Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 841: Unspeakable old things, the Shen family in the Central Plains

There is a terrifying rhythm in this territory, and the violent coercion hits out, the entire boundless mountains and rivers are about to collapse, the heavens are broken, and the worlds collapse.

There are more and more monks entering this place, and they all want to seize the supreme creation from this territory.

This is an ancient battlefield, and there will definitely be many supreme opportunities. As long as they can **** them, they will definitely be able to soar into the sky, and no one can stop them.


At this time, Granny Chu frowned slightly and said, "I heard that the people from the Shen family in the Central Plains will come over, don't you plan to avoid it?"

"By the way, and Shen Bijun will come too."

She didn't want to take care of those boring trivial matters, but she couldn't help but remind her.

The Shen family in the Central Plains.

It is a terrifying big family, and it is also the most domineering among all immortal cultivating families.

If you offend the Shen family in the Central Plains, then the ending will be tragic, no one can escape, and everyone will die.

Of course, no one dared to provoke the Central Plains Shen family.

Because, everyone knows that if you offend the Shen family in the Central Plains, there is only one way to go.

"The Shen family in the Central Plains."

Chu Huang's eyes sank, she really didn't want to care about these things from a long time ago.

However, some things are quite helpless when they are really faced. No matter what, the only thing she can do is to deal with it cautiously, without thinking about other things at all.

"Shen Bijun is coming over, what does that have to do with me?"

Chu Huang never cared about these things, and she also felt that there was no need to care about some things at all.

Everything is nothing but a mirror.

Chu Huang behaved very calmly, but Grandma Chu didn't know if Chu Huang really didn't care and really let it go.

Maybe it never gave up! Maybe it's all fake!

In any case, she didn't say any more, after all, those were things she didn't need to care about.


At this time, there was a sound of beating drums in the distance, and there was a terrifying aura that swept over. That kind of ferocity was so overbearing, as if it could destroy everything.

No one can stop it, those monks who want to stop will eventually die, and no one can be an exception.

The monks around are very clear that this time, there are invincible powerhouses here, and those peerless overlords will definitely not give up.

After all, this is an ancient battlefield and a backwater. Legend has it that there is an unparalleled opportunity, a place where good fortune is nurtured. They definitely want to take this opportunity to come and explore some supreme good fortune.

All the creatures are retreating quickly, and they don't dare to block the way. The current situation is too dangerous.

If you rush in the way, it is estimated that there is only a dead end.

At present, no one knows exactly who came here.

But judging from the terrifying surging surging power, it should be the peerless overlord coming to this territory. For those invincible existences, they are all in awe and stay away.

If you really run into trouble, you're bound to die.

Especially in the current situation, they are very clear, but if there are invincibles here, they must be one of the best peerless overlords, and they are not something they can provoke.

Offending such a peerless overlord, it is estimated that there is only one dead end.


The coercion of the violent aura gradually ceased, and all sentient beings looked up, only to see two people, a man and a woman, stepping out of the air.

Seeing those two people, all the creatures were stunned, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a while.

They didn't expect that these supreme overlords would come, the most amazing and talented of the younger generation, the most talented beings in the world of immortal cultivation for nearly hundreds of thousands of years.

The Shen family in the Central Plains, the Marquis of Shen Yuan.

Marquis Shen Yuan, he came from the Shen family in the Central Plains, and everyone would call him "Little Marquis".

In the same way, he is also a well-known existence on the list of gods. He has a battle power that penetrates the sky and the earth, and his methods are unparalleled.

Offending such an invincible person will only lead to death.

No one can stop this terrifying overlord.

"It turned out to be the young marquis of the Shen family in the Central Plains, Marquis Shen Yuan, how could he come here? Could it be that there is really something here that can attract him."

"I didn't expect it! Little Marquis actually came here. It seems that the fate here has nothing to do with us."

"Little Marquis's strength seems to have increased a lot. Among the younger generation, there are probably not many people who can compete with him!"

"I didn't expect that the people who came were actually Shen Yuanhou and Shen Bijun. These two people actually came here. Are you really seeing each other for a long time?"

"It's usually difficult to see them, but I didn't expect that today, I can still see the live ones. It's really surprising..."

The cultivators all around were talking in low voices, of course they were no strangers to Shen Yuanhou and Shen Bijun.

Both of them came from the Shen family in the Central Plains, and they had the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. Among the monks of the same age, it was hard to find an opponent, and the earth was turned upside down at the click of a finger.

For such a situation, everyone is quite helpless. These invincibles are here, and they want to continue to explore the supreme creation here, which is simply wishful thinking and impossible.

However, some monks have no plans to leave. Even if all the invincibles are here, they will never retreat.

This kind of scene is rarely seen in a hundred years. If you leave now, it will be too boring.

It's better to find a safe area to stop and quietly watch this group of invincible powerhouses conquer, those invincible existences will definitely kill earth-shaking.

It's nice to be able to see this kind of liveliness.

No one will leave this place. This is a rare sight in a hundred years. If you leave like this, it will be too boring.

"Looks like I'm not wrong. It's really Shen Bijun and Shen Yuanhou who are here. Do you want to go over and say hello."

At this time, Granny Chu spoke up, she thought so! If Chu Huang had really let go, he must have gone over to say hello.

Anyway, that didn't make any difference.

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