"Of course it turned out badly. They went to the family and were captured. But as a god, I think it's better for you to hand over the execution power to your fellow princes."

"Ares! You lunatic!" Jian Yulei roared at Ares with red eyes

"Your delusions will not succeed. When we repel your army, Orari's family will surely destroy your country! Banish you to the sky!"

"Go on! I love listening." Ares made an exaggerated listening gesture, smiling happily and maliciously

"I like to listen to the roaring barking of the prodigal dog. The louder you bark, the better I am right."

"Aren't you laughing at me for playing an old-fashioned war game? Don't you always say that I'm an idiot in private? Now, my wise colleagues, you have been captured by me, a 'dumb'!"

Ares walks back and forth beside these bound gods, and the harsh laughter that accompanies them is his greatest humiliation to these gods

"Let me see, what am I going to do if I break Orari? Well, I must pee on the top of the Tower of Babel, to all of you!"

"Ares, if you capture Orari, then you should guard the monsters under the Tower of Babel alone."

A **** named Toth responded calmly.

"We can't control your war, but don't forget it's all a game. Ares, you've gone too far, don't blame us for kicking you out!"

"What? Do you want to be serious?" Ares laughed even more wanton. He pulled out the sword of the war **** on the ground, and the sword was aimed at Toth from afar.

"Then let's go to war! Let's go to war unscrupulously! I'm looking forward to that scene too much. My people trample the world with horseshoes in my name, and then, as gods, we jump out and fight for our relatives!"

"In the end, we had a dark night, the sun and the moon had no light. When we turned around, haha, all the family members died!"

When Ares said this, he did not pause or pretend at all. He's excited, really excited

The God of War really doesn't care or even desires to turn the Nether into a burning **** and become the second God of War melee heaven!

"I still have some things to deal with next, Lord Ares, I will leave these to you to deal with." He responded arrogantly and calmly.

"Okay! By the way, help me call Kali and the others before leaving. Is it better to be alone than Lele? Hahahahaha!"

Ares laughed wildly and ran away, arrogant lastly glanced at these gods indifferently, but also turned and left here.

It's time for this tiresome war to end.


The horn sounded, and the crowd was full of people, carrying the irritable and restless Scarlet Demon Army from the end of the horizon, and there was no need to repeat it a second time.

However, compared to the previous one who only had two troops and would only bury their heads and act recklessly, this Scarlet Devil Army received assistance from Lagia.

An entire artillery unit was finally transported to the front line. These terrifying demon weapons were ready to go, and the sharp mourning of the monster's soul in the whistling fire wind made the warriors of the Blood God feel physical and mental pleasure.

Of course, none of this compares to the satisfaction of cutting off the skull of an enemy and offering it to the gods.

The support this time not only brought a group of artillery, but also the mage troops belonging to Lagia.

Holding a skull and a long steel whip in their hands, they were clad in thick brass armor, and flames like burning flames were projected from their eyes.

These guys don't look like a bunch of spellcasters. And to be precise, these guys are indeed spellcasters, but... psionicists.

"Gods are a group of treasures that can't be dug out."

Mu Feng commented on Orari's gods like this, and described them in a very rude way. These high-level creatures, which are powerful in nature and restrain themselves, are inexhaustible treasures -- and high-level tool people.

The purpose of making the thinking souls of these gods into streaming servers is not only to open up a virtual world. These gods are like sparks that radiate all the time, and they are also an excellent resource that can be reused.

Connecting their conscious souls to the fake reality stone is providing the coordinates of reality—that is, these psionicists, they can achieve the realization of fantasy through relatively minimal energy consumption.

The essence of psionic spells is that what they want is done. Psionicists project their thoughts in the conscious world, and then reflect and materialize them in reality through psionic energy.

Then, in the absence of a specific "fantasy world" like a subspace, it is more difficult to construct a consciousness projection, and the energy required to refract reality is greater.

One of the great advantages of using the brains and minds of those gods as streaming servers is that the souls and minds of these higher creatures can completely play the role of that 'warp'.

Then, it's a matter of connection and projection.

Using that fake reality stone as a hub is just enough. Turning the false into the real, but because of the consequences, a group of cheap psionicists were created in this way.

