When Caesar initially scanned, he felt that there was a huge heartbeat under the ruins of the city, but that was actually a misinterpretation of the signal. Countless things were sleeping under the ruins, and they only had one heartbeat because their heartbeats were completely synchronized!

"Damn! Where is this place? Dragon's Nest?" Caesar was stunned.

"Look ahead, what is that... what?" Lu Mingfei tried his best to speak.

At the end of their eyes, they saw a 'head', an antenna-like V-shaped headgear, blue, white and red paint, and that highly recognizable face.

The painting style of this thing is quite incompatible with this ancient dragon city in every sense, and it is quite incompatible with eating Chinese food with chopsticks in the cathedral.

"Bandai... has already expanded its business to such a place?"


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day and complain! ! ! !

Chapter 55. Attack on Kassel

"Damn, what's going on? There was a sudden power outage!"

"Where's the backup power supply? Where's the death of the equipment department? Where's the generator? Did it blow up!"

When the dragon city on the bottom of the neon sea was displayed in front of everyone like a picture scroll, the mixed races who were watching the mission nervously in front of the executive department maintained their nervousness to the peak.

But just when it should be released, it breaks.

"Calm down! It may be an enemy attack, be prepared!"

Although Schneider also had the desire to kill for a moment, he calmed down quickly and made a judgment.

Kassel's energy layout is destined to be impossible for natural power outages, especially in the executive department.

While the motor is running, the underground nuclear power plant located at the same level as the Well of Annihilation will continue to supply energy to the entire Executive Department and the Well of Annihilation, even during the attack on Kassel two years ago. , the equipment department did not completely cut off their power.

Therefore, the only explanation is the enemy attack.

At this moment, Manstein's cell phone vibrated, and everyone, everyone's cell phone here vibrated. In the suffocating quiet darkness, the sound of the phone vibrating was especially harsh.

Schneider snatched Manstein's phone, turned on the speakerphone, and said coldly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Cassel College, Lizard Research Master, Dragon Race... The secrets of this world are really scary."

A low, magnetic voice came down the other end of the phone, with a sense of joy and mockery of suppressed ecstasy

On the mountaintop spring lake next to Kassel College, Wesker, wearing a black trench coat, looked at the dark campus below with suppressed and cold excitement.

Even with the few words obtained from the corpse of the 'Reincarnator', Wesker had a hard time believing that there really was such an unscientific thing as a 'Dragon Race' in this world.

Although Wesker is an out-and-out extreme elite racist, he still follows his own scientific view, and he will never believe in things like Yanling.

The time between his suspended animation and his death was not enough for him to explore the stories in the materials that seemed like a fantasy, until... until that person found him.

"You don't have to know who I am, and I don't think you want to know."

Wesker held his mobile phone and looked at the army that gradually surrounded Kassel, said indifferently.

"After tonight, no matter whether we live or die, we will definitely not have a chance to see each other again..."

After all, he hung up the phone and threw it into the cold spring water.

"Sergey, this school will be handed over to you."

The moment he picked up another mobile phone, the blood-red Ouroboros wrapped around him, turning his appearance and voice back into Spencer's aging appearance.

"Whether we Umbrella can fight back, there is only one chance."

"I see, Mr. Spencer."

At the foot of the mountain, a strong Russian man in a moon-white coat put down his mobile phone and commanded the mercenaries in the dark in this savory English.

"Why would a school outside of Chicago have a secret that would allow the Bald Eagle government to give up on us..."

Sergey's one-eyed stared at the silent academy under the night, but as always, he didn't need to understand why, he just needed to execute it.

Wesker observed the battle under the night with his turbid and icy dark red vertical pupils. This time, when he attacked Cassel, he spent all of Umbrella's cards in his hand.

The original Umbrella has almost been completely divided and annexed by several major international pharmaceutical companies, but the secret power in the hands of Spencer is still not to be underestimated.

Those experimental bases, those biochemical experimental bodies, if they were all released, would be enough to cause a lot of turmoil in the world!

However, it's still the **** world of the world.

Those **** didn't know where to get the coordinates of several important experimental bases in Umbrella. Wesker didn't even have time to collect the research materials and experimental subjects in those bases.

