Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 942: Brilliant combat power, never back down

Lian Ruolan knew very well that Yan Chengfeng's overall combat power was terrifying, not weaker than anyone else. This time, he and Long Mo would definitely be able to win the battle.

Long Mo and Yan Chengfeng are both top-notch powerhouses. It is not an easy task to decide the winner in a short period of time.

Therefore, the monks from all sects and sects were not anxious. They had already retreated to the distance and silently watched the expedition.

In the end, Long Mo and Yan Chengfeng were not sure who would win, and who would die.

After all, the difference in strength between the two is not too big, and they are not quite sure what the final outcome will be.

Everyone didn't go to talk nonsense, but just cast their eyes on the center of the conquest, staring indifferently at the figure of Long Mo's Yan Chengfeng.

The two of you come and go, the battle is fierce, the mountains and rivers are swallowed, and the sun and the moon have lost their color.


Beacon fire and wolf smoke, the gunpowder smoke between the heavens and the earth has never dissipated, and there are bright galaxy rhythms everywhere.

Throughout the boundless mountains and rivers, there are terrifying energy rhyme fluctuations that swallow the sky.

Yan Chengfeng stood above the nine heavens, with colorful clouds flowing around his body, the fierceness surging in his body was terrifying, such a violent aura swept in, as if it could devour Jiuxiao in an instant.

Everything in this world is changing, dilapidated, and the sun and moon are losing their color.


The screams of killing came out in waves, shaking the world. Such terrifying and ominous power swept the heavens, and the monks with weak Taoism could not stop them at all, and they would be destroyed if they were not careful.

In such a situation, sentient beings are also very frightened. At this time, they must be extra cautious. If they are not careful, they will fall into a situation of doom.

No one dares to be careless. In such a situation, the only thing sentient beings can do is to be as careful as possible, otherwise, the outcome will definitely be miserable.

They all know that Yan Chengfeng and Long Mo's combat power is complete. The conquest of these two people is indeed quite terrifying, and it can destroy almost everything, and it will be ruined forever.

When sentient beings see such a situation, the only thing they can do is to do their best.


The aftershocks spread out and could tear apart almost everything. The towering mountains also collapsed and fell into disrepair, and the sturdy ancient trees turned to dust in an instant.

The scene here is extremely terrifying and terrifying. No one dares to set foot here. They all know very well that if they really encounter danger, it will be troublesome.

If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of eternal doom. Such an outcome is definitely not what sentient beings want to see.

Yan Chengfeng's attacking power is also very domineering. Looking at the whole world, there are really few existences that can compete with him.

He learned the method of refining Ruolan's breath, and when he moved his hands, there were monstrous powers bursting out, which could destroy everything. That strange and unpredictable attack was simply not something that Long Mo could contend with.


Under such an attack, Long Mo couldn't bear it anymore, his whole body was bleeding, his face became more and more gloomy, and his heart was full of anger. Thousands of corpses, crushed ashes.

"Long Mo has fallen behind. It seems that this expedition should be over soon!"

"Long Mo's strength is indeed very strong, but there is still some gap between him and Yan Chengfeng."

"After all, Yan Chengfeng's ability far exceeds him. Although he is the number one qi cultivator in the world, that's all. Yan Chengfeng has gathered the strengths of hundreds of schools and already has his own style."

"Now, looking at the whole world, there are absolutely few existences that can compete with him."

"Yan Chengfeng is already invincible. It's really not an easy task for ordinary people to compete with him..."

There were many creatures watching, and they were all talking in a low voice. They were more optimistic about Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng has long been invincible in the world, and it is estimated that among the younger generation, it is difficult to find a few existences who can compare with him.

If Yan Chengfeng is provoked, then it is estimated that there is only a dead end!

Yan Chengfeng's expression is calm, he stands in the air, and his every move shows the demeanor of a strong man. These creatures want to clamor with him, but it is still a bit unattractive.

He didn't take these people seriously at all, and those who stood in the way were killed without mercy.

If anyone really wants to yell at him, there is only one way to go.

He will never show mercy to those ignorant bugs.


The pressure of the surging breath is still pounding, and the entire boundless stars are about to collapse, and strange scenes can be seen everywhere.

Such a peerless divine might burst out, which can destroy everything and tear apart the heavens.

No one dares to stay in the center of the storm, especially in the current situation. If you stay there, there will only be a dead end.

"Yi, I have to admit that your combat power is indeed quite terrifying. However, if you want to compete with this seat, you still have a big gap."

Long Mo's expression was indifferent, and he said coldly, "If you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, you may be able to die a little more happily. If you are bent on dying, then I will never let you go."

He was completely angry. As the number one qi cultivator in the world, his pride and majesty could not tolerate anyone's provocation.

These ignorant bugs all want to compete with him, and he will never let anyone go.

Yan Chengfeng was very calm and calm. He didn't take Long Mo's threat to heart at all. Now, his combat power and cultivation are all at the top. If ordinary people want to compete with him, it is simply wishful thinking.

He is also not afraid of Long Mo. He can kill the ancestors of the Shen family in the Central Plains, and naturally he can destroy Long Mo.

Do these people really think he's a fuel efficient lamp? Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

"Old man, your nonsense is really not ordinary. If you have any ability, you can show it!"

Yan Chengfeng's expression was calm, and he didn't take Long Mo seriously. If these people wanted to be enemies with him, they would have to pay a painful price.

This time, he was ready to slaughter Long Mo.

Anyway, he has already offended Long Mo, so there is no need for him to let Long Mo continue to live.

For this kind of ants standing in the way, that is to kill without mercy.

Long Mo was provoked again and again, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense. In this situation, he could only kill Yan Chengfeng completely.

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