I saw these blood-colored psionicists, swaying the dry bones in their hands and constantly reciting those terrifying blasphemies. Offer allegiance to the great beings whose minds are linked, and then pump out their own lives as fuel for their energies.

They shouted frantically, their roaring thoughts opened up the hub of reality and fantasy, and the portals leading to the illusory were opened, and in the doors, the sound of molten iron made of wrought iron and the terrifying sound of fire were vaguely heard. The roar of the unknown.

And what came out of those portals were monsters built by the gods of war.

The scarlet deformed Khorne hound, the bloodletter wielding a flaming magic sword, and the war golem swallowing lava lava, these monsters that are blasphemous with reality and cannot be realized have come from fantasy to reality.

These terrifying monsters swallow their terrifying stature in leaping arcs and blazing flames, surging with power from the mind world reshaping the reality around them.

The grass is withering and burning, the earth is pouring lava, the world of thinking is eroding the space of reality and transforming it all into a place for these evil things.

But the erosion of this world stopped abruptly before it was about to spread completely.

The power and rules of Uranus threaten this erosion of the world. Although the rules of Uranus were circumvented by tricks, if God used his own spirit and thinking to overly erode the world, it would be regarded as using divine power to interfere with all this.

Although the rules of Uranos are simple, they use invisible pressure to block all tricks.

There was a roar of disdain and anger from the **** of war behind the portal, but all this was irrelevant, everything from the perfect world in the mind of the **** of war was enough.

These escaping breaths from the mind world constructed by the God of War bless all the berserkers and demons, making them even crazier and more cruel!

There was no need for an order. The moment Bache shook the bell in his hand, the scarlet demon army poured out like a wave of destruction.

They vowed to trample on everything in front of them and offer endless glory to the great God of War!

"They're coming..." Bell looked at the demon army that was trampling over, slowly picked up the silver hand, looked at the horrible green army behind, and said softly

"Go and unleash your desire for destruction... no need to hold back."

"Destruction, all this!"



M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 117. Unjust War

Those who trampled on Orari were a group of monsters who only knew killing and war, but did not know forgiveness, let alone mercy.

But the guardians of Orari are another group of great heroes?

No... just another level, and even more 'worse' legion.

The horrific green army of thousands, controlled by the infestation of demon blood, roared and rushed towards the scarlet demon army in an unstoppable desire for destruction.

The cowards who shivered and even had nightmares in the face of this destructive army not long ago are now like the knights who bravely charged in the face of the dragon.

But that's not courage, they're just not afraid.

The fear that fills the mind and brain is dominated by a purer and larger madness. There is no fear, so they must do their best to release the crazy desire for destruction in their hearts. After the fear is wiped away, only the fel-driven thinking remains. To tear everything in front of you to pieces, an extremely pure desire to destroy.

Neither side is a good thing, and either side is an extreme madness that is more thorough than a monster.

But to deal with monsters, you should let the monsters come, the same crazy cruelty, how can you put out the same crazy things?

"Tear them up!!!!"

In the rear of the Scarlet Demon Army, a demon cannon that locked the monster's soul was activated in hysterical screams, and those shells with souls and curses flew out screaming and fell heavily on the attacking fel army. among.

Destruction, death, that is inevitable. Even though these men drank the blood of demons for their strength, most of them remained flesh and blood.

When these cannonballs explode, they will also release the souls of the monsters, causing secondary indiscriminate soul and physical damage to the surrounding survivors.

They are not strong enough to be monsters that defy the laws of physics and objective facts.

But even if they were blown up and killed, this group of demonized army whose brains were almost burned by fel energy still did not flinch, and their only purpose with only destruction in their eyes was to shred the guys who charged at them!

Moreover, Oralie's side is by no means without countermeasures.

Above the city wall, the summoned spellcasting troop continuously instilled magic power into the evil energy crystals supported by Mu Feng's friendship, and the transformed evil energy was injected into those one by one and placed in the burning magic fire. the Fel Stone.

These fel-energy stones were activated, as if they were enchanted by the creator, and possessed 'life', and then they flew into the sky.