The original Wesker was planning to follow Spencer's identity and operate well. He would never trust anyone, even the one who turned himself into Spencer and possessed the power he wanted but couldn't get.' exist'

But there is no way. The step-by-step pressing of the World International and the Bald Eagle government made Wesker have no time to stop. He had a hunch that he would either lose his identity as Spencer, or he would be caught by that person in less than a month. A pack of hounds caught up, then ate and wiped it up.

Therefore, Wesker will make dangerous moves, desperately pressing his last chip.

Cassell College is a gathering place for a large number of 'Dragon hybrids' that exist in legends.

Wesker's goal is very simple, to get the secret of this academy, and at the same time complete the task that the guy entrusted to him. For Wesker, it seemed like he had few other options.

But as the saying goes, a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Umbrella is on the wane, the power in his hands cannot be underestimated!

The Russian man below, his name is Sergey Vladimir, was a colonel of a secret service in the former Soviet Union, commander of the Resident Evil Response Force, and was deeply trusted by Spencer.

This guy is different from Wesker. He is a real power figure who has a large number of mercenaries and other military strengths in Umbrella's hands, and he and Wesker are quite incapable of dealing with them.

But this is the second thing. The great thing about this guy is that he is the 'source' of all tyrants.

From the initial model of the test product to the bodyguard-type 'Ivan' tyrant, to the most mature product T103, all the tyrants' bodies were cloned according to Sergey's genes.

So there is no doubt that even if he gave himself the ancestor virus, Wesker was not confident enough to take down this Siberian great white bear.

And more importantly, after Umbrella's decline, this guy holds the most BOW military strength that Umbrella has.

Wesker was originally worried that this guy would have his own strength. After all, if the roles were reversed, he would definitely not follow the orders of a stinky old man.

But Sergey faithfully responded to his call, bringing his BOW legion from the Russian Caucasus Institute all the way to Bald Eagle.

All the mercenaries in his hands smuggled to Chicago, and the biochemical weapons that could not be 'delivered' were divided by Wesker and half of them were 'packaged' and sent to the major cities of the Bald Eagle, creating a lot of turmoil to attract the US military's attention.

Together with that large number of virus contagious bodies!

It's not that Wesker doesn't want to concentrate on attacking one place, but even if he has a good "channel" in Sanlian Pharmaceutical, he can't silently transport hundreds of mature BOWs to Chicago.

He only brought the most elite part.

The following troops that invaded Kassel consisted of nine squads totaling eighty-one elite mercenaries, fifteen T103 Tyrants, four 'Ivan' Tyrants, eighty 'Hunters', and A 'tracker' in an unstable state.

Such a lineup is even several times stronger than the scale that Umbrella used to suppress Raccoon City!

Let alone attacking a university, if such a batch is put into a big city like New York, Wesker is sure to throw New York into complete chaos!

However, if one considers that it is a per capita mixed-race academy, such a "big fuss" is still necessary.

"If Sergey fails, I'll do it myself."

Wesker turned around and looked at the crystals that were densely distributed throughout the forest, showing a cold malicious smile.

Countless radiance that is hard to discern with the naked eye rises from those crystals, dissipates, and merges into the sky.

Invisible force, cut off all communication linked here.


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day!

M78 Nebula

ps2: It should be a reply to Tucao, right? The code words are really boring these days, so I beg to increase the previous complaints _(:з"∠)_

Chapter 56. Biochemistry and Legends

"The nuclear power plant at the Well of Annihilation has stopped operating. The Equipment Department said that there is a force similar to the 'Alchemy Field' that interferes with the normal operation of the reactor."

Professor Guderian, who had just rushed back from the equipment department, said out of breath.

"Abdullah said that he can only rely on the alchemy products of the dragon family to protect and maintain the Well of Annihilation and some important facilities. He can't supply the power supply for the executive department."

Schneider didn't answer, just looked at the mobile phone that was 'not in the signal area' in his hand with a gloomy face

"Is it a dragon attack?" Manstein frowned.

It has been decades since Kassel established the school, and such things as dragons knocking on the door can... well, it may indeed have suffered once.

"No, I don't think so." Guderian shook his head.

