Ota did not speak, nor retort. What Tiger said was not a fallacy either. By Ota's standards, his companion who was still jealous of such frivolous things was indeed too immature.

Otah has long not asked for any love from Freya, he just regards Freya as the main **** he serves faithfully, just like a knight and a princess, a relationship of mutual trust.

"Lord Russ thinks it should be a good way to dampen everyone's spirit." Tiger crossed his hands, and a little arc of light flashed on the arm covered with scales.

"The journey to the dungeon with excessive pride is doomed to fail, because the next dungeon will usher in a huge change that has not been seen in a thousand years!"

"What is your master asking for?" Ota opened his eyes and said solemnly.

Unlike his other companions, Ota was handed over by Freya before coming here. The purpose of this trip was never to kill or defeat the culprit, Rampage, because it simply wasn't possible.

If nothing else, just relying on the knowledge and technology that the other party has mastered far beyond the many years of the Eulalie civilization, the gap is overwhelming.

"Lord Russ wants to cooperate with the **** behind you." Tiger smiled.

"Although Orali's presidency is under the control of God Uranos, as long as the two most powerful kinship gods in the city reach cooperation with Lord Lass, then with a little external force, it is possible to achieve some complete changes. ."

"I know that God Freya must be observing all this through Lord Ota. This is exactly what Lord Rath wants, but before showing our cooperation, Lord Orta, there is no formality regarding your 'entertainment'. Let's start."

Tiger bowed slightly, and then retreated directly into the Olihagang wall behind him. On the water-like wall, the 'entertainment' suffered by the Loki family was projected.

Ais and Riviria were separated, and they were each trapped in their own fantasy, unable to extricate themselves.

Ais was in the terrible illusion of her former parents. As her father, the 'Mercenary King' Wallenstein Fairy Elise fought together against the black dragon, the final boss of the dungeon, and both died in the sad illusion.

Fury didn't know the exact scene of that battle, but it didn't take much detail to paint a picture of a person's bad memories. Just evoke the memory, and the brain will automatically complete everything.


Seeing her dearest mother being devoured by the black dragon and her dearest father being killed by the black dragon, Ais let out a violent cry, and she screamed and raised her weapon, but the black dragon just glanced over coldly.

The 'Black Wind' cannot be activated, whether it is the revenge princess or the favor of his own wind, all the power cannot be released under extreme cowardice!

The black dragon just glanced at Ais contemptuously, then flapped its wings and flew away from the dungeon. And only Ais was left, a helpless wailer who stayed alone in the cold and silent dungeon back then.

Those who can't step over what they fear in their hearts are not worthy of being called brave.

The bad illusion smashed Ais' heart, and the tough Sword Girl suffered an extreme fiasco in her spiritual loophole.

On the other hand, Riviria's situation was not much better.

The illusion she saw, or it wasn't an illusion, what she saw... was endless knowledge.

Magic element, spell model, spell structure, scientific knowledge, magic knowledge, magic structure, biological analysis... Countless knowledge turned into flowing books floating by her side.

Riviria eagerly rushed to study this knowledge, completely forgetting everything around her. Even if it is a calm elf, even if it is the 'mother' of the family, she is essentially a mage.

If you are a mage, you will always have this kind of "addiction" like drug dependence on unknown knowledge, and then gradually lose your humanity in the acquisition of knowledge...

Furious is looking forward to what Rivia will look like after this is over.

And the Amazon sisters, the environment prepared for them is their unbearable memories in Douguo.

As two sisters from Amazon's homeland, they used to be part of Douguo's 'Kaly Family', and in Douguo, in order to cultivate high-level families, a very cruel Gu Dou mechanism was implemented.

Let the members of the clan kill each other, and in the absence of monsters to create great achievements, use the great achievements of defeating the same clan to increase their level.

Cruel, but efficient, this is the only way to give birth to high-level adventurers without such a high-efficiency monster spawning machine as a dungeon.

This is also why Douguo and Lagia are both military countries with large-scale family members, but Douguo has two LV6 guards.

The fact that Dionne and Diona were able to escape from Douguo to Orari was the luckiest thing they thought, but it also shows that their memories in Douguo are also the most terrifying memories in their lives...

The shadow they are most afraid of is that escaping from Douguo is just a bad dream. When they wake up, they find that they are in the arena, and their opponents are their closest sisters.

Prescribe the right medicine, after such a dream tapir fantasy, their situation is not much better than that of Ais, and it is no difficulty to defeat these two seemingly cheerful sisters.

The Loki family was almost wiped out, but just like the Freya family, Finn the Brave and Gareth the Chongjie, who were the pillars of the family, were not trapped in the illusion.

After all, these two people don't actually have such a big hole in their hearts, and they are obviously more determined in spirit and will than their "girl" partners.

