Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 886: Fleas are ignorant and capable of death

Grandma Chu has already seen through everything, so there is nothing to worry about now. These little things don't need to be taken too seriously at all.


Chu Huang also felt that he thought too much, and simply did not bother to think about those complicated issues.

She calmed her mind and cast her gaze to the center of the expedition again, quietly watching Yan Chengfeng and the Sword God conquest.

She also wanted to know who would be killed in the end of this expedition.

Yan Chengfeng's attack method is unparalleled in the world. He used the thirteen arrows of Yuanfu and the blessing of the sun-shooting bow. The power of the two is long-lasting. Across the sky in general.

The breath of the big river is nothing but the same!

Even at this moment, the Sword God of Baidicheng had already used the Sword Technique of Xia, and Yan Chengfeng never took a step back, and he had nothing to be afraid of, so he would take a step back.

Feeling such terrifying and ominous power, all sentient beings are frightened, and they dare not approach this place at all.

All sentient beings are retreating rapidly, and they all know that if they continue to stay here, they will surely die.


High in the sky, the sound of beating drums resounded in bursts, and a strong breath rushed out. That force was so violent that it seemed to be able to destroy everything.

All sentient beings dare not be careless and do not dare to approach this place at all. They all know that if they set foot here rashly, the ending will be very miserable.

For such a situation, everyone is also quite helpless, and there is no way to do it.

"The attack of Yan Chengfeng and Sword God seems to be getting more and more terrifying. I don't know who will kill them in the end."

"Yan Chengfeng has 13 Yuanfu Arrows, and with the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, his overall strength is not too weak. Perhaps, he really has a chance to block the Sword God."

"The Sword God has only used the second sword. It is too early to say that Yan Chengfeng will definitely be able to stop the Sword God."

"This time, he will definitely die. If he wants to block the Sword God, it is just wishful thinking. He can't do it."

"The Earth-shattering Sun-shooting Bow fell into Yan Chengfeng's hands. It's really a waste! If he falls, there may be a chance to **** this Earth-shattering Sun-shooting Bow."

"It's no longer meaningful to discuss these things now, let's find another way..."

There are many monks watching, and they are not very concerned about these current matters.

They really want to know who will be able to dominate the side in the end.

If Yan Chengfeng can really block Sword God, then this time, he will definitely be famous.

No one can compete with Yan Chengfeng, and he will also become the leader of the younger generation.

If you want to compete with such an invincible, then there is only one way to die.

However, they are not quite sure what the outcome will be.

If you know what will happen next, you can only watch it slowly.


The violent aura coercion swept the mountains and rivers, and the entire boundless sky was about to collapse and collapse.

No one dared to approach this place, all beings were quickly retreating, Yan Chengfeng and Sword God's attacks also entered a state of white heat.

Such an attack, which is unparalleled in the world, is getting more and more terrifying.

Everyone is backing away, not daring to be careless at all.

The mystery of the Xia Zhi swordsmanship is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with. If you want to compete with it, unless you also have the means to penetrate the sky.

Otherwise, it is self-inflicted humiliation.


The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunderous, and there was a terrifying aura impacting everywhere. The entire vast mountains and rivers were about to collapse, and everyone was retreating.


The waves of tyrannical fierceness rushed out, and the aftermath rippled for thousands of miles. Everyone was flinching, and even Yan Chengfeng was forced to retreat several dozen feet.

There was blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the breath in his body surged, and he was already traumatized.

He also did not expect that the Sword God's attack was so tyrannical that the entire vast galaxy was about to collapse, and it was all turned into ruins under such peerless ferocity.

I have to say, the changes in this place are really weird.

Everyone was a little shocked when they saw that Yan Chengfeng was injured.

However, all this seems to be expected.

It was quite good that Yan Chengfeng was able to hold on until now.

"Yan Chengfeng is injured. I'm afraid his life will not be very good next time."

Grandma Chu's eyes sank. She never held out much hope for Yan Chengfeng. Sometimes this guy is too wild.

Wanting to take advantage here is really delusional.

After all, the Sword God of White Emperor City is not something that ordinary creatures can contend against.

If Yan Chengfeng could suppress the Sword God, then he would be able to suppress the entire world.

However, that is obviously unlikely.

It is not an easy task for Yan Chengfeng to achieve this step.


The sword **** stood in the air, and behind him was the sword energy of ten thousand feet, and the wisps of vicious aura rushed out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse and collapse.

His combat power is very strong, and looking at the whole world, there are not many creatures that can compare with him.

Those existences who delusionally compete with the Sword God will eventually die.

No one could stop the Sword God, not even Yan Chengfeng.

"Yi, you've been able to stick to this point, it's already very powerful, but that's all."

The Sword God looked indifferent and said: "There is still a big gap between you and this seat. Now, you'd better get down on your knees and be slaughtered, otherwise, what awaits you will be death."

His expression was indifferent, and there was no one who could survive after offending him. It was really rare.

For these ignorant fleas, he will never show mercy, and kill those who stand in the way.

"Old man, your nonsense is so much. I still have three arrows in my hand, and you have already used sixty or seventy moves."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "As long as I block your next attack, then this time, it will still be me who will win the last person, and there will be no change."

"Anyway, no matter what, since I have come this far, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of me, I will never take a half step back."

"So, if you have any ability, then you can use it!"

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