"Then in a week..."

"It's not necessary." Bell interrupted Apollo directly and said indifferently.

"Let's start tomorrow, Apollo."

"I will smash your vain and foolish love, false god! I will tear you off the cloud of self-pity and self-love, I will slaughter all the **** that flow your filthy blood, and your existence will be taken out of this city by me Erased! Apollo, I swear by my soul!"

Bell's cold and cruel words froze the disgusting joy on Apollo's face.

Before that, no matter how disrespectful to God. Very few, no, no one would take such an attitude and speak such words to God.

There is no doubt that there is no love or reverence for God, only endless disgust and hatred. It is hard to imagine that there will be children with such an attitude towards God in the lower world.

Bell walked away without hesitation, Hestia followed, leaving only the banquet that suppressed the excitement and embarrassment.

"Sure enough." Mu Feng grinned.

Is the power of the Holy Light so easy to grasp?

The six camps of World of Warcraft also symbolize the six basic powers, Holy Light, Shadow, Fel, Arcane, Death, and Life, none of which can be said to be mastered without cost.

The original darkness represents the void, the radiance of the big bang represents holy light, and the collision of holy light and shadow gives birth to fel energy and arcane magic, the former represents the chaos and disorder of entropy, and the latter represents the order of the universe. Then life is born, so there is death, which is the six basic camps that make up the universe of Warcraft.

The problem is that each of these six forces will greatly interfere with the master's thinking.

Those who master the shadowy void will undoubtedly become biased towards the destruction of the void heat death. And mastering the secondary void is to master the power of the void through the means of secondary void agents such as the ancient gods, and they are often affected by the secondary agents and become crazy.

Those who master fel energy will become manic and murderous, but that does not mean destruction. It's just the chaotic power represented by fel energy that makes emotions freewheeling and indulgent. And in the vast majority of cases, unbridled emotions mean extreme chaos and malice.

Those who master death also become indifferent in character, which is the power that has the least influence on thinking. The undead who seem to be chaotic and hate the living only because it is the result of holding the power of death under abnormal circumstances, just like the believers of the ancient gods who obtained the power of the void through the ancient gods, because only the true

Only the "dead" can master death, and the dead who only have souls will not have too many emotions in the mastery of anima.

The above is the influence of the power of the "evil" camp of Warcraft on emotions, so will there be any difference between the remaining three "good" camps?

The answer is - there is no difference at all.

The so-called good and evil, to a large extent, is only because the 'life' with power is close to this camp, and naturally it will be normal and 'friendly' to interfere with these powers, but in fact, the arcane of life and the holy light , it will also cause changes in thinking or even brainwashing.

Those who master arcane power, from mages to titans, will become extremely confident and paranoid, and have a cruel paranoid that is almost obsessive-compulsive about order. Why are titan creations always inorganic? Because inorganic matter is the most orderly and unchanging to Titan.

Those who master the power of life, such as those druids, become paranoid loving and kind to life. But in other words, such excessive fraternity makes you weak, and fraternity means not loving. The preference for nature tends to make the master of the life force extremely dislike the things that cause death.

And in the end, the person who masters the power of the Holy Light, like Bell now, is the best example.

The representative creature of the Holy Light, that is, Naru, looks like a group of perfection and beauty, as if the existence of a collection of good emotions in the world, but this beauty - in essence, it is just a matter of camp opposition.

The concept represented by the Holy Light is 'existence', so they are naturally averse to the fel energy of void and destruction, and will also reject the death that represents the end of the next stage of the cycle of life.

As a faction power opposed to the void, the Holy Light's extreme characteristics are not much better than that of the void.

It is true that the warriors illuminated by the power of the Holy Light are often jealous of evil, generous and kind, and at least the general direction is correct - but this feeling is only because you are a creature of order, so you have no sense of this change.

In another world, Draenor, Archbishop Yrel, who was favored by the power of the Holy Light, even made an extreme act of forcing the entire life of Draenor to believe in the Holy Light. For the Mag'har orcs who did not believe in the Holy Light, they mercilessly ordered genocide.

This is the extremeness of the Holy Light. Identifying yourself as extreme justice and extreme correctness will make the patrons of the Holy Light feel that they are the masters of their destiny.

What's worse is that the Holy Light is actually the power closest to the void. Just like Naaru, who is a pure holy light creature, will quickly transform into a void creation that is purer than the ancient gods - the entropy demon after death, every holy light patron, once degraded, tends to get out of hand.

Bell Croney, as the patron of the Holy Light, is undoubtedly the best example of this interference.

