Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 815: Ruolan took action and shocked all beings

The violent expedition continues, and more and more creatures come to watch the battle.

Those monks all have the means to penetrate the sky, but they haven't shot at this moment, because they all feel that now is not the best time.

Faced with such a situation, all living beings are quite helpless.

"In the hands of this ghost axe, he has the cauldron of the mother of all things, and he himself is the strength of a ten-star martial arts. Although he does not have any background, he is just a loose cultivator."

"However, his overall strength is quite good. If you want to compete with this Long Yuefeng, there should be no big problem!"

"However, he offended Long Yuefeng. This is not a wise decision. Long Yuefeng's methods are unparalleled in the world, and he also has an unparalleled background."

"Even if Ghost Axe can really win Long Yuefeng, but in the end, it offends the Dragon Emperor Holy Land and provokes the Dragon Emperor Holy Land. That's not an interesting thing..."

Everyone knew very well that although this ghost axe possessed infinite combat power, it could still be at odds with Long Yuefeng.

However, they did not forget that Ghost Axe was just a loose cultivator, without any background.

Such a helpless ant, even if he has the ability to penetrate the sky, but offend the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, his end will be very miserable.

Those supreme monks should not let go, such an ant.

The opinions of everyone did not decide the conquest in the sky.

Ghost Axe has his own goals in life, no matter whether he lives or dies, he will not care about it.

To act rashly, that is his goal.

"Yan Chengfeng, there are more and more monks coming here, and there are some invincibles who have the means to reach the sky. It may not be easy for us to take advantage of the fisherman."

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Why don't we take this opportunity to leave and explore other supreme creations. There are so many supreme powerhouses here, so they will definitely not miss that treasure. "

"We don't need it at all, it's a waste of time to stay here."

She is also very worried that the boat will capsize in the end, so leaving now is the top priority. As for other issues, there is no need to worry too much.

They don't have much life-saving means, and they have offended the powerhouses of the Dragon Monarch Holy Land before. If they stay, it doesn't make much sense at all. Staying here will only usher in endless danger.

Such a situation was not what he wanted to see at all.

"Don't rush."

Yan Chengfeng didn't want to miss this opportunity, and he wasn't the kind of person who was afraid of things. Tang Haoyue didn't hear anything he said.

As for these ignorant ants, they can be destroyed at the click of a finger.

He was never afraid at all.

Moreover, that stone coffin is very unusual, and it is definitely not an ordinary thing. If you can control it, it is not bad.

Therefore, this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he will never let it go.

In any case, get that stone coffin.

"However, if you're afraid, you can leave first. Anyway, it doesn't make any sense for you to stay, it will only cause trouble for me."

Yan Chengfeng felt that even if Tang Haoyue really stayed, it wouldn't be of much use, so it might be better to leave early.

This woman can't do anything other than make trouble for him.

For these ignorant ants, he is also quite helpless.


Tang Haoyue's face was a little ugly, and she did not expect that in Yan Chengfeng's heart, she was actually such a person.

"What do you mean I will only make trouble for you. What do you mean?"

Tang Haoyue was a little unhappy, so she questioned Yan Chengfeng.

However, Yan Chengfeng didn't speak, and he didn't bother to pay attention to Tang Haoyue.

This woman is simply looking for discomfort.


Tang Haoyue's heart was full of helplessness, but she had nothing to do with Yan Chengfeng.


The high-altitude expedition is still going on, and the fighting power of Ghost Axe and Long Yuefeng is very terrifying.

This endless mountain and river is about to burst open, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere.

Sentient beings don't dare to be careless at this moment. For such a situation, the only thing they can do is to retreat as much as possible, and absolutely cannot stay in the center of the storm.

Where the conquest is very terrible, the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere.

If you stay in the center of the storm all the time, it is estimated that it will be ugly to die!


For a time, the shouting and killing came one after another, shaking the sky and the earth.

The terrifying fierceness is coming out in waves, covering a very vast area, and no one dares to be careless.

Especially in the current situation, it is even more dangerous.

Those monks who didn't have time to retreat were destroyed in an instant.


At this time, Lian Ruolan also took action.

She didn't intend to take action at first, but now that more and more cultivators are coming, it will not be of great benefit to continue to delay.

In order to take that treasure away as soon as possible, of course she would not target Long Yuefeng and Ghost Axe.

Her goal was the stone coffin.

Only by removing the stone coffin as soon as possible can this expedition be ended.

That stone coffin is very terrifying, and it contains a vast ferocity. This is a very terrifying treasure, and she must get it.


A shadowy figure descended from the sky and landed on this devastated territory. The stars on this side were about to collapse, and terrifying sights could be seen everywhere.

It was a tall and mighty figure, with bright and dark radiance flowing all over his body. The aura was so terrifying, as if it could tear apart this piece of starry sky.

It was a creature without a head, holding a big axe, which looked very scary.

This shocked everyone, and the fear in their hearts was hard to add.

They did not expect that Lian Ruolan would actually take action.

Everyone knows the origin and background of Lian Ruolan. This is the suzerain of the Corpse Refining Sect.

As the head of a sect, her means must not be underestimated.

Ordinary creatures who want to compete with her are simply seeking their own death.

Now that Lian Ruolan has taken action, all the monks are very shocked, and some creatures who are just about to move have also chosen to wait and see.

If they act rashly at this moment, then their ending may not be too ideal.

At this moment, I can only be a quiet audience. If I make a rash move, there must be only a dead end.

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