In City A, a sudden and huge disaster happened here without warning.

The people who live in An Ran's daily life suddenly greeted their own demise without any warning or warning.

In an instant, countless energy **** suddenly rose from the center of the downtown, and then fell to the ground like raindrops.

Then, there was a scene of heaven and earth falling apart.

Dozens and hundreds of energy **** danced in the sky, and each energy ball could easily turn a 100-meter building into ashes, flames and explosions engulfed the streets, and thousands of people died in an instant.

And all this, just because of a weirdo.

This is the daily life of this world, the common sense of this world, and the disaster that happens to everyone almost every day - the catastrophe.

The sound of heavy footsteps walking in this hell-like world rolled up under fire and explosions, it was a geek a few meters tall, a body full of explosive muscles covered in dark blue skin, sharp ears, smooth enough to see. The body without any body hair, with two tentacles, looks like the Namekian in "Dragon Ball".

This look even looks a little funny, but this power is an undoubted manifestation.

He looked at the fleeing humans indifferently and cruelly. With a flick of his sharp fingers, the flying ball of light, together with the hundreds of people and a street, was destroyed.

His name is Vaccine Man, and as the name suggests, he is the vaccine of the earth.

He is the wrath of nature, the apostle of the earth, and the executor sent by the will of the planet to destroy the virus on the earth!

In other words, he is the natural enemy of mankind.

The above are all his own claims, and he may just be a weirdo, just a weirdo who was confused by the will of 'God' and had strange fantasies.

Of course, he may also be a real messenger of the earth. In this strange world full of crises, it is not surprising what kind of things happen, isn't it?

As long as he understands a little, he is very strong, so powerful that it is unimaginably strong.

The anxious executives of the association dispatched all the heroes in City A immediately, almost all of them were thirty-one powerful heroes.

However, the result is - complete failure.

Like real heroes, they fearlessly stopped in front of the vaccine man, and the strongest A-level hero headed by them even said the hero's lines handsomely.

"That's it, monster, don't think about being in front of—"

The next moment, he and the heroes behind him all threw themselves on the street.

The Vaccine Man didn't even look at him, maybe he didn't even feel their existence, just like walking through the dust, without the consciousness of stepping on the dust at all.

To him, human beings are just dust, including human civilization and everything about human beings.

Why does such garbage take over the world? Why are they prospering on this planet, but not paying attention to the gifts of the earth, but killing each other and polluting the planet with their wars?

The Vaccine Man doesn't understand, but he doesn't have to understand that the only mission the earth has given him is to eliminate all human beings, and he just needs to execute it.

Stepping on the wreckage of those heroes unconsciously, the Vaccine Man, went on to start destroying the entire city.

In the distance, Mu Feng, who came over, took Hungry Wolf and stood at the top of the tall building in the distance, and witnessed the battle scene of the vaccine man with his own eyes.

The real destruction of the world is unstoppable. The concept of dragon level, which can easily destroy cities and is difficult for human society to cope with, is vividly reflected in the vaccine person.

Although he is only a trick that appeared in the first episode, and was killed by Saitama with one punch, the power of his existence is beyond doubt.

One Punch Man's ONE teacher once said that the creation of Vaccine Man is a tribute to the Great Demon King Piccolo in Dragon Ball, and the combat effectiveness of Vaccine Man really razed half of the small city A to the ground with gestures.

The powerful heroes are as weak as dust in his eyes, and even the association has decided that the existence of atomic warriors, tornadoes, metal bats, vests, and pig gods should be dispatched together.

If divided in the strength of dragon level, this is also a terrifying existence of a top three in the Weird Association.

"So, is he strong enough?"

Mu Feng looked at the hungry wolf squatting beside him and asked softly

"...strong, but that's not 'absolute justice'!"

The hungry wolf shook his head, his eyes firm.

He has never seen the power of the dragon level, or he has seen it for the first time today, but he does not think that it is a power that can be called 'absolute'.

Incomparable, shaking the world, even if the power of all people is unmatched, it can be said to be an 'absolute' power.

That is the power that annihilates all possibilities, and annihilates all fantasies or delusions that should not exist. If you have to say it, it is like a human being facing the sun, it should be absolutely powerful!

