"Thirty million! Just kidding, boss, is it worth so much?"

In the dark and turbid air, mixed with a disgusting smell, several armored adventurers crossed their shoulders and muttered in this dark small room.

In addition to them in this room, there are also stacked cages one after another, and the ones locked in those cages... are all monsters.

To be precise, it is half-human and half-weird. There are monsters and humans. It is probably arranged from top to bottom from the level of pervert furry control.

A bald adventurer carried a one-person-high cage and placed it in the forefront. The cage was closed by a female monster that was half-human and half-rabbit.

She has bunny ears, a part of beautiful fur, and a cute and pity face that matches her hot body. Although the face full of fear is a little broken, it can definitely be said to be a beautiful 'thing'

The bald adventurer looked up and down the bunny girl with greedy eyes, like a greedy tongue, stretched out and licked the poor bunny girl up and down.

"Things that are highly similar to people like this can be sold at high prices."

A fierce adventurer with a battle axe looked at the bunny girl and nodded with satisfaction

"The sales channels of these 'heretics' are getting bigger and bigger now, and it's the right thing to follow Dix!"

"Those big nobles and big businessmen like these 'taboo thrills' the most."

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The bald adventurer said with a smile, and did not take these caged humanoids as humans at all.

In fact, it does.

Heresy is a special kind of 'monster' produced by the labyrinth. Its origin is also derived from the dungeon, and it is a monster with self-wisdom.

Maybe some of them look similar to the demi-humans in appearance, but in essence, they will leave behind magic stones after being killed, and they have no internal organs to speak of. In addition to having the ability and wisdom to think for themselves, they are still A kind of monster.

And the people of these dark factions who do not see the light, the business they are doing now is poaching these heretics.

Catch these inhuman monsters, train them well, and sell them to people other than Orari. Those great nobles and great merchants, or generals who needed these heretics for war purposes, were frequent customers of this kind of business.

Whether it's buying it back to be a bodyguard, a toy for a bed warmer, or throwing it on the battlefield and letting them fight, there's never been a shortage of business opportunities for this kind of business. For their dark faction, it is the fastest money-making business other than looting single adventurers.

"But then again, why did the business negotiated by Lagia fall through?" The giant axe adventurer smacked his lips and said unhappy.

"The group of guys who played war games with the idiot **** Ares agreed to buy a batch of obedient monsters to serve as soldiers. But now they suddenly stopped buying them, and the batch that had been trained before was smashed in their hands. It had to be destroyed."

"Okay, okay, won't we be rich after this deal?"

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The bald adventurer patted his companion on the shoulder, smiled, turned to look at the bunny girl in the cage, swallowed his saliva, and had a greedy and sinister look in his eyes.

"It's going to be sold anyway, it's better to let me have a good time before I sell it."

"Hey, can you talk about this kind of monster? Forget it, you can control it yourself."

The giant axe adventurer pouted, and the bald head immediately opened the cage impatiently, grabbed the bunny girl, and dragged her into the room inside.

"Don't! Let me go! Let me go!"

The bunny girl let out a shrill scream, but no one paid her any attention. The bald head dragged her to the inner room, and couldn't wait to take off her clothes. She covered the bunny girl's mouth with her palms, stroked her long supple legs, and let out an excited laugh.

This soft body and hair reminded him of the smell of a lonely demi-human family girl he caught a few years ago.

That seems to be a minor demi-human family, how can I say it? It is really unforgettable, although I am only the eighth person to taste her, but that taste...

"That... did I bother you?"

Just when the bald head was ready to enjoy it, a voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Ah! Who are you?!"

The bald head, who was so frightened that it bounced up, screamed and looked at the strange man in front of him. Whether it was the costume or his accent, it was very strange!

"It seems that the accent still needs to be calibrated, um... It looks like I was sent to Orari."

Furious, he nodded with his arms folded over his chest, and the slender dragon tail on his back swayed, noticing his bald head with extra 'limbs', he directly pulled out the sword placed beside him and rushed up.

"Go to **** monster-"

"It's rude to disturb others when they're thinking, rush to the street!"

He glanced at him furiously, his bald head was like frozen air stuck in mid-air, stiff and unable to move.

"Bastard, what do you want?!"

"kill him!!!"

At this moment, several adventurers from the dark faction who had sensed the movement and broke in broke into the door, and without hesitation, attacked the fury directly.

What a sword with flames attached, an axe with increased gravity, shouting the so-called name of the so-called magic, it is very Japanese and Western fantasy at first glance.

