Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 971: As time goes by, who will compete with each other

Fairy Poison, the great ancestor of the Liu family, is considered to be the top powerhouse, and they all have the cultivation of peak martial gods.

Such means and combat power, if ordinary people want to compete with it, they are obviously digging their own graves, and no one can stop them.

Especially in the current situation, even if Yan Chengfeng has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to block the Poison Fairy.

As for the final outcome, no one knows at present, we can only be extra cautious and careful.

After all, there are many problems that need to be dealt with slowly, and there must be no mistakes.


The terrifying aura pressure swept over, the entire boundless sky, the mountains and rivers were about to collapse, and those hideous cracks could be seen everywhere.

The ferocious cracks spread out, and a violent divine might swept in, the breath swept the sky, the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon were about to sink.

Beings in such a situation, there is nothing to say, especially in the current situation, no matter what will happen next, since the situation is already obvious.

Then, they also know that the expedition will definitely start.

Some things are really hard to accept!

"Your nonsense is always the same!"

Yan Chengfeng said speechlessly: "I really have nothing to do with you. If you are really so powerful, then quickly kill me."

"Don't always talk nonsense now. I've really heard enough of your nonsense."

For these people who like to talk nonsense, he doesn't have any goodwill at all, and it's a bit of a headache for him to be nagging all the time.

But no matter what, since the situation has not changed, this time, we must go all out.

I will definitely not make these things more complicated. First, I will find a way to kill these two people who stand up to disrupt the situation.

As for those who want to disrupt the situation in the future, he will definitely not show mercy.

Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy, and no one will be an exception.

These ignorant bugs don't deserve to live.

"Stinky boy, you are digging your own grave."

Fairy Poison's face was gloomy, and he was completely angry. This time, no matter what the price was, these people would not be able to survive or die.


The violent ferocity came, and the great ancestor of the Liu family had become more and more terrifying. The breath bursting out of his body was very vast, and even from a long distance, he could feel the violent the power of.

It seems that in an instant, everything can be destroyed, and no one can compete.

"Little beast, you slaughtered all the living beings in the Liu family. This time, this seat will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces and smash your bones into ashes."

The Liu Family's Grand Ancestor was roaring frantically, and such a terrifying and fierce impact came out, and no one could contend against it. All sentient beings hurriedly retreated when they saw such a situation.

They must retreat to a safe area, otherwise, if something goes wrong, they will surely lose their lives.

At this time, no one can stop these invincibles, rashly staying in the center of the storm, then there is only a dead end.


The Liu family's grandfather's methods are sky-high and his hair is disheveled. He looks very hideous. broken.

No one can stop him, he wants to kill Yan Chengfeng directly, these ignorant bugs also want to be enemies with him, it is simply wishful thinking.

No matter what, he will die at this moment.

Especially in the current situation, if you want to survive, it is really not easy.

"Time is long."

Yan Chengfeng's palms were slowly pushed out horizontally, and the force that spewed out was very terrifying.

In such a situation, no one dares to be careless. If something goes wrong, the situation will only become more and more serious.

Encountered in such a situation, everyone was helpless, Yan Chengfeng's methods were too terrifying.

Even if the Liu family's grandfather went all out to make a move, the final outcome would be the same.

In front of Yan Chengfeng, he has no strength to fight at all. It is really too difficult and difficult for him to compete with Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng has used the power of the long river of time. Basically, no one can stop him, and no one can enter him. It is really difficult for those ignorant ants to take advantage of him. .


The great ancestor of the Liu family was still vomiting blood, and he couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng at all. In front of Yan Chengfeng, he was like a three-year-old child.

It's really not that easy to compete with an invincible like him.


"It seems that the great ancestor of the Liu family really couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng this time!"

"Indeed, Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too terrifying. No one can stop his power over the years. Even if the ancient gods descended to the world, it would be nothing more than that!"

"This time, the great ancestor of the Liu family is really going to fall. It seems that the Liu family is about to be uprooted by Yan Chengfeng!"

"This is also quite helpless, but who made Yan Chengfeng's explosive power so terrifying."

"If the average person wants to compete with it, it is simply asking for a dead end, and no one can do it..."

Everyone is talking about it. This time, the Liu family's grandfather is doomed. It is estimated that it will be very difficult for him to survive from Yan Chengfeng's hands.

Even the great ancestor of the Liu family used the power of luck accumulated by the Liu family for thousands of years, but in front of Yan Chengfeng, he was like a chicken, and it would be very difficult to compete with him.

These invincibles all have very invincible means, and no one can stop them with such strength.

These weak creatures can only stand and watch the battle from a distance, and they can't do anything else.

"Old thing, it's over."

Yan Chengfeng's methods are terrifying, with the surging power of the years, he is rushing out frantically, that kind of fierceness is too terrifying, too invincible.

People can clearly see that the life of the Liu family's grandfather is passing by rapidly. This is the rhythm that he will be boiled to death by Yan Chengfeng!

For such an ending, they have no choice at all. If they want to blame it, they can only blame the Liu family for provoking an existence that should not be provoked, and they will have such a miserable end.

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