"He is not 'absolute justice'." Mu Feng said lightly

"What comes next is the real 'absolute justice'."

"Woooo~~ Dad, Mom, woohoo!!!"

In the ruins, a little girl in a light pink dress cried loudly, but there was only absolute silence and death in the ruins.

Her cry didn't attract any help, the only thing that could attract was the existence that created it all.

Attracted by the cry, the Vaccine Man walked over with grim steps, his arms with sharp muscles and claws grabbed her, and the grim one was about to pronounce her death sentence.

He is not an animal, and he has no pity for the cubs of animals. The apostles of the earth regard all things as equal, and all human beings are viruses that need to be eliminated.

When Hungry Wolf saw this scene, he almost instinctively wanted to rush up, but Mu Feng grabbed him and said lightly.

"You don't need to take action, you'll know in a while."

Hungry Wolf's face darkened, but he still stopped, just as his hand was about to grab the little girl—

Hungry Wolf saw that a yellow shadow passed over the girl, instantly dodging the attack of the vaccine man!

"Is that a hero?"

Hungry Wolf couldn't help but said, after all, that dress, the white cloak and yellow bodysuit, looked like an ancient heroic dress no matter what.

In addition to the bald head, the bald heroes in the Hero Association are really rare...

Hungry Wolf didn't know what the bald man and the vaccine man said, but soon the monster fell into a state of rage, and his body suddenly distorted into a terrifying monster.

In the same way, the momentum has also risen a bit, making the hungry wolf's perception crazy alarm!

But what happened the next moment made Hungry Wolf's eyes pop out.

I saw the bald head, whose face he couldn't see, punched the Vaccine Man, like breaking steam. The ordinary fist actually smashed the terrifying monster into countless pieces of flesh. ! ! !

"This—" Hungry Wolf's eyes widened, this scene was beyond his comprehension, such a terrifying monster was wiped out with a single blow?

And the most important thing is that the punch was not domineering at all, and it didn't even have anything to do with it. It was just a punch. What's even more terrifying is that the punch that eliminated such a terrifying monster was a terrible attack that was enough to raze a city to the ground. , actually did not affect any buildings behind!

After the bald head killed the vaccine man, he left the place as if he had trampled to death an ant. When the hungry wolf reacted, he was sweating all over his body and clenched his hands involuntarily.

What fills my heart is... endless excitement!

Yes, that kind of power is the kind of power he seeks, if there is such terrifying power, if, if...

"If you don't see it, that's 'absolute justice.'" Mu Feng said softly, but his hands were also trembling slightly unconsciously.

Even at such a distance, seeing the blow from this bald head still made him feel genuinely terrified.

"Absolute justice is absolute power!"

"This kind of power can also be mastered by you!"

"What should I do?" Hungry Wolf turned his head sharply, staring at Mu Feng with greedy eyes. At this moment, he completely believed Mu Feng's words.

For someone who can know such an absolute existence, the credibility of his words is high enough!

"Go hunting." Mu Feng smiled.

"Go hunt more heroes."


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 178 19. Freak, Apostle, Transformation

"Fizz, you, sizzle, sizzle."

In a room alone, Kyousuke struggled to learn how to speak from scratch by referring to the book in front of him.

The vocal organs of insects are very different from those of human beings, but his eccentric vocal organs are not completely transformed into those of insects, but it takes time to get used to such "vibration vocalization".

After practicing for a few hours, Jingsuke, who had barely mastered a few words, put down his book and sighed, his insect-like face showing a sad expression.

Things did not go as smoothly as expected, nor as simple as expected.

There are many weirdos in the evolution house. Fortunately, it is not what Jingsuke imagined. These weirdos go out to burn, kill and loot all day long. Most of the time, these eccentrics are kept in the House of Evolution, tested and adjusted by the Doctor.

Kyosuke is naturally within the scope of this adjustment, and his strength is enough to win a high enough position among the eccentrics of the evolutionary family.

Since the Beastmaster was killed, the ranks of the Iron Gorilla and the Mosquito Queen have risen, and Jingsuke is already No. 3 in the House of Evolution by virtue of his strength.

