However, Sleepy Bridge is not happy about this. Under the escalating Cold War crisis, Mr. President, who is already 78 years old, feels that he cannot bear it.

He has even regretted using disgraceful means to squeeze his predecessor into power.

The evolution of the Cold War will cause serious damage to the country anyway, unilateralism, and trade isolation. These methods of dealing with bears are not very useful for dealing with the opposite side.

What's more, the mushroom that exploded was indeed theirs, and many other high-ranking allies knew this very well, which made their Cold War far less easy than last time.

Although following the strongest big brother is the most reliable, if this guy has gone crazy, then it will be a big problem to follow him.

I deeply feel that if I drag it on, I will either die of exhaustion or I will step down from the sleepy bridge, so I can only cheer up and work hard.

After all, he still can't fall. If he falls, his vice president will take over. How can he leave the country to a woman with Asan blood to run it?

That escalated into World War III in minutes!

With this idea in mind, Sleepy Bridge finally found a way to break the game recently.

Through the gang of Lizardmen on Wall Street, Sleepy Bridge felt that it would be best for everyone to tacitly pour dirty water on the head of the most unstable company in the world.

No country in the world would like the head of a company who directly controls a country, including Bald Eagle himself.

On the other hand, if he died, these countries would be able to rely on each other's corpses to feast on them.

After removing an unstable factor, solving the Cold War crisis, and promoting economic development and technological innovation, why not do it?

Sleepy Bridge has even prepared a speech, ready to cooperate with the opponent at the right time.

At this time, a piece of bad news blinded the seventy-eight-year-old.

"Large-scale evacuation? Are you sure?!"

Sleepy Bridge, who was dragged from the bed by a phone call, said in disbelief

Rabbit, Neon, Ausong... In short, several major countries in the East Asian Union launched the evacuation order for the first time.

It started in Nevada and then quickly expanded across the country, with a large number of Asians dragging their families to the airport.

"We've called the embassies and they've responded that they have received evacuation orders from the country - the reason is a large biological disaster?"

"Large biological disaster?" Sleepy Bridge wiped his old face and said in disbelief

"Even if they want to make excuses, they won't make such lame excuses!"

Among the various disaster evacuation orders, biological disasters can be said to be the most inconspicuous one - strictly speaking, those crayfish flooding and kangaroos are rampant, these are considered biological disasters.

Could it be that the other side is determined to start a war?

Although this idea basically won't appear before falling asleep, but after doing this, even Sleepy Bridge has some doubts about life.

He was too lazy to wonder why he wasn't the first to know about it, and why the reporters were the first to know about it - it can only be said that it was nothing extraordinary.

"Quickly call the other side and start the emergency filing..."

Sleepy Bridge gave orders as he put on his clothes, but the seventy-eight-year-old old man was awakened in the middle of the night and he looked obviously uninspired.

"What?" Sleepy Bridge was stunned.

"Unknown high energy reaction in Nevada?"


"If you don't speed up, the Bald Eagle's plane will come over."

Using the ability to monitor the arrogance of every call in the White House opened his eyes and said impatiently to the other end of the portal

"It's coming, it's the last step."

The angry voice from the other end of the portal is slightly distorted

"The remodeling of the body is about to be completed, and now it is time to inject fel energy."

Furiously looking at the fleshy body that was gradually remodeled in front of him, the huge ancestor dragon body with a length of several hundred meters alone, narrowed his eyes and said.

"Don't rush me, I feel very wrong now..."

The closer the plan was to being completed, the more he felt that something was wrong. His intuition told him that trouble would come to him soon.

Not far away, the young dragons from Longmian Temple are doing their best to prevent this from happening.

It is a pity that none of their dragon kings are here, Malygos is missing, Ysera is still in a dream, Alexstrasza is imprisoned, and Nozdormu is missing.

The young dragons could only muster the power of Wyrmrest Temple to launch a never-ending attack on the demons that invaded their sacred tombs.

The tens of thousands of elite demons from the Burning Legion had held back the vital power of all the dragons very well. These guys gave up guarding the Temple of Longmian and put all their forces here, but it was still difficult to open the breach.

Even in the ancient times when the Dragon Legion was at its peak in the spring and autumn, these guardian dragons never had a head-to-head battle with the Legion. Dragons are one less dead, and demons are truly endless.

"Stupid lizards with wings, you'll be a beautiful addition to my collection!"

