"Anyway, because the secret party agreement does not allow us to make a drastic 'source' for that thing, staying under the ice cellar means that the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning."

"We have received a formal collective resignation from the Japanese branch," Manstein said.

It would be more accurate to call it the collective mutiny book, those Japs finally did what they dreamed of for years. Angers scratched his head, "Have you contacted the Caesar team yet? "

"No news," Manstein said.

"But according to the coordinates of the dragon city and the subsequent submarine earthquake, perhaps the Caesar team detonated the nuclear power capsule below, or used some super weapon installed by the Japanese branch on it, but if so, it disintegrated. The chances of the members of the Delia surviving on the bottom of the sea are not high."

"How much is not tall?" asked Angers.

Manstein hesitated for a few seconds: "Norma said no more than 1%."

"This possibility is like walking into a bar blindfolded and groping to sit down, taking off the blindfold and suddenly discovering that there is a beauty of Audrey Hepburn level sitting next to her, right?" Angers sighed, "That's a bit of a statement. Parents of students will be furious."

"What's worse is that Norma can't play a role now. The Kazuyukihime system of Sheqi Bajia has built a strict firewall, and Norma can't access the domestic network in Japan." Schneider said

"Lost Norma is like losing our eyes. Even if the Caesar group survives, they will not be able to contact us, and they will eventually fall into the hands of the Sheqi Bajia."

"Let Eva do what Norma can't do."

"If Eva's personality is awakened, her authority will even exceed yours," Schneider reminded.

"No problem, Eva is our good girl and gave her an attack order. Sheqi Bajia doesn't want our forces to infiltrate Japan, so we must infiltrate it."

Angers took out the black card and slid it along the table to Schneider, "Let Manstein ask the vice-principal to get it. Two black cards and a power of attorney can wake up Eva."

"What else did the principal give us to do?" Schneider accepted the card.


"Wait?" Schneider was taken aback.

"I'm waiting for Frost. It's been six hours since the De Trieste exploded, six hours long enough for Frost to fly here from Rome. I lost their precious heir and have to deal with students The parent's guilt, right? Other things, I'll talk about it after I've talked to Frost."

Schneider and Manstein nodded. Although it was a bit bad to say that, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei's parents were not worried. Frost was the most worried.

After the two professors got the order, they didn't stop much, turned around and left the principal's office. After the two left, Angers looked at the night watchman and frowned.

"Okay, don't you want to say something about these videos, my old friend?"

Ang warmed up to the desktop, and the screen projected by the suspended light screen was exactly what Wesker looked like when he was wrapped by the Ouroboros and turned into a Turing school director, as well as those yellow crystals scattered all over the mountain near the school.

"You know what my real name is." The night watchman sighed

"I know, Nicole May." Angers squinted.

He wasn't joking, the guy in front of him was called Nicholas Flamel. The famous alchemist in the 14th century is also the prototype of the alchemist with the Philosopher's Stone in Harry Potter.

"What would you think if I told you that I was really that Nicole May?"

"I won't think much about it. At most, you call me a dead old man in the future and I will beat you once."

Angers looked indifferent, even though the guy in front of him might be a 700-year-old monster.

Many people think that Angers is the guy who will never die, but this guy is in front of him. When Angers was young, he was this kind of virtue, when Angers was old, he was still this kind of virtue, and now Angers thinks that he may not live long, he is still this way.

Whether dragon blood can make people survive for seven hundred years, Angers does not know, but Angers knows that the night watchman is an existence with a blood concentration higher than any hybrid.

His 'discipline' is so powerful that even the Dragon King can't completely break free. His bloodline concentration is undoubtedly S rank, but this S rank is only because the evaluation rank is only S.

His bloodline concentration is second only to that of the four dragon kings. When it comes to whether this guy can live for seven hundred years, Angers has no doubts at all.

"It's a pity that you can't beat me." The night watchman sighed.

"My real name is my famous great-grandfather, and yes, Nicole May was my grandfather. Before that, I was an apprentice to a friend of my great-grandfather."

"That old man is an immortal who has lived for an indeterminate amount of time. There is no doubt about his name after he changed it, but before the name was changed - his name was John Dee."

"John Dee?" Angers frowned. "The prototype of 007?"

"Yes, it is him. The queen's loyal dog, mathematician, astronomer, navigator, 0 and 0 represent that he is the Queen's Eye, and 7 is the occult symbol he thinks most suitable for him."

