The crimson demon star still descended with unstoppable power, and Genos, who was on his knees with all his strength and energy, couldn't even stop the meteor from falling for a moment.

Funds have been burning, configuration has been rising, and battles have been losing, as expected of the legendary Genos!

Of course, Silver Fang can't do anything. He is a martial artist, and he may have a strong ability to deal with humanoid enemies, but he has no way to deal with such a natural disaster.

Despair pervades City Z. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is only deep despair in the face of natural disasters.

Seeing that the meteorite was about to fall, Mu Feng gently jumped between the two of them and smiled in Bang Gu's surprised eyes.

"Leave it to me for the time being, I'm going to prepare to intercept and deal with debris."

He pressed his palm lightly under the building, closed his eyes, and the spirit that stretched out extended his abilities according to the technique of psionics.

The first, and most important, step in psionic skills—believing in your own abilities.

Never question whether you can do it. Spirit is an extension of your belief. Only by believing in your own strength can you perform 100% or more of your skills.

He believes that he can do it, he believes that the fruit factor in the body can do it under the blessing of spiritual power and continuous evolution—

"Wild Waves... White Lines!"

The ability of the thread fruit factor has been catalyzed to the limit. Under the blessing and skills of the powerful spiritual force, the 'awakening' condition of the fruit is activated!

In an instant, the entire building turned into a mass of white silk threads like waves, and this transformation extended in all directions, instantly turning this place into a sea of ​​white lines!

Fruit Awakening... What could not have been done with the weak and weak fruit factor, but the expansion of psionic skills with the blessing of spiritual power allowed him to do things that he could not have done otherwise.

"...Do you want to use these to catch meteorites?"

Bang Gu squeezed his beard and quickly recovered from his surprise, speaking earnestly.

"Just relying on these soft 'wires' cannot catch the falling stone."

"Of course... I'm not arrogant enough to challenge the natural disaster."

Cold sweat broke out on Mu Feng's head, while squeezing his own spirit to maintain the ability to wake up, he chuckled lightly.

"I'm just dealing with the aftermath, the real"

"I wasted a little time, the yokan you sent tasted pretty good."

Ordinary voices sounded from the back of Bang Gu and Mu Feng's heads. Under the raised white cloak, they spoke ordinary words in an extremely plain tone.

"Father, this guy is handed over to you."

Yellow tights, white cape, red plastic gloves and boots, shiny head, looks like a botched COS imitating a comic book hero

"You are…"

The parody hero didn't say a word, just lowered his body slightly and jumped.

In an instant, the huge impact force shook the only roof that was not whitened with countless cracks. The shattered building was torn apart together with the dark steel bars inside, and the white cloak was screeching. Facing the calamity that descended from the sky.

Mu Feng raised his head and, together with the shocked Bang Gu, watched this astonishing scene, belonging to this world, belonging to these human beings... the **** of the world!

"Don't fall in... my city!"

The ordinary words with a bit of anger, and the ordinary fist slammed, collided with the falling star.

In an instant, with the cracking sound resounding through the sky, the huge monster star, which was enough to completely change the crust of the continent and even destroy the country, shattered like a broken star under the aurora!

This is the gods... no, a punch beyond the power of the gods!

Mu Feng watched this scene in shock, which was much more shocking than the one that Saitama saw in the video killing the Asura Unicorn. This is the real power of one's own to fight against natural disasters.

No one could see this scene. Those who stood on the ground and looked directly into the abyss of despair only saw the shattering of the demon star, and continued to despair while screaming.

The cracked demon star, and countless broken meteorites scattered in all directions like steel **** exploded in a broad sword mine.

"It seems that there is still a little something away from the real **** of the world."

Mu Feng raised his right hand with a big laugh, and the tens of millions of silk threads were like waves moving towards all directions of the city. Among the countless exclaimed voices and eyes, they covered the city of Z like a spider web covering the city. Sky.


They pointed to the sky in amazement, the figure floating in the center of the spider web, commanding thousands of white waves and threads.

"Cage of poisonous snakes!"

Mu Feng never expected that he could stop such a terrifying natural disaster by awakening with the ability of a single fruit, even if Doflamingo came in person, it would be impossible.

This time, it is the ultimate in catalytic ability, and at the same time, it uses the combination of thread fruit and fluttering fruit.

