"Aside from the appearance, it can be said that things are very close to the essence. Does it have to be interpreted with some high-level ancient terms?" The system said lightly.

"The superiors of our department are very optimistic about you. You are our new king! But I told you about your current crisis. As for these reincarnators... they are half your colleagues."

"The main **** space next door you said is the same as the one I thought?" Mu Feng raised his eyebrows and said with great interest

"Almost." The system sighed

"Their way of recruiting 'employees' is much more crude and simple than ours. If we say that we choose qualified people from a hundred miles, then the main department is a model of casting a wide net and catching more fish."

"The employees of their department, the 'Reincarnators', are treated so poorly that everyone weeps and hears sadness. Rather than selecting employees, it is better to say that the reincarnators in the main **** department are completely unsecured indentured slaves."

She paused, and said in a rather sarcastic tone

"Don't you think the contract that we signed with you was inhumane and excessive? In fact, the ratio of those reincarnators to the Lord God is about 10,000 to 1, just like your novice review. The proportions of the world are the same and, moreover, will never change.”

"...Should I be lucky?"

"You should really be lucky." The system said lightly

"In fact, the main **** department doesn't care about the life and death of its employees. The heads of their departments even intentionally encourage their employees to compete with each other or even kill each other. After all, their work content is actually very close to the content of our evaluation department, but more Danger."

"Most of their work is responsible for pioneering markets that have not been developed by us, and most of our evaluation department's work is to further develop and change the developed market. This is destined to be recruited by their department. More people, more dangerous jobs, more attrition, and more 'wolf culture'."

"Then why are they here? You fought?"

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought of many images of infighting in the office.

"Actually... Forget it, you can think so too." The system replied freely and easily.

"The main **** space and our magical props evaluation company are two parallel departments, but there is still the possibility of intersection. The promotion structure of the main **** department is very strict, but for countless years, there have always been one or two who have climbed up. We and the main **** space It was from that time that the open and secret struggle began."

Mu Feng understands

One can imagine the attitude of those who climbed up from such a cruel Asura field, especially in the face of the evaluation department that is similar to them but with a quality that is countless times better.

Think about it, if you are a low-level employee of a company, you have gone through countless difficulties and obstacles in the department and climbed to the management level, and suddenly you find that the department next to you is countless times easier than your work. Not only that, but the benefits are even better. Are you envious and jealous?

Even if it is to **** 'market interests', as long as conditions permit, it is not unimaginable to carry out such a so-called office struggle.

"It's this group of guys who advocate a wolf-like culture all day long, maximize benefits, and employees who must devote themselves to the company's interests!" the system hated.

"They can't wait to turn all departments into a group of bandits, robbers and colonists like their main **** space. Bah! If it really becomes this virtue, will our company's reputation in the heavens and the world still be needed?"

"And what about the boss of our 'department'?"

"He takes a tacit attitude towards our actions," the system sighed

"In fact, the attitude of the master of the main **** space is similar, but he is more indulgent in sneaking into the world of our department employees to do things. But no matter what, we must maintain the most basic bottom line."

"First, it must not directly endanger the lives of colleagues, and second, it must not cause direct damage to the world. Third, it must not put the struggle between each other above the interests of the company."

"These reincarnators, they don't understand the essence of their main **** space and company at all. So they will accept the 'guidance' and control of so-called tasks, such as tying a condition to you to kill your entire group, and then this group of reincarnations The attackers will do things while limiting the bottom line.”

"It sounds a bit... disgusting." Mu Feng frowned.

"Do I still have to beware of a group of reincarnations who smuggled into my base camp to do damage?"

"That's not necessary." The system said lightly

"This world has been divided into your belongings. When you still have ownership, the main **** space will not be sabotaged with great fanfare. What you have encountered is just taking advantage of your previous vacancy to come and sabotage, but Even so, they have already been wiped out by your predecessors."

"Sounds okay... But at this time, shouldn't I express my hatred for these moths, and then it's better to express something?" Mu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It's not necessary." The system chuckled lightly.

"Sooner or later, you will have the opportunity to retaliate against this group of introverted struggles. But for now, you should spend this period safely."

Mu Feng exhaled softly and rubbed his temples.

"The problem now is - they left a corpse with me suspected of carrying the black light virus. If you can't handle that thing, it will cause a big problem."

