Medieval Warhammer? !

"Even if it's wrong, it can't be so outrageous, right?!" Lin Yide roared angrily at the time

To be fair, although there are elves, knights, gods, monsters, and gods—but the gap between the two worlds is too big, right?

At that time, Lin Yide cried like a fart who had his toes stepped on, especially after he was captured by these "Holy Grail Knights" and became a serf, he cried even more.

He spent the next two years working on the farm. As the slave of the knight master, the implementer of the policy of ten taxes and nine, not to mention hungry and full, it is a blessing from God to survive...

Being able to survive this life of neither a ghost nor a ghost is all due to the spirit and perseverance of being a reincarnator back then.

When he also learned that this world is not a medieval warhammer, although the style of painting has basically been crooked to the sky - but this is indeed the world of dungeon encounters.

Although he is only a four-star reincarnator, he has heard of things like mutation plots. He never thought in his life that the first world after his rebirth would be so exciting.

And what kind of **** can actually tamper with a Japanese-style harem western fantasy world into the shape of a medieval warhammer? !

At that time, Lin Yide couldn't think too much. After finally trying to mix himself into a serf leader, he would be driven to the battlefield to face the barbarians from the Chaos Wasteland.

He knew that 80% of his life was going to be explained there. He thought about running away, but the fate of those serfs who also escaped but were caught by the knights made him give up this idea.

Resist? revolution? The ocean of people's war? Don't be kidding, the knights here are all humanoid Gundams, the casters are even more powerful and outrageous, and the most important thing is, even if you want to rebel, who can you contact?

what's out there? The elves who can skin and train goblins, the monsters who are endlessly refreshed, the chaotic barbarians who regularly raid from the north and the south, the heretical lizardmen who regularly come to fight the autumn wind and get tens of thousands of bloodstains...

Although Bretonnia's knights and gentlemen are very inhumane, they at least guarantee their safety, and they will rush in front of them when they go to war.

This **** world has already made Lin Yide unlovable.

But he didn't know if it was lucky or unlucky. In the end, this little life was not explained on the battlefield. He was captured by those chaotic Yankees and locked in the arena as a fighter to please the gods or cannon fodder. ...

His only destiny is to end up being the food of others in the endless gladiatorial fight, but this is also a kind of relief... a fart.

Their destiny after death is destined to be thrown into the never-ending game of the Chaos Gods, playing their roles in the world of the soul, and then being reborn, resurrected, and killed again and again by powerful demons.

After gobbling down the mouse, Lin Yide clenched the crystal pendant that was perhaps the only thing in his hand that could be considered 'extraordinary'.

"If there is really any man behind the scenes, please help me..." Lin Yide begged countless times, but this may be the last time.

With the roaring bell, the door of the cage was opened, dragging his skeleton-like body, Lin Yide walked into the **** arena.

His pendant glowed slightly.

At this time, Orari, or the former Orali, was torn apart by a huge force and sent to Nagaros, a continent floating in the sea, a ray of light flashed.

"The 'Dead Walkers' team has been launched."

"The task has been issued - the main task 1, to become the head of a certain family, the first choice of God."

"Main quest 2, become the overlord of a country!"

Inside the shield, there was an excited voice

"Ha! Seeking encounters in a dungeon? Good TM easy task!!!"

"Nu Shao Shen! Waste wood spirit! Astringent fox! Dragon girl! I'm here!!!"

The excited voice lasted for a long time and could not be dissipated for a long time...


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

M78 Nebula

ps2: Mourning the two countrymen, hey...

Chapter 1. Kill the stick to help the fun

Christmas in Seoul

Colorful neon lights are lit up everywhere on the bustling streets, and the sky is snowing, and there is a strong festive atmosphere.

But there are not so many people on the street. Compared with previous years, the number of couples who show their love on the street is much less, and even the Santa Claus in front of the shop seems to be much depressed.

Some people say that Christmas is the most successful cultural invasion of Westerners in the past 100 years. Relying on the racial self-confidence of the white people established since the 18th century seafaring era, they have promoted their festival to the whole world.

Although 80% of the eastern countries do not have Christmas holidays, it does not prevent people from celebrating Christmas. Even though they didn't even know the name of Jesus' father, it didn't prevent them from having a good Christmas.