But in terms of hospitality, of course, it cannot be neglected.

Just when Finn and Ota were worried about their comrades who were getting deeper and deeper, their 'opponent' came.

On the water-marked wall, two figures with Noh masks all over their bodies and wrapped in royal robes walked out slowly. They held a tachi and looked at their opponents calmly.

"Defeat them, or be defeated by them."

The playful voice echoed in the empty room


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 27. Combat Test

What is the biggest difference between monsters and mortals?

Not reason, just as the connection between heretics and mortals and monsters is not based on thinking ability, the biggest starting point for judging whether monsters or not is always their physical structure.

There are no internal organs in the body, and a creature with only one magic stone that drives its body like a battery-driven machine is a monster from the dungeon. On the contrary, it is the mortals who need organs and various things to keep the body running like normal creatures.

So, if the appearance of a human is completely forged, but the inside is a 'monster' driven by magic stones, can it be successfully mixed into Orari?

The answer is still no, because some of Orali's gods have the ability to see through the soul, and the location where the souls of dungeon monsters are stored is not normal, let alone something created by rage.

And from the perspective of combat effectiveness, monsters with the appearance of humans are extremely unsuitable as templates for mass production. After all, humans are never a race suitable for hand-to-hand combat, so mass-producing monsters of this model does not have any benefits at all.

But it's not a problem to simply make a few "limited editions", and it's not a big problem to use it as a special template to deal with players in the future.

Just like what appeared in front of Ota and Finn now, it was a limited-edition heretic that evolved after a simple modification of the high-level monster 'Flore' in the dungeon and injected with the dragon blood of the White King.

The word spirits they were oriented to evolve were King Quan and Hei Sun. It wasn't that the Nightmare Tapir could not evolve, but this word spirit was meaningless to test the battle.

The two brothers, as testers, will report the combat stats of the humanoid monster to Rampage.

The Genji brothers watched the opponent in front of them calmly and with great interest. After such a series of tossing, the two brothers almost guessed that this was not a game at all.

This may be another 'other world'

Although such conjectures and statements are indeed too fanciful and nonsense, after all, Mu Feng is not a guy who can use common sense to speculate. If this is really another world, there is nothing unacceptable to the two brothers, the collapse of the world view and other problems.

It's unbelievable to say that Yuan Zhisheng actually read a bit of novels about traveling through different worlds, but when he thinks that other people's time-travels are accompanied by external beauties, and that his own time-travel is to be a tester for others, it really makes people sigh.

But soon, he gathered all his thoughts, gently pulled a knife flower from the Olihagang alloy sword in his hand, and paced gently, squinting at the enemy holding the heavy sword in front of him.

The pressure this guy brought him was no less than facing his younger brother, and even a little bigger. Since it is a different world, you should be prepared to encounter such superhuman beings and magic.

Ota was also observing his opponent. He carried the Sword of Tyrant Black on his shoulders, as if he was brewing some kind of momentum, calm as a deep abyss.

His opponent was not an ignorant monster, even if he didn't speak, Ota could judge the opponent's skill from his sophisticated steps and posture.

Although there was no real fight, the blessing of the goddess allowed Ota to perceive the gap between the two sides - in terms of strength, he was superior, but in terms of skills, he was slightly inferior!

So, get your hands on it!

In an instant, Ota rushed towards Yuan Zhisheng like a cannonball from the chamber. Under the sword of Tyrant Black, it was like a pure black night, and the heavy tearing atmosphere produced a huge sonic boom!

So fast!

Yuan Zhisheng was also a little surprised by Ota's speed, but he quickly adjusted his posture, holding the blade in both hands to take the blow, and then twisted his joints like a spider, unloading the force to Ota's waist. cut off.

In terms of strength, he is undoubtedly the disadvantage, but technically he has the upper hand.

An adventurer who wields a heavy sword like Ota obviously wouldn't be able to polish any special skills, so he didn't plan to have a real weapon showdown with Genji from the beginning.

In the air, there was a sound like an ancient horn.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly heard heavy breathing and the sound of hoofs digging the ground. He stopped slashing without hesitation and rolled to the side to dodge, but even so, half of his body encountered a motorcycle that seemed to be galloping. It feels like a car crash!

Yuan Zhisheng, who was hit hard and was stamped on the wall, slowly climbed up. Beside Ota, at some point, there was a tall war pig covered in bright silver armor, facing Yuan Zhisheng constantly. of hoofs.

Since it is a different world, the magic of summoning a creature out of thin air is a matter of course.

Yuan Zhisheng thought so in his mind, took a deep breath, and slowly straightened his weapon.

One-on-two, he will be brought down within ten seconds of frontal entanglement. Since the other party uses abilities other than himself, then he...you're welcome!

"Yan Ling? Kingship!"