"Don't worry, when necessary, I will use the authority to delete him directly." The system said profoundly

"But I think you may be thinking about using him... Rest assured, there will be no reincarnation in this world."

Mu Feng squinted his eyes, did not speak, closed the log, and opened the file with the highest level of confidentiality, even higher than the security level of the black light virus carrier.

Then, his expression became dull.


"Damn, how could this be?!"

Trevor roared irritably, pulled the trigger of his rifle to the head, and the poured bullets rained down on the monster in front of him that destroyed the elevator that left the laboratory.

It had evolved into a G4 state, and had completely lost its human form, becoming a G4 that was climbing on the ground like a ferocious beast.

Perhaps the protagonists of the game are destined to bear the curse that such a thing cannot be simply ended. When they came to the exit elevator in another part of the laboratory, before they got in, G4 grabbed a T103 corpse and jumped up.

Even though he was injured by Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, and was hit by Ada's rocket that hit the red heart, William still did not die. Instead, he activated his emergency mechanism once again in the case of serious injury, relying on swallowing the two who came. Tyrant evolved into the form of G4.

The outer skin is stronger, the body is stronger, the speed is faster, and most importantly, the intelligence that was completely degenerated after entering the G3 stage has returned to some.

G4 destroyed another elevator from the laboratory, and then waited here, and when the group arrived, they were faced with this extremely desperate situation.

return to? The tracker has caught up, and the tracker who has completely lost the restraint device and the chip in the brain has also begun to mutate.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back, and the situation has completely fallen into a desperate stalemate.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, who was fighting with G4, has been completely suppressed. Facing G4, a special monster that has been strengthened and perfected several times, her strength seems to be stretched.

Even if there are some skills, even if he has more brains than him, but these...does it make sense?

"Violent Break"

The arthropod shot from the back like a javelin pierced G4's shoulder. Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't even care about the burning pain spreading across his back, so he had to raise his hand to resist G4's roaring shot palm!

"I can't go on like this, is there any other way out here?"

Jill used firearms to relieve the pressure of Kasumigaoka Shiyu as much as possible, while shouting to Annette next to him.

"No... There are only two elevators leading to the top, and other than that, there is only the emergency fire escape."

Annette shook her head bitterly.

"Then what else can be done? Is it over?"

Even if he is "optimistic" like Trevor, he can't help but feel that the situation is so hopeless at this moment, and he can't help but make the sound of "fuck"


The trembling roar came from the rear, completely breaking out of the restraint suit, and the tracker who had completely transformed into a beast was killed!

The situation fell into complete despair.

"Can you hear it? If you can hear it, I'll show you a way out now."

Just when everyone felt a deep sense of despair, Mu Feng's low voice suddenly came out from the Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's battle suit.

"There is a secret laboratory at the bottom of this laboratory. What you have to do is to lead these two monsters there. Listen to me and you can live."

"I've projected the map on your phone or terminal for all of you, remember, after bringing these two monsters in, you have to get out of here quickly. There's also an emergency escape elevator in William's lab, but only one at a time. If you can go up to three, you must speed up the time!"

Ada dodged Shirley from Annette's side immediately, and jumped off the laboratory with her strong long legs, and Leon immediately chased after him.

G4 roared, with only the relatives in his eyes as the object of reproduction, it did not hesitate to put aside the opponent in front of it and wanted to pounce.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu immediately pulled out a restraint from behind and pierced G4's shoulder on the other side, and pinned him to the wall for a short time.

"Run separately! You guys go get the attention of the stalker, and I'll hold this guy down—fast!"

The order under the roar was quickly executed, and the Los Santos trio in star uniforms attracted the attention of the trackers, and then ran wildly in the direction of the bottom layer.

And Jill grabbed Annette and Claire and headed towards William's laboratory.

G4, who broke free, slapped Kasumigaoka Shiyu flying, then roared and jumped forward, chasing after Ada.

At this moment, the lights of the entire laboratory suddenly dimmed. Under Mu Feng's order, Queen Red has removed all the main power sources below the laboratory.

Including the freezer in the room on the bottom floor...

In the dark laboratory that had been forgotten for a long time, a corpse was sealed in the cylindrical icicles that regularly spewed a large amount of liquid nitrogen gas.

