The icy rainy night in Tokyo did not gradually dissipate with the passage of time.

The icy clouds and the biting cold air that haunt the sky are still spreading, and under this sad atmosphere, some unknown darkness is brewing under it.

In just four days, more than 40 vicious murders occurred, adding up to hundreds of tragic deaths...

The high-level officers of the Metropolitan Police Department were all angry and helpless at the horrifying figures and the disgraceful facts, but instead of stopping, such a series of incidents intensified.

And after this series of murders, almost every one of the survivors said in a unified voice that they met a 'yokai'

In the corners of the city, those dark and dirty edges that are unknown, the seeds of human malice and hatred are being exploited.

A girl who was abandoned by a scumbag, a high school girl who was forced by the triad to be a **** industry due to her parents’ debt, a man who was defrauded by a woman for all her wealth, a child who was abandoned, an elderly person who was abused…

These tragic people in the original society that were not concerned about, and the darkness that could not be upheld by law and justice, are using their own methods to complete their revenge.

Turn into a demon, turn into an evil ghost, use your soul and body as the price, and use resentment to condense your body in exchange for power that ordinary people can't get.

These people are using their own methods to assert their own justice, cross the class hierarchy of this stereotyped society, and use pure and incomprehensible power to achieve the massacre of the big man in their minds.

The oppressive atmosphere in Tokyo told everyone in the know that the moment of real catastrophe was imminent.

In Chizuru-cho, a battle destined to be unknown is happening at this moment.

What Caesar was facing was a five-meter-tall monster that looked like the 'red ghost' in Ni's legend.

It was definitely not Deadpool, or some kind of monster created by the Dragon Race. Even though the dragon's blood was collapsing in his body, the power lingering in him made Caesar feel extremely unfamiliar.

There is no heartbeat of this 'thing' in the wind that Kama Itachi conveyed. He has no heart, and his life is not maintained by the beating of the heart.

Rather than a creature, it is better to say that that thing is closer to a 'thing' constructed of some 'energy', but because of this, I am afraid it is even more difficult to deal with!

"Wraith Ghost, how can he transform into such a great posture! Sure enough, the transformation of water that the king bestowed upon me is such a sacred thing!"

The monkey-faced man in the suit looked at the huge Wraith with an almost fanatical attitude, and then took out a lavender crystal from his arms.

But instead of turning into a monster like his companion, he took the crystal and walked into the Internet cafe.


This huge wraith roared and punched Caesar, who was as small as an ant in his eyes. The heavy fist was like a heavy pile driver that fell, instantly hitting the concrete floor under Caesar's feet into a shattered and cracked circle. pit!

Caesar, who was manipulating the scythe, already knew the enemy's every move, deftly turned over to dodge, picked up an MP7 on the ground, and pulled the trigger at the ghost.

Da da da da da! ! !

Deer bullets with more diffuse damage hit the Wraith Ghost's body like raindrops. These bullets shot blood flowers on his body, but they only made the big monster even more angry.

Bullets can't kill this thing, at least these small-caliber bullets can't do it.

Then only try close combat!

Without hesitation, Caesar pulled the trigger and approached the Wraith Ghost, threw it in the face at the moment when the bullet was empty, and the violent Wraith Ghost was waving his thick arms like a mad child. Arm, easily shattered the signs and trees beside him.

His attacks are unstructured, but with enough power and speed to make it terrifying enough.

Caesar carefully dodged all attacks, and finally approached the Wraith Ghost's chest, aimed in the direction of his arm, and waved the hunting knife in his hand.

Dick pushed the sharp edge of the blade and his powerful arm after the bloodshed, and easily slashed the Wraith Ghost's arm in half, but his strength could only go so far, and he slapped his chest fiercely with the other hand. The moment before, withdraw the knife and retreat!

What the **** is this? Why are there no bones!

Caesar looked at the smoking and bleeding wound of the Wraith Ghost in disbelief. He couldn't feel the existence of any bones when he chopped off Dick.

Could this thing be all made of stone?

The next moment, Caesar's sickle ferret made his scalp tingle again. He rolled with a donkey without grace, avoiding the rain of bullets that hit him under him!

I saw the monkey-faced man in a suit holding the dark purple crystal and walked out of the Internet cafe with a grin, and behind him, all the tyrannical youths who were 'red and prepared' were killed by Caesar.

‘It’s just that these ‘things’ are no longer human. Their flesh and blood are like mummified corpses, their skin is dark and yellow, and there is only a dark yellow light in their eyes.

Kama Itachi didn't hear the heartbeat of these things, and there was no doubt that they didn't have any life at all.

"This group of garbage without blood can only be a batch of Shijiro."

The monkey-faced man looked at the group of naked beastly youths with contempt. They did not die at the hands of their enemies, but were sacrificed by their bosses without hesitation.

Afterwards, he looked at Caesar with a smirk, and said maliciously.

"But it's enough to deal with you, eldest master of Gattuso."

