Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 632: The heart of the temple has been plotted for a long time

For such a situation, everyone is too lazy to say too much. Anyway, there are many situations that they cannot handle.

The only thing they can do is to work hard to live. In such a chaotic world, if you want to survive, it is definitely not an easy task.

Nanhai Xiangu has nothing to say about what happened recently. She came to the Unparalleled City this time, and she has some important things to deal with.

As for why Tian patrols this place, that's not something she needs to care about at all, she just needs to do what she should do well, and that's it.

She stepped into the unparalleled city in the world, and did not delay outside.

Everyone gradually recovered their vitality, and seemed to have forgotten the inspection just now. No matter what the final outcome was, they didn't need to care.

If tomorrow will really fall, then you must eat, drink and have fun today, and never blame others.

If there is no obsession in the heart, then everything is just a small problem.

Life and death can be taken lightly, so what is there to be afraid of?

Yan Chengfeng never cared about such a situation, and what should come will come after all. He is not a person who will worry about the sky, no matter what the final outcome is, since the situation has been completely resolved.

Then he is too lazy to care, especially many problems now, he can only deal with it slowly, otherwise, the situation is likely to become more and more serious.

Baili Dongjun and Yan Chengfeng entered the inn and listened to everyone's discussion here. Some things that happened recently were short-lived.

Jianghu, this is a pool of stagnant water.

And in this pool of stagnant water, there is a group of living monsters.

No matter what the final outcome is, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Because, in this arena, there are people of all shapes and sizes.

As long as you are still alive, you are still walking, you will meet many people along the way, and there will be all kinds of ghosts and ghosts.

However, these are no longer important.


In the mansion of the city master of the unparalleled city in the world.

There are unparalleled strong men sitting cross-legged here, and they seem to be discussing a major matter.

Recently, there are many problems during this period, which need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the final outcome will be very tragic.

"The purpose of our visit this time is very simple. Presumably the unparalleled city lord already has some ideas, so I won't gossip with you. Let's get straight to the point, open the skylight, and speak eloquently!"

Nanhai Xiangu's eyes were deep, and she said, "These questions are indeed more troublesome, because you should also know very well that the army of the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods is about to start an attack."

"And the purpose of my coming here is to hope that you can return to the Temple of Light."

"The birth of the Temple of Light, you should all be very clear about what it represents."

"This time, don't think that the Temple of Light is just an empty shell."

The background of the Temple of Light is definitely not something that ordinary people can estimate. If you want to compete with the Temple of Light, you are digging your own grave.

Looking at the entire boundless Star Dou, what kind of power is there that can really compete with the Temple of Light?

The appearance of the Temple of Light will definitely give those people a heavy blow.

No one can resist the Temple of Light.

The unparalleled city in the world can be regarded as an invincible force.

However, such an invincible force is still a little immature in front of the Temple of Light.

To contend with such an invincible force is to dig one's own grave.

The Temple of Light is destined to dominate the rivers and lakes.

Even if it was the army of the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, they never paid attention to it.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

This is no joke.

"I will seriously consider the matter of the Temple of Light, please come back?"

If he promised Nanhai Xiangu now, there might be some strange changes in the situation, and he wanted to wait and see the changes for a while.

As for the final outcome, those seem to be unimportant, but in any case, it must be dealt with as soon as possible, especially the current problem.

It is absolutely impossible to agree easily, otherwise, the final outcome may bring some unnecessary troubles to the unparalleled city in the world.

Such trouble is not what the Peerless City Lord wants to see.

No matter what troubles will come next, since you have come this far, then no matter what happens next, you will be fine as soon as it comes.

In many cases, that is the case. Regardless of the final outcome, do your best.

"Then I'll wait for the good news."

Nanhai Xiangu didn't stay in this place, she still has a lot of things to deal with.

Naturally, there is no time to delay here, or we must deal with those trivial matters as soon as possible. No matter what the final outcome is, we must go all out.

Immortal world has begun to be in chaos. This is a sign that the building will collapse. It must not be careless. Otherwise, the problem will only become more and more serious.

Nanhai Xiangu left this place, and also left Peerless City in the world. No one knows where Nanhai Xiangu's next step will be.

In recent times, there are indeed many problems that need to be dealt with.

"Hey, have you heard that this time Nanhai Xiangu came here, the main purpose is to make the unparalleled city in the world return to the Temple of Light."

"I didn't expect that the action of the Temple of Light was so fast, and I don't know what else needs to be dealt with next."

"These are not things we need to manage, just do our own thing seriously, as for the rest, those will naturally be handled by the strongest."

"The Temple of Light, it seems that it is also an ambitious generation, and it has begun to win people's hearts."

"I don't know, in this chaos, who will be the final winner..."

For a time, the entire inn was full of discussions and loud noises.

As soon as the Nanhai Xiangu left, they knew some secrets.

I have to say that the strength of these creatures is really unusual. The speed of inquiring about news is really unmatched by ordinary people.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts. He was not quite sure what the creatures of the Temple of Light wanted to do.

After all, this thing is definitely not simple.

However, the current situation is indeed like this. If you want to understand it thoroughly in a short period of time, it should not be easy!

He finally shook his head helplessly, there are some things that really don't need to be considered.

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