"Let them go! The kingdom of elves is not for monkeys."


"How is it, how does it feel to be back in your hometown after such a long time?"

Gareth's voice awakened the dazed Riviria. The elf princess looked at the familiar forest and everything, the homeland where she had spent nearly a hundred years, and shook her head gently.

"It didn't take long, and nothing changed."

For elves, even a ten-year interval is far from being "long". Riviria is very young, but her concept of time is still the concept of elves.

This is the homeland where she was born, raised and grown up.

Alfredo's Wang Sen, her hometown, is also... her former cage.

Just like most of the princesses locked in the tower, Riviria, who was once bound in the White Holy Stone Palace, had countless fantasies about leaving here.

Of course, she left in the end, but this story has nothing to do with the prince.

"Speaking of which, Lord Loki seems to have forcibly robbed you back then."

Gareth quipped while looking at Rivia

"We all seem to have a share. It is estimated that the scene will be a little ugly after seeing your father in a while."

"We're here for business, Gareth, don't mess around," Finn emphasized.

"Hey, I just don't like most of the pointed ears." The dwarf shrugged, swept the "discrimination" in the eyes of the elves next to him, and pouted.

"Except Rivilia and Lefiya, Finn, don't tell me you like elves very much."

The hero of the villain did not speak, and the head of the group would not say such words that would destroy the feelings of his teammates. But Gareth was right, of all races, the Elf was definitely the one that Finn hated.

The reason is also very simple, elves... Most of the western fantasy world is a hang-up.

The nose is raised higher than anyone else, which is more arrogance than pride. Because of their long life and good talent, they instinctively look down on all other races.

The dwarves are contemptuously called burrowing moles, the small humans are called stinky dwarves, the orcs are called upright beasts, and humans are even more direct, directly scolding them as monkeys.

The land outside Alfred Wangsen is collectively called the frontier land of the barbarians, and even in the past thousand years, they are unwilling to look outside.

"My elf royal court is vast and has everything!"

This group of elves really said and thought so. So even if the age of the gods came, these elves had no intention of pleasing the gods.

However, they also have the capital to be proud of.

It is not groundless that elves can be the family race that all gods want. Almost the vast majority of elves have the talent of magic, and a few also have keen senses, and are born warriors and hunters.

And most importantly, a long-lived elves means that they can accumulate more experience, and living a long time also means that they can contribute more to the family.

But no matter what, the arrogance of the elves is indeed unbearable, in short, it is disgusting, very disgusting!

"Well, don't talk about it, we are here to persuade my father to cooperate with Orari."

Riviria gave her two companions a good-looking roll of eyes. The trip back to her homeland was not to reminisce about the past, but a request from the guild's main god, Uranus.

The main **** entrusted them to go to the elf royal court and persuaded the elf king Rafael to accept the joint invitation of Orari to jointly resist the kingdom of Lagia, which was expanding its military scale.

But to be honest, Riviria's confidence in this mission is not high.

Because it is her own father, Riveria knows very well what kind of "traditional" elf Rafael is.

Arrogant, arrogant, traditional, decadent, hating the gods.

You can use any similar word to describe a traditional elf, but her kin are the few who are willing to open their eyes to see the world.

Sometimes Riveria would think, if there is a fire that can really burn Alf Wangsen, maybe Ye is not a bad thing.

To wake such a group of proud elves from their arrogance, make them realize that their pride is worthless. Seriously, it's not a bad thing...

"People from Orari are not welcome here, let alone the family of that obscene god."

An icy voice sounded in front of Riviria. She raised her head and saw King Rafael who came with two groups of guards and his maid, Aina.


Seeing her father, Riveria didn't know what to say for a while. In this dense forest of overlapping branches, the atmosphere on both sides was very awkward.

"My stupid daughter, have you finally realized the dignity and responsibility of the royal family?"

Rafael's eyes softened a bit when he looked at his daughter, but he was still extremely serious.

"Are you finally determined to break the contract with that filthy god, leave the filthy outside world, return to Alfred Wangsen, and protect our royal family?"


Riviria really didn't know what to say. She lowered her head and clenched her fists gently, considered the language, and raised her head.

"Father, I'm here to invite you and everyone to leave Alfred Wangsen."

"What?!" Rafael's voice was raised ten degrees, and the faintly wrinkled face perfectly showed the anger of this elf king who paid attention to appearance.

"Do you know what nonsense you're talking about, Rivia!!!"

"Your Majesty Rafael, Riviria is kind..." Finn was about to interrupt, but Rafael pushed him back.

"Shut up, homeless stinky dwarf! Are you tempting my daughter? Because you are homeless, do you want the elves to be homeless too!"

The little people once had their own country and their own holy land, but now they are all gone. Finn, it is to revitalize the family and the race, will join Loki's command.

Rafael's words are not poisonous, they can be said to be a serious defense.

"Father, what you said is too much!" Rivia said, suppressing her anger.

"We came under the order of Lord Uranos, and Lagia is now preparing to attack Alfre's Wang Sen..."

"Get out with the so-called grace of God!" Rafael interrupted his daughter unceremoniously.

"And what is Lagia? It's just a country of monkeys. Even if they have the blessing of an idiot god, they don't even think about stepping into Alfred Wangsen!"

Ultimate arrogance and arrogance, elf, always.

Although she had expected this result, Rivilia still had the urge to turn around and leave after being beaten by her own father.

But, but... she can't just sit back and watch her country...

"Tsk tsk tsk, this arrogance, as expected, elves look like this in any world."

