The conference that came here today is almost the top chaebol head in the United States.

The last time such a meeting was held was in 2008, and the scale was far less than today’s…

Wall Street upstarts, old industrialists, owners of high-tech industries, and the power of the old and new chaebols gathered again. Even though they were hostile to each other, they chose to stand together at this moment.

Capitalists are like this, no matter how big the grudges are, as long as they can make money and have business, everyone can talk about it.

The solemn and elegant conference hall is full of decorations more than a hundred years ago, surrounded by stained glass walls more than three meters high, and a round table is placed in the middle. Desmond pushed the door and entered, and the people sitting here were almost all 'young people'

Yes, including Desmond himself, he was already sixty-eight years old, but he looked like he was in his early forties at most.

Everyone is almost rejuvenated with the life extension technology provided by Hand World Technology, but... this does not prevent them from mastering the rabbit, the writing company reads as the country's collective start.

These guys are by no means famous on the Internet and in the world, and very few people even know them. But their energy is far greater than that of Musk, who is out of the limelight.

Although it is not as powerful as the online conspiracy theory, such a group of people can really decide the future of the bald eagle.

The biggest advantage of the consortium is not only the capital, but also the interoperability and solidarity of the inner circle. The Bald Eagle country is a collection of many interest groups, and the consortium is undoubtedly the most powerful among these interest groups.

"Why, Mr. Henkel, didn't they come?"

Desmond looked around, but did not see the familiar figure of the cowboy

"Mr. Henkel has set off for Chicago." A young capitalist whispered

Desmond glanced at this guy. After taking off his contact lenses, his undisguised golden pupils made Desmond feel both jealous and contemptuous.

This group of hybrids has been very involved in the history of the bald eagles, and they also occupy a large place in the consortium. However, it is not enough to completely control them.

But this time, even the group of lizardmen who were chasing and killing ancient creatures were alarmed.

After all, it is about the world war, no matter how important it is to slay the dragon, if his hometown is blown up to ashes, it will be meaningless.

"Gentlemen, we have reached the most dangerous moment."

Desmond, who presided over the meeting, went straight to the topic as soon as he opened his mouth.

"The threat posed by the Rabbit and the East Asian Union is looming, and the great bald eagle needs our full cooperation to ensure the security of the country - and the interests of you all!"

"But neither we nor the evil Asians want to see the worst - nuclear war, we have to stop this from happening!"

"Simple to say." Someone below sneered

"We'd love to use the pretext of being peaceful and anti-war to pressure Congress and the military to stop the military confrontation, but who are we to speak?"

Everyone was silent again for a moment.

In the current situation, even Lockheed, which is most eager for war, does not want to really start a war. They all say that capitalists will sell their own hanging ropes, but if they really want money and death, they will not develop today.

But the question remains, who came out to be this writing hero who reads as an idiot? Who is going to be this warrior who will take all the blame and die in peace?

The bald eagle's force is unparalleled in the world, and the hegemony of the bald eagle is unparalleled in the world, but all this is based on the bald eagle's "invincible".

The first time they admit counsel, there will be a second time. No matter the reason, as long as they step back, the Bald Eagle will inevitably suffer heavy losses in the future world pattern.

Whether it is the loss of overseas military bases or the loss of the U.S. dollar's detached status in the international market, it is an unacceptable result for them.

"We don't need to be this responsible person," Desmond said leisurely.

"We can let someone else be the scapegoat, a guy best suited to take on this responsibility..."

"The Lord General."


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 12. Hang the Capitalist

"Since everyone, like me, is unwilling to be this unlucky **** who takes all the responsibilities and then obediently die. Then, let an outsider bear this fate."

Desmond Morgan crossed his fingers and looked at the silent leaders of the chaebols, showing a sly smile like a fox

"You mean... let that daring guy be in charge?"

The young mixed-race capitalist raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows.

"Are you crazy? Or are you trying to start another war?"

"I naturally know how powerful that 'General' is." Desmond said leisurely.

"He can be regarded as our 'idol', and his temper that will turn the table over if he disagrees... But no matter how powerful he is, can he be able to compete with us, Rabbit, and Ao Song? ?"

