"Fix it, let's do it together when Angers is lying in the nest!"

Mixed-races do have superior and ordinary abilities, but they are also 'withered branches' on the way of this world's development. The root cause is that many of them don't think they are human, but think they are new dragons who are superior to others.

Henkel's group is like this, and the secret party is not much better. Since it's a disgusting trouble, let's take this opportunity to cut it off together.

"I will invade the underlying data of Norma and EVA." He smiled arrogantly and maliciously.

"But since they like to play with viruses so much, it's good enough to let them play. By the way, the two chicks under the Furious Hand lend me something to do."

"Go find him yourself."

"What a joke." Arrogant curled his lips

"That **** is out of this world now!"

"Hopefully he won't pee his pants in front of the Dark Titan."


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 8. Antorus? The Burning Throne

This is a standard demon world.

The hollowed-out sea is flowing with fel energy in the form of fog, and the atmosphere that has been almost completely eroded also shows the color of fel energy's terrible green. The sky is only the brilliance of this miserable destruction, and even the stars shine with the light of fel destruction.

There is no life on the barren land, only the demons born by sucking the evil energy. They don't need food or water, their existence is maintained by evil energy, and born from evil energy.

Apart from demons and fel energies, the most abundant in the world is the soul - the ubiquitous soul furnace has been placed in many corners of the world, and countless souls have been thrown into it, burning out in the screams and wailing. Exhausted, turned into energy into the boundless throne.

Yes, the throne of Noah that stands in the center of this stationary planet.

Is that a spire? Or a castle? No, it is a huge throne that covers half of the continent, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

Burning Throne of Antorus

Its name is fierce even among the realms, representing the core and crown of the Burning Legion that destroyed thousands of worlds. More importantly, there exists the true master of the Burning Legion.

Fallen Titan Sargeras.

This world burning and screaming in fel energy is the crown world of the Burning Legion, Argus, the base of the Legion.

Ever since the eredars dedicated their homeworld to Sargeras 10,000 years ago, this world of star souls has been the undisputed core of the Burning Legion.

At every moment, countless souls are thrown into the forge of souls all over Argus. The extracted fel energy is channeled into Argus, and the corroded infant titans are forced to use their powers to revive the fallen demons in pain.

This is also why the demons of the Burning Legion are endless, and their deaths do not fall into the Shadow Realm, but go to Argus to be reborn, and then go into battle again.

However, although Argus is the undisputed crown world of the Burning Legion, there are not many legions of combat power stationed here.

Even the two leaders of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Defiler, did not stay in their homeland most of the time.

Because they need to lead the legion to conquer the unbeaten world, most of the time, they don't want to stay in the homeland they betrayed, listening to the endless pain and wailing of the star soul.

But that doesn't mean anything, doesn't it? Even without the Legion, the world has the most powerful protector of the Burning Legion - who can do anything while Sargeras is here?

The turbulent vortex of fel energy was opened in the teleportation hall of Antorus. The door shaking like a wave tore apart the space and the space, and the huge figure with bat wings on its back walked out of the teleportation door.

A beautiful eredar female demon with blood-red skin and wings on her back greeted her. Even if she turned into a demon, her graceful figure was very charming, and her attractive little tail was adorned with black gems.

"Tikdeos? Why are you here?"

A member of the Eredar High Council and the portal master who is in charge of all portal transportation hubs in Argus, Hazabel looked at the visitor and asked in confusion.

Should the **** cunning dreadlord be heading to Azeroth now under Lord Kil'jaeden's orders?

Tichondrius didn't speak, just walked out the door, and Hasabel immediately saw his broken wings and body—and the figure walking out from behind him.


Hasabel shrieked and showed his claws, and following Tichondris out of the portal was a figure several times taller than the abyss lord, wearing a black shabby robe, but the fel energy emanating from it made Hasabel had a familiar sense of fear.

"Tikdeos, how dare you bring outsiders into Argus?!"

Hasabel screamed at Tichondrius, an unmistakable betrayal. Don't think that all those who play with fel energy among the stars are members of the legion. The betrayal behavior of the Dread Demon King is afraid that his master can't protect him!

"I can guarantee that your soul will be drawn by Lord Kil'jaeden and fed to those two dogs!"

Hasabel's voice was extremely excited. She was a member of the Kil'jaeden camp. She could kill Archimonde's No. 1 Dread Lord, of course she was very happy.

"Please stop your groundhog screaming, Lady Eredar."