The cloud that was dyed red instantly had a tragic green color, and along with the tragic green color dragged and dropped, there were 'living' stones!

boom! ! ! !

Countless heavy meteors bombarded the Scarlet Demon Army, and the huge fel explosion blew the unknown number of Berserkers, Khorne Hounds, and Vampires into pieces!

But this is just the beginning. From the trauma of the earth that was smashed out of the huge pothole, one hellfire slowly climbed up. These living elemental demons with inextinguishable fel flames burning around them, tilt the fel flames and heavy blows towards all the life around them!

Like many times before, there is still no strategy or wisdom in this war.

Only a group of monsters and another group of monsters fought violently, as if they were self-destructing, they went to tear up each other and their own way.

But this is often the norm in warfare.

Those surprise attacks, stratagems, and superb stratagems are only a minority of wars, and they are still a small number of successful cases intercepted from a larger number of shredded failed endings.

Those who are good at fighting have no illustrious achievements, and this is what they say.

Shake, who was almost demonized into a huge demon, jumped high, roared and smashed into a pile of Khorne hounds, opened his mouth, sprayed surging fel flames, and burned those equally terrifying monsters.

Her sturdy and sturdy arms grabbed the berserker in front of her and tore it apart, and then the sturdy demonized spikes on her arms blocked the blade of the vampire.

For the Scarlet Devil Army, they just felt more ecstatic.

Only in this way, the blood-to-blood war wealth is more in line with their appetite, in line with the love of God - let those tricks and skills go to hell! We're going to bleed!

"...this is completely wrong."

Hestia, who looked through the mirror, saw this terrifying scene before her eyes. She lowered her head and muttered to herself.

This is not the story she expected at all, this is not a hero against a demon, but a group of demons against another group of demons!

The fighting between monsters can't be called an element of justice at all.


"Hahahaha, good fight, good fight!!!"

"Tear up those **** and make Ares cry!!!"

Hestia silently looked at the cheering 'similars' around him. They didn't care about them. Most of them were even more happy for the excitement of this war.

Yeah, what was she thinking? Didn't she and her 'similars' come to the earth just to be happy? For entertainment, whatever the cost.

For them, this completely wrong game is nothing more than a new way of playing the game.

It might be better for them.

It's just, my child, my Bell... what kind of... monster have you become?

Hestia looked at Bell, who was always expressionless in the mirror, and said softly.

"The situation is good."

Bell looked at the two groups of monsters fighting in a ball, his golden eyes flashed back, and he whispered.

Fel perfusion is indeed a method that can quickly make the weak stronger. As long as there is enough 'material', any amount of cannon fodder can be produced.

Of course, Bell does not have such evil thoughts, he just knows that he has protected everything he loves with extreme methods - although, this is a bit extreme.

"Go and meet our enemies!"

Bell raised his right hand, and the radiant holy light shredded the atmosphere and summoned a group of warhorses constructed of holy light.

The Lightcasters who followed him, and the scholars who created them, let their infinitely worshipped 'father' summon the Holy Light Warhorse to charge up!

The purpose of their charge is not a chaotic battlefield, in fact it is too stupid to charge there. They are the users of holy light, and in the eyes of those demonizers whose brains have been burned by fel energy, they will only become things that need to be destroyed.

What they raided was the artillery formation of the Scarlet Devil Army.

The Holy Light warhorse under Bell's crotch broke out at a speed that was unmatched by ordinary biological mounts, carrying him around the chaotic battlefield and attacking the row of artillery.

Naturally, he was greeted warmly by these demonic artillery.

Cannonballs burning with sparks and souls were hit in front of him one after another, but Bell didn't dodge or evade, just propped up the shield of the Holy Light and charged forward!

"Fire! Fire!"

The officer in charge of the artillery front roared hysterically. He was not afraid of death, he just wanted to shred these enemies as much as possible to please the **** of war.

Only by killing more enemies will the wonderful kingdom of God of War be open to them! In that lofty kingdom of heaven, they will enjoy joy unimaginable in this world!

Rows of soldiers pushed against their advancing thorn shields, sheltering the deafening demon artillery behind their own flesh and blood.

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