The source of the holy light and education he received was Zera, the most extreme mother of holy light in the Naaru, and his desire and fit for holy light after that even made her a very high fit for the hand of silver Spend.

As the weapon of the guardian Tyr, the Silver Hand is the perfect combination of the arcane magic of extreme order and the holy light of extreme justice. Bell Cronney, who fits this artifact, can also be said to have the nature of his character. This direction never returns.

It's hard for you to evaluate whether such a character is good or bad, but at least one point is revealed - this kind of extreme justice made him completely ignore all respect for God.

He did not believe in the Light, but he began to think of himself as the Light. This result is nothing more than changing from thinking that the Holy Light's ruling is correct to thinking that it is correct...

"Did you push Apollo to do this?"

While all the gods were attracted by Bell and Apollo, Freya walked over and opened her red lips.

"There's no need to say more about this kind of knowingly asked - but don't you think it's very interesting? A godly hero, a tyrant, does this fit the image of a ruler."

Mu Feng smiled

"Will Bell win?"

"Yes, he will definitely..."


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 82. War Games

The war game was determined to begin at noon three days later.

Because there was no war game for a long time, the speed of guild approval was quite fast, and Hestia's idea of ​​​​obtaining a little buffer time was completely defeated.

However, it doesn't matter if you can't get it.

Bell Cronney wasn't going to turn to anyone's power.

Regardless of the fact that he hardly has a bond with most of the teammates in the original plot, even if there is, he doesn't want to interfere with anyone else.

This is the war he started, so let him start and let him end.

"Holy Light..."

In the chapel of the Hestia family, Bell knelt on the ground without saying a word. He, who was covered in silver-white Stormwind City armor, stood the warhammer of the Silver Hand in front of him and prayed softly.

The object of his prayer is not any god, nor the Holy Light itself. The moment he was selected by the Silver Hand, Bell understood one thing.

Holy Light has no will, Holy Light has no good or evil, Holy Light is yourself, Holy Light... is justice!

He is justice!

The silver hand exudes a pale golden brilliance, and the lines like thunder flow on the surface of the warhammer.

Bell closed his eyes tightly, what he was comprehending was the memory in this warhammer.

Memories belonging to Guardian Tyr!

It belongs to the guardian of the world, who has fought against the void and demons for a long time, the great guardian Tyrwan's years of fighting experience, and his control of power.

In fact, most of the application skills of the Holy Light that Bell mastered were taught by Zela.

Naru, who believed in prophecy, had shown Bell the battle scene of the Holy Light Corps many times in his dreams. That was the best teacher. There are few creatures in the universe whose mastery of the Holy Light can compare to them!

And Bell does not need to go through the light casting ceremony. When holding the hand of silver, his body has been baptized by the holy light from top to bottom!

This kind of treatment, in the entire history of Warcraft, there is only one other person besides him - the prophet Velen!


Hestia looked at Bell with her eyes closed, and she began to worry more and more about Bell's state.

Compared with the victory of the Familiar War, she is more afraid of Bell, who has changed her appearance. Rather than growth, Hestia felt more like... sublimation.

From a mortal, sublimated to another species. Close to God, but completely different, a worrying existence...

"Don't worry, Lord God." Bell opened his eyes, and the golden flames flowed in his eyes, making him look like an unspeakable sense of holiness.

"I will give you the crown of victory."


"When I was in love with that boy, Hestia, you would hinder my good deeds. After I take him away, I want you to leave the city—no, leave the Nether."

Apollo, who had returned to reality from his delusion, leaned against the balcony and looked up at the night sky through the open window. There is a fierce light in the depths of the eyes that look up at the silver-white moon like admiration, and the corners of his mouth are raised.

"Please, my lovely family members..."

The bright moon glowed with a quiet light, and the low laughter kept ringing.

His family members, including his favorite Yacintos, bowed their heads and obeyed the orders of the Lord God. From a certain point of view, Apollo and Freya are actually a kind of gods, and they will pursue the people they want at all costs.

The only difference is probably that one is a man and the other is a woman, and things like gender can bring about a completely different look and feel.

"...I'm starting to miss life in the dungeon."

The wild boar Peppa, who was covered in black robes, sighed with a long sigh as he looked at Apollo, who was enjoying himself in the moonlight.

He is now more and more hated this perverted Lord God.

It was not long ago that he was promoted to LV2. In fact, when it comes to the fastest speed in the city, he is actually faster than Bell in the record.

But to be honest, his promotion was largely a coincidence and a fluke - even he himself didn't know how he made the cut.

In short, after he became LV2 and returned to the Apollo family, his perverted **** **** gave him a mission.