The night watchman tapped the table with his fingers lightly, and said lightly.

"When I met him, the old guy was too old to be old, I didn't even know if he was still alive. But according to what he said, he 'died' once, but he came back from Huangquan again. Climb back up again."

He paused and shook his head.

"Old friend, I know what you're thinking, but it's not a rhetoric, it's a fact, he did 'die' once."

"In his last year of allegiance to the Queen, he welcomed a guest from across the ocean in the research room at the Tower of London. He was a wanted criminal from the British Empire, who traveled from the UK to the unknown 'Golden Land' and finally returned home. Come back again and launch a vengeance on him."

"William Adams?" Angers frowned

"He killed my teacher, the Queen's Eye, and returned to the Land of Gold." The night watchman said indifferently

"But he didn't know that my teacher wasn't dead, or that he was sent 'over there', a murky never-ending purgatory. But he was lucky that a surviving 'Edward' kept his body Come down, secretly follow William back to the country of gold."

"What is Edward?" Angers frowned. The night watchman in front of him looked like a bad novelist. The more the story was told, the more terms he couldn't understand.

"Listen to me, old friend, listen to me to finish the story." The night watchman waved his hand and whispered

"Neons at that time had entered their end of the Warring States period. Tokugawa Ieyasu won a great victory, but only a small number of rebel forces were still stubbornly resisting. There was no war in that country, so there would be no 'spirits', because The shogunate led by Tokugawa Ieyasu is burying the true history of the Battle of Sekihara and the Warring States Period”

"Kerry took my teacher's bones to hide in Tibet, and he couldn't find enough spiritual stones. Just when he was about to despair, he came to a village. There, he had an 'adventure'."

"In the end, my teacher climbed out of **** again, and at the cost of it, he also abandoned his dream of being loyal to the queen on the day he left Huangquan, and searched for some 'something' all over the world. I Just one of his pupils, he's not a dragonborn, but another...weird thing."

"The more you talk, the more confused I feel." Angers scratched his head and sighed.

"Like a third-rate novelist, you bluntly stuffed me with a bunch of terms that I couldn't understand at all. What spirit stones, the truth about the Battle of Guanyuan, and Huang Quan."

"The secrets of this world are not limited to the dragon race." The night watchman sighed.

"Angers, my old friend. I am afraid that the current situation of Neon is not cooking oil on fire, but on top of a lot of explosives. If I were you, I would definitely not go to this muddy water."

"Put these down first." Angers smacked his lips.

"Now tell me how old are you?"

"Hey, I'm not younger than you anyway, you coquettish old man!"


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day, and ask for tickets for two in one third!

Chapter 67. The Death of Brother Cheng

"When will the rain end?"

Makoto Ito complained and watched the endless torrential rain outside the window, retracted into the icy blanket in his rental room, and turned on his mobile phone bored.

His rental room is no different from the rental rooms of other boys of the same age, scattered with some H books, some game CDs, finished takeaway boxes and empty drink cans.

This room doesn't look like there are traces of a woman's life.

Of course not, and of course there is no sign of a woman's life in this room. Because Makoto Ito hasn't talked to his girlfriend for half a year.

It's incredible to say that in high school, Ito Makoto, who was constantly bombarded with peach blossoms, seems to have taken off some indescribable halo after graduating from high school. What kind of ambiguity and peach blossoms are all gone at once. .

But it's normal to think about it, after all, didn't he go to university?

His grades are not good, he has no desire to study, and in high school, he clearly paid more attention to the Great Harmony Movement, which concerns the well-being of his children and grandchildren.

How can a person who is under fire all day and is not a genius get any good grades?

It's a matter of course that you can't go to university, but Makoto Ito doesn't really care. He is not a person who has plans for his future at all. He has no lofty ideals, only the current humility. Compared with the future, he pays more attention to the happiness of the present.

The open TV was playing a big river drama starring Takayuki Yamada. From time to time, a touch of unsure snowflakes flickered, and the cold TV light illuminated this somewhat dim room.

His eyes were not on TV, and he hadn't watched TV shows for a long time. Most of the time he turned on the TV just to make the room a little more lively and not so lonely.

There was a sound of ticking water from the kitchen, a knocking sound from the next room, and a little movie-like sound like crying.

Makoto Ito knew that there was an otaku in the next room, so was it reasonable to watch such small movies?

Makoto Ito didn't care, he was just looking at his cell phone boredly, traversing the various chat groups on the Internet like a ghost, killing the boring time without purpose.

