When the company is involved in such a complicated war situation, helping the poor opponent of the big dog to beat the big dog will make the world's strongest countries become more thorough terrorists than turning on the lamp, and helping the big dog will make oneself completely Fall into the eyes of the world's three poles.

Then why didn't he simply hand over the technology at hand to the state, wouldn't it be more straightforward?

And he is not crazy enough to think that with his own skills, he can beat up the big dog who is supported by the strongest rogue in the world, unless he takes out a few 'mushrooms' in his inventory, but if he takes out that thing, he can really. Shocked the world'.

The terrorist with the nuclear bomb, tsk tsk tsk, thinks it is exciting.

The target of the war he needs to intervene in should not be too large, but must also be attractive enough. And very coincidentally... in the Caucasus, there is a war that the whole world pays attention to waiting for him.

In order to make a name for the company, he needs to win the war, so he needs arms and mercenaries, and for Mu Feng, there are too many things like arms that are extremely difficult for normal people to solve.

The standards of the weapons developed in the One Piece world are all from the Army standards of the UC universe, which is a level that is 30 years stronger than the modern level in an all-round way.

Don't look at the unbearable army in the anime, UC universe is an alien setting that can build colony satellites in space, the army's Fella is unbearable just because the MS army and the space force are against the three armies of the sea, the land and the air after the invention of the Minovsky particle. total suppression.

The equipment that the UC Space Army should have is everything, even including... power armor.

The appearance of this thing is not unexpected. After all, the origin of this thing can be said to be an extension of the concept of humanoid weapons. In the UC universe, Zeon can even be equipped with miniaturized personal aircraft in the army and miniaturization in experiments. Mega Particle Gun.

The Federation Army is indeed equipped with a lot of power armor devices, but with the rise of Zeon MS and the devastating blow to the Federation Army caused by the British operation, most of the army power armor has been discontinued.

And this thing really doesn't have much advantage over MS, and this technology is now cheaper than Mu Feng.

But he didn't touch this thing in the One Piece world, just exchanged the production line to study it by himself. After all, the guys who can beat in the One Piece world can't use this thing at all, and the guys who can't beat it can use conventional arms. And for personal use, he has a better battle suit to replace.

Now on Earth, the Federation's power armor is undoubtedly extremely useful. Its powerful secondary Luna alloy metal armor gives it immunity to conventional firepower, coupled with the power supply of a miniaturized Minovsky furnace, it can be said that it is easy to sweep the modern army battlefield.

Don't talk all day about the over-the-horizon strikes are hot chickens, the army is useless, if you are reduced to the frontal battlefield and are covered by the enemy's casual over-the-horizon strikes, then you are asymmetrical combat.

Moreover, the walking of Minovsky particles can directly make the entire battlefield completely "blind". Everyone rolls back to the level of World War I to fight each other, and the power armor has a stronger advantage.

Power armor that's perfect in every way -- but faces one of its deadliest problems.

Mu Feng could not make so many Minovsky furnaces.

Even if it is just a small rice stove used by power armor, it requires a considerable amount of nuclear materials, and even some special heavy nuclear materials. No matter how powerful Chanyashiki is, it is impossible to get so many nuclear materials.

It doesn't matter if Mu Feng exchanged a little for a few pieces by himself, mass production would cost him his life.

So he chose to forego the utility Minovsky furnace as a power armor reload, and instead used another technique.

High-energy batteries from the Gundam CE worldview.

The world view of Gundam SEED Because of the neutron jammer, most of the time Gundam uses high-energy battery technology. And this battery technology can also be said to be black to a point.

Don't look at the fact that most of SEED's bodies have been out of power for a while like a kidney deficiency. It may be possible to use pure batteries to drive dozens or hundreds of tons of steel blocks to move for dozens of minutes, and it can also be used to light guns. The energy efficiency of the battery It's sky-high in itself.

And such an awesome high-energy battery, Mu Feng, was still unable to create it.

Because this high-energy battery requires a special high-energy fuel substance, and this thing needs enough metallurgical capacity, and it has to dig enough mines, as well as enough high-temperature metallurgical equipment...

Every time, Mu Feng, who holds a lot of ultra-modern technology but is limited by various conditions and cannot make it, always sighs that his predecessors who are traversing are awesome, and they can rub modern civilization with empty hands. There is no condition to have knowledge. Knowing more has an egg.

So he can only settle for the second best, using high-energy lithium batteries that have been eliminated for decades in the world view of Gundam CE.

Lithium-ion batteries are not a particularly sci-fi design. They are all batteries that use lithium metal or lithium alloy as positive and negative materials and non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. The high-energy lithium battery technology in Mufeng's hands is equivalent to the weakening of CE world's high-energy batteries. Degraded Medieval Edition.