And the doctor's interest in him is very high. After all, he is a strange creature created by mixing blood cells that the doctor himself does not know much about. The doctor naturally regards him as a treasure.

But these Kyosuke didn't care, all he cared about was that he never turned into a human.

The doctor said that it is very easy to change from a person to a weirdo, but it is very difficult to change from a weirdo to a human being.

If you want to master this ability by yourself, at least you have to make yourself a ghost-level weirdo, and it is not easy to carry out biological modification, at least at this stage, the doctor has no research in this area.

It's been almost a week since he came here, and it's natural for Jingsuke to be anxious. When he thinks of the torture his family may suffer when he's not around, he doesn't want to waste a moment.

However, some things can't be rushed, Jingsuke still understands these reasons, and the current situation is already a fortune in misfortune. You must know that the worst thing he imagined, but he was brainwashed and really turned into a weirdo or something.

"Little brother, are you still learning to speak? Do you want to go to Big Sister's room and let me teach you~ teach~ you~"

A seductive voice sounded in Jingsuke's ears, a wet and slender tongue licked his face, and then an extremely cold body pressed tightly against Jingsuke's back.

The evolution house is the first in appearance. The mature and **** mosquito queen is holding the "little fresh meat" in her arms tightly, and her red eyes are full of **** for mating.

As the only worm-transformed geek in the evolutionary family, Kyousuke can already be regarded as the most suitable person to associate with among the geeks of his kind compared to the extremely dangerous Asura unicorn who was kept at the bottom.

"...Please respect yourself!"

Jingsuke hurriedly put on the speaker, trying hard to break free from the shackles of the mosquito queen

"Don't use such a cold machine~~ Use our tentacles, it's even cooler than mating~~~"

With a weird panting, the Mosquito Queen hugged Jingsuke tightly and pressed him down, her red eyes filled with endless longing.


The prolonged wailing turned into Hirai's voice in the translator, and just as Kyosuke was about to be forcibly violated, the door was opened again.

"Kyosuke, the doctor is looking for you... shouldn't I come?"

Looking at the exciting pictures of 21+ in the room, the steel orangutan scratched his hairy chin in embarrassment

"What do you think? Stinky orangutan!"

The Mosquito Queen threw a glamorous white eye, but still let go of Jingsuke under him, and Jingsuke, who had escaped with his life, immediately left the room with a piss.

"That... Big Brother Gorilla, does the Doctor have anything to do with me?"

While trying to wipe the blood off his face, Jingsuke asked the steel gorilla next to him cautiously.

"I don't know, but it seems to be about you turning back into a human." The steel gorilla said lightly

"What? Really!" Kyosuke was extremely surprised

"I'll give you a piece of advice." Looking at the excited Jingsuke, the steel gorilla said lightly with a trace of regret and sigh on his face.

"You are one of the closest normal people among us, maybe you have a way to become normal... But the doctor's help is not so easy to get, if he helped you, you will definitely repay his help at another cost. "

Jingsuke retracted his excited expression, hesitated for a moment, and asked curiously

"Big Brother Gorilla, Dr. Kinos... what kind of person is he?"

After coming to the Evolution House for a week, the biggest impression is that it is not as bad as I imagined, and Dr. Kinos is not as crazy as the Frankenstein I imagined.

More often, he is just doing silent research and silent work, giving people the feeling of being a normal scientist.

"Doctor..." The steel gorilla took Jingsuke into the elevator, and after pressing the button, he pondered for a moment and shook his head.

"He's not a good guy, but he's not a particularly bad guy either... The Doctor is someone who works hard for a great goal, but in the process, he always tries to take shortcuts."

The steel gorilla paused, considered his words, and looked at Jingsuke solemnly.

"I will always follow the doctor because he really helped me. The doctor is a man with no moral values, otherwise there would be nothing like us who are not human."

"But you have to remember that the doctor's bad is conditional evil. He will do bad things for better test objects, but he will not do meaningless evil. But the rest of the evolutionary family, it is different. ."

"I advise you to stay away from that mosquito girl. If there is one of us who is the worst, except for No. 0, she is the first."

"This..." Jingsuke hesitated for a moment, but nodded obediently.

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