A cold, mocking voice exploded here


The guard beside King Rafael drew his sword in the direction of the voice, and in that place, in a forest, a mass of things like a condensed black mist slowly emerged

"It is not something to be praised for neglecting an envoy, Your Majesty Rafael." A faint voice came from the black mist.

"Who are you?" Rafael turned his head abruptly, not being good.

"I am the envoy of the Lagia Kingdom."

In the dark fog, a figure wearing a dark armor like midnight walked out slowly

"I only came here on behalf of that cruel and dull god's last mercy, but you arrogantly rejected this last kindness."

The man's voice was incomparably cold, as if the wind was blowing from the coldest winter night.

"Then it seems that there is only war."

The man slowly raised his head, the helmet was as hideous as the claws reaching out to the sky, and the face was an extremely twisted face.

"Arrogant monkey, take him down for me!"


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 66. The Witch King Malekith

"Arrogant and ignorant monkey, take him down for me!"

The angry King Rafael waved his hand, and the handsome and elite elf warriors rushed up immediately, and the caster also began to recite the incantation.

But the man just smiled coldly, slowly raised his right hand, and the thick black mist entangled above it, turning into an insoluble darkness like ink!

"Be careful!" Rivelia inspired her newly learned magic almost instantly

Summoned by her, the magic element wrapped around her felt a strong feeling of repulsion. She was running rapidly, and at the same time, she used the spell to assist the mobilization of the magic element. The spell model belonging to the 'Wind of Heaven' series was completed. and release!

But she was still a step behind.

The black mist that spread from the palm of the man in black armor dissipated instantly, and the elven warriors who rushed up let out a sharp howl in the black mist, and an extremely miserable scene was staged in front of everyone.

Their flesh was drained, like a dry mummy! But far more than that, their souls were pulled out in a scream, tortured, deformed, and finally forcibly stuffed back into their bodies!

The disease spread on these dead mummies, and their bodies were filled with all kinds of bad microbes - in a sense, they became 'revitalized'.

And at this time, Riveria's spell had already descended.

The dazzling, sacred thunder entwined with golden radiance fell from the sky, instantly splitting the black fog! The strong breath of heavenly lightning dispelled the power of the winds of shadows and the winds of death, dispersing the original The black fog was directly dispersed.

"Oh? I didn't expect there is a heavenly mage here?"

The man looked at Riviria with interest, and hooked his hand gently. Those elves who died in the black mist slowly stood up and turned into miserable plague undead standing behind him.

"Who the **** are you? What do you want to do?" Rivia stared at the man.

"Why should I answer you such a stupid question knowingly asked." The man smiled disdainfully

He represented Ragia, and when he appeared here, he started to kill, so his purpose and Ragia's thoughts naturally didn't need to be said.

The flames of war are about to burn to the homeland of the elves that are free from competition in the world. Ares, who raised the flames of war, will spread disputes and death, war and blood to every corner of the world!

He opened his arms, and there was boundless pain in the eyes of the miserable plague undead beside him. The earth under their feet was dying, the shadows and the wind of death eroded the entire Alfred Wangsen, and the plague in their bodies was also in the whole area. Spread out in the forest!

"Look at this forest, how long has it been since it has been immersed in war? Look at you, elves, how long has it been without war."

The man sneered in a strange Elvish language in an aria-like voice.

"Why did our noble family choose to degenerate into a group of monkeys living in trees?"

Rafael looked at the fanatic who desecrated the souls and corpses of his compatriots with incomparable anger, but he was still observing this mysterious man.

After hearing his strange Elvish language, Rafael was stunned for a moment, and then said in an incredible tone.

"You, are you a high elf?"

"Of course, Your Majesty Rafael." The man smiled mockingly, and even made a decent court etiquette

"It's just that I am far nobler and more ancient than you, and I am the orthodox of the elves. The land I once ruled, the vast expanse of blue water, occupied a new world like heaven! The fleet of our empire once traveled the world, and our wealth once piled up. Full of hollowed-out mountains, not like you, a bunch of monkeys living in trees!"

Rafael's face changed for a while. As a surviving Alfre royal family, he had heard of the great empire built by the elves.

It was thousands of years ago before the dungeon broke out, before the gods came, that was when the spring and autumn of all civilizations were at their peak, and that... is already the longest past.

It has been so long that even today's elves have only heard a few words, but there is no evidence of prosperity and historical records.

"Since you are an elf, why are you killing your compatriots? What is your name!"

"I wouldn't agree with a group of monkeys living in a tree house as my compatriots." The man said disdainfully, but slowly took off his helmet

"As for the name, that doesn't matter, now that I have a new life, my name is..."

Riviria gasped, because of the appearance of this male elf in front of her... No! Under the mask, there is no appearance at all.

Only the dark scorch marks cover the body, every inch of the skin seems to be scorched by the ultra-high temperature flame, and the molten fire in the scorch marks is still burning.

"The name of the past has long been forgotten. After I was awakened to Susheng, my name was the Witch King, Malekith."

The pitch-black elf said in a very resentful voice.

"I was awakened from the abyss of death by the cruel and crazy God of War, whose messenger gave me the power of death and shadow, and my task is to tread this forest. I want to go to you, to you proud and ignorant Stupid revenge!"

Following his words, the black mist under Malekith suddenly burst, and the dead elven warriors howled and rushed towards their former colleagues.

Soil, trees, flowers, all things that contain life in nature will wither and die the moment they come into contact with the black mist.

This breath of death is like a deadly poison, expanding at an extremely fast speed!

"Hurry up and stop him!" Finn pulled out the magic spear behind his back and released the effect of the Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

"GaeBolg pierced through Deaththorn!"

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