Sykes, who was hiding in the basement of the Weird Association, paced back and forth uneasy, her little finger was shaking with the irritability and the sense of crisis of the explosion.

She feels a lot of pressure now, more than she expected.

I thought that if it went according to the normal plan, this would be a blow to the Hero Association, but who knew that the situation did not go as expected at all.

First, those S-rank heroes, the number of intrusions into the underground of the association is still expected, but this time, she did not take into account the additional factor of metal knights.

His full-coverage firepower attack over the ghost city made Sykes's original ambush to delay the hero's eccentric combat effectiveness completely unplayed. The Salted Fish S-Class has done a lot of work this time around.

What's more tricky is the information about the strange association that was leaked to the hero.

That overly detailed information took away the Geek Association's geographical advantage, and if so, it's really nothing.

Anyway, Sykes didn't plan to let those hostages go back alive. This is not a CS hostage game. Those rich hostages are just bait to seduce heroes to the Weird Association. There is not much difference between them.

The thing that gave her the most headache, so that the whole plan completely collapsed, was that none of the weirdos she sent came back.

The hero who was killed first, it is suspected that he was defeated after the war with the devil's transformation, but it is possible to drag the devil to transform the human and die together, and those weirdos who were sent out to disrupt the situation did a good job, causing huge disasters in various cities. confusion.

The headquarters of the Hero Association in City A has been completely destroyed by the four cadres sent out, and even the entire City A has been destroyed, which is completely a doomsday scene.

Logically speaking, the Weird Association has already won a big victory, but for Sykes personally, it is still far from victory.

She sensed a strong spiritual flow that exploded over City A!

It was a spiritual stance that Sykes felt terrible, strange, and indescribable, as if the souls of millions of people were mixed together, and finally they were successfully integrated into one.

This made Sykes think of the 'sample' shown to her by the House of Evolution and the 'truth' parsed through the 'door' in Mu Feng's body

If they did, the madness would be terrifying and disgusting even for Sykes.

Just because she is a master of playing with the spirit and soul realms, Sykes does not have much plan for the destruction and manipulation of the body. After all, she knows that the change of the body is not an essential change after all.

But to start with the soul and consciousness, or even to disperse and fuse the souls of millions of people, this kind of thing can't be done or not, and it alone makes Sikes feel extremely cold.

For example, it's like a simmering thing, and millions of copies are merged in an irregular and rhythm, and it is even more disgusting and unacceptable than this cult-like thing.

If the group of lunatics really held such a terrible hole card in their hands, Sykes would really have to consider whether to join forces with the hero to solve this lunatic first.

In an instant, millions of spirits and souls are merged. According to this terrible efficiency, it will only take one day to destroy all the human beings in this city circle.

But these are all just assumptions, or at this stage it's just assumptions.

What made Sykes uncomfortable was the mental storm that spread from the sky over City A to all directions, completely disrupting her control over all the puppets she had released.

Big 囧eye is a puppet made by Sykes, but it is not the only puppet. The 'eyeball puppets' he made are all over the city in every city in the city circle, collecting intelligence for Sykes, monitoring others, and assigning tasks.

And this terrifying mental storm directly made Sikes blind. The most terrible thing was that he couldn't contact the **** of Hei Qingzi, and he didn't know what was going on outside.

So when the hero attacked for the first time, Sykes couldn't even summon the cadres back.

The current situation is that the 7 S-rank heroes and a sweet mask sent by the Hero Association have all entered the underground of the Monster Association, and the Monster Association is facing a serious shortage of troops.

In short, Pochi has temporarily held off the two atomic warriors and the super alloy black light, but Sykes, who knows the essence of the beast and the dog, knows that Pochi may leave the battlefield at any time because he is tired of fighting.

Natural water is now placed by him on the only way to pass the sweet mask and the metal bat. This group of special monsters who will sense killing intent and release attacks have extremely high resistance to physical attacks, and can hold back for a while. these two guys.

I have to admit that Sykes underestimated the combat effectiveness of S-class heroes. I thought that those ghost-level monsters could still cause trouble to this group of guys. Who knows that the situation is completely different from what was expected.

But there are still four S-class heroes that are swaggering towards the heart of the Monster Association.

There is only one gum left in Sykes' cadre, and this guy has also been sent by Sykes to stop the pig god, and the **** prisoners who are not hindered, the child emperor and the zombie man, are facing the weirdo with three heads. The heart of the association moves forward.

Among them, the **** prisoner has the fastest progress, Tong Di is the second, and the zombie man is the slowest.

