Chapter 457: We Want To Stay

Chapter 457

Lin Tian recognized the man’s identity after just a glance, and the hearty smile feedback still remained in Own’s ears. Although he didn’t have much good feelings for this man, he definitely didn’t have any dislikes.

Lin Tian sighed.

“Clean up for him a little bit. When the battle is over, find a place to bury him.”

Liehua tried his best to control his own emotions, as far as possible to keep tears from dripping, but the trembling hands and the constantly surging body, and the suppressed momentum all showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

Lin Tian didn’t say anything about it, human nature.

“Let’s go and see where these demons are attacking now.”

Because the outer city wall has been destroyed, these demons are attacking inside, obviously to directly attack the inner city.

Lietian City’s power is already lacking, who is protecting it now?

When Lin Tian rushed in with them, he found that the situation was worse than what they had imagined. He originally thought that those family members would at least be responsible for supporting the defenses here after they killed the lord of Lietian City. , Who knew they were just retreating step by step, and then let the lives of other people fill this huge pit.

But those who have sufficient combat power are actually on the front line, and those who are not enough combat power are still in cultivation or have been injured and are not suitable for fighting on the front line, and are now forced to run to this line of defense.

The number of families in Midtown doesn’t seem to be much different from the families in the inner city, but it’s the actual combat power difference in Cultivation Base. It’s not a little bit, but now they are all throwing their heads and sprinkling blood on this city wall. Life is destroying these demons.

Lin Tian clenched the Nine Domains Sword in his hand, he was actually a bit hostile to the Sun Family and Zhou Family when he first started, but he had already killed their Heavenly Proud Son, and there was no need to continue to entangle him, as long as you don’t come to provoke him. I, I don’t bother to take care of you either.

Even if it was the last thing that the Old City Lord was killed and calculated, it was just an episode in Life for him. It was insignificant and would not affect him to make any extraordinary judgments, but the scene in front of him was really shocking. Arriving at him, it also made him start to have a bit of resentment towards these two families.

Without him, what Lin Tian saw in front of him was not an individual, but a life.


The Slaughter Heavens Battle Array is like an awakened prehistoric behemoth. For the first time, its own fangs were revealed. The scope of the entire formation began to expand indefinitely. It directly widened the battle situation under the entire city wall, and then heard a sword sound. , The whole battlefield was so quiet.

These demons seemed to be divided by a neat line. Some demons were still fighting before. The human race shivered at close range. When they reacted, the body of the demons had been split in two and fell to the ground completely without aura.

Lin Tian’s sudden burst of terrifying power made everyone feel shocked, but also had some creepy taste. If a strong man with this power suddenly sneaked into the palace, no master can stop the big kill. How terrible it will be Of course, they just think about this kind of thing.

“Lin Tian, ​​too strong!”

This sentence echoed repeatedly in the hearts of everyone at the scene.

“My lord, thank you for your help, if it wasn’t for you…”

Lin Tian interrupted him, soared to the inner city wall, patted the speaker gently on the shoulder, and then nodded to the masters who were still fighting in blood just now.

“You have done a good job. These demons are not my credit, but yours. If you pour them here, no matter how many lives there are, they won’t be enough to kill them.”

Lin Tian was very serious when he said this, and the people and soldiers present felt very incredible.

In their impression, the fate of these ordinary people, and fighters with a low Cultivation Base, never seemed to be valued by these families. Whether in battle or in normal life, they are ordinary cannon fodder. Get the attention of anyone.

But all of this fell apart in one’s mouth and under one’s sight.

Lin Tian’s solemn feeling when he spoke directly imprinted these words in the hearts of everyone present.


The demon’s roar came from under the city wall again.

Although the attack just now was very powerful and solved a large number of demons at once, but the outside still invaded from the inside forever. If the problem cannot be solved from the root cause, the city wall here will fall sooner or later.

Lin Tian has never felt fear in these demons. They are full of destruction and sadness, but he has never felt fear.

Lin Tian does have a lot of curiosity about the blood shadow clan, but he also knows when to be curious and when to be curious, at least not now.

“Those who have the ability to lay out the formation step forward, and all the others retreat under the city wall.”

If Lin Tian just came here to show his identity, it would not be that simple to make everyone obedient, but just now he has conquered everyone in this area through his own strength, at least he has brought them all together to fight, and he doesn’t know how much it will cost. It will take a long time to achieve the same effect as the previous blow.


Those who can use formation feel very proud of stepping forward one by one.

“Now I will teach you a simple combination formation. With this formation, you can maintain a defensive barrier. As long as you take turns out of your hands and preserve your physical strength, naturally there will be no life-threatening danger.”

Lin Tian cannot guard the city wall here. He can only improve the protection here as much as possible, and then go inside to find a way. The two aristocratic families of Zhou and Sun can never let go, no matter what they are doing, Now they have threatened the safety of the royal city.

People often get more and more extraordinary in what people do. In order to avoid unexpected things, Lin Tian decided to deal with these two families first.

The barrier was quickly supported. With the joint efforts of so many people, it can be said that this protection cannot be broken by these demons in front of them.

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he was about to leave.

“Lin Tian, ​​we want to stay.”

“Huh? But in this case, you may not be able to avenge the Old City Lord.”

Liehua glanced at the people around him and then at Lin Tian, ​​before finally shook his head.

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