The 'lines' gushing out in all directions like white waves touched the meteorite fragments below, and the ability of the fluttering fruit was activated instantly, releasing their gravity and starting to levitate.

It looked like an airtight cobweb that picked up countless shattered meteorites.

"It's so cool."

The adventure that landed saw this scene and expressed his heartfelt admiration. There is also a little reassurance, at least those fragmented meteorites will not cause too much damage to the city.

'boom! ! ’

Not far from Saitama, a shattered meteorite instantly smashed through a continent and collapsed. Saitama's eyelids were tugged, black lines all over his head, and he pretended not to see it.

"It should be resolved..."

Of course, Mu Feng couldn't catch them all. Even if he developed his psionic skills to deduce the abilities of the two fruit factors to the extreme, what he couldn't do would be impossible.

But looking at the huge spider web across the sky of Z City, and the countless flaming meteorites relying on the spider web, this scene can already be described as a natural disaster.

Feeling that his spirit was about to be exhausted, Mu Feng decisively canceled his ability to slowly fall with a moon step, fell to the ground, and gasped at the slowly falling meteorites.

He at least prevented half of the losses that City Z should have suffered, but he was really powerless to stop the remaining half.

Saitama's punch completely shattered the solid internal structure of the 'artificial' demon star, turning it into a real stone. If not, he would not have the ability to take it.

And more importantly, he probably won't be able to use such a powerful move for the time being. The overclocking use of psionic skills over-squeezed the spirit and the fruit factor in his body. I am afraid that for a long time, he will fall into the predicament of lack of energy and insufficient fruit ability factor.

Those who watched him from a distance cheered him wildly, cheering on the heroes who saved their city!

Mu Feng showed a strange smile. He was like a king, silently capturing the glory and cheers that Saitama should have enjoyed.

But in fact, even without him, this credit will be given to Banggu and Genos. Saitama will always be the bald head that rubs off in the eyes of the association and even the public.

The only lesson humans have learned in history is that they can't learn any lessons. If they don't experience enough despair, how can they know the greatness of the **** in the white cloak?

Mu Feng stood up slowly and opened his arms amid the frenzied cheers, winning more cheers.

Let him temporarily take credit for the real hero, but in return, he will give Saitama the best chance to appear.

In the most desperate stage, become the embodiment of hope as a **** on earth!


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Section 192 33. The Malice of the Stars

In the silent and empty universe, beside the crimson and vast Mars, on Deimos, the **** of fear in Greek mythology, a dark spaceship was quietly parked on it.

It was an incomparably huge, dark space battleship with a diameter of more than fifteen kilometers and a radius of more than four kilometers.

Its name is Dark Star, it is the ark from the stars, a notorious ship in the universe, it is the 'dark ship' that came from prying open the door of ignorant earthlings

It's just that the customers on this ship are destined to not have the "tenderness" of those Western invaders. After all, when magnified to the cosmic scale, the cruelty of human beings becomes unsightly.

It belongs to the "Dark Matter" of the cosmic pirate group that is also infamous in the Milky Way, and more famous than this ship is the man on it.

"Lord Boros, our 'hello' has been followed."

A slender squid, with three flooded holes on its round head, and a skin that changes color like a star flare on its smooth skin, a creature with countless tentacles fluttering, said to the figure on the throne.

"Being able to catch the meteorite that you, Goliugan Xiup, had attached to the psychic power, it seems that on that backward primitive planet, there may really be an opponent who can fight against Lord Boros."

It was a figure standing on the left hand side of the throne, with dark green skin, full of muscles like the body of the most perfect fighting machine, without a head, or in other words, both hands and head were a huge mouth full of sharp teeth. An indescribable, indescribable monster.

"Although I personally think that it was just the lie of the fortune-teller who fooled Lord Boros... but to be able to take over the meteorite from my first thought power master in the universe, that planet does seem to have creatures with a very high level of life."

The leader of the Dark Matter Pirates, whose name is Goryukan Supp, laughed like a giant squid.

"Then Lord Boros, do you want us to help you find the way now, and say hello to humans by the way."

With a voice of infinite malice and greedy appetite, it was the figure of the right hand of the throne, like a brown giant, but it had five heads glued to each other, and the brown skin was more like a surging black substance. the same monster.