The ancient dragon's strictness was turbulent in the air, and the authority belonging to the ancient dragon species caused the tremor of the magic element in the atmosphere. The next moment, an incomparably huge gravity pressed Ota and his war pig!

"This is……"

Ota's heart was slightly startled, and the next moment, Yuan Zhisheng stabbed Ota's heart with his sword like a phantom.

Ota backed the sword to block, and the heavy gravity greatly reduced his speed. Just before the sword was about to pierce his heart, the roaring war pig forcibly blocked Yuan Zhisheng's attack at the cost of a charge and half of the pig's teeth. .

Ota's heart sank slightly, his skill 'War Pigs' has been 'CD' for a lot of time, and he can feel that the pressure on him is gradually increasing...

Then, we must fight quickly!

Ota took a deep breath, clenched the black sword, and activated his 'beast transformation'!

On the other hand, the battle between Finn and Gareth can be described as a dangerous situation, but this dangerous situation refers to the source girl.

Compared to his brother's majestic swordsmanship, Yuan Zhinv's attainment in this area is more inclined to a ghostly assassin style, and with the ability of his dream tapir, he can always go nowhere.

And now facing two enemies whose physical quality is stronger than this one, and restrained in every aspect with their own style, Yuan Zhinv's battle will inevitably become difficult.

'Chongjie' Gareth's battle axe landed heavily in that thunderous roar, and the ground formed by Oliha was cracked, and the huge vibration made the people standing on it feel unable to move normally.

And after Finn bit his thumb and determined the battle plan, he fully liberated his magic gun skill "Ferocious Magic Gun"

At the cost of losing normal thinking ability for a short time, Finn exchanged for the fighting ability equivalent to Ota, or even faster speed.

On the one hand, Gareth's attack made her unable to exert her strength normally, and on the other hand, she was suppressed by Finn's fierce attack and could not lift her head.

If he loses, he is sure to lose, but he doesn't care, but before he loses, he doesn't intend to make his enemy win so happy!

He inserted the knife on the ground without hesitation, and the alloy Oliha Gangta knife cut a perfect arc on the ground, and the arc glowed with red and dazzling heat, just like the sun in a total solar eclipse!

Although he has never seen his cheap old man use this trick, but who cares! Anyway, this body is not my own, so I will be happier when I go back soon after I finish it!

The dark sun spread from the arc and devoured the entire room in an instant. The dark and hot sun with endless gravitation dragged Finn and Gareth's bodies into the fiery core!

"Go to hell! Yan Ling? Black Sun!"

Finn and Gareth lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it has passed, when they woke up again, they were no longer in the original closed space.

There were also more family members beside them. Finn touched his head in confusion, glanced at Gareth, and looked at the Freya family not far away.

Ota looked scarred, but he had an extra Olihagang alloy sword of the same style on his body. Although he looked tired, Finn felt that his old rival seemed to have improved again.

Beside Ota, the other members of the Freya clan are of autistic virtue, bowing their heads and not speaking. Everyone has injuries on their bodies, but they are obviously more affected than the injuries on their bodies.

"Riveria, Ace? Dionne, Diona!"

Finn rubbed his head, and Gareth immediately looked at his fellow autistic friends with concern. Riviria silently muttered to herself, Ais sobbed and buried her head in her arms, and the Amazon sisters hugged each other and shivered.

Everyone's situation is very bad. To put it bluntly, they have already suffered a 'group destruction'.

"Congratulations, congratulations, for being able to persevere until now."

The sound of applause came down from the sky along with a congratulatory but full of ridicule. The applauding rage and laughter slowly fell, followed by the shivering Daphne behind him.


The red-eyed Allen roared and rushed forward. He couldn't bear the humiliation he suffered in the illusion!

Looking at him furiously, there was a slight radiance in his eyes, Allen once again fell into that bad illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

"If you do this, I will let you dream for a lifetime." Furious said lightly

"What do you want from us?" Finn stepped forward and said solemnly, trying to gain a little voice in the negotiations.

"It's not what I want to get, but what you can give me." Furious spread his hands and tilted his head.

"In fact, you basically can't give me what I want. The meaning of this negotiation is not here, you, only me decides the price, and your Lord God chooses whether to accept it or not."

The initiative of negotiation has undoubtedly been firmly in his hands. As long as Loki and Freya don't want their family members to really be destroyed here, they must consider the issue of cooperation.

Furious knows that these two gods are most likely observing him through their relatives, and Furious is no nonsense, and bluntly threw out his chips.

"Then, I want to invite you to play a game." Furious said lightly

"A virtual adventure in the real world...what you see and feel will be false projections, but there are also such things that really exist...from another world."

"Complete the task I gave you. Kill, forgive, survive, die, the winner will get my praise, the loser... well, it depends on my mood."

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