A veritable amount of attention, whether it is the hundreds of millions of people after the live broadcast, or the tens of thousands of people who directly requisitioned and transformed the Tokyo Opera House's press conference venue, they all focused their attention on this man.

"Mu Feng!!"

"Master General!!"

"Forever drop God!!"

The sound of long live the mountain resounded throughout the venue, as if to overturn the slowly unfolding open-air dome, Mu Feng slowly raised his hands with a business smile and waited in the countless cheers.

I have to say that he hates such occasions very much. Maybe some people like the feeling of being in the spotlight, but he only feels noisy and has a sense of shame as if he were a monkey.

He decided to get straight to the point and end this **** conference early

"We live in a crowded world!"

Mu Feng opened his arms, his voice resounded like a bell in every corner of the venue, and the surrounding sound suppressed all the noise.

"Life, love, pain, money, our lives follow the iron law of birth, old age, sickness and death. From birth to death, we are all just living in a crowded and real cage!"

"Many times, we want to escape from these real things, from these cages called reality, so we create virtual everything. Movies, novels, games, these are different from the real world to give us a moment of relaxation! "

Mu Feng slowly pointed to his temple

"But we have to return to reality in the end, because no matter how real it is, we know it is virtual. We can't 'survive' there, let alone develop our 'second life'!"

His voice tends to be frantic, and when his voice reached the limit, the entire venue suddenly 'broken'!

The venue, the country, the ground, the planet shattered, pouring into the darkness, and in the exclamations of countless people in front of the screen, the world 'shattered', and then began a new life like a big bang from the universe!

This is obviously not in reality, and such a real picture cannot be pure CG, so...

The stars are reunited after the explosion of the singularity, countless worlds, countless planets are born after the moment of destruction.

There is a world of magic and fantasy, a world of surreal technology, a world of martial arts and internal skills, a world of fairy demons and giant beasts!

Countless people waiting in front of the screen, especially Ah Zhai who likes this type, are breathing heavily and their eyes widen.

A giant hand slowly appeared under the nebula containing countless worlds, as if holding the universe in the palm of its hand.

The next moment, a sound like the roar of thunder echoed in the universe

"Human fantasy of virtual words originates from the brain, and can be attributed to the brain. In this field, what is our ultimate imagination? What is our ultimate dream? Countless fantasy works have given us the answer, and now, let me realize it. "

"Here, you will have an experience that is indistinguishable from reality!"

"Touch!" He stretched out his hand, the waves slapping against his palm

"Smell!" Huahai manifested in front of him

"Hearing!" Beethoven and Chopin playing beside him

"Taste!" A table full of Han Chinese presented in front of him

"Vision!" Countless beauty fills the whole world

"As long as you are willing, our future, our fantasy will no longer have an end!"

"Because this is—the second world!!"

The global audience fell into silence, and then they burst into crazy enthusiasm and cheers!

Because that means a new world, a world of fantasy, a world of regulations that no longer has reality, a world where you can live a second life!

You don't need to go on a diet because you are worried about being fat, you don't need to worry about getting sick and be afraid of everything you want to experience. When all the pleasures in the body can be simulated and replaced, the second world will become an indispensable part of human beings!

There is no doubt that the emergence of the second world will bring about a huge revolution around the world. To put it bluntly, all physical industries will be hit by dimensionality reduction!

Catering industry, tobacco and alcohol industry, luxury goods industry, electronics industry, tourism…

All physical manufacturing will get a devastating blow!

It is rude to say that if Mu Feng fully promotes this technology, he will successfully create billions of unemployed people!

Of course he wouldn't do it, in fact...he couldn't do it either.

Not to mention that he has not been able to solve the problem of thinking pollution caused by the STEM device entering too much consciousness, and even the current host has not been effectively solved. More importantly, countries in the world will not accept the rash promotion of this technology.

Because this is undoubtedly digging the roots of the real industry all over the world. Unless there is a perfect monitoring mechanism and restriction mechanism, no country will allow it to be sold on a large scale.

So for now, he will only release 100,000 copies of the Second World Immersion Device.

Each immersion device will sell for 250,000 RMB, which is undoubtedly a huge expenditure for ordinary people, but this price is only for the subsequent price reduction.

Even if he sells all these things, the money he makes is much less than 1% of the stock market he flipped once. The most profitable thing from this conference is the stocks that have soared since then.

But no matter what the rest of the world thinks, Mu Feng has successfully pushed out this 'bomb' buried in the future.

His current prestige around the world, if digitized, may have approached a near-mythical point?

If he has a mechanism similar to belief in becoming a god, maybe he has been enshrined in the altar by now?

He glanced at the explosive number of comments on the Internet, and there was only indifference and ignorance in his eyes. These words of praise or abuse could no longer touch his heartstrings.

In his eyes, it's just a bunch of leeks.

It's just that what ordinary merchants harvest is the purse of leeks, and what he harvests...is the soul of leeks.

"If you are a devil, you must be a great devil prince."

The system got out and threw him a word of sarcasm or compliment.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's time for me to go to another world." Mu Feng stepped off the spiritual slave machine and said lightly.

"The next time you come back, it's time to unleash all the potential of this world."

He turned the black cube in the palm of his hand, and a huge amount of energy poured into it, tearing a dark crack.

He walked into it, crossed the world, and entered another journey.


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket

Chapter 46. The Confused Teenager Pursuing the Encounter

"Go away! This is not where the kid comes from!"

"Do you have any abilities? Can you refine medicine? Have you studied magic? Have you studied swordsmanship? Huh? No, then get out!"

