Chapter 442

Chapter 442

If these demons, the blood shadow clan, really collude with a certain emperor, in case the emperor who has ascended to the throne of God is…

Lin Tian let out a deep breath, now that these are still too far away, the formation master next to him began to release the Spirit Power.

Everyone subconsciously used the skills of fighting formations, and each formation division formed each other. This kind of fighting method opened up the eyes of the children of the major families.

Ling Dao also felt extremely surprised after watching it.

“Is the outside formation already developed to this point? There is actually this kind of skill, it is really…”

Before Ling Dao had time to praise one of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, he shook Lin Shaotang out.

When I heard that this magical method was actually taught to everyone by Lin Shaotang, Ling Dao’s eyes looked at Lin Tian completely changed.

Both hands directly pressed Lin Tian’s shoulders.

There seemed to be two words in the gleaming light in his eyes.

“Want to learn!”

Lin Tian twitched the corners of his mouth. At this time, it is not a time to fight against the evil spirits. Anyway, these things are taught to them. Nan Wentian and the spirit of the stone tablet are there, and he is not worried about what will happen in the future.

“This technique is called fighting formation. It was originally a technique used in group battles between the formation divisions, but it’s now being improved by me to fight against demons…”

Under Lin Tian’s guidance, everyone quickly mastered this way of fighting. In fact, this technique itself is not a particularly advanced thing. It’s just that everyone’s thinking hasn’t gone here, and if the thinking is right, you still need to have Enough time to verify and try.

Lin Tian just skipped the verification step and gave a correct answer.

But even so, it was shocking.

“Lin Shaotang, did you think of the battle formation method you mentioned, or did you get it by your predecessors?”

Lin Tian thought for a while, this question is really hard to answer.

You have to say that he came up with it, it is true, but now that this inheritance has been broken, the person who used this thing is probably really a “predecessor”.

Seeing Lin Tian hesitating, Ling Dao thought he already knew the answer, smiled, and shook his head.

“If it’s not convenient to say, just don’t say it.”

But there was a conjecture in his heart, thinking that this Lin Shaotang was not inherited by the Lord of Formation Dao.

After all, it is too mysterious to be able to choose between the spirit of the stele, and to make the light of the king, and to have so many arrays.

This kind of people can only be good friends, not evil, and relying on the other’s talent and strength, they will also have the opportunity to meet in the heavens in the future.

The friendships left now will definitely be used at that time.

Now these demons are nothing but cannon fodder rushed out.

Let alone the real powerhouse, even the backbone has not yet reached the battlefield.

Their task is very simple, that is, before the follow-up force arrives, go to the rift to seal it first.

With Ling Dao pressing down on the formation, everyone didn’t feel any pressure. When they rushed forward, because the demons around them were not strong enough, they had the illusion of invincibility.

If you stand on the city wall, you can find that their knife has penetrated into the hinterland now, leaving the range that the city wall can take care of.

Fierce beasts run rampant in the surrounding woods, even when demons invade, these fierce beasts will not give up their own territory.

It’s just that these evil demons’ invasions have occurred many times, and these fierce beasts also have good wisdom, knowing that fighting is meaningless. On a certain level, it can be regarded as a good thing between the two sides. .

But Terran is different.

When the breath of people like Lin Tian and the others appeared in the woods, several fierce beasts approaching were already ready to move.


Formation does have a good restraint effect on demons, but for these fierce beasts, ordinary methods can’t help much.

Lin Tian subconsciously took out the Nine Domains Sword and set his posture.

It’s just that this fierce beast was pierced by a water sword before it rushed to everyone.

Lin Tian glanced at Ling Dao, he was the one who sent the attack just now.

The strength of the fierce beast in front of him is not low. Although it is not the one that focuses on defense, it is also a real concentration state. The fierce beast of this level can be killed in one shot, and it seems to be just a random blow, effortless.

Ling Dao, the power of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, seemed to be genuine, not a loft in the air.

“Go ahead, these fierce beasts will be solved by me, you don’t have to worry.”

Actually is not Lin Tian, ​​these people can’t solve it, but the price/performance ratio is too low.

Exhausting too much power here is very detrimental to the final face of the evil spirits. Although Ling Dao has to consume it, after all, his Realm is high, and with the blessing of the King’s Light, the recovery speed is much higher than that of everyone. It is most suitable for him to come and shoot.

“Something’s wrong.”

Lin Tian stopped suddenly.

Although he has been in the woods, and the evil spirits are indeed constantly emerging in front of him, there is always a feeling of anxiety in his heart, as if he has ignored some important points.

Lin Tian stopped, everyone stopped naturally, even Nan Wentian would not ignore Lin Tian’s views.

“What happened?”

Lin Tian shook his head and pointed the Nine Domains Sword at the woods in front, and a powerful Sword Qi burst out from his weapon.

The Nine Domain Sword was thrown directly by Lin Tian along with this Sword Qi, and the power above it was invincible, and it flattened the forest in front by half.

An enchantment formed by the power of blood evil envelops the front.

No, not only that.

Ling Dao had also discovered the anomaly now. He took out his own weapon. Unexpectedly, his weapon was an iron whip. The whip bones on it were full of sharp blades and chilling.

“We are surrounded.”

When Ling Dao finished speaking, various changes seemed to have taken place in the surrounding woods.

Originally, the sky was still clear, but it became clouded in an instant, and even the air was blood-red.

This is the power of blood evil!

Everyone looked solemn. They could ignore the power of Blood Fiend before in the trial land. It was because the mark of the stone stele helped them to eliminate the negative influence, but now? Can only resist!

Accompanied by the power of the blood evil spirits, there are also the demons of the concentration state. There is not even a single god concentration state that surrounds them here.

“It seems that these demons are planning to kill us all at once.”


When the iron whip in his hand rang, the surrounding demons were directly penetrated and killed.

The demons of the God of Focus Realm are not the enemy of One He at all in front of Ling Dao. In the mid-rank of the Tongtian Realm, the demons of the God of Focus Realm are late stage? It’s just like playing.

However, it was not the existence of the concentration state in front of him that made his face solemn.

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