These bombardments hit the furious body, but they were even blocked by the invisible air wall within five centimeters of his side. Looking at the unbelievable expressions of these dark faction adventurers, they were furious and polite.

"One LV4, one LV2, one LV3, and two LV1s, is the attack power only at this level? The main body is right, and it's not you **** who need to be considered here."

He slowly raised his right hand and smiled gently

"However, as offal, it also has the value of offal. You are not waste, but you are precious research materials."

The next moment, the bald head started from the toes, and countless muscles and nerves began to be gradually stripped. He couldn't scream, couldn't fall into a coma, couldn't even commit suicide, only the frantically rolling eyes expressed the extreme pain under this kind of delay!

Furiously, he turned his fingers gently, slowly dividing a person into the most 'economical' forms, like a sculpture of art, after ensuring the most basic 'survival' state, the spine, the heart, the brain, and stuffing him into the Inside the culture tank of the device.

Those dark factions who had done all kinds of evil in the past screamed and wanted to escape, but the rage just reached out and grabbed them, and a powerful word spirit force directly controlled them in place and couldn't move.

"Oh yes, I forgot."

He smacked his palm in rage, walked to the leader of the giant axe adventurer, took off his helmet in front of his pleading eyes, and the scarlet vertical pupil instantly turned into a noble golden color.

He released the Serpent of Words, and the snake that directly invaded the opponent's brain stole all his memories and thoughts in an instant. After conveying it back, he digested it in a rage and digested it for a few seconds before deleting it all, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

"You're still that Dix's confidant? That's great, you saved me a lot of trouble."

The adventurer of the dark faction raised his palm that had turned into a bone, and handed a necklace with a ruby-like eyeball to Furious, which was then cut into an economical look and stuffed into a culture jar. Inside.

After doing all this, he turned his eyes to the bunny girl next to him in anger. The little bunny huddled into a ball and looked at her tremblingly. Judging from the smell in the air, this guy even leaked.

"Cruel? I call it thrift." Furious gave a friendly smile

Of course, at this time, after he did something that a perverted murderer couldn't do, this kind of friendly smile must be a time of horror.

He put on his helmet again, and the bunny crawled to his feet, knelt down, and kissed the toe of his shoes.

"My lord, Rabbit is willing to be your slave."


"So... where is the secret passage that leads directly to Xoroth? Forget it, you lead the way!"

After walking around this Daedalus Street with a dozen heretics behind him for a long time, Fury finally gave up on finding his own way, and impatiently handed over the power of leading the way to Rabit next to him.

Fury perfectly inherits some of the radical characteristics of Mu Feng's flexibility, but the result of the excessive injection of soul fragments also causes him to have some bodies that do not exist or are only very weak, but they will be extremely magnified in him. , an unspoken flaw.

Just like... a lunatic.

The sense of direction of rage is extremely poor, how bad is it? Even if he drives the 'snake' to explore the road all the way and has the coordinates of the target point, there is a great possibility that he will go the wrong way.

To be fair, this level of lunatics can already be regarded as a curse... I don't understand why the extreme 'anger' part of the soul can lead to such a speechless characteristic.

"Yes, Master!"

Rabbit nodded obediently, and the little rabbit took over the job of leading the way with Furious Fury, and jumped into an alley in front of him.

They are now in Daedalus Street, a slum in the third district of Orari, just like most of the Renaissance slums, known for their cluttered houses, intricate roads, and countless intersecting branches. 'The Labyrinth on Earth'.

In this Daedalus Street, there is a secret passage that leads directly to the 18th floor dungeon, but it leads to the man-made labyrinth Xoroth on the 18th floor. A man-made labyrinth built by the family of the great artisan Daedalus for thousands of years.

There is also a hidden place where the family of the sleeping **** Ikeros hides. Its leader is also a descendant of Daedalus, a great artisan. Dix the tyrant relies on this secret passage to unite the dark factions of the godless gods in some dungeons. Valve and wanted adventurers rely on attacking these heretics to train them and send them to the ground, and secretly sell them to people other than Orari to earn money for them.

Of course, he didn't care about all this rage. The only thing he cared about was to enter Xoroth through this passage as soon as possible, occupy it as the first experimental node, and then use those adventurers without human rights as experiments.

But to be honest, this kind of work is just as boring as anger. He is more inclined to direct thinking and really doesn't like this detour option.

"Go here, Master."

Rabbit, who brought the Fury to the right path, was very good, and the heretic who was rescued from the bad fate by the Fury showed an extraordinary adoration to him.

Angrily glanced at her, but didn't bother to correct her title. It doesn't matter if you call yourself the master, after all these heretics... are also precious experiments.