It's time to go out and find some work tomorrow. I'm almost out of money, and I'm too embarrassed to ask my mother for it.

His stomach was a little empty, and he wanted to order takeout but was reluctant. After turning off the phone, the cold and humid air gave him a headache.

Pressing his fingers on both sides of his temples, the pulsating blood vessels beat with the rhythm of his heart, and each beat would bring a dull pain brewing in his brain.

When people have a headache, they are generally very irritable, and they do not want to do anything when they are irritable.

This dispelled Makoto Ito's thoughts of going out to eat, and continued to hide under the covers, flipping through the phone aimlessly.

The battery of the phone was slowly bottoming out, Makoto Ito didn't care, he just entered a chat group again.

"good evening!"

"What are you talking about?"

As always, the opening remarks, people who habitually wear masks on the Internet maintain a superficial social etiquette

"We're talking about the haunted incident a few days ago!"

"I heard that a scumbag made a female student's stomach and then abandoned him. After the female student committed suicide, he came to ask for his life."

"Hey, that's scary!"

One chat bubble after another on the phone screen made Makoto Ito's eyelids jump slightly. Some bad memories flooded into his mind, making him subconsciously want to quit the chat group.

But as soon as he left the quilt, the damp and cold air made his headache worse. After shrinking back, he still chose to continue diving in this chat group.

The circle of friends sent a photo of a selfie, a photo of a selfie with a 'ghost'.

The cute **** the screen squatted in front of the rearview mirror of a Rolls-Royce to take a selfie, but the rearview mirror showed a pale, expressionless face of an old woman.

At first glance, it was a **** photo from PS. Makoto Ito smiled and left a paragraph of 'WWWWWWWWWW' below.

A message was pushed on the top of the mobile phone, the **** murder of St. Yuliana Hospital! The attending doctor, Hirazaka, was dismembered in front of the operating table, and the ghost killed him.

At first glance, it is an eye-catching headline party!

Makoto Ito quickly crossed out the message, he himself did not understand where the anger that he couldn't understand came from.

This is to say that there are no ghosts, no ghosts at all!

But as if something incredible was triggered, the next moment, the circle of friends, the chat group, and the push messages went crazy and sent ghostly messages to his pushers.

And everyone, every message, uses blood-red to dazzling characters!

"What the hell?" Makoto Ito angrily smashed the phone out, panting heavily, his eyes widened and full of anger

The headache became more severe, the blood vessels on both sides of the temples were beating like a drum, and the tingling sensation almost made him faint.

The 'crying' in the next room became louder and louder, the otaku next door raised his voice to the extreme, and Makoto Ito, who had the bed next to the wall, could clearly hear the actress's screaming voice.

"Be quieter, do you have a sense of public morality?"

The rage that pervaded everywhere made Makoto Ito slammed his fist on the wall, and of course he clenched his fist in pain the next moment. But this time it was very effective, and the disturbing voice finally stopped.

But this does not seem to ease Ito Makoto's anger.

The blood vessels on both sides of the temples were beating even more, and the intense pain made him want to bang his head against the wall.

The pain that diffused made him seem to have auditory hallucinations, and the ticking water seemed to turn into the harsh sound of boiling water in his ears.

The screen of the TV began to flicker frequently, and the snowflake screen, the flickering pictures and the elongated voice made Yamada Takayuki's handsome face abstract and weird.

A gloomy feeling wrapped around Makoto Ito's body, extremely cold, as if he was in an endlessly cold ice prison. He felt that the room seemed to be elongated, and the space became extremely cold and strange.

dong dong dong! ! ! dong dong dong! ! !

There was a sudden knock on the door, and there was no doubt that a rude guest was knocking on the door of their house.

Is that the otaku in the next room? A look of panic appeared on Makoto Ito's face. He has the courage to scold people across the wall, but when confronted, he will only be elegant and easy-going.

"Hug, sorry! I shouldn't have yelled at you just now!"

The cowardly apology doesn't seem to be able to exchange for forgiveness. The sound of knocking on the door has become more urgent and loud, and even the doorknob on the chain is constantly turning.

Makoto Ito was extremely panicked. He picked up the phone that he had thrown out and screamed loudly.

"Stay away from my house, or I'll call the police!!!"

It seems that this last warning has worked, and the people outside are no longer turning their doorknobs.

Ito Makoto, who was just relieved, crawled back to the bed and turned on his mobile phone, only to find that the screen had been swiped by the circle of friends.

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