But even so, its energy efficiency is still strong enough to drive nearly a ton of power armor for hours of combat. And most importantly, it is small enough that lithium metal and the materials for making high-energy lithium batteries are not difficult to buy.

Finally, Mu Feng also has a technology to strengthen his own international soldiers.

That is - the technology of transforming people.


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 140 34. Mad Doctor Transformation Surgery

Gundam's worldview is always without all kinds of pity-transforming people or strengthening people. These are basically secondary transformations performed by some inhumane technology in order to imitate a more perfect ethnic group.

The human body modification technology of the CE world view can be said to be the pinnacle, but the most played is never the Earth United who will use inhuman reinforcements to create a phantom pain force, but the flying plants and the group of adjustment colonists of Mars.

The human genetic map that has not yet been fully deciphered is an inexhaustible treasure for Mu Feng. To put it in a bad way, he just doesn't do arms business. With this, he started a biomedical company. It can also be a world-class enterprise.

The adjusters of the CE world view have a strong ability to repair human genes, but in order to make up for the difficulty of natural reproduction, most of the adjustor biologists study the part related to genetic factors and natural reproduction.

But this does not mean that the adjusters are ignorant of other aspects of human genetics. In fact, their research on human biology has basically turned the earth united eight streets away.

After removing the magic stick technology of the rumored 'library', the human genetic technology located in the colonial satellite Mendel leads the world, and then this technology was lost with the destruction of Mendel, and the final product ended up in Orb, while the technology was be planted.

The human genetic modification technology obtained by plant allows them to achieve incredible effects such as regeneration of severed limbs and brain nerve regeneration through gene repair. Although the cost is extremely high, they have indeed touched the key to the human gene treasure house.

But the people at Plant don't care about this technology, or they don't have the energy to develop this technology at all, because at that time they were basically in a state of internal and external troubles, and the brains of the alliance with the earth were all out, so how could they have time to develop new technologies? .

Therefore, human genetic modification, which has been abandoned for many years, finally became another technology under the mutation of a certain plant scientist.

- Biochemical transformation.

It may sound like cyberpunk, but it is. The unnamed tuner biologist discovered the result of combining human nerves with mechanical and electronic muscles, resulting in a bio-engineered human like Raiden, the biochemical ninja in Metal Gear Solid.

The electronic muscles can greatly strengthen the thin human body, so that the paralyzed person can also become the unparalleled soldier on the battlefield, and the blind person who lacks the eyeball can directly connect to the brain through the VR device to achieve the effect of visual capture. Most of the 'diseases' caused by external defects.

However, this technology is still submerged in the long river of history. After all, for adjusters, they are strong enough for natural people, and they do not need to destroy themselves for secondary reinforcement. Not to mention that their main battlefield is always on the starry sky, not the earth.

But this technology undoubtedly has a huge effect on Mu Feng.

The analysis of the cranial nerves in the "Human Genome Atlas" contains VR devices and modification methods directly connected to the brain, while the electronic muscles are under the branch of the basic genetic subjects of human modification, which he is currently able to create.

His skills and preparations are complete, and he has even exchanged surgical props.

By the way, he earned 1,000 evaluation points for 'killing' Wu Mian before. It's ridiculous that this ghost king who has lived for a thousand years is worth these points.

Counting the 500 points he kept for paying taxes and the 100 points that Xiaosaki Ranman earned, he had a total of 1,600 evaluation points.

The system seems to see that he can't keep an extra money, and refreshed him with a "defective item" that he couldn't refuse.

"This thing... is it really reliable?"

Mu Feng pulled out the thing that the system gave him from the subspace. It was a half-human-height metal box. This metal box was like a pile of scrap metal. The screws look quite wasteland.

And the things in it are also very 'wasteland', such as the creepy-looking hydraulic circular bone saw that was pieced together based on a suspected electric toothbrush, and the alloy drill that looked strangely green... …

Although it looks like a small prop for a murderer, this set of things is really... a surgical prop.

Product name: Glusnick's surgical box

Product level: none (defective products cannot be evaluated and cannot be purchased)

Product introduction: Medical supplies from the 40K plane of the Warhammer, the royal transformation physician from the Bone Crusher, and the surgical supplies of the famous mad doctor Grusnick. This product is attached with Grusnik's powerful waaaagh energy for surgery, which can affect reality to a certain extent and change the outcome of surgery.

The specific changes are as follows:

1. The person being operated on will not die (at least before getting off the operating table)

2. The surgical results may be offset (for example, half of the skull is replaced with iron after craniotomy)

3. The product will affect the user's thinking to a certain extent during the operation (the direction of transformation will tend to be more imaginative).

A product of its kind...hard to evaluate.

Product price: 1000 evaluation points

(click to enter detailed data view)

Mu Feng picked up the 'scalpel' bigger than a kitchen knife with a look of disgust. This set of surgical tools was exchanged by him three days ago.