"The Night's Watch's Word Spirit has not been lifted. If it is an attack from the Dragon Clan or Deadpool, if alchemy or Word Spirit is used to stop the reactor from working, at least the Night's Watch's Word Spirit must be broken."

Nicholas Flamel, Deputy Dean of Cassell College, an old monster whose identity and origin are extremely mysterious, and his bloodline concentration may even be higher than that of Angers.

His words and precepts cover the entire Kassel and an additional few kilometers for 24 hours on weekdays, just to ensure that students will not use words to kill each other for some stupid reason.

The precepts have a very high priority, and even the ancient dragon cannot use the word spirit within the shrouded range. Only the word spirits of the first generation or higher beings can forcibly break through the blockade of the precepts - but that can only be forced, there is no possibility of taking a detour.

"Maybe the 'people' who attacked us possessed something that could block the range signal and disable the reactor... EMP? No, could it be something that can interfere with neutrons..."

Guderian was muttering and thinking over there, and Schneider quickly made a decision.

This time the situation was far more serious than the attack on Kassel by a group of mercenaries two years ago.

The power outages and signal interruptions throughout the Kassel area meant that the students basically lost their ability to be commanded. If this is the other party's intention, then maybe there will be a massacre of the blind by the sighted.

"Call all the students together, no singles are allowed! Let's leave here now and inform the principal, I mind everyone leaving Kassel for the time being!"

Schneider crossed his hands and said solemnly. Cassel itself doesn't matter, the Well of Oblivion's defense doesn't need those students. Rather than risk the future casualties of these hybrids, it is better to leave Kassel temporarily and observe the battle situation.

"Also, contact the night watchman and ask him to revoke the 'discipline'!"

Manstein nodded heavily, but before leaving, he whispered

"Then what about the Longyuan plan..."

"The signal from the Japanese branch is still good, let them make a decision." Schneider waved his hand irritably, his voice as low as a bellows

Such a mindless attack, Schneider couldn't help but have the idea of ​​a conspiracy theory.

In the attic of the church bell tower, the 1952 classic Western film "Noon" is being played. Law enforcement officer Jali Guber is walking on the streets of the dusty western town with a gun. The old cowboy was lying on the sofa like a huge potato with his feet up high and a bottle of beer in his hand.

Suddenly, the movie on the screen suddenly turned off, and the night watchman suddenly widened his eyes and slapped the TV hard.

"Tsk, it's okay if it's broken at this time. It's okay, just ask Angers to replace it with a new one."

Just as the night watchman was muttering about what kind of TV he was going to replace, a cold consciousness suddenly swept across Cassel.

The night watchman's relaxed expression froze, replaced by incomparable seriousness and doubts.

"How do I feel...a little familiar."

The night watchman can be sure that 80% of the source of this spiritual power has nothing to do with the dragon family and the spirit of words, but for some reason, he always feels that this breath has a strange familiarity to him.

However, Cassell's sudden occurrence of such an incident seems to be 80% of being invaded again.

The Night's Watch did not wait for Angers' orders this time, and Angers was not here now. The principal is not here, he does what he says!

The night watchman picked up the candle in front of him and blew it out gently. As the candle light went out, a "spirit" strong enough to envelope the entire Kassel Academy collapsed.

Dozens and hundreds of silver-blue light beams slowly rose, which was the power passed down from the ancient times. The students are in a commotion, their long suppressed "spirit" is revived.

boom! ! ! !

Almost at the same time, at the main entrance of Kassel, a violent explosion resounded throughout Kassel!

The students who had been baptized many times for one day of freedom immediately recognized that it was the sound of the Stinger missile - who would bomb the main entrance of Kassel with the Stinger missile at this time?

Intruder, no doubt!

"Everyone from the Lionheart Club is here! Gather in the Odin Hall and pick up your weapons!"

Lancelot, the vice president of the Lionheart Club, this handsome blond boy showed his leadership ability no less than Chu Zihang, and almost immediately gathered the backbone members of the Lionheart Club in the boys' dormitory and began to gather the crowd.

The student union is no less so. These two organizations monopolize the vast majority of outstanding students in Kassel. In this school where there is basically no guard force, they are the guardians of this academy.

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