Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 668: The world is in chaos, the secret is ancient

Such a peerless attack, for all living beings, in addition to fear, that is still fear.

Because, there is no way they can stop it, if they force it, the final end will be very miserable.

"The Art of Immortal Fate."

Empress Yinyue frowned slightly. To be honest, she didn't expect that Yan Chengfeng still had such a means, which was really unexpected.

The magic of immortality, of course, she knows such a thing. This is a magic technique that needs to be practiced by relying on the beliefs and luck of all living beings. It is very ancient and terrifying.

She really didn't know where Yan Chengfeng found these elusive methods.

However, it seems that these are not important anymore, this guy Yan Chengfeng is very mysterious.

Now that something like this happens, there is no way out.

The only thing she can do is to try her best to bring Yan Chengfeng back to the Yinyue Dynasty.

Yan Chengfeng's potential is unlimited, and this time, she will never let go.

After all, the relationship between Yan Chengfeng and her is there, even if Yan Chengfeng is really angry, she won't do anything to her.

As the saying goes, a couple in one day is blessed with a hundred days!

She is not afraid of Yan Chengfeng's anger at all. In the end, she and Yan Chengfeng are the same people, they are a family.

Yan Chengfeng's magic of immortality is very terrifying. This is a supreme magic, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

After all, the terrifying beliefs of all beings, the luck of all races, such a peerless attack, is not something that ordinary people can resist.

If you want to compete with Yan Chengfeng, you are digging your own grave, and no one can stop Yan Chengfeng.


The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the sound of the drums resounded in bursts. The terrifying killings rushed out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse.

No one dared to set foot here, there were violent winds, torrential rain, lightning and thunder everywhere. If you set foot in the center of such a storm, you would definitely die.

Such an invincible expedition made everyone fearful, and they didn't dare to be careless at all.


The two terrifying attacks collided in the sky, stirring up waves of violent ferocity. The waves of ferocity swept out, and the lofty mountain peaks were instantly razed to the ground, and the sturdy grass and trees were turned to powder.

The mountains, rivers and the land here have been dilapidated into disrepair. Such a scene makes all living beings tremble with fear.


The God of War's knife is indeed quite terrifying. There are few people who can resist such a peerless attack.

However, the technique of immortal fate in the world is even more terrifying, and it is simply wishful thinking for ordinary people to block such an attack.

Everyone is very afraid of such a scene. Of course, such an ending is something they have never thought of.

However, since the matter has come to this point, they have nothing to say, what should come will come after all, there is no need to think too much.

Everything is also a matter of a moment, such as this conquest in front of you.

It is not an easy task to completely suppress Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng used the magic of immortal fate in the world, which is the belief of all living beings, and the luck of the common people is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Even if this invincible Chinese Immortal Emperor has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, he can't even think of blocking Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power was too terrifying, and it was simply not something that the Chinese Immortal Emperor could compete with.

Only at this moment did everyone see clearly how terrifying and powerful Yan Chengfeng was.


The Chinese Immortal Emperor was shocked and flew out. He spurted blood in his mouth, and his heart was full of fear. He also did not expect that Yan Chengfeng's combat power would be so terrifying.

In particular, the means of luck of the common people, it is simply unheard of.

Such an invincible method is truly terrifying.

"I didn't expect that Yan Chengfeng actually possessed such a means. Such a conquest reminded me of a few fragmentary records I saw in an ancient book once."

The Lord of the Divine Court's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "I heard that a long, long time ago, there were also invincible arrogances of the human race who knew how to use the magic of immortality to gather the beliefs of the common people and open up the world for them."

"I didn't expect that today, I can see such a scene again."

The Myriad Realms Immortal Fate Technique that Yan Chengfeng used was absolutely terrifying. After all, how can such an attack be normal when he can beat the Chinese Immortal Emperor to the point of vomiting blood.

At this time, Mo Lianjun next to him said, "I heard from Daddy that it was a story from a long, long time ago. That matter has to start with the conquest of gods and immortals."

"It is said that the supreme expedition caused countless deaths and injuries to the people of the world, displacement, and the destruction of endless homes."

"Until one day, a young man from the human race walked out of the small town, acquired the beliefs and beliefs of all living beings, and collected the luck of all races."

"All the way to the peak of the conquest, with the luck of the people of all races, the conquest was finally quelled, that is, at that time, there was the technique of immortal fate in the world."

"It's just that this kind of inheritance method is really too clever. After all, how can the faith of the common people and the luck of all clans be obtained so easily."

"The monks are rampant and domineering, how can there be belief in living beings. So, after a long, long time, the inheritance of the magic of immortality will also be broken."

"After that, this world has experienced many chaotic times, the demise of the primitive, the withering of the immortals and the gods, and the re-evolution of the world. Everything is like a reincarnation."

"Later, someone came out of the ruins, picked up the original inheritance, and started the creation of a troubled world."

"Originally, this world can be peaceful forever, but some people can't stand it and want to disrupt this world?"

"Where all sentient beings go, everything is fixed."

She was too lazy to talk too much about the fate of all sentient beings. Some problems were just like that. It was not an easy thing to understand thoroughly.

Everything she knew was only what her father told her.

As for whether there are any secrets hidden, then she is not very clear.

Of course, those questions were not what she wanted to ask.

When all sentient beings heard such secret news, they were also a little frightened.

However, the chaos in this world seems to have nothing to do with them. The only thing they can do now is to work hard to survive.

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