He's used this thing to make many vows, and the conclusion is... it works, but it really sucks.

He still remembered the first time he used this thing to dissect a mouse. It was originally just a daily sample experiment of dissecting and injecting the bloodless gene. When he reacted, one or two slap-sized mice had already Standing upright in front of him, eyes reddened, shouting 'Yes! Yse! ’.

This thing is an extremely uncontrollable surgical tool. As he said, using it for modification will definitely avoid the result of killing the test item on the operating table, but on the contrary, you also have to bear a modification result. It is very possible The consequences of being out of control.

When using this thing, not only will the surgical tool be covered with the green skin's waaaagh energy that directly slams the hammer, but this kind of psychic energy will also affect Mu Feng's spirit - he has seen his own experimental video, and he is affected by this surgical tool. At that time, he was just like a green skin in the shape of a person...

However, this is not unavoidable.

As long as he wears this Dawn Qing's suit during the operation, and consciously uses his own spirit to forcefully control him not to be assimilated by this waaaagh energy, then he can complete the operation while remaining relatively calm.

But this control can only be within fifteen minutes with his mental limit, beyond this time his spirit will be assimilated for a short time.

"I always feel that there are more and more things in me that cannot be explained by science..."

Mu Feng took back the mad doctor's surgical tools and let out a long sigh.

"It's a matter of time, you have to get used to it." The system said with a smile

"The science you think is nothing but the so-called 'truth' that you take for granted in your shallow knowledge, but the truth in this world is always relative, not absolute."

"Blindly thinking that the so-called science is the right way is also a kind of ignorant religious worship. It's just that the target of your worship has changed from an idolized **** to science itself."

"I don't need you to educate me." Mu Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Then, let's go." The system smiled happily

"You have weapons, money, and battlefields, and now, you lack warriors."

"Give those who are in darkness and despair a chance to step into the mortal world of Shura Lane."


"Huiping, are you still there?"

Fang Shan called his girlfriend's name with expectation, but the only response to him was the noisy voice of the TV.

Fang Shan was silent, and the figure curled up in the wheelchair was small and pitiful.

He used to be a firefighter in Xinlin'an. When he was a child, he witnessed his parents die in a fire. From that day on, he vowed to eliminate the fire as his mission.

Every time he put out a fire, he always rushed to the forefront, risking the greatest danger to save the people who were wandering in the fire.

His girlfriend had complained to him about this more than once, and she only hoped that Fang Shan could think more about herself and others.

Until that day three years ago, everything changed.

It was a fire in a high-rise building. The fire spread quickly. Fang Shan saw a mother and daughter calling for help on the floor. At that time, he even ignored the captain's dissuasion and rushed into the huge fire scene. middle.

Smoke, flames, dust, he didn't even remember how he got there and how he saved the poor mother and daughter.

All he remembered was that just as he was about to come out, he tripped over something under his feet, and then... nothing happened.

He lost his light and his legs, and all beings could only be trapped in the darkness of a wheelchair, like an endless purgatory.

The city fire brigade commended him for his heroic deeds, and the work-related injury compensation was enough for him to live his whole life.

That's right, firefighters are supposed to be doing their best to save people, so they must be thinking that way.

The same is true for popularity and attention, but after three days, a celebrity who can't access WeChat on his mobile phone took away the hot spot, and no one pays attention to him anymore.

It was as if he had been forgotten by the world.

Of course, Fang Shan doesn't care about these fame and fortune. If he can, he would rather use this switch to return to the light.

Normal people will never know what a painful experience it is to be trapped in life forever and in darkness.

Not to mention he was stuck in a wheelchair and lost his ability to walk and see the world.

If it wasn't for the meticulous care of his girlfriend for the past three years, Fang Shan would have lost his motivation to live.

But all this disappeared.

Maybe it was because she finally couldn't bear to serve him for three years, Hui Ping left a table of meals and left the house quietly.

Fumbling for his girlfriend's voicemail, Fang Shan's thin figure curled up in a wheelchair trembled slightly.

Live it, live it bravely, how many people have said such words of encouragement to themselves? How many people who stand and talk without back pain say such curse-like words to him?

To live is already the most vicious curse for him who has been tormented by this endless purgatory.

Forget it, let it go, let go of all this and embrace the blue sky.

He slowly left the house, fumbled into the elevator, came to the top floor, and struggled to turn the wheelchair, just like his girlfriend had led many times over the past three years, to the rooftop.

Only this time, he didn't come up to blow air.

The wheelchair moved forward slowly and finally touched the edge of the balcony. Fang Shan opened his arms, feeling the cold wind blowing, and smiled softly.

Here are his most and happiest memories, let's talk about being buried here.

Embrace this blue sky, merge into this sky, and end the torture of this endless purgatory.


His body did not come to an end in a heavy impact as expected. What he felt on his face was the hard and cold barbed wire.

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