Prince Makzar laughed wildly and waved his hands, and the abyss demon burning with crimson entropic fire fell from the sky and smashed into the large group of dragon people.

In an instant, the soldiers who guarded the giant dragon legion were all destroyed by the terrifying power of the abyss demon falling and bursting, and even the real dragon would not dare to underestimate the power of the abyss demon.

"The army of the Legion will engulf you!"

With Prince Makzar's dancing gesture, two torn portals opened in front of his eyes, and a large number of legion demons began to emerge from them.

Prince Makzar is best at space magic, and he is better at summoning terror from the void than killing opponents with destructive fel spells.

But the next moment, a bronze dragon swooped down suddenly, opened its mouth and spewed out a breath entwined with the sand of time that spread above the two portals, and the doors that had been opened smoothly closed abruptly.


The furious Prince Makzar suddenly grabbed the bronze dragon's neck, and released a death finger at him at close range in the sound of the other party's wailing.

The direct death mage shone with the fel green brilliance directly hit the bronze dragon's body, without even letting out a wailing, the bronze dragon died in an instant.


Chromie screamed and called out the name of his sacrificed comrade, but it seemed a bit contrived to the bronze dragon, after all, they had seen the death of their comrade from the end of time.

Every bronze dragon sees its own death when it comes into contact with the power of time. But bronze dragons cannot change history, because once they change history, they will fall into eternal dragons, and then they will fall into eternal battle with themselves.

Therefore, although the bronze dragon has such a terrifying power as time, it can only be destined to be the maintainer of time, not the master.

But with the sacrifice of this bronze dragon, the gap was finally opened!

"Let's go!!!"

Sapphiron, the general of the Blue Dragon Legion, roared and led dozens of adult dragons through Makzaar's defenses. The portal constructed by Prince Makzaar, along with himself and his surroundings, fell into the slowness of the Sands of Time.

But this is destined to not be delayed for long, and the effect of the power that the Titan bestows on the guardian dragon on the demon has to be discounted!

"He must be stopped from resurrecting Galakrond!"

Chromie said in a sharp voice, she was afraid of this happening - because there was no such scene in the future she observed!

Since she stepped into the Dragonblight Wilderness, the observation of the future has only been pitch black. Chromie is a bronze dragon eager to change a bad future, but when she truly encounters an unexpected fate, she begins to fear.

And in the pictures displayed in countless parallel time and space, the awakening of the dragon father brings only destruction - and it is no less terrifying than the terrifying scene brought by Deathwing.

"Hmph, Markzal, you rubbish!"

Looking at the stupid eredar demon with rage and disdain, the guys of the Legion always have this virtue, boasting and being slapped in the face.

When the young dragons of the Dragon Legion saw the canyon that was completely dug, and the corpse buried under it, it seemed that there was a huge corpse like a continent, and they couldn't help trembling.

Even if he dies, the sense of oppression brought by the father of the dragon to his descendants will not dissipate for a long time.

"Wait, the one who awakened Galakrond—was a human?!"

Kalecgos looked at the rage holding Sargeras' Scepter in disbelief.

The arrogant dragon does not look down on human beings, but ignores human beings. Descendants of the vrykul, humans have so far failed to demonstrate their standing in Azeroth, let alone defeat the Burning Legion like the elves.

"The lackeys of the Burning Legion must die!" The furious green dragon Ithodre roared and swooped down, ready to go with the breath of nature's wrath.

"Don't worry, it's not me who is playing with you."

He smiled maliciously and raised the scepter of Sargeras in his hand. The huge and pure fel energy flowed in his body and was released on the artifact!

In an instant, a large-scale portal was opened directly above the dragons. This door almost required a complete ceremony and sacrifices to open, but it was opened by someone alone.

Before these giant dragons could understand the terror of the enemy, a giant blade with five-colored light suddenly stretched out from the portal!

The light released above is the five forces of earth, time, dream, magic and life, and it is the power of the guardian dragon army!

The sudden attack completely shredded a blue dragon and a green dragon in an instant, and the escaping dragon power made their protection instantly ineffective.

"No way..." Chromie said sluggishly and difficultly, looking at the 'familiar' weapon.

"I'm going to burn the world!!!!"

In the roar that ripped apart the sky, a scarlet demon with wings on its back stepped out, as tall as a mountain, exuding the killing intent of tearing the worlds apart.

"Then rule his ashes!"

"Doom Lord Kazzak?!"