"O'Larry is not here to play, kid, go back to the countryside as soon as possible!"

At dusk, the dim sunlight falls from the sky, and the golden sunlight falling from the gaps between the alleys on both sides is narrow like a candle that will be blown out at any time.

Bell Cronney was once again rejected by his family and was driven out of the door. He fell to the ground and looked at the sky with a very disappointed expression.

He's not from Orari, he's a boy from a rural place.

Just like the countless dream catchers who came to Orari, he came to this city of gods to pursue his dreams.

Meet countless beautiful girls, fall in love, and march on the path of a hero!

These are the words and stories Bell's grandfather would always tell him when he was alive.

"Argo's legend of heroes? Generally speaking, it's a story of a very powerful radish and a group of beautiful girls."

That's how his unassuming grandfather told him the story of the heroic story.

So Bell made up his mind, he would also come to Orari, get the favor of the gods, and make a name for himself in this city! Become a hero and meet tons of beautiful girls!

After grandfather left, Bell sold his family property and came to Orari without hesitation, but the first step of the plan encountered a fundamental problem.

No family was willing to accept Bell.

In today's Orari, the number of gods and family members has already tended to be saturated, and even when a high degree of involution has begun, God-O and the heads of the family members have greatly increased their criticality towards their companions.

Weak relatives are not needed, those without potential are not needed, and it can even be said that the most mediocre 'human' of all races is the least favored type.

Compared with elves who are long-lived, dexterous, and good at magic, compared with dwarves who are physically strong and most of them have forging talents, orcs who are born with animalization skills, or small humans with super agility, humans have no advantage. mediocre race.

Not to mention a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old who looks very weak and unreliable.

"It's very dangerous for a child to be here alone~"

The sudden voice broke Bell's lost silence, and he was startled, because a man with a white mask half covering his face suddenly appeared above his head.

"Uh, thank you, are you lost?"

Bell quickly got up, the man in front of him was wearing an exotic but high-grade black tuxedo, and the sterling silver cane he was leaning on looked very high-grade.

"You're more of a lost man, child," the man said softly.

"Let me guess, you are a teenager from outside of Orari, who wants to join the family, but has been rejected many times, isn't it?"

"How do you know." Bell looked at him in surprise and frustration

"Because it's easy to guess." The man pointed at Bell and smiled happily

"Your clothes are clean but shabby. They have been washed many times. No matter how bad the adventurers of Orari are, they will rarely wear clothes like yours. Secondly, you have a lot of dust on your body, so you should be busy. For a long time, and the way you sat on the ground looked very lost, it must have been rejected by someone."

"That's it... Are the requirements of the gods of Orari so high?" Bell said in frustration

"Because there are no new gods in the lower realm recently." The man lightly tapped the ground with his stick and said lightly.

"O'Larry's god-o game has recently become saturated, and most gods who are willing to play have established families in the lower world. They have begun to select new people, rather than newcomers picking gods."

"Child, you don't look like you have any talent. Maybe you have it, but on the surface you really can't. Today's family market is already the Red Sea market, and the fierce competition makes a child like you do not have any competitiveness. Word."

"Then, what should I do?" Bell said dumbfounded.

"I can't go back anymore..."

"Do you have to be an adventurer for the family?" the man touched his chin with interest.

"You can do a lot of things, you don't have to do this kind of occupation with your head on the belt of your pants. Orari is very dangerous, both in and out of the dungeon."

"...I must be an adventurer!"

Bell clenched his fists seriously and blushed slightly.

Gulululu~~~ his stomach made a hungry cry

The man smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Interesting boy, I'll treat you to a meal and talk slowly."

Bell is very embarrassed, but he also has no right to refuse. He doesn't have a few Farleys all over his body, and he's afraid he can't afford a meal in a place like Orari, where prices are sky high.

"My name is Bell Croney, what is your name, sir?"

"...Me?" The man paused, thought for a moment, and smiled happily

"Just call me... Sinrich."

Bell Croney, the 'protagonist' of this world

A child with an interesting life experience, his parents are the weakest of Zeus and Hera's family, but his aunt is the strongest family of LV9 known as the 'Emperor'. After the destruction of the two major families, he was raised by the main **** Zeus himself.

It can be said that he is a protagonist who is 'orthodox' in all aspects.

Oh, by the way, his appearance is still highly similar to Argo, the most famous hero a thousand years ago, or it was carved out of a mold, so it is very likely that it is the reincarnation of Argo.

This guy is full of blood fatalism.

But to be honest, this is a good boy. Although he has the idea of ​​opening a harem because of his lewd grandfather, he is a super innocent 'cherry boy'.

Changing the fate of this child is actually quite interesting to Mu Feng.

Because in fact, even if he doesn't do anything, the child's fate has been greatly modified.

It doesn't mean that this child is nothing without the "one-hearted vision", the skill itself is the potential of the individual, and it can be activated by other methods without Ais.

The purpose of Mu Feng's coming to O'Larry is to develop the 'entertainment industry', in short, to bring more idle gods to his side.

Compared with the work of two clones, it is much easier, but it is also much more dangerous. Being directly exposed to the power of Ouranos, he had to be on the alert in every way.

Don't worry about getting on the line with Loki and Freya, after all, these two are not fuel-efficient lamps. In order to prevent the possibility of being 'eaten on both sides', Mu Feng obediently lurked for a while.

It's a good choice to hold Bell Cronney in your hand.

This unfortunate child is not only concerned by Zeus and Hermes, but also by Uranus. The main **** of the guild seems to think that Bell is the reincarnation of Argo.

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