Of course, this is naturally the result of business marketing, but in any case, the existence of Christmas is like a silent cultural rewriting of the world by white people.

But in recent years, Christmas has become less and less influential.

After all, many countries are aware of the role that cultural soft power can play, and because of the collective decline in overall economic benefits, the idea of ​​merchants' Christmas promotions has become less sensible.

It can be said that the decline of the real economy is obvious to all. Because of the existence of the second world, no matter whether these real industries want to or not, it is inevitable to usher in a fatal blow.

Every now and then, there are people who criticize the technology that is "destroying the real industry", but the prosperity of the second world and the unimpeded movement in various countries make these resistance like insects in the ears.

It's not that no one has ever done extremist acts. It's just that in the face of a military group that holds extremely dangerous force and essentially controls a developed country, extreme acts will only lead to a hundredfold retaliation.

Besides, most people don't actually have so many unfounded thoughts at all.

Will being addicted to the second world bring down the physical industry? Will addiction to virtual worlds bring technology to a complete standstill?

When is it time for those 996 migrant workers to consider such an idea? Are you willing to work in an electronics factory from eight to nine, or are you willing to make money by lying down comfortably in the second world?

The answer is obvious.

The existence of the virtual world seems to have been completely bound up with the financial industry. Bankers and financial practitioners happily believe that they have completely turned the virtual into reality, and the currency has truly been separated from the entity.

The decline of the physical industry is unstoppable, and the only way to go is complete nationalization—in a sense, this may not be such a bad thing.

"The last time I came to the world, it wasn't that depressed."

Outside the open-air coffee house on the streets of Seoul, wearing a soft hat, a purple and white dress, wearing a pair of long white silk gloves, and holding a folding fan, the beautiful blond girl who looks like a 19th century lady took a sip of black tea and said softly.

"It's just that I haven't seen it for a year, and I feel that there are many fewer people in the world."

"It's not that they are missing, they just huddled at home and chose to turn themselves into residents in a false fantasy."

The white-haired and red-eyed Axiu gave the beautiful blonde girl next to her a white look and shrugged.

"If this goes on, your job of 'Shen Yin' will become more and more difficult to do, right, great sage?"

"It doesn't matter, the human beings in the human world have been able to maintain the level of ethnic reproduction." The monster sage Yakumo Zi replied indifferently.

"And I'm already considering whether to cut off the link between Gensokyo and the present world semi-permanently. After all... it's too dangerous."

"Yeah, that big boss is really... so annoying."

Axiu sighed, quite helpless.

"Some time ago, he wanted to use me as a springboard to invade your world, or to find the exact coordinates of Huangquan—of course, none of these matters, what matters is that that guy is gradually controlling the entire world."

"Yeah, a virtual 'game'." Yakumo Zi unfolded a folding fan and hid her face behind, but she wondered if she was laughing

"Humans are addicted to such illusory entertainment, but they don't know that their souls and consciousness have been subtly influenced and controlled - the two of Moriya Shrine should be very interested in this technology."

Those who are dragged into the virtual world cannot extricate themselves in the illusory happiness, but their spirit and thinking have been subtly controlled by Mu Feng.

They will unconsciously have a good impression of Zhanshi Technology and Mu Feng, and the accumulation of such tiny emotions will eventually turn into a fanatical worship.

How many users of the second world are there in the world now?

The answer is - two billion

This number doesn't seem like an exaggeration, but you have to consider that there are many people on the planet who are 'backward people', like Black Africa, who are basically impossible to access this technology.

The existence of the second world is suitable for all ages, and people of all ages are suitable for this kind of 'game'. It's even rude to say that the older you get, the more you can't let go of the existence of the second world.

Who wouldn't want to put on a more flexible and healthy body when they are old and degenerate? Even if it's just a delusion to trick the brain.

Using the brains of those gods in the wrong place as a serial server, Mu Feng has pulled a huge number of people into the virtual world, and as long as he wants, these two billion people can be transformed into huge resources at any time.

Whether it is to regard these two billion people as petitioners who fill their beliefs, and upgrade themselves to the 'god' of the warp

Or use the power of the Stone of Reality to transform the thinking of 2 billion people into enormous energy, and finally make the terrifying reality.

In other words, directly use these 2 billion people to achieve their goal of becoming the 'globe of the earth' and push the entire world towards a prosperous future.