Desmond smiled happily

"Everyone, before coming here, I have reached a consensus with General Huang, the leader of the Ao-Song military. We don't want to cause a hot war, so we need a guy with enough weight to shoulder the responsibility this time."

"We can admit responsibility for the loss of Minuteman 3, and that man will take responsibility for stealing our nuclear bomb and releasing it - after all, there is someone on this planet with this kind of special technology, and it's the most suitable person to let him do the job. "

The meeting was quiet again, until a spokesperson for the Meilong Consortium, who looked in his forties but was actually ninety-four, spoke up.

"Will he be so cooperative? And if he dies, what will we do?"

Compared to letting a possibly innocent person take the blame, the interests of the consortium, or in other words, their interests are the most important.

In addition to relying on their strong technical strength, economic potential and military strength, a large part of the reason why Palm World Technology can be so rampant is the rejuvenation technology that Mu Feng masters privately.

This technology that makes the body almost look back in time by modifying telomerase is beyond the imagination of countless biologists. And this guy has never had the idea of ​​publishing a paper. No matter how the West hints that he will win the Nobel, he has never published any news.

And there is no need to say more about commercial espionage, since the company has never stopped. But if you can't get the technology, you can't get it. That man has already achieved a comprehensive monopoly in this regard.

"I never said I was going to kill that genius." Desmond said lightly.

"In fact, even if we think about it, the East Asian Alliance represented by Ao Song and Rabbit will not allow it. Who would be willing to be such a genius who can lead human innovation? But who made this guy too early."

"But what if he doesn't cooperate desperately?" the spokesperson of the Meilong consortium frowned.

A genius, especially a genius who is not only scientific research, but also has a very deep scheming, is very likely to leave behind his own hands. And even if such a genius is pinched by them, who can guarantee that he will do things for them with peace of mind?

Longevity is a big deal, especially for billionaires like them. Every year tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars are invested in medical care to make life more comfortable.

And to put it horribly, considering their future lifespan and the future of the country and even the world, these unscrupulous chaebol masters would probably choose the former without hesitation.

"It's okay, he will cooperate." Desmond smiled happily

"We still have everyone in the secret party who are willing to help each other, and there are some 'indescribable' forces within Ao Song, and they are also very happy to do this."

"After all, that genius, he is too dangerous."

Having said that, the entire conference table weighed each other in silence, and in the end, as the young mixed-race capitalist raised his hand, all his arms were raised.

They are businessmen and their nature is to gamble.

No one can refuse longevity, and no one wants the world they live in to become a wasteland. It is difficult to make a choice between the two, but if they can get the best of both worlds, they are willing to participate in gambling.

As a result, the plan for Mu Feng was formulated.

Next, he will be attacked by the forces of the biggest rogues in the world and taken away in a lightning raid. Then all the guilt will be pushed on the head of his evil genius, after destroying it and liberating the neon, everyone is well.

See, world peace is born again.

"As I expected." Mu Feng opened his eyes and said lightly

He didn't feel angry, or resentful or anything, he understood the choices of these people and how obtrusive his existence was.

It's good that he's someone who can advance human progress, but to a group of mortals, someone who takes too many steps is a terrifying lunatic. And most importantly, his existence is completely beyond the control of any country.

Occupying the land of a country that controls Neon, the group he represents has changed from a collection under the national command to a simple collection.

He has gone from a chip to a player at the poker table.

Even if politics is in an enlightened country, no matter how tolerant the ruling collective is, it cannot allow this to happen. Naturally, the fewer people who divide the cake, the better, not to mention that he is still a 'madman'.

He is not a country but a group, a cyberpunk super trust enterprise. It also means that the diplomatic standards by which countries are measured are of no use to him.

He can then start a war for a moment, and this alone is enough to make the international community intolerable for him - not to mention that he just launched a super weapon that could threaten the world not long ago.

Taking all the factors into consideration, it is only reasonable for him to be killed, and it is also logical to be pushed out as a scapegoat. Everyone wants to vote him out of the game who doesn't play cards according to the routine.

But... even a few years ago, he couldn't have been voted out so easily.

While Desmond and the others were raising their glasses to celebrate, they suddenly felt a heat on the bridge of their noses, and when they reached out to touch, dark liquid oozes out of their nasal passages.

These rich people called their doctor at the first time, but opened the door and walked in, but it was a strange man they didn't know.