21. The Guardian Dragon King

There are not many demons that can be remembered by the Dragon Aspects, because they have only invaded Azeroth once on a large scale, and in that war, there seem to be not so many powerful demons with names.

The names of Kil'jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Defiler need not be said much, even if the two giants of the Legion did not really come to Azeroth, and the dragons also remember the name of Mannoroth the Destroyer - as if they also remembered Kazzak's name.

If Mannoroth is the representative of the Abyss Lord of Ankhera, then Kazzak is the representative of the Ereduin Doomsday Guard!

The powerful Doomguards played the role of supervisors in the Legion. They were once the servants of the Titans, and they were the thugs who were forever bound by the Titans. Their duty was to supervise the use of arcane magic. It can be said that the Doomguard was once the most successful case of Titan's transformation of fel creatures.

These transformed demons can track sacrificial magic, seen as the greatest hindrance to life, and the Doomguard can instantly find and punish those who practice this sorcery.

But after Sargeras betrayed the Pantheon, this group of transformed fel creatures happily joined the new master's command, and Sargeras also lifted the shackles of the doomsday guards, making their power even higher!

The Doom Guards used to be Archimonde's personal guards, but later they became the most common mid-level officers of the Burning Legion. Even the addition of Eredar did not shake the Doom Guard's position in the Legion.

They have the characteristics of being almost immune to magic, and their wisdom is far stronger than that of mindless abyss lords. They may not be suitable to be the leaders of large legions like the eredar, but on the battlefield their command is often is very effective.

Kazzak is the strongest in the position of Doom Guard. Doom Lord Kazzak has personally destroyed hundreds of worlds. What's interesting is that he is actually a capable subordinate of Kil'jaeden, just as interesting as Tichondrius, the first lord of the Dreadlord, is Archimonde's subordinate.

But there is no doubt that this is a great demon that needs to be confronted by the guardian dragon himself.

Such a thing appeared here, and it obviously retained a considerable part of the power to pass through the enchantment of Azeroth, and Chromie wanted to turn around and escape for the first time!

However, can she escape?

"Dragon?! Very good! Your flesh and soul will nourish my blade!"

Passing through the door, as soon as he saw that his enemy was actually a dragon, Kazzak instantly became interested

He roared and waved the weapon in his hand. It was an artifact called the Dragon King's War Blade. It was saturated with the five forces of earth, time, dream, magic and life. Made by countless dragons.

The power of time spread throughout this area with Kazzak's wielding, the speed of time began to slow down, and a powerful field of quicksand was formed with the outside world.

"Damn—isn't that right?!"

Chromie already spoke with a clear cry. She is still a thousand-year-old child, so why is she facing a big devil!

"Chromie! You do your best to unlock the barriers here, we will retreat immediately!"

The blue dragon general Sapphiron issued an order immediately, and he also knew that they were a group of young dragons, facing Kazzak.

Sapphiron roared and dived towards Kazzak. As the general of the Blue Dragon Legion, he is the oldest and strongest among the dragons.

He is obliged to be a pioneer!

"Tiny blue lizard!"

Kazzak sneered and waved the Dragon King's War Blade, the blue magic power surged above the War Blade, just in front of Sapphiron, a sudden arcane explosion was suddenly triggered!

Sapphiron, who was flying and diving, was blown up and nearly lost his balance in an instant, but fortunately, the magical barrier he protected on his body offset the power of this blow.

The green dragon Ithodre let out a roar, and the innate dream magic opened instantly, trying his best to invade Kazzak's spirit and constructing an extremely short-lived illusion for him.

And Sapphiron seized the opportunity and showed the agility that did not match the huge size. He quickly dodged the dead end of Kazzak's attack and flew to the top of his head.

And the magic he prepared so far has been completed!

The splendid and extremely compressed arcane energy gathered in front of his giant mouth, which was what Sapphiron brought out from the Nexus before he came.

A crystal that carries part of the magic of the Focusing Iris!

An artifact that gathers nearly the entire magic of Azeroth's Weave, the Focusing Iris is powerful enough to destroy the world when it erupts. And the magic power separated from it is also the most pure and powerful arcane!

"The essence of the focusing rainbow!"

What spewed out from Sapphiron's mouth was pure and violent magic. The extremely compressed arcane magic power brought out from the Focusing Iris is so violently released!

The almost substantial arcane beam of light slammed to the top of Kazzak's head, and in an instant, it was enough to evaporate the huge energy of a mountain and roared away!

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