It is impossible to determine which is more violent and angry when it falls into the hands of oneself or the hands of those slave traders. After all, these heretics are also precious and rare experimental products, and their treatment is naturally more...

Furious suddenly stopped and looked at one end of the street with interest.

"Come out, or are you going to just watch us go away?"

The next moment, an elf woman walked out from the shadow of the street and alley, with a cold face, a tall figure, wearing a white-gold robe, and holding a staff with a head like an ice-clean flower.

Next to him were two beautiful Amazon girls, one with a flat chest and the other with a big breast. The flat-chested one was carrying a double-edged sword that was taller than a human being.

"Oh, oh, who are you, what kind of family is that?"

Furious pointed at the three girls, showing a thoughtful look, and the flat-chested Amazon girl was dissatisfied.

"We belong to the Loki Familia! I'm Diona the Big Cut, don't you even know us?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm from the country." Furious twitched his tail and shrugged.

"So, what's the purpose of the big man of the Loki Familiar coming here?"

"A group of 'monsters' in the dungeon are wandering in O'Larry, this can't be regarded as not seen."

The elf mage headed by the Loki family belongs to the world's strongest magister 'Nine Magic Princess' Riveria of LV6, took out her staff and said solemnly.

She was entrusted by the guild to come to Daedalus Street to investigate the case of missing persons here. Unexpectedly, when she stepped into this place, she discovered the disturbed magic element in the atmosphere. Someone released high-level magic above the second level here.

"No matter what your purpose and reason are, please go to the guild with us and explain it clearly."

"You forget thousands of things every day, why can't you forget this little one?"

He sighed angrily and shook his head.

"Hey... It will be very troublesome to start with you, but I am more curious, how did you catch up with me."

Riviria's golden-green eyes shone with confusion for a while, and the next moment she became angry and showed a clear look.

"Oh, by tracing the flow of the magic element, yes, I forgot about this. I used the spirit of words to mobilize the local magic element to try the effect. I knew that I would use my own spiritual energy."

A horrified look instantly appeared on Riviria's face. Her mind fell into a blank state just now. It was obvious that the person in front of her had used some unknown magic to invade her mind and memory!

"Diona!" Riveria chanted, instantly arousing her companions beside her


The sister of the Amazon sisters wielding a huge double-edged sword, Diona, who was playing Amazon Terrier from her nickname, screamed excitedly, and rushed over with a phantom figure.

"You can't use magic, and it's best not to use words. There are so many restrictions...it's annoying!"

Muttering impatiently, he just gently stretched out his right hand in the face of the big sword slashing in the face.

"How can it be--"

Diona watched in disbelief as the slash she was proud of was easily picked up with one hand by the monster in front of her, and the LV5 attack was caught with one hand——

"Speaking of which, this seems to be the first time I have used this trick."

Furious slowly put his left hand on his waist, bent down, and assumed a bow-shaped posture.

"Flowing Water - Shattering Rock Fist!"

Even though Diona resolutely let go of her weapon the first time she took a furious attacking stance, the stormy boxing still shrouded the Amazon girl like raindrops!

pain! Diona's first feeling was the pain that was spreading all over her body, followed by weakness, and the meridians in her body seemed to be broken, and she couldn't lift her strength at all.

When Fury retracted her hand, Diona flew back like a broken kite. Her sister Dionne screamed and stepped forward to catch her, but she also noticed the serious injury of her sister at the first time.

More than a dozen bones were shattered all over the body, and all of them were parts of the body involved in physical activity. Although other parts were also punched, the strength was controlled to the extent that the muscles and bones were broken without breaking.

"So, can you all leave like this?"

Angry spread out his hands with an innocent look on his face

"I really don't want to have more trouble with you guys here, I still have a lot of work to do, and... I'm running out of patience."

Riviria's expression was as deep as water, she gestured with her eyes to Dionne behind her, who immediately fled with her sister in her arms.

"Aren't you going? You're really determined to do it, but is it appropriate for you, a mage, to expose yourself to me like this?"

Furiously, he spread out his hands and walked slowly towards Riviria, who gritted his teeth slightly and began to chant quickly.

"Let's dance, Spirit of Atmosphere, Lord of Light, make a contract with the guardian of the forest, the Song of the Earth embraces us, and turns into a great forest light barrier to protect us - my name is Alf!"

The high-level magic that needs to be chanted for a long time is strengthened by the effect of Riveria's unique innate ability, Fairy Anthem, and the chanting speed is accelerated, and the chanting is completed in almost two breaths.

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