simple. If there is nothing to say, then the next problem will definitely become more and more serious.

Especially in the current situation, one slip can turn into eternal hatred.

No one dared to be careless, they were all cautious.

"The Seven Immortals and Demons, he is the Seven Immortals and Demons. He has been suppressed for countless years. Now that he has returned to the world, I am afraid that there will be a real turmoil."

Baili Dongjun's face sank. These invincible beings have all been born one after another. She is very clear that this chaotic world has begun.

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