He will temporarily hide his strength and exist as an experiment for Apollo. As for the reward...the love of Apollo.

You heard that right, the perverted Lord God really used this thing as the arrival of the mission, and the wild boar Peppa almost killed him on the spot!

But he didn't do it because of the mission itself.

He looked at the chains wrapped around his arms with a complicated expression, and deep brand scars appeared on his arms, and at the end of the chains were two ferocious pairs extending from the statue of the Roaring Demon Head. Knife.

Chaos Blade, this is the 'reward' of this mission

To be precise, this was Apollo's experiment, branding his body with the Blade of Chaos - at the price he had to do a little 'plastic surgery' and help Apollo complete the war of the family.

Victory or not victory is the next priority, mainly because he must stay until the end of the war game, otherwise he would have run away with this good thing!

When the Blade of Chaos is branded, it hurts, it really hurts, even if the pain is weakened when the game room is isolated, it hurts like kicking the corner of the table with my little toe.

Wild Boar Page has been thinking about whether he can use this matter to sue Zhangshi Technology to get himself some compensation, but think about it.

It would be bad if the official take back the Chaos Blade, this is Lord Kui's weapon! The one who plays with this thing is not the prettiest cub among all the players!

He will record the entire war game this time, so as to restore the clicks of his video that has fallen into decline recently!

Thinking of this, the wild boar Peppa became excited, and the chains of the Chaos Blade wrapped around his arms also began to rattle.

Come on, what is that Bell Cronney.

Let me teach you, what is Sparta! ! !


The ruins of the ancient city of Shulim.

This fortress, built in the middle of a plain without forests and hills, was one of the defensive strongholds of ancient buildings. In order to keep the cities and villages behind them away from the monsters that appear in the dungeon holes, or to block them, before the cover-like Tower of Babel and the huge city wall were completed, the area around Orari was

Many of these fortresses were built to guard against the myriad monsters pouring out of the dungeons.

Although these fortresses are almost in ruins to this day, only the ruins of the ancient city of Shulim were used as a fortress until a century ago due to the relationship between the Lachia Kingdom, so although the atmosphere was lonely and deserted, the city walls The functions are still working. This war game choice

here as a battlefield. There are several towers with some signs of collapse attached to the city wall. The height of its stone wall is more than ten meters, and its thickness is impeccable.

If you want to break through this outer wall, you must at least launch a strong end-of-the-art attack. It is difficult for even high-level adventurers to take a step beyond the thunderous pool. Sitting on an easily attacked plain, the city has been able to maintain its original shape to this day, largely thanks to the city wall.

The Apollo family graciously occupied this ancient city.

Logically speaking, the weaker Hestia family should occupy such a favorable position, rather than allowing the already powerful Apollo family to occupy such a territory.

But everything is never reasonable, even if it is a fair war game, it is full of a lot of 'unfair'

They arrived there three days ago, and the total number was about 110. This is almost the total number of members of the Apollo family. Under the command of the troop commander, the members of the regiment were busy repairing the city walls, or storing and configuring spare weapons, props, and food.

"Hmph, it's so boring, there's no point in doing these things."

In the throne room of the most conspicuous tower in the fortress, the handsome young man Yacintos snorted as the leader. He looked out the window at the city where the members were scattered.

The war took the form of siege warfare, and the fighting period was three days. In terms of the decisive conditions, as long as the general Yacintos survived for three days, or if the enemy general—certainly Bell Cronney could no longer fight, then the Apollo family would win.

Based on the position of sticking to the city, they made preparations for defending the city, but they didn't have to do it so thoroughly, they would definitely win. I heard that the opponent increased the number of members at the last minute, but it still did not exceed five. No matter how many people think about it, it is impossible to compete with the hundreds of military forces that are sticking to the city.

"Why did Lord Apollo use siege warfare..."

Even without such favorable conditions, he is confident that he will be able to win big. Did the **** Apollo not trust us? Jacintos was dissatisfied with the main god.

Ignoring the group members who were busy in and out, he sat down on the throne at the back of the room with dissatisfaction. On the wall behind the throne hangs the flag of the family with bows and arrows and the sun. This is because he was born with a habit of cleanliness and ordered the members to clean the room and hang it up beautifully.

Sitting proudly on the throne, Jacintos snorted again.

"Boring game..."

On the other side, the city is naturally lively and lively. All the taverns open early in the morning, and there are vendors in every corner of the street. The countless parchment paintings that have graced the road to this day are the result of propaganda by ecstatic gods. The content of the picture is the sun of the Apollo family

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