The icy Tokyo, once the top three big cities in Asia, is filled with an abnormal prosperity and agitation.

Kabukicho is night and night, the bright lights illuminate the sky, and the projection advertisements scattered in the air are splendid.

Wealthy office workers waved their banknotes to catch a taxi to Ginza, high school students on the street pulled their skirts to their thighs, and the air was filled with the smell of desire.

The whole city seemed to be corrupted and degenerate in an indescribable carnival.

Such an era seems to be a golden era, it seems to be the golden era before the big bubble burst, it seems to be the most beautiful heaven and... **** that exists in the memories of many neon old people.

"I thought such a scene could only be seen from the comics, the rotten and depraved happiness..."

A black-haired beautiful girl in a black suit stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the towering Arasaka Building, overlooking the bustling city scene, and sighed in a tone that did not match her age.

In fact, even her appearance was quite at odds with the mansion.

It is hard for ordinary people to believe that this person looks only eighteen years old—in fact, he is eighteen years old. If it is not a girl who pretends to be a girl who is not even an adult, she is the controller of Arasaka security.

Her name on the bright side is Saburo Arasaka, and when she goes out to deal with the situation, she uses a serious old face, but only a few people know that her real name is Yoshida Saki, she is eighteen years old. Strictly speaking, her age should be He is a sophomore who is about to enter his third year of high school.

"They shouted about the prosperity of the economy, praised and thanked their prime minister. Thinking that their recovery will continue - they have forgotten how badly they fell."

The man leaning beside Monet's water lily oil painting sneered, half of his body hidden in the shadows.

"Don't say that, Mr. Sanyashiki is a qualified prime minister." Yoshida Saki retorted with some dissatisfaction

The current Prime Minister of Neon, who has brought the domestic GDP back to the third place in the world in just two years, is an iron-fisted prime minister who is admired by many people.

He started his campaign for prime minister last year as a member of the Seed Oil Democracy Party. With the help of the four chaebols behind him, he easily defeated his competitors and became the person holding the highest political power in Neon.

At that time, many people disapproved of him, thinking that he was just another puppet launched by the four major chaebols. This was the view of the world and abroad, and no one had too many expectations of him.

But in just a few months, the behavior of this old man has shocked countless eyeballs.

He first brazenly launched an investigation into the Shinomiya family, the head of the four major chaebols. He was considered a suicide by hitting a stone with an egg, but he miraculously succeeded.

The old man relied on the fourth heir of the Sinomiya family, the eldest young lady Kaguya Shinomiya, and obtained a large amount of criminal evidence inside the Sinomiya family by a series of unknown means.

That’s all, expecting to use the law to overthrow the chaebol is basically wishful thinking, and the four chaebols of Neon can be even more terrible than Samsung of the stick.

Just when everyone thought that Kazuo and Kaguya Shinomiya would be shot dozens of times in the back and in front of an unknown park, the Shinomiya family had countless 'accidents' one after another.

First of all, the newly appointed patriarch, Sigong Huangguang, burned himself to death in his mansion, and took away his two younger brothers, along with a large number of family backbones.

It is said that some people heard screams coming from the old house of Sinomiya that day, and others said that they saw the tragedy of cannibalism in the old house of the Sinomiya family.

But no matter what, the Sigong family of Nuoda disappeared overnight, and Kaguya Sigong handed over most of the power of the Sigong family automatically, and Xiu Shunli defeated the chief of the four chaebols, and used the same method. Completely unified neon politics.

Political struggles are often not that complicated, and things like assassination are not as 'lifting the table' as imagined.

As long as you can prove that you didn't kill the person, it doesn't matter how many times there are assassinations. Do you still expect those keyboard warriors and reporters who slam Fang Qiu on the Internet to bring down an iron-fisted prime minister?

As long as you can make sure you don't get discovered by assassinating others, and then kill everyone who's assassinating you, then the political struggle is easy.