Caesar let out a long sigh, and now this situation is still a big disadvantage for him.

Even with all his strength, he could at best kill the big guy, but the group of 'dead men' with guns next to him wouldn't watch, not to mention, who knows if the monkey face would also turn into a monster ?

As for getting out of here... Kame Itachi couldn't touch the 'space' outside the street at all, and the black and white mist was like an invisible wall, isolating everything trying to get in and out.

"Ah, forgot, I also want to 'transform'."

With an extremely malicious smile, the monkey-faced man picked up the crystal and inserted it into his chest without hesitation. Countless black and white gases poured into his body, twisting his body into another monster in an instant!

The pitch-black bird's wings, like the sharp beak on one side of a crow, held a sturdy Zen stick in his hand. He was only over two meters tall, but it brought pressure similar to that of the resentful ghost next to him.

This shape Caesar has heard of, one of the very famous Neon monsters, the Kotengu.

He laughed wildly and flapped his wings, and the ubiquitous gust of wind shredded Caesar's scythe ferrets in an instant. Kotengu was the master of the wind, and Caesar's control over the word spirit was not enough to suppress him in his domain.

desperate situation.

Caesar sighed softly, facing such a dead end, Caesar was not afraid. It's just a pity that the suicide note that he recorded before his death was not uploaded to Norma in time.

About to be buried forever in this strange country, Gattuso's successor has no joy or sorrow in his heart. He has already carried the cross of life and death, and the hero who tries to kill monsters must be prepared to be killed by monsters.

He picked up Dick Tudo, and rushed into the monsters like an indomitable hero!

The roaring Wraith Ghost, the Kaori Tengu wielding the wind blade, and Shikijiro who pulled the trigger with the gun in his hand.

Caesar avoided the fist of the Wraith Ghost, his body was penetrated by bullets, Dick Teddu cut off the sharp wind blade, and he was roared and slashed at the kotengu with the wounds all over his body.

But the monster fluttered his wings without any discipline, his attack failed, and he fell into the siege. The punch of the Wraith Ghost easily smashed him into the air, and fell heavily on a wire post, his head lowered. , life and death do not know.

The laughing Kotengu was about to dive down to give him a fatal blow, but at this moment, a cell phone suddenly fell out of Caesar's pocket.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

The classic melody of Nokia mobile phones suddenly sounded in this sealed space, and this slightly cheerful music seemed so out of place in this demon-like environment.

"Thank you for subscribing to Arasaka Security's Platinum Membership, Trauma Response Team...dedicated to serving you."

After the melodious female voice, the 'wall of eternity' behind Caesar suddenly walked into a figure.

The silver-white military general's armor, the jet-black pupils are like the black hair that falls down like a waterfall, and he is holding an ancient sword that exudes an ancient atmosphere, just like a warrior girl from the ancient Heian era.

"Senior Gattuso, your time to call our company's services is too extreme."

With a slightly teasing voice, Caesar raised his head, and in the sight blurred by blood, he saw a familiar and unfamiliar face.


"It seems that Senior Gattuso, who can kill the Dragon King, is not good at dealing with these monsters."

Yan Ye raised the dark and slender blade in his hand and smiled sweetly.

When the monkey-faced hybrid Crow Tengu turned into Yan Ye, or the knife in her hand, the violent alarm made him tremble all over!

"Woman! Leave here and we won't see you!"

He screamed to encourage the little courage he had left, but in exchange, it was just Yan Ye's cold eyes.

"Shut up, filth."

Pupils like burning gold appeared in Yan Ye's eyes. At this moment, she exuded a kind of majesty like a supreme queen!

She is no longer the cautious and cowardly girl she used to be. The noble blood flowing in her body gives her the confidence and demeanor like a queen!

"Arrogant woman, I will tear you to pieces!!!"

The almost mad Crow Tengu roared and swayed the sharp wind blade, and Jian Ye just raised the saber in his hand, and a momentum like the bright sun bloomed on her body!

A gigantic shadow of a giant ape shone like a dazzling golden flame appeared behind her, and with just a roar, Shikijiro, who had been transformed into a red body, fell to the ground in mourning.

"The name of this sword is 'Onimaru', and its former owner was called Taihe Hideyoshi."

Yan Ye's fingers lightly stroked the surface of this ancient blade, the roaring guardian spirit 'True Ape' behind it hammered her chest, and her violent roar made her blade a gorgeous golden color.

This is the only 'authentic' knife that Mu Feng has searched through all the historical famous knife collections in Quan Neon.

I don't know why, but all the other 'famous swords' do not possess any supernatural power, including the so-called grass S sword, which is just a useless stone sword.

Only this heirloom that once belonged to the Hojo family, which was hidden in the inner hall of the Neon Palace, fell to Ashikaga Yoshiaki, then to Oda Nobunaga, and finally to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It has the only treasure. 'Supernatural power'

That is the guardian spirit 'True Ape' standing behind Yan Ye now

When he first found it, the weak guardian spirit seemed to be extinguished at any time, and as a research topic, Mu Feng found a way to 'charge' this thing after a lot of tossing.

