Although Aina was working in the front office in the guild, she was a practical person who was highly relied on by her colleagues and bosses. Naturally, she knew exactly what happened.

She just didn't expect the man in front of her to be related to such a big crisis in the guild.

"If necessary, I still have magic stones equivalent to five billion Farleys waiting to be exchanged."

Mu Feng was attached to Aina's ear, gently blowing the half-elf's earlobe, and said jokingly.

"Also, I actually have access to Demeter's farmer's commodities. If necessary, the prices of these channels will soar tenfold..."

Aiina's expression turned white and then blue, she looked at Mu Feng angrily, but she could only bow and then hurriedly ran away.

Mu Feng tidied up his collar lightly, and a temperament that belonged to a big man without anger and self-prestige spread out, and immediately stopped many people who wanted to talk to him.

If nothing else, the concession is definitely in hand.

Crushing such a group of people who have not even reached the primary stage of capitalism, in essence, is nothing more than a small peasant economy. There is no sense of achievement at all. In the case that God does not take action, he is indeed invincible in this world.

However, there is nothing to be proud of.

Mu Feng, who sighed like this, didn't even bother to wait, so he left the guild and went to the area of ​​the Soma family.

Next, it's time to find more "joy" for the blissful city that you are about to build.

He wants to bring love and beauty and peace to the city.


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day! Recently, I usually have double changes, because I want to exercise to lose fat...

Chapter 60. Ota's Journey and the Divine Wine

"It's really noisy."

At the top of the Tower of Babel, Freya frowned and looked down at the great fighting in the Happy Street area. Those engineering equipment worked extremely efficiently, but the sound was too loud.

"Do you need me to warn them for you?"

Hedin bowed beside Freya.

"There's no's just this little time." Freya waved her hand, returned to her seat, and opened the crystal ball in front of her again.

This is no longer the magic mirror she uses to spy on the dungeon.

This dark and transparent crystal ball is an apology given by Mu Feng to Freya. This is a true knowledge spar from the world of the Lord of the Rings. Its only function is to get through and contact the true knowledge spar on the other end.

This thing can achieve cross-border communication with a little connection to the black cube. For Freya, it is her tool to spy on another world, monitor and command Ota.

Freya's face was filled with joy and pleasure at the sight she saw through the crystal of knowledge floating in front of her.

"Ah, did you see Heding, this is the scene of another world..."

What the Crystal of True Knowledge presents is a dream-like green forest, night saber leopards traversing the forest, wildkins lurking under the treetops, and hippogryphs flying across the sky.

Aside from the pursuit of pure white soul, Freya's taste of fun is actually no different from that of most gods.

Longing for new scenery, longing for unfamiliar pleasures and experiences. There is no doubt that this other world is perfectly in line with Freya's pursuit.

If it weren't for more important things to do, Freya might have plunged into another world to take risks without hesitation.

"...But it doesn't look safe here."

Hedin looked at the picture reflected in the Crystal of True Knowledge, which was also what Ota saw now, and said in a low voice

Of course he also envied Orta being able to embark on a greater journey and present a happier picture for their goddess, but he also knew that he was beyond his power.

The world Ota came to is the 'Azeroth' where Bell lives.

According to Mu Feng, it was an extremely dangerous world, and even if the gods removed their divine powers, they would not necessarily be able to run amok.

This is indeed the case.

If it wasn't for the use of the Eternal Dragon Legion to shield the influence of the bronze dragon when the Lord God released the quest, Mu Feng would not have let Bell and Ota go to Azeroth to die.

After all, those bronze dragons that can freely travel up and down the river of time are the real time police, and even if we put it aside, the world of Azeroth can be said to be a place with a lot of dangerous people who are not easy to deal with. .

However, Mu Feng did not let Ota find Bell directly.

What are you kidding? How could Ota's good immediate combat power be wasted on that? The Eastern Kingdom of the First Orc War didn't have much to gain. For Mu Feng, Ota's combat power was more suitable for him.

He was thrown directly by Mu Feng to Val'sharah in the Broken Isles.

The tasks he issued were also simple and pure. Find a way to collect five Pillars of Creation, or enter the Tomb of Sargeras to cut off the process of the reincarnation team. It doesn't matter which one is completed, Mu Feng can maximize the benefits.