Sykes actually had the confidence to use the big 囧eye to solve any one of them, but the longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation was for Sykes.

Who knows when those cadres will come back, who knows what crazy deeds the House of Evolution is planning to do, who knows when Tornado and other S-rank instability will destroy this situation?

There are also hungry wolves who are out of control of whereabouts, as well as the metal knight who is eyeing, the unstable bald Saitama, and the equally unstable King. There are so many factors outside the field that Sykes feels a headache.

Anyway, let's go ahead as planned.

Sykes reconnected to Da 囧yan's body, and then let the waste monsters hold these heroes for some time, at least consume some of their physical strength, and then he would make up for the situation according to the situation...

In short, the serpent can only move in the worst case.

After learning about the hidden trump card of the Hero Association, Orochi is the biggest hole card in Sykes' hand, and it's the hole card she has the confidence to use to make a Jedi comeback. She will never reveal him until it is necessary!

Thinking of this, Big Jon couldn't help but turn his head back, the big snake's face like a pottery doll mask was extremely silent in the dark shadow.

She always felt that Orochi's state was very wrong recently. When Sikes was shaping Orochi, he was using his mind power to control and influence him all the time. Logically speaking, this was only Sikes' most powerful puppet.

But she always felt that the recent big snake was becoming more and more 'spiritual'.

Especially in the past few days, she felt that the big snake had a harbinger of getting rid of the mental control he exerted on him.

But now is not the time to think about it, these heroes must be dealt with first, and then there will be...

Sykes was stunned for a moment. Just now, the clone she placed in the Freak Association to follow the gums shattered.


Skills are gradually becoming proficient, improving, and perfecting, and then continue to break through, improve, and perfect.

For the first time since the hungry wolf was born, he felt such a fresh vitality, his strength, speed, spirit and skills are constantly rising!

The power increase after the limiter was released fascinated Hungry Wolf, and every ounce of power was a step closer to the ultimate evil of his dreams.

But this kind of power is not without a price. In addition to constantly wandering between life and death to comprehend the powerful meaning, there is one more thing that is very important to Hungry Wolf.

That's nutrition.

It had been four hours since the last time he had a normal meal, but Hungry Wolf felt in a trance that those normal things seemed to be from a previous life.

He tore off a piece of the monster's flesh and blood, chewed it a little, and swallowed it. The **** red light in his eyes was even better.

His current recipe is weird.

The flesh and blood of geeks are good and bad, and the taste is good and bad, some can be eaten, some can't, and the taste is not bad. But no matter what, Hungry Wolf actually doesn't have any liking for monster meat.

But it is undeniable that the monster's flesh has extremely rich nutritional value. The injuries accumulated by the hungry wolf's continuous fighting will return to normal in the blink of an eye after devouring the flesh and blood of these monsters, and then the strength will be improved to a higher level.

Moreover, the more he devoured the flesh and blood of these weirdos, the hungry wolf felt that he was getting closer and closer to that limit...

They've done quite a bit of hunting for heroes or something, but they don't seem to have any intention of seeing themselves as weirdos. That being the case, let's do something more 'weird'.

He casually threw the gnawed arm that was left with bones aside, the hungry wolf turned his head, looked at the shivering man in the prison, and grinned.

"Do you think I'm a weirdo?"

"Ouch!!!" The rich man who was curled up in the corner of the cell, who was calling for wind and rain in the outside world, made a hysterical sharp voice. His pale face and panicked expression were obviously completely insane.

"It's boring." Hungry Wolf curled his lips. He also encountered this cell when he was wandering and hunting in the base camp of the Weird Association.

The people detained here are all rich people who seem to be omnipotent in the outside world. Although Hungry Wolf has no understanding of this aspect, it does not prevent him from recognizing a few famous rich people.

But without exception, these rich people were all killed, and in extremely tragic ways, such as pulling out their spines and heads and scraping them on the ceiling, pulling out the field and pulling them to the iron bars of the cell or something.

The only survivor has also been completely frightened. The Hero Association probably doesn't know that their enemy is so ignorant of martial arts, this time their operation has actually failed.

Hungry Wolf put his hands in his pockets, turned and left without caring, leaving only the empty mourning echoing in the underground space.

Hungry Wolf was thinking, the extent to which he can draw power from the flesh and blood of these weirdos is getting less and less, from the beginning of Shiquan Dabu Pills to now even the tonic is reluctant.

In other words, all he needs is the flesh and blood of stronger monsters to stimulate himself.

This is the same as hunting a hero, challenging the strong and strengthening himself, the only difference is that he will eat the prey.

