myfairlady. (My Fair Lady

The ethereal and rather young figure resounded from the top of this dark and cold water tower

The dark clouds brought unprecedented winds and torrential rains, and the dark clouds that covered the sky and the earth brought crazy storms. The Tianhe above the clouds seemed to have cracked, and tens of thousands of them slanted out of it. tons of rainwater.

And sitting at the top of the water tower was a petite figure, wrapped in white bandages and wearing a hooded pajamas with slender ears.

The showers completely wet her body, and the strong wind blows her as if it will bring her into the endless dark abyss at any time.

This season, this moment, should not be the time to climb high and look far in such a place.

And here she is, right at this moment, singing dark songs in a childlike voice, gently swaying her calves, overlooking Tokyo in the rainstorm.

She saw people who were mediocre, office workers who went home with briefcases in the rain, housewives who hurried home with umbrellas, students who were put on pigeons at a party without anyone reminding them, and people who disguised themselves as taxi drivers. murderer…

Ah, what a beautiful city, what a beautiful world.

Unfortunately, this is not her world, and it never will be.

She was destined to not be able to fit into everything here, and from the moment she was born, she was destined to be nothing but a tragedy.

She is not a life, just a moving corpse that is not even a monster.

Her life is only three years old, but she has already felt enough. She has been enough in this world where she can't feel any sense of survival.

Slowly stood up, stretched out his right foot, and suspended above the height that seemed to be an endless abyss.

"Gluck cluck cluck~"

Shaking and jumping, a funny laugh came out of his mouth, like a sprite jumping in a rainy night.

Her life will come to an end tonight.

But...she will continue to live in another way.

Some people say that people die three times in their lifetime. The first time is when your heart stops, the second time is when you are at your funeral, and the third time is when the last person in the world who remembers you forgets you.

Maybe she will live forever in another way.

"You said just now, what are you from?"

Mu Shang's mocking voice sounded in Jiudao's ears. His body, which was cut into hundreds of parts in an instant, quickly overlapped and recovered under the electromagnetic action of countless tiny pieces of meat, but it was only a few breaths. It changed back to what it was.

His palms were detached from his body, and the arc of light pierced Old Duo's heart.

"Pfft... It seems that you are not a normal person..."

Jiudao opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. The jumping arcs scurried around in his body, destroying his physiological structure. Pain and injury greatly reduced his ability to recover.

"A normal person? Um... Maybe I shouldn't be called a human if I look like this."

Mu Shang looked at his rapidly recovering legs and raised his other hand

The jumping arc emanated from his palm, pulsating and flickering in the air, and instantly slashed into Jiudao's whole body. The high-voltage current made Jiduo's body unable to move in the violent tremor.

He is the one who has undergone the most thorough biochemical mechanical transformation under Mu Feng's subordinates, or in other words, he is the original 'experimental machine'

His body was injected with the split fruit factor that carried Bucky the Clown's ability to split the fruit, and at the same time, the multiple biochemical transformations he had undergone were no longer the simple neural reconstruction at first.

A large number of biochemical robot worms with a volume of no more than 0.1 microns were implanted in his body. These nanotechnology pre-machine devices developed by Dr. Cusno are energy weapon construction devices used in the form of Genos thunder light.

These tiny biochemical robot worms can generate a huge amount of electromagnetism in their bodies. To put it bluntly, Mulshang's body is now a machine that can continuously emit the electromagnetic field of the Lorentz force.

For Mu Shang's ability transformation, Mu Feng initially aimed at two different directions.

The first is to have the original degree of mechanical transformation, let him try to learn and master the ability of 'magnetic field rotation', but unfortunately, this guy does not have such a talent.

And the second one is the enhanced transformation based on the split fruit factor. More than 90 percent of his body has been completely transformed into microscopic biochemical bots, while most of the ability to split fruit factors is concentrated in protecting the parts of the brain that cannot be completely transformed.

The result of this is that after his torso is smashed or chopped in any posture, the magnetic fields released from each other by the biological machine bugs can be spliced ​​back together immediately. Under the action of the splitting fruit factor, it is even more difficult for the brain part to be completely killed.