The next time I can find a way to block the influence of the bronze dragon and put it on Azeroth, I don't know when it will be.

"Although the scenery in the other world is beautiful, I still haven't seen him..."

Freya sighed while holding her face.

The scenery of the other world is good, but Freya is more concerned about the situation of the soul she loves.

Mu Feng said that as long as Ota completes any task, he can let him see Bell. And Bell is absolutely safe now, and under repeated assurances, Freya didn't make trouble.

"Ota, pay attention to safety, just follow what that guy said, don't be too public."

"Yes, Lord Freya."

Ota put away the Crystal of True Knowledge, carried the great sword on his back, and walked silently to the temple surrounded by green vines in front of him.


"...It's really good wine."

Mu Feng, who closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes after thinking about it for a long time, and made a sound of admiration at the long-haired **** in front of him.

"As expected of a divine wine."

The silent **** O nodded lightly, and continued to brew the wine in front of him as if nothing was wrong. His name was Soma, and he was the most powerful **** of wine in Orari.

The divine wine he brewed not only tasted good and simple, but also made people fall into a state of being intoxicated and unwilling to wake up.

Each of his family members had drunk Soma's divine wine, but none of them could leave the divine wine, so they were kidnapped, and they did everything they could to get Farley to buy materials for their gods, and then let Soma Keep brewing.

Soma didn't say anything, just kept brewing this divine wine mechanically. His dependents were drunk and committed all kinds of evil, but he didn't care about anything, just brewing wine silently.

His family was simply unable to escape the temptation of this divine wine, so that the situation became worse, and it might not be long before the Soma family would be expelled from Orari.

Mu Feng would not allow such a thing to happen.

He doesn't care whether these stupid family members who are drunk and dreaming die, but he is determined to win the divine wine of Soma!

"Join me in the city of bliss, Your Majesty Soma, your divine wine will reach a higher level with my help! Your talents will be irresistibly displayed!"

In the face of Mu Feng's invitation, Soma still just brewed wine silently, and didn't even give up the idea of ​​looking at him.

Sure enough, Mu Feng laughed dumbly.

God Soma is a very special god. When other gods are addicted to their own games, Soma does things that are not much different from when he is in the sky.

Brewing, brewing constantly, Soma, like an obsessed craftsman, changed places to repeat his work in heaven. Without the help of team members with [Mystery], [Sacred Wine] was made only by the development, blending and production of materials.

And all his members were all the guys who couldn't leave after drinking the Soma wine, and were bound by this drug-like temptation.

But this is another contradictory guy. Although he is dedicated to making wine, he hopes that his family will get rid of his dependence on his divine wine. Overall, this is an extremely tangled guy.

"Please be sure to join my city of bliss and provide us with enough drinking. Otherwise, all of your relatives will be expelled from Orari."

Su Mo stopped his brewing, looked at Mu Feng with a slight frown, and said lightly.

"Sinrich, right, why do you need my divine wine? Is it just for business?"

"That's understandable." Mu Feng is as good as a liudao

What has been the most lucrative thing in the entertainment industry of all time? Pornography, gambling and drugs, these three things that are strictly prohibited are the projects that bring the fastest money.

The city of bliss that Mu Feng is about to build, Huang and Gambling are nothing more than that. After all, it is an existing project in Happy Street, and there is no need to ban it. The city's vigorous adventurers also need a channel to vent.

But he won't touch the poison, let alone that he can't get past his own level, and the wanton flooding of drugs will be driven out by Uranus.

Soma's divine wine is the perfect substitute. There is no doubt that this kind of divine wine, which is harmless to the body and even beneficial, possesses demagogic magic power. If used properly, it will be a poisonous dragon that is even more terrifying than medicine.

But among the industries planned by Mu Feng in the future, Soma's highest-level divine wine will be a 'prize' for the gods and top adventurers!

With the help of the most depraved and irresistible divine wine, he wants those gods to be his virtual servers obediently. So he needs incentives, he needs to show rewards, he needs to monopolize Soma's divine wine.

At the very least, he wants to keep things that are scarier than any entertainment out of the market.

In business, sometimes what matters is not what you have, but what others don't have.