There was a steady and heavy sound from the figure, and when he lifted the hood, Hasabel was almost scared to death

"Sa, Lord Sargeras?!"

Hasabel's scream resounded through the portal hall, killing her, she never thought she would see Sargeras

In fact, Hasabel had only seen Sargeras once, and that was when the fallen titans used their mighty power to desecrate and master Argus. At that moment, Hasabel would never forget it for the rest of his life.

The giant in front of him, not only in appearance, but also in the smell of fel energy is exactly the same as Sargeras, the violent fel energy sprayed like the rage of the planet!

But - no!

Hasabel quickly reacted, this guy is definitely not a fallen titan!

It is impossible for Sargeras to remember the name of Eredar except for the two giants. The fallen titan spends most of his time fighting in the void, and the Burning Legion is just a tool for him.

And if she speaks disrespectfully to Sargeras, she will definitely be burned to ashes as soon as she shows up!

"I am not Sargeras."

The black giant sprayed with fel flames said in a low and slow voice

"But I'm going to see him - Eredar, I order you to open the portal to the Burning Throne!"

The turbulent and destructive fel energy pressed down, Hasabel trembled all over, and Tichondris next to him was shaking so much that it was about to fall apart.

Not only is he afraid of the enormous power of this dark giant, he is even more afraid of the secrets this guy knows!

"I think Kil'jaeden would love to hear about your relationship with Denathus the Great."

It was these words that made Tichondrius dare to take him to Argus at the risk of eternal torment.

"No, it's impossible!" Hasabel screamed and rejected the opponent's massive fel energy.

It's not terrible to die, this is Argus, and if she dies, she will go back to the Soul Furnace to reshape it again. But if she opened the portal to the Burning Throne, her life would be lost!

"You may not understand, I don't need your permission..."

Accompanied by a cold and low voice, a bone-chilling spiritual force pierced into Hasabel's spiritual world like a knife. The devil's strong spirit persisted under the enormous pressure for less than five seconds before losing.

Hasabel's body uncontrollably picked up the halberd that he used as the key, and inserted it into the key hole that was almost never inserted and turned. Accompanied by the sound of mechanical rotation, the gleaming green fel energy gathered to open a straight chain of portals to the Burning Throne.

"Do not!!!!"

Hasabel screamed in fear and pain, but the door had been opened by her own hands. All the eredar demon could do was stare at Rage with resentment, and screeched.

"You'll be torn to shreds by the fear there!!!"

Furious didn't pay attention to her meaning, just looked at Tichondris next to him, and said lightly.

"Lead the way, Stoneborn. I don't want to meet those lunatic saboteurs, I hate trouble."

"I don't know the way!" Tichondrius replied with tears in his eyes.

"Then you'd better use your ability to recognize the way." Furiously mentioned the Dread Demon King and threw it directly into the portal, and then he also stepped into the true core of the Burning Legion.

Hasabel was paralyzed and panted hard as if she was out of strength. Before she could recover, a huge crimson phantom appeared behind her.

"What happened, Hasabel? Why the emergency signal?"

The projection of the stalwart Kil'jaeden the deceiver is like a mountain, entwined with flames, and its huge wings cover the sky and the sun. It contains a cunning voice that covers destruction and madness, with obvious dissatisfaction and coldness.

"Ki, Lord Kil'jaeden!" Hasabel was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said in a crying voice

"The traitor Tichondris has brought someone into the Burning Throne!"

"Tikdeos? Traitor? Interesting..."

Kil'jaeden was not angry, and even found it very interesting. He didn't care that the traitor under Archimonde brought outsiders to the core of the Legion.

Many people think that Kil'jaeden is Sargeras' subordinate - this statement is not accurate, he and Sargeras are more of a partnership, Kil'jaeden dedicated his homeland, and Sargeras s promised him that bright future.

Kil'jaeden didn't really care about the Legion's affairs, just like he knew that Nathrezim had some inexplicable relationship with the Shadow Realm, but he still didn't care about it.

"Tell me, what kind of guy is that traitor carrying?"

Kil'jaeden lifted Hasabel's chin and smiled maliciously

Even he has rarely entered the core of the Burning Throne. Because in that temple, there is an extremely terrifying guardian.

Even Kil'jaeden would not dare to shake his edge. If Sargeras is the strongest in the Legion, then that guy is the second most powerful in the Legion, the second-in-command of the Burning Lord!

No demon can survive his wrath!