His next target should be a dragon-level cadre.

Mu Feng also gave Hungry Wolf a copy of the information on the cadres of the Weird Association, and in his opinion, among those strange dragon-level cadres, the most suitable for his hunting must be the hero, but...

At the end of the dark corridor, there were extremely heavy footsteps, and the hungry wolf narrowed his eyes and hid in the gap beside him.

A fat monster like a huge white meat ball with only a huge mouth in its entire head is walking from the end of the corridor with heavy steps.

The corners of the hungry wolf's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a malicious smile.

It's not impossible to replace one.


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

ps2: The description of Orochi's strength is a bit troublesome, and the king of weirdos who died because of difficulty in drawing so his strength is unknown...

push book time

"The Baron's Not Going Home Tonight"

Chapter 234 75. Orochi Wushuang!

The gums lost contact.

All the eyes that were placed on the fourth to sixth floors of the Weird Association had been removed, which made Da 囧yan feel that the situation was serious.

The cadres who stayed behind in the Weird Association have all been stumped.

No matter what the reason is for the gums to be stumped, with Pochi and Natural Water holding two heroes each, there are still four S-rank heroes moving towards the direction of the big 囧eye.

Not good, things are really bad.

Sykes is very confident in his own strength, but he is not confident enough to have the idea of ​​​​singling out four S-class heroes, let alone the potential threat that ties his gums.

Who is that guy? Isn't it flash? Or silver fangs? Or other S-class heroes?

It seems that the idea of ​​dividing up the troops to deal with City A is still too reckless!

The huge evil eye of Big 囧 Eye radiated light, her body was thinking, considering all the plans and options.

She could choose to wait and bet that the remaining four cadres would be able to support them as quickly as possible, and then reverse the situation and turn defeat into victory, which meant that she had to go up and hold back the four S-rank heroes.

This is a too difficult and heavy task for the puppet of Big 囧yan. If you want to hold them back for at least half an hour, Sykes must be ready for the battle.

But that was precisely what Sykes could not accept!

Compared to a hero, her distrust of her companions is on the same level. If she was seriously injured in the battle with the hero and exposed her flaws, God knows how those cadres would treat her.

It is even more impossible to escape. Even if he runs away, the big snake can't do without here, and if he runs away like this, even if he wins the human world in the future, he won't even think about occupying that dominant position!

As for threatening the only remaining hostages... Sikes wasn't so naive.

After those heroes were stabbed in the back by the Hero Association, it was already very good for them to come and save those rich people. As for sacrificing themselves for them, it was impossible to think about it.

Sykes clenched his silver teeth, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth. In this case, let's use the final record!

"Master Orochi..."

Da 囧yan turned his head, and the huge cloth was scattered and whispered to the figure like an ancient giant statue.

"Get ready to do it."

Da 囧yan hesitated for a moment, but still did not release all the control over the snake

She has 100% confidence in Orochi. This monster king, who was carefully selected by her and cultivated through countless methods, has an invincible combat power among the dragons.

Orochi is impeccable, he has the ability to recover from any injury in an instant, has strong physical ability, incredible resistance to super powers, strong defense, and incredible learning ability.

It is a near-perfect creature that is infinitely close to God, and is only a line away from the ceiling that destroys the world.

Ordinary S-rank heroes and dragon-rank monsters will never survive three rounds in front of Orochi. Even among all the cadres, only a black Qingzi dares to fight Orochi.

Da 囧yan trusts the power of the big snake, and is extremely afraid of the mighty power of the big snake.

She is very confident in the mind control she exerts on the serpent, but who can guarantee that there will be any accident that will cause the serpent to break free?

Big 囧yan can't imagine what he will do to himself if he lets the snake out of control, what he will do after knowing that Big 囧yan has been controlling his mind all the year round...

But she has no choice. She can't handle the heroes above her head. Instead of giving her trust to those strange cadres who are also scum and unreliable, it is better to let the big snake come!

"I know."

The big snake said in a low voice, the figure as huge as a mountain slowly stood up from the throne

"I will deal with those ants."

"Atomic Concentrate Slash!"

The superalloy black light firmly grabbed Pochi's forefoot, and the atomic warrior who saw the opportunity jumped to the top of Pochi's head and used his most proud stunt on him.

The slashing and slashing were mixed together, and the countless slashes converged into one, and finally changed from slicing cells to slicing molecules!

Incredible, beyond the understanding of science and technology, the swordsmanship that is almost magical danced in the hands of the atomic samurai.

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