Soul, will, thinking, these powers belonging to psionic energy will create the power of this so-called "guardian spirit" and give them greater power.

In a sense, guardian spirits are another form of monsters. The monsters that are chaotic and evil in the mouths of neon people are 'barren souls', and these relatively lawful guardian spirits are the so-called 'harmonious souls'.

The majesty that was like the sun made both the Ravenous and the Wraith Ghost feel the fear from their souls, but Shi Ye just slowly lifted the Onimaru and sighed softly.

Word Spirit? Judgment is launched!

The ultra-high-risk word spirit of Sequence 111 was activated, and the terrifying word spirit belonging to the highest sequence of the White King's bloodline gave Yan Ye the ability to absolutely 'death' everything within the extension of the blade!

That is a purer, more powerful, and more stable word spirit than Uesugi Eriyi!

Yan Ye's bloodline is undoubtedly inherited from the White King, but her blood has been continuously adjusted and stabilized by Mu Feng, and even continued to do stable genetic surgery for her to ensure that the bloodline will not be engulfed by the dragon bloodline while strengthening the bloodline. .

Now, if you talk about the most noble descendant of the White King in the entire neon bloodline, it is not Uesugi Eriyi, but her Gui Yanye!

She raised the blade high, and the huge real ape behind her suddenly turned into a five-clawed golden dragon with more majesty. sword!

The form of the guardian spirit comes from the soul of its owner. Perhaps the former form of 'True Ape' belonged to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but now, it belongs to Gui Yanye's 'Denglong'!

Caesar stared blankly at this scene, and he didn't even have time to feel the pain of the wound, just to impress this fantasy-like scene in seriousness.

"One! Strike! Sure! Kill! -- Denglongjian!"

The brilliant golden dragon sword roared down like the great sun, and the surging golden dragon swept across the entire battlefield, and the roaring dragon claws had an instant death effect of judgment of the word spirit.

Those monsters were killed by this attack in an instant, their souls had nowhere to hide, and their mourning dissipated under this sword!

This is a beheading specifically aimed at the soul, but it is also a beheading of life. In fact, Gui Yanye's overall combat ability may not be as good as Caesar and Chu Zihang, but as Mu Feng said, this is called specialization in the arts.

After easily beheading this group of monsters, Yan Ye put away his saber neatly after the standard blood vibration, and then went over to support Caesar, who was seriously injured, and the wall of eternal life behind them also dissipated.

"You'd better get out of here quickly, Senior Caesar. If you are caught by the Sheqi Bajia, you may have to go with Senior Lu."

Yan Ye stuffed Caesar into the Viper sports car, handed over a gold card, and said with a gentle smile like Yamato Nadeko.

"These are the activities funds lent to you by my family, but you will have to pay them back ten times later~"

"Junior girl, the way you looked just now almost made me fall in love with you." Caesar narrowed his eyes, and still had the time to make a joke.

"But I'm more curious about who you and your boyfriend are, and what is their purpose..."

"We are not enemies of Kassel." Yan Ye took out a small golden stone, placed it on the car, and said softly

"We are the actual controllers of Neon, so there is no need for us to cooperate with the Sheqi Bajia. Maybe after tonight, there will be a complete war between us."

Caesar looked at the stone in front of him silently, just like those on the 'monsters' just now

"Principal Angers has stated on his Twitter that he will rush to Neon in person, and the special plane will be provided by Handworld Technology. Senior Chu is now wanted by the Metropolitan Police Department, but it is estimated that he has received us now. Message to him."

Yan Ye closed the car door, and the sound came into it through the car, becoming a little distorted

"Please be sure to believe that we have no grudge against you. There are many things in this country that can be regarded as our common enemies..."

After saying that, Yan Ye turned around and left, a dark car had been waiting for a long time not far away.

Caesar looked at Yan Ye's disappearing back, exhaled a long breath, took out the Seven Stars cigarette beside the car, lit one, and squinted his eyes in the mist.

"I hate complicated situations..."

Ten minutes later, Yuan Zhisheng, who finally arrived at Chizuru Town, looked gloomily at the corpses all over the floor.

Yes, the corpses of the Autengu and the ghosts, even those of Shikijiro, were not recovered.

These monsters are not monsters formed with the help of spirit stones and resentment, but monsters mutated with the help of flesh. So even if they take away their souls, their bodies will still exist in the world.

"My God, this... what is this thing? A monster!"

Crow exclaimed looking at the corpses of Crow Tengu and Wraith Ghost, almost thinking that he had drunk too much, slapped himself, and then covered his face in pain.

"It's the ferocious ghosts..." Sakura lowered her head and picked up a piece of cloth with a clear logo, frowning.

"Could it be that this is what they have newly researched... Deadpool?"

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