"Here... is the Burning Throne."

Suspended establishment and the endless sea of ​​flames, the materialized evil energy is transformed into the purest energy of entropy and extinction here. Relying on this turbulent sea of ​​destruction and flames, what floats on this is the Burning Throne.

This is not in Argus, but in the stars of the Twisting Void, this is the demiplane closest to the essence of Fel, and the closest to Void Base Camp.

Tichondris stood fearfully in the burning throne, which was different from most of the Legion's architectural style. The architectural style of the Burning Throne was an out-and-out titan style.

Every place of the huge palace is even and equal, and every corner is full of beauty called 'balance' and 'order'.

The corners of the building shone with a dull golden light, the statues depicting scenes of pain were inlaid with gems of concentrated fel energy, and the paths leading to any area spewed the entropic flames of the fel essence, noble, sacred, ancient, orderly .

This place seems to be modeled after the pantheon of the legendary Titan, only darker, more restrained, full of suffocating majesty and depression.

Even if the rage controlled Sargeras' body, after such a huge giant's body was enlarged, it barely felt that this was a relatively normal building.

Just like Tichondrius, the body of a demon who was huge to mortals, here is as small as Beverly who has penetrated into the kingdom of adults.

But what scares the Dread Lord more than the size is undoubtedly the 'inhabitants' in the Burning Throne

As the true stronghold of the Burning Legion, this majestic throne has few demons set foot on it.

If I have to say it, only the first part is responsible for the existence of the Witch Council of Destruction Witch who tortured the souls of the Titan brothers for Sargeras, and in the area leading to the real core of the Burning Sanctuary and the Soul of the World, except for the two giants of the Legion. Outside, no demons stepped in.

It's not that there are no idiots who don't know how to live or die. There are many such mindless people among the demons. But even if there were demons powerful enough to touch the Burning Sanctuary, none of them came back alive.

Other demons don't know what's in the depths of the Burning Sanctuary, but Tichondrius, as the first lord of the Dread Lord and a spy of Denathus the Great, knows nothing more than what's in the depths of the throne. .

All the idiots who broke into there, no matter who they were, were all torn apart by the flaming giant sword that burned the sky, and whether it was soul or body, they were directly annihilated in the universe.

"I advise you to turn around now and don't go to death!"

Tichondrius turned his head and roared at Fury, his clenched claws pierced deeply into his palm, but he seemed to know no pain.

"You want to find Sargeras, but there's no way you'll see him! You have to get past the guy before Sargeras, the Guardian, the true lieutenant of the Dark Titan!"

Some people say that the symbol of the Burning Legion is a hideous demon, but only the big demons know it very well. Even the two giants, including all demons, are just cannon fodder for the Burning Legion.

The true power of the Burning Legion is the unrivaled Dark Titan, his lieutenants, his guardians, and... the dark pantheon that is about to be reborn in darkness.

For Sargeras, who has gathered this power, the devil is nothing but cannon fodder. For the Dark Titan, the devil has always been a tool, a useful tool!

"I thought you stoneborn were only in awe of Denathius?" said Tichondrius, the angry, cheerful and malicious imitator.

"As discussed earlier, my infiltration behavior in the Disordered Plane is extremely smooth, and the devouring of fel energy is not pleasant, but it is required by the plan, and the deception you set up will be in the future. Achieve results in this era, we will continue to serve as your invisible hand as always, and we will erode every fool who invites us to join their forces - this seems to be what you said?"

"Shut up?!" The startled and angry Tichondrius shrieked and threw a swarm of revenge swarms at the rage, but before he could get close, the fel flames around him were scorched away.

These dreadlords have incomparable admiration and loyalty to Denathius the Great, who created him. The cunning Nathrezim are actually the most loyal race in the world.

But that doesn't mean they won't be afraid of other powerhouses. They may be able to despise Titan with their successful examples of provocation, and it will be clearer that they have no ability to really despise Titan.

"Little bat, I know what you're thinking. I'm not interested in the master behind you and the bald head he collaborated with."

Furiously grabbed the struggling Tichondris and smiled hideously.

"But I think someone will be interested. You are also a good bargaining chip for me."

After all, under the wailing of Tichondris, the fel flames scorched his body and soul, and this Archimonde's first dreadlord was as pitiful as a chicken strangled by the neck.

Furious took the path of burning flames, into the heart of the burning sanctuary, the huge platform floating at the entrance to the Endless Void.

soul of the world

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