Just like the CIA of the Bald Eagle, it is responsible for sabotaging the enemy country and assassinating dignitaries and important figures in other countries. The arrogant and arrogant person doesn't care what others say. Dozens of shots in the back say suicide is to tell everyone that they kill people. You have the ability. Looking for evidence?

This is the highest meaning of political struggle, without fear.

Why? Is it not because they are backed by the world's largest country, or because their fists are so powerful that all intrigue and power tactics become a joke?

The big fist is the eternal truth.

The disappearance of the Sigong family gave He Xiu an example to prove his strength, and many people are guessing who is standing behind He Xiu, who has such great energy.

He Xiu immediately pushed forward the anti-monopoly bill that had been thrown into the corner for many years, and then in the same cruel way, in just three months, all the top leaders of the remaining three chaebols were killed.

Yes, not only the 'kill' at the power and economic level, but even the 'kill' at the physical level...

And Hexiu himself has also suffered countless assassinations. In just two years, the number of assassinations he encountered is probably more than Castro.

But he survived, and even grabbed the tails of more people by grabbing those assassins, and then 'logically' let the Metropolitan Police help him get these guys.

The four major chaebols collapsed completely, the huge feudal capital interest system was torn apart by production, housing and repair, and the society was plunged into turmoil.

During that time, many demonstrations were launched, demanding impeachment and Xiu's resignation. But the strange thing is that no well-known political figures have stood up against He Xiu, or even attacked He Xiu.

This was not just fear, Hexiu didn't know how to win over dignitaries, including the ruling party and several opposition parties, and asked them to stand for him.

No one knows how he did it, but it doesn't matter anymore.

He Xiu used the most violent method to suppress those demonstrators, Neon completely ignored the Westerners' BB in a weird overtaking gesture, and even ignored the threat of their biological father, the Bald Eagle.

Hexiu is considered the No. 1 tyrant of Neon in the international community for decades, and is accused of being a militarist and a racist butcher Barabara.

But compared to this, Kazuo's most widely circulated nickname in the country is the Shogun of the Shogun.

That group of white-skinned news has always been like this, but it's still that sentence, meaningless to people who don't care about you at all.

He Xiu dismembered the four major chaebols, causing the entire Neon to fall into a short-lived chaos, and then used strong-arm politics to integrate political resources, strengthen external connections with China, Australia and Song, and most importantly, dismantled the four major chaebols to support their livelihoods. A large group of small and medium enterprises.

That's what capitalism is like, when you kill one percent of a group of people who have ninety-nine percent of the resources, their corpse will raise a whole new bourgeoisie, and this new bourgeoisie will continue to move towards monopoly The goal of striving to evolve.

It is basically delusional to count on the trickle effect and what to get rich first. The Matthew effect is that the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. This is the truth of the world.

But no matter what, Hexiu's series of operations caused the feudal capital enterprises headed by the four chaebols to be dismembered in large numbers, leaving the gaps to climb the road to high society, endless opportunities, and a lot of spilled society. The resources instantly stimulated the GDP of Neon, which had been stagnant for many years.

The free economy has re-emerged in this country where the economy has been stagnant and regressed for decades. Those neon people seem to have returned to the golden age of the past, when they swayed a lot of money and declared that they wanted to buy the world.

"But the prosperity created by this simple and rude 'beating the local tyrants and dividing the land' will not last long."

The man walked over with a sneer, and under the icy moonlight outside the window, he revealed the long white hair wrapped under the VR hood that covered most of his head, and his body covered in black steel.

“This time, even the bubble that blows is not even counted. As long as the legacy of the four big chaebols is squandered, this group of people only face severe international relations, financial markets reaped by foreign consortia—and possibly military and military affairs. A round of sanctions."

"In the end, it's a joke for a country that doesn't even have its own sovereignty to expect to rise!"

"That's why we're here."

Yoshida Saki turned his head to look at Mu Shang, the head of the International Ministry of Internal Affairs, a ruthless clean-up nicknamed "The Divider"

"We have brought new technologies, new war situations, and new energy technologies that will free this country from most of its external dependence, and our Arasaka security will make this country no longer fear those Western whites!"