No matter how powerful the entertainment industry planned by Mu Feng is, it will never be able to match Soma's divine wine. Even though these divine wines rarely flow on the market because of the relationship between the addicts' families, as long as they exist, it is impossible for Mu Feng's monopoly business to complete the closed loop.

"You seem to hate the appearance of your family in front of the divine wine."

Mu Feng casually grabbed a drunk family member, placed his palm lightly on his body, and released his own spiritual energy.

"Now, he'll never get drunk on your drink."

Mu Feng decomposed the excessive amount of acetaldehyde in this guy's body. After being brutally 'sobered up', he saw the divine wine in Somo's hands, and his eyes lit up like a dog.

However, when he drank the divine wine and was ready to taste the joy again. He was horrified to discover... He didn't experience anything.

"What's the matter? What have you done to me!" He angrily wanted to grab Mu Feng's hand, but was blasted away by his psychic energy. Mu Feng looked at Soma with a playful smile, And Su Mo also looked at him curiously.

"what have you done?"

"I just let the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in his liver decompose ten times more than the total amount." Mu Feng shrugged.

Although divine wine has all kinds of incredible magical powers, it is only divine wine brewed by Soma using mortal materials. It does not have any magic power that can directly reach the soul. Of course, it actually has some kind of 'magic' special effect after being soaked in magic.

But aside from all this, starting with the chemical reaction at the root, the magic power of the divine wine can be greatly disappeared.

The reason why you get drunk after drinking alcohol is that after ethanol is ingested into the body, it will enter the liver through the blood, and then be rapidly deoxygenated by alcohol deoxygenase in the liver to produce toxic acetaldehyde. And acetaldehyde can cause poisoning effect, before it is decomposed into acetic acid by acetaldehyde deoxygenase, this acetaldehyde poisoning effect

It should cause dizziness, dizziness, unresponsiveness, accelerated blood circulation, elevated blood pressure, flushing, and a feeling of **** in the brain.

In a sense, drinking alcohol is equivalent to putting your body into a state of poisoning. While acetaldehyde acts as a neurosuppressant, it reduces the activity of the nervous system. Once the activity of the inhibitory area of ​​the brain is suppressed by ethanol, the person will feel more relaxed, confident, and talkative.

There is a fluttering pleasure. The brain registers this feeling and produces a flood of motivating hormones such as dopamine, leading to what is known as alcohol addiction.

On this basis, Soma's divine wine has added some materials containing magic elements to further activate the nervous system, greatly improving the pleasure brought by the activated brain while reducing the toxicity of acetaldehyde.

However, as long as there are enough acetaldehyde deoxygenases in the liver to decompose ethanol into acetic acid at the moment when ethanol enters the body and is converted into acetaldehyde, then there is no problem of acetaldehyde poisoning at all, and naturally there is no such thing as restraint and magic on the brain. The activating pleasure that comes with it.

"...This is not the result I want." Somo put down the brewing tools and said lightly.

Although he has always longed for the appearance of his family who broke free from the shackles of his divine wine, he never did it with this artificial 'help'. This has nothing to do with willpower at all. Look at that poor bastard, who was given the help of getting rid of the divine wine, but it is still the virtue of an addict.

"But this is the result I want." Mu Feng smiled brilliantly

"Your Majesty Soma, our cooperation can develop a more interesting and powerful divine wine. Your wine is delicious to me, but...not enough to bind my soul."

"Your clan will gain the ability to ask you to bind you. Although this is not their original intention, this is what you want to see, isn't it? All I ask for is the monopoly of the Soma wine, and a little friendship and cooperation. ."

Su Mo was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to Mu Feng. Mu Feng held it with a smile. From today, O'Lari's entertainment industry will be completely monopolized by him!

"Pleasant to work with."


The door of the Soma family was kicked open.


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 61. The Worried Mother

The sound of time passing by every second echoed coldly in the room. The hands of the clock hanging on the wall indicate that it is five o'clock in the morning.

Hestia was pacing back and forth in the same place in the headquarters, the hidden room of the church.

It was already five o'clock in the second morning.

She crossed her arms across her chest, her eyebrows were furrowed, and her face was anxious. Last night, she saw that Bell's [ability value] was greatly affected by her love for Ais, which made her very unhappy.

When Hestia vomited and returned from the party in the part-time job shop, she was greeted by an empty silence, and Bell was not in this hidden room.

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