"If he is qualified to fight you, I can force him out now, if not, then I will clean up those garbage for you."

"Wait, wait until enough material from that planet is collected to fill our energy furnace."

The man on the throne can make this vicious three-body monster, or even the man who surrendered to the 10,000 vicious alien pirates on the entire spaceship, be indifferent

"The twenty-year voyage of the Dark Star also needs to be replenished. The resources of this unexplored star system are very sufficient. You might as well start after filling it up."

"Then we jump directly to the sky above their city... I also need time to prepare my strongest state!"

After all, he got up from the throne, and with the turbulent fighting intent locked in his body, he headed towards the very depths.

"Yes, Lord Boros."

The deputy head of the Dark Matter Pirates, the strongest psychic master, Geliugan Xiupu bowed his body respectfully.

"Meruzagarudo, and Gloribus, control your subordinates. I know that humans taste good, but don't go against the will of Lord Boros."

Goliuganshupu turned around and warned his two colleagues that, unlike himself, these two savage guys and their subordinates like to eat humans the most.

"Lord Boros is serious this time. If your perfect battle is destroyed because of your stupidity, you will surely die without a place to be buried!"

Although the two officials who were known as monsters and natural disasters on other planets were dissatisfied, they honestly chose to go back to appease their subordinates.

That man, whom they serve and only recognize, the man who is willing to be his loyal dog is the strongest. They did not believe that Boros would lose, and they were willing to give everything for him.

Cosmic Overlord Poros

Even if this title is only circulating in the galaxy, there is no doubt about the power of Boros. This is a real monster that can destroy the entire planet by himself.

"The opponent who fought with me... Are you feeling the boiling blood now?"

Poros stood outside the warship, above the vacuum of the infinite universe, looking at the direction of the earth, slowly stretched out his hand and held it tightly!

Twenty years of long voyage, across the galaxy to this remote planet, just to satisfy his hunger and thirst for an evenly matched enemy.

If that wasn't an opponent who could fight him, Boros didn't mind destroying the planet in disappointment.

Of course, if it is an enemy who can fight him with all his strength, there will be no life on this planet after the war.

But Boros doesn't care, there has never been a weak person in his eyes, no malice or kindness, just like people don't have any thoughts about dust.

He was looking forward to this death battle, betting on himself, but also on his opponent's life and homeland.


Saitama rubbed his nose. He didn't know what was going on in this hot day, and suddenly sneezed

Then he immediately turned his attention to his eyes.

Under the lit flame, the purring hot pot spreads the aroma of the base and food. The hot pot is filled with high-quality beef and ingredients, which are things that Saitama rarely eats on weekdays.

It's just that Saitama, who moved his index fingers, was not very happy, it was the people around the table.

Genos, Mufeng, Banggu, Kyosuke, and Saitama. With four more mouths at home, Saitama suddenly felt that the dishes in the hot pot might not be enough.

However, the ingredients for this hot pot are also provided by others. To be honest, Saitama has nothing to say.

"Mu Fengjun, is your body okay?"

On the side, Bang Gu asked Mu Feng, who looked apathetic, with concern, then shook his head and forced a smile.


Although the head feels like a thousand needles are constantly piercing the brain, and there is a strong sense of fatigue when it penetrates into the bone marrow, but overall... not too bad.

After squeezing his own spirit to the limit this time, his spiritual power will definitely increase. But for a long time, most likely before the end of this One Punch Man plot, he won't even think about showing that kind of power.

The reason why he came out to be a hero this time was just to successfully break into Saitama's "hot pot group", and he didn't expect to get anything from his bald head, but at least he had to be recognized by a friendly army.

And this time, he also got a lot of money. Regardless of the fact that there are 52,000 virtual evaluation points, it is enough to get it from other sources.

He showed his strength, even if it was only a semi-disposable one, the hard power he showed had reached the standard of dragon level.

If you don't take out special weapons, even if you only reach the standard of the dragon-level floor, it is enough to make organizations such as the Weird Association and the Hero Association pay attention to Mu Feng.

Although he has reached a cooperation with Sikes, but Mu Feng doesn't think that the woman will have any sincerity. Showing his own strength is also to avoid being swallowed by the opponent unscrupulously.

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