She clenched her fists and looked confident

Mu Shang looked at Yoshida Saki like this, chuckled and shook his head

As the boss said, this is a guy who has no political wisdom, not even a high IQ, and is full of women's benevolence.

If it weren't for her special abilities, I'm afraid the boss wouldn't let her be the CEO of Arasaka Security. However, the boss sent himself here, not only to protect this stupid girl, but also to make himself responsible for the real business behind the security of this Arasaka.

This stupid girl will not know that Arasaka Security has already reached a number of secret cooperation with the Prime Minister He Xiu whom she admires.

Arasaka Security was able to base itself on this simply because it received most of the inheritance of one of the four major chaebols in Hexiu's hands, and their cross-shareholding Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals also relied on the corpses of the four major chaebols to emerge. .

This stupid girl wouldn't know that the 'Cyber ​​Prosthetics' series manufactured by Arasaka Security, which is now world-renowned, was completely developed by Zangshi International. She probably only knew that Arasaka Security was a subsidiary of Zangshi International.

The two largest companies in Neon at present, one is controlled by the people of Aosong, and the other, besides Hexiu, also has the shadow of the Huaguo's Zhangshi Technology.

Arasaka Security has taken over many weapon orders from the Metropolitan Police Department to the Naval Self-Defense Force, from power armor to external prosthetics, while Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals has almost completely monopolized the neon medical market. The most important thing is... these two companies , A lot of shameful things are going on in the dark.

Yoshida Saki only knew that Kazuhiu secretly searched for those man-eating monsters who called themselves ghouls, and sent them to Eternal Life Pharmacy for treatment, but did not know that this matter itself was made by Kazuhiu, and they just took these incurable things out of hand. The guy who was suffering from 'cannibalism' was isolated and used as a medical object and an experiment by the way.

clean? It is impossible for capital that has grown bigger to have anything to do with the word clean. The primitive accumulation of capital is bloody, but it is nothing more than putting on a layer of civilization when it eats people.

And when he thinks of another thing, Mu Shang finds it extra funny.

Hexiu wasn't even a human being.

How fun? The pride of the country, the prime minister with an iron fist, is actually a devil who secretly creates man-eating monsters and uses countless conspiracy methods to control the country.

Mu Shang didn't have to think about it to know that he had something to do with Xiu and his own boss, but Mu Shang never cared about the lives of Neon people.

He turned his head to look at the rotten and bustling streets, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

This country has a fart future.


ps: Ask for tickets every day!


"Speaking of which, what are the three bald eagles you captured earlier?"

Yoshida Saki frowned and looked at Mu Shang with an unpleasant tone.

"Those three guys broke into an external laboratory of Immortality Pharma, destroyed half of our factory, and brought down more than 20 of our good players. Could it be that they are the top CIA agents?"

"Not only that, they also solved the six members of the 'dead group' that followed them in the past."

Mu Shang raised his eyebrows.

"Those good players of yours are all lizard soldiers selected from the Self-Defense Forces, and the patrol factory is not equipped with any good modified prosthetic limbs, so it is understandable to be killed. It's just that those three guys actually solved our six dead group. members, I think it's interesting."

"So I looked into their identities and found out they weren't CIA agents at all - even these three guys had a lot of blood feuds with the American government."

"So? Who are they?" Yoshida Saki raised an eyebrow

"Three local snakes in Los Santos." Mu Shang shook his head and said in a strange tone

"I also know it's unbelievable. These three guys with great fighting power are really just three local underworld members in Los Santos."

"Is the bald eagle's underworld so powerful?" Yoshida Saki couldn't believe it

"No, the underworld should be the Italian one. The local gang in Naples I met last time... Forget it, get back to the point." Moushang paused and continued.