"It's not easy to make you drink those things with peace of mind."

Sato, who slowly took off his **** clothes, smiled and looked at these big men who could shake the world with just a stomping.

No, don't get me wrong, he just felt that playing a character who influenced the world behind the scenes, and even destroyed the world, made him feel an extraordinarily fresh and pleasant RPG game experience.

"you you…"

Desmond's eyeballs bulged, and he stretched out his hand towards Sato, but Sato just smiled, watching the dark mycelium oozing out of their bodies.

According to the boss, these guys won't just die so easily. On their corpses, another of them will soon be born.

This black light virus, which combines the characteristics of E mold, will make it easier for the dead to give birth to new virus life forms, such as Alex Mercer. It's just that they won't have the overly powerful power to kill the prototype, at most they're just superhuman.

But the biggest feature of this virus is that they will 100% give birth to a new self, and then they will immediately realize that they are no longer human, but another kind of creature.

Instead of expelling waste, their metabolism will expel the infectious hyphae of their bodies. And what will happen to these rich people when they realize that they have become another species?

Sato is looking forward to that situation. Before the world war, he appreciates the infighting of the world's most powerful country.

Desmond's body was completely enveloped by the dark mycelium, and he now looked like a silkworm spinning a cocoon.

Sato picked up the mobile phone in his hand, and the familiar ringtone rang in the next moment. He turned on the mobile phone, and the indifferent voice of Mu Feng came from inside.

"Good job, the next task instruction and the required funds and the location of the equipment have been sent to it."

Looking at another international metropolis displayed on the phone, Sato's eyes instantly glowed

"I love you so much, boss!"

The only answer to him was the busy tone on the other end of the phone.

"We have taken command of the Burning Legion."

When Mu Feng put down his phone, the arrogance incarnated as a shadow emerged from the soles of his feet, and said leisurely

"The rage task was done very well, and Sargeras gave him a reward - although I think the reward might be mixed with something."

Sargeras is a proud dark titan, but that doesn't mean he's an underdog. Illidan was given power only because he was just a bug no matter what, and the rage was different. After all, the guests from another world had the right to escape Sargeras.

However, this can be considered an early preparation. As long as the command of the Burning Legion can be obtained from Sargeras, the plan can be further promoted.

"The situation in the world is tense, but it's not tense enough."

Mu Feng crossed his hands and muttered to himself.

"Only after experiencing the cruelty of war can people understand the value of peace - but excessive reflection will make people forget the instinct of struggle and become weak herbivores."

Aliens invade, and countries that are fighting against each other practice and carry each other. Under what circumstances should such a script be staged best?

That should be best in the midst of war, in the flames of death and destruction sweeping the world, in which the war potential of both sides is activated, yet maintained at a level that, by and large, does not actually destroy each other.

Not surprisingly, when the Wall Street idiots rise from the dead they think they have the virus, and then they panic and try to find all the ways to detox.

They can't find it, and Mu Feng won't let them find it.

As a special virus in the eighth volume of Resident Evil, the "Bacteria Master" of its parent body has the ability to interfere with the spirits of its subordinate bodies, and that parent body, the reincarnator Hong Shan, is in Mu Feng's hands.

No matter what unknown mysticism those Wall Street idiots have, the direct source and the deep influence of genes are enough to give Mu Feng absolute control over them.

Also, he doesn't need to interfere.

What will these idiots do when they realize they've become unchangeable fungal people?

Suicide for world peace? This joke doesn't need to be opened. Of course, they will do their best to hide it, and then start to spread to others in the expansion of the infection caused by continuous metabolism and the accompanying "desire to reproduce".

This group of idiots from the consortium will soon be banding together to try and drag more people in their circle into the water.

Mu Feng doesn't need to do anything, they will automatically hand over the upper-level control of the bald eagle to Mu Feng.

As for the gang of Ao Song, the relationship between the background makes E mold's plan not so useful. But it doesn't matter, there is another set of plans for them, and only their words can't cause much trouble.

"You seem to have forgotten that group of lizards in your beautiful plans for the future." Arrogant spit out.

"I know that most of them are insignificant, and even the Dark Emperor is no longer within the scope of our fears. However, it is a trouble after all."

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