Not only that, he has 100% control over any part of his torso, and when his brain function is upgraded, he can further master the electromagnetic fields released by the biochemical robot worms in his body.

And the price of doing this is that the nervous system of this body completely fails. Therefore, Mu Shang can't feel his body in reality, and the existence of the five senses has almost completely disappeared. Compared to reality, perhaps the 'world in the mind' linked to the STEM device is more like a 'reality' to him.

"But my monster was raised by someone, and you...just a bereaved dog."

With a mocking smile, Mu Shang's continuous release of electromagnetic fields cokes more than 60% of his body. Gently hooking her hands, the half-closed Iron Maiden quilt was opened, and the shivering Kirishima Dong Xiang was dragged out directly.

"After cleaning up your batch of cockroaches in the shadows, the rest will not be a climate."

"Heh... Did you really win?"

Most of his face turned into charcoal, and Ji Duo, whose eyeballs were completely useless, shook his head with difficulty and trembling, and sneered with a voice like a broken phoenix box.

"When your attention is drawn here, you... have already lost!"

"High step, or... Fangcun Aite."

In the old house of the maternity house, under the light of a candle, He Xiu and Xiu calmly looked at the document in his hand.

Back then, it was two people who led the elder brother, Dizhi and Aunt Yousunlu, who could even be said to be the first murderer.

One is called Sato, whose real name is unknown, and the one who took the initiative to approach them to accept his brother's instructions.

The other, named Fangcun Gongshan, used to be the trump card of the police inspection hall. He... also took the initiative to accept his brother's pointing to the brain.

They are the only two in the first batch of brothers and nephews, that is to say, the 'offspring' of all subsequent brothers and nephews.

But it doesn't matter.

The reason for Sato's willingness to accept the transformation is just to obtain a powerful body and immortal life. He is a lunatic, and just for this reason, he can accept surgery with a survival rate of no more than 1% without hesitation.

At that time, Akihiro Kaana and Kazuo didn't see the crazy nature of Sato hidden under the appearance, or they believed too much in their ability to restrain these test objects.

And the second first-generation species whose resources were transformed, Fangcun Gongshan, his purpose was to revive his daughter who died of gang revenge.

Kazuo didn't know where the ace of the Metropolitan Police Department's investigation section got the news. Maybe it was some misunderstood test items that were left out.

But at that time, he came just in time, and Jiana Mingbo was planning to use the Amazon Phase II manufacturing technology on some corpses.

Of course, Mingbo Garner would not refuse the experiment that came to his door, so the transformation of his father and his daughter were carried out at the same time.

Perhaps the people in this family really have a special talent for integration. The original mortality rate was over 95%. Not only did the father endure it, but even his daughter became the recipient of all surgeries in the same period. The only one who succeeded in the experiment.


He Xiu put down the information in his hand and showed a sneer.

What an incredible miracle they created back then, bringing a corpse back to life, such a mighty power that even many gods can't achieve, isn't it?

So, that's actually a no-brainer...a scam.

On top of the towering water tower, Gao Teng gently took off the bandage that wrapped around his arm, revealing a pale arm like a dead man under the white bandage.

No, not like, she is a corpse.

She looked at the city of Tokyo in the torrential rain with blurred eyes. She lives in this country, in this human world, but she... is not one of them at all.

Was it the dead Fangmura Aite who was 'resurrected' from the corpse?

She didn't know, she only knew that she had "wake up" again, and the only thing that lingered in her mind was the most profound and painful memory of Fangcun Aite.

Among them, the memory of death is something he can never erase.

Being thrown into the cement bucket by those gangsters and thrown into the sea, the pain of suffocating and dying alive, like the poison of tarsal maggots, entangled him all the time.

Besides, she didn't inherit everything from Fangcun Aite, she was like the worst and most failed creation, she just inherited the worst of the original owner.

Therefore, she is not willing to admit that she is Fangcun Aite. She named herself Gao Tie and escaped the supervision of her "father", just hoping to usher in a new life.


Fangcun Aite is the only finished product of the second phase of Amazon's experimental body, and it still has any other brother Zhigazheūrao badger, animal husbandry post, and Pu Zhinuoke on him.