"The bearded fat man among the three is Mike De Santa, formerly Mike Tolly. He has committed dozens of robberies on the border from Canada to Bald Eagle. It can be said that he is a member of the robbery world. Legend. Another bald fat man named Trevor Philips, who used to be an accomplice with that Mike, now runs an illegal company that sells drugs and weapons in the frontier desert of San Diego, the last black man is Franklin, the local Los Santos A little gang member of the gang."

"What these three guys have done is unbelievable... To be honest, I can't believe there are such awesome people in this world."

Mulsanne said in a very admirable tone

"The things these three guys have done include, but are not limited to - robbing the bald eagle government's experimental secret weapons and selling them to the Chinese, robbing their weapons-carrying planes under the **** of the army, and robbing the First Federal Bank of 200 million U.S. dollar gold reserves, rob the local bank in Los Santos and then confront the local garrison head-on and destroy the opponent's troops including two tanks and four armed helicopters, openly hit the local FBI office building in Los Santos, bombard and kill with heavy fire A dead FBI officer..."

"Anyway, they're pretty cool... rascals."

"Are you sure they weren't caught and shot by the Bald Eagles after doing these things?"

Yoshida Saki's eyes twitched, I have to say that this world is really amazing

"Ghost knows."

Mu Shang rolled his eyes, if the information hadn't come from a very reliable person, he would have wondered if this was an exaggerated novel. Oh no, I wouldn't dare to write a novel like that.

In this way, it is not unimaginable that these three mediocre gangsters can kill their six transformed ghouls.

"So what are you going to do with them?" Yoshida Saki frowned.

"Killing so many of us can't be dealt with simply. Solve it secretly, or... hand it over to the people below."

This girl is not that naive, Mu Shang thought and replied

"No, they still have the value of being alive for the time being. The boss's intention is to keep the three of them alive for the time being. After a period of time, it may be able to play a special role."

"As for whether to live or die after using it, we will talk about it when the time comes."

No one cared about the lives of the twenty or so security guards who died, and no one cared about the lives of the six modified ghouls.

Mu Shang didn't think there was anything wrong with this either. Isn't that what the boss is like? Obviously, interests are more important than loyalty. You don't really expect the employees under your boss to be brothers.

Besides, how could there be any good people who are in charge of guarding work at Yongsheng Pharma? If it wasn't for scum, it wouldn't be pulled to do this kind of high-risk work.

"So who exactly sent them?"

"Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, commonly known as the umbrella company." Mulshang frowned.

"This is a large multinational monopoly enterprise, whose monopoly scope covers drugs, medical hardware, defense industry, etc., as well as high-tech military technology, life engineering and other projects. Although there is a certain degree of business conflict with us, it is not enough. Send spies to steal our technology."

At least on the bright side, Yongsheng Pharmaceutical is still a drug research company, and relying on the technology given by the boss, it has also developed breakthrough products including curbing and treating a small number of cancers, curing leukemia and other medical projects.

And because of the boss's policy and Hexiu's political goals, the selling price of these drugs is not high, not even that of Glenin. To be honest, this really offends his colleagues, but the problem is that the drugs they sell have no territorial conflict with Umbrella at all.

Umbrella's pharmaceutical research direction is more inclined to genetic diseases. Even if there are a few overlapping projects, it can blatantly send such 'terrorists' to the door to grab information... This is no different from an open war.

General business people will never be so crazy, even if they are in the arms business, they will not be so short-tempered - except for their own bosses.

Mu Shang really didn't understand. But he doesn't need to understand that this is something that the boss should consider, and it has nothing to do with him.

"In short, during this time, we must control the security issues of several secret laboratories under Yongsheng Pharmaceutical."

"Understood, the trauma emergency team will protect the safety of the secret laboratory for 24 hours." Yoshida Saki nodded, paused, and said with some anticipation

"Then when can I see your boss?"

Mu Shang glanced at the girl. He knew that the girl liked the boss, and it was said that she and the boss were classmates for a while, but it was said that the boss's real girlfriend was studying in Chicago.

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