The corpse was wearing a black hooded leather jacket, and he couldn't see his face clearly. The most clearly visible was the huge, pierced hole in his chest.

The device delivering the liquid nitrogen stopped, and all the devices that maintained the freezer began to fail.

So, almost at the same time, the corpse... came to life.

plop, plop, plop

The sound of a heartbeat like a drum reverberated in this empty laboratory, separated by the thick icicles, but the heart slowly growing from the hideous wound could be seen.

Even at a low temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius, it seems that the corpse cannot be organized to complete its self-repair.

"You two go first, hurry up!"

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, who caught up later, snatched Shirley from Ada, and the roar of G4 was getting closer and closer. Even if Leon shot frantically next to him, he couldn't attract the ghost father's attention.

"Let's go, little police officer!"

Ada grabbed Leon and ran without looking back. She took a deep look at the laboratory door that radiated blue light, and the trio on the other side had also successfully attracted the tracker. come over.

On the penultimate floor, these three guys tricked the stalker into jumping off the last floor in an extremely dangerous posture, and then threw all the flash bombs and smoke bombs in the bag, and then went all the way towards the stalker. Escape in the direction of William's laboratory.

Here, only she and Shirley are left!

The roaring voices of the two monsters became clearer and clearer, and the fear that eroded the soul had already broken through the limit of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka. But it seems that because of this, she has become extremely calm.

When fear exceeds the limit that one can bear, one's courage will also make great progress.

"There is a fixed quartz box in the center of that laboratory, bring it back to me. Attack the icicle inside before leaving, and the door will close three seconds after sensing the virus response."

"Whether you escaped or not, I will activate the self-destruction device of this laboratory and raze the entire underground laboratory to the ground in ten minutes."

Xia Zhiqiu Shi** felt that Mu Feng's voice had become abruptly indifferent. If it was annoying and interesting before, this kind of silence made her feel extremely uneasy.

At the moment of impacting the blue door, Shiyu Kasumigaoka had an unobstructed view of the entire laboratory.

It is not so much a laboratory as it is a simple warehouse where something is stored. At the center of the countless freezing devices in the center is a huge icicle with a diameter of about eight meters, and in front of the device is a dark quartz box fixed on a bracket.

The roar from the back of his head was so close, Kasumi Hill Shiyu could even smell the stench of these two monsters.

"Shirley, I'll throw you out first. If I can't escape, you'll go find your mother yourself."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu quickly explained the last sentence to the pale but very well-behaved girl, the last two limbs behind her suddenly grew, one pierced the fixed quartz box and forcibly pulled it out, and the other limb directly Shot in the direction of the icicle!

thump! ! ! !

The heartbeat coming from the icicle was as clear as the sound of a beating drum, and a smear of darkness spread from the frost, and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka also felt a tingling sense of fear on the scalp!

After detecting the virus reaction on G4, the door of the laboratory began to close almost instantly. She twisted her body like a shot put and threw Shirley out of her arms. Shirley's small body was dangerous and dangerous. He passed the ferocious minions of the two monsters, and Shiyu of the Hill of Xia also bent down and shoveled out!

But just as she slid out from the bottom plate of G4, the parasitic tentacles on the tracker turnaround tightly tied her neck!

The gate will close at the last second, just as the final door of escape is about to close—

boom! ! ! !

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu only heard the sound of the icicle bursting from her ear, and then a powerful force pushed her directly out of the door of the laboratory.

Looking back at the last glimpse, she imprinted the scene in her heart forever.

In the shattered ice, countless pitch-black tentacles covered the entire space like three thousand black hairs spreading, and the two monsters uttered a mix of fear and wailing.


ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 278 26. Escape from Raccoon City

Sato really likes his current job.

I have to say that he is a person who is naturally suitable for the battlefield, because he is born a guy who does not understand sympathy, and it can even be said that there is almost no empathy ability.

This trait is actually closer to a murderer, a sociopath than a soldier.

In fact, Sato is not a soldier at all. The work he is doing now is itself an extremely 'dirty' activity.

But he likes this kind of work.

Because Sato likes games, although he is a gray-haired old man over fifty years old, he is an old player, and he likes to play all kinds of games the most.

Of all the games, his favorite is undoubtedly the shooting game.

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