First, the lysogenic cells in her blood are not diluted. In other words, even the thickness of the mature third-phase Amazon's blood vessels cannot be compared with him.

It only takes a small drop to turn hundreds of people into monsters. This terrifying infection ability is far incomparable even for the real ancestor.

Perhaps this is the gift after resurrecting the 'corpse', but Fangmura Aite, who was resurrected as a corpse, as a 'thing' that was already dead, also has huge flaws.

That is, her physical body is irreversibly collapsing.

The innocent cell is not a virus that manipulates the brain like the T virus, it is a phagocytic heterogeneous cell whose transformation is limited to living people.

For the deceased, especially those who have been dead for a long time, the miserable cells can only make the corpse mutate and explode. Only by combining with lysogenic cells can we temporarily deceive the innocent cells and keep the body active for a certain period of time.

As for whether the corpse after being 'resurrected' is life or death, or it is just a new consciousness born in the body of the virus, no one knows.

Deception is deception after all. After a dead corpse lacks vital functions of life, including metabolism, even if it uses cells for short-term activation, it cannot last for long.

But the consciousness born from the corpse cannot be stopped or reversed.

Numbness, this is the only thing that high tread can feel now.

Even though she was in the pouring rain, even though she felt the bone-scraping wind, she still didn't feel anything.

The nervous system of this body is completely necrotic.

The most important sense of touch among the five senses has almost disappeared. For Gao Tread, this means that she can no longer enjoy most of the "fun" in the world.

The wine is like rotten water in the throat, the food is like mud in the mouth, you can't feel the heat, you can't feel the cold, everything is just an indescribable numbness.

Her eyesight is getting worse and worse, her sense of smell has completely failed, her limbs are getting stiffer day by day, and her hearing is dying.

But she is still alive, and the powerful recovery brought by lysogenic cells has kept her alive.

For Gao Tread, what could be more terrifying and closer to **** than this?

When a soul is trapped in corruption, when a life can only watch itself die every day but can't do anything, such depression can easily drive a person crazy.

If she lived like this, she might end up lying like a corpse under the soil forever. And her consciousness and life are still there, only wandering forever in the boundless darkness.

What a terrifying fate...

"It really deserves it." He Xiu tapped the document lightly, revealing a hazy smile

If it wasn't for Sato and Yoshimura's nosy, they destroyed the lab from the inside and released so many brothers Zheng's current situation wouldn't be so bad!

But maybe this is karma, he released those monsters, but forever lost the way to 'heal' his daughter.

All the data that stored Dr. Garner Mingbo's research on the Amazon mother body was destroyed in the fire of the laboratory explosion.

That stupid, foolishly thought that he had saved the innocent Fangcun Gongshan once again, and pushed his daughter into a living hell!

A curse that cannot be broken free, cannot escape, and is destined to be "dark" forever.


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 52. Going to Huangquan Together

"Lord Ethics, stop!"


An Yilun, who was pulled away from the restraint, also attacked Shiyu of Kasumigaoka in front of him like crazy.

His eyes were blood red, and a crazy primitive impulse occupied all of his brain, he was like a crazy beast, wantonly swaying his own violence.

Hezi, who was as blood-red as a whip, slapped Shiyu Kasumigaoka wrapped in a black battle suit. These heavy attacks were obviously much stronger than before.

Probably this is the so-called blackening is twice as strong, right?

But to be honest, a little stronger is only a very limited strength. Even if Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is wearing a battle suit that is not known for its defensive performance, An Yilun's direct attack can't even cause much damage.

If it weren't for Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's unwillingness to take the initiative to hurt him, An Yilun would have already lost countless times.

Zizizizi! !

The jumping arc stirred up a dazzling brontosaurus in the air, instantly covering An Yi Lun's body, and the electromagnetic field destroyed the fragile physiological structure in An Yi Lun's body in an instant. His violent movements were immediately terminated, and he fell limply to the ground, twitching instinctively.

"What are you doing? This stuff is a waste of time?"

Grabbing the old Mu Shang, who had his limbs and all the body below his lower abdomen cut off, he frowned as he looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"No, he's a spy!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu defended

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