He can do it now.

So Yakumo Zi doesn't want to provoke this guy, a man who can turn his head into a true master of the mortal world, even a monster sage can't provoke him.

What's more, she is not necessarily the opponent of that guy now.

"How is it? Are you still planning to cooperate with him?"

"If you want me, I can help you contact him - but presumably there is no need for it, you can just come and visit."

"My goal here is to persuade you to go to Gensokyo as soon as possible." Yakumo Zibai gave Axiu a look, and said coquettishly.

"The longer a guy like you stays in this world, the more detrimental it will be to us. There are enough recent troubles in this world, so don't set us on fire."

"Hiding with you or something, even if you want to do it, it's not now." Axiu calmly took a sip of tea, pointed to the man wandering on the street not far away, and smiled maliciously

"We still have a show to watch. I can't watch this kind of interesting trouble too much."

"Is that...isn't it a monster? Such a strong vitality."

"Of course, strictly speaking, that thing should be called... B.O.W, biological weapon."

"Biochemical weapons from another world."

"No wonder..." Yakumo Zi looked thoughtfully at the surrounding rooftops and smiled playfully.

"There are also a few lizard cubs."


Walking on the snowy street, Hong Shan, wearing a hood and tucked into his clothes, was in a hurry.

In addition to confusion and unease, what filled his heart was endless fear.

The wearer's black watch on the right hand was silent like a broken brick, unable to give Hong Shan the slightest reaction no matter what.

How much he hated this watch in the past, how much he wants this watch to respond to himself now.

He, Hong Shan, the reincarnator

A five-star adventurer who once belonged to the six-star team Omen Squad and strengthened the black light virus.

Of course, these are not the key points. For Hong Shan, his memory still remains at the moment when he fell. He took on the promotion task together with the captain and came to this 'everyday' world, but he encountered a fatal accident in an instant. attack.

Hong Shan didn't even remember where the attack they encountered just after they came out of the shroud of the Lord God came from.

He only remembered that moment of light, and after that, there was nothing left.

Passing by a group of couples, Hong Shan turned his head and entered the side road without thinking.

All of this is not the point. What scares Hong Shan the most is that he is still here and in this mission world.

But his identity as a reincarnator was withdrawn. This identity that he once hated, along with the reincarnation watch that lost its efficacy and no longer responded to his reincarnation watch, was completely invalid.

Hong Shan doesn't know what happened to cause such a problem, but now he is facing another problem that he is very worried about.

Is he... is he still that Hong Shan?

As an intensifier of the black light virus, he has a deep understanding of this powerful and handsome but extremely dangerous virus.

The direct exchange from the Lord God does not count. Those who are indirectly infected with the black light virus can only master the power of the virus after they die once.

Just like the protagonist of a generation, Alex Mercer, what is alive is nothing but a virion that has read the memory of the host. The original one is already dead!

Hong Shan is not sure if this is the case for himself. Perhaps it is precisely because he is already a 'dead man', and now he is just a virus body born by reading the memory of the main body, so the Lord God will give up on him.

The more I think about it, the more I fear to deny myself, the more I feel flustered, but if it's just this, I'll be disappointed. After all, it is his consciousness who is standing here and controlling this body. The most urgent problem right now is—

He was about to lose control of himself.

Hong Shan looked outside with greedy and eager eyes, and his body under the windbreaker kept squirming, as if some lurking monster was roaring and roaring in it.

He is a black light virus enhancer, but he is not just a pure enhancer. Combining a variety of virus aggregates, his enhancement should be called 'Black Light Mother Nest'

As the name suggests, this enhancement will allow him to instinctively expand and infect the things around him, creating and controlling a large number of infected bodies, and the desire to reproduce is rooted in his genes.

If he was usually in the main **** space, he would either vent this desire in the mission world, or directly exchange the black light stock solution with the main **** to suppress this impulse, but now that he is here, there is only the former option.

But he couldn't do it. It wasn't because he was soft-hearted. The reincarnations who have personally exterminated more than 10 billion people have no conscience at all. What he was afraid of was the painful price of wanton behavior in a world that trapped him.

This time, there is no main **** to protect him. If he can't complete the task, he escapes. Maybe even his teammates are dead, and he is completely trapped here...

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