"Change is always good or bad, but it always means something new and different. A new world, a new change, a new future..."

Only after transforming the world No. 0013 into a shape that suits his heart and integrating it into his own world, will he get what he wants.

Otherwise, he would have to carry out such a cruel transformation in his own homeland. There is no doubt that he would still have some concerns compared to the transformation here. This approach is indeed very double-standard, after all, it is a trade-off in itself.

Mu Feng just chose the side that was more beneficial to him among his selfish choices.

"Hey, I don't want to figure it out either... But those humans who were dragged into Gensokyo? Their ability to destroy is unparalleled. What do you think I should do with them?"

Yakumo Zi sighed, but she did not dig further on this issue, but asked Mu Feng tentatively.

"As you wish." Mu Feng opened the portal and said without looking back.

"Their existence is optional. What survives is inheritance. If they die, it's just one less variable. You can deal with it how you want."

"Understood." Yakumo Zi showed a clear smile

Is he really the king? The point of view of everything is so... equal, but rather than being the king of people, Yakumo Zi thinks this man is more suitable to be called the king of the world, or like that ruthless sky.

The real meaning of this sentence is that the heaven and the earth are not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs.

Equal life, equal death, equal pawns, equal playthings.

39. New Rogue

The UN secret meeting held in Tokyo is unprecedented in scale, because this time it is true that all human beings are facing the crisis of destruction.

The reason why it was held in secret was just to guard against the aliens who might be hiding behind the huge monster. Although it might not work, it was better than doing nothing.

Also under unknown circumstances, the diplomats, military representatives, and scientific advisory groups from the most powerful countries on the planet gathered together and started the meeting.

The meeting lasted for three days, and Kosaki, who continued to play the role of Saburo Arasaka, listened to the endless wrangling for three days.

To be honest, it's really annoying.

Before she came, she had a little expectation for things like the diplomatic summit, but after participating, she found that it was no different from cursing.

In a public meeting followed by reporters, this group of people can still talk a little civilized, but in the case of a private meeting, the two sides almost lost their shoes and beat people.

In fact, at the beginning, the secret meeting on the battlefield was a little more civilized, and everyone was still there to carry out diplomatic rhetoric politely.

But with the entry of the bald eagle delegation, the situation went out of control.

The delegation headed by the severely affected countries such as Ao Song directly questioned the bald eagle why they concealed so much information and truth, and demanded an explanation for how they led the monster to the Pacific Ocean.

And the bald eagle's answer... don't even think about it.

Withholding intelligence and truth? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said, we didn't know that monsters can open portals.

What? You accuse our great bald eagle of leading the monster to sea? There is no such thing. We are just resisting monsters to save the people. As for why we use submarines, it is to reduce costs...

In short, I just pushed the pot on my body clean, there is a kind of taste that I am pure and clean, please don't frame me.

Although diplomatic activities have always been synonymous with thick skin, it is a skill to be shameless to this extent.

"Suka is not listed!!!!"

With a scolding from the Maozi delegation, the meeting completely ran out of control.

The swearing words of various countries took off in this splendid venue, and the disgraced diplomats and military representatives of various countries instantly turned into hooligans to speak.

The slightly civilized scientific advisory group simply changed the place to discuss, but it didn't take long for there to start to quarrel.

Of course, what they were arguing about was the scientific dissection of Galakrond,

The scientist from the bald eagle insisted that it was produced by natural mutation. Of course, this anti-scientific and anti-intellectual statement is obviously not what he thought, but the bald eagle forced him to think so.

So under the inquiries of other colleagues, these big cows who have published an unknown number of papers began to be full of nonsense, explaining from various angles that the thing was a naturally mutated monster.

In the future, it is estimated that the bald eagle will also use these seemingly scientific but specious statements, and then involve a few XX doctors, and finally make this matter iron.

It's like the "popular science" that a country discharges nuclear sewage and then the net is full of harmless sewage.

Being the most informed group to choose such a narrow and foolish approach will undoubtedly anger other colleagues.

Everyone is not mentally retarded, they are a handful of top-notch people in their respective countries. Who are you fooling around here?

So the scolding battle was inevitable, and it didn't start because everyone was more or less rational.

This meeting, which decides the future of mankind, was just wasted on stupid infighting, just like the current situation of mankind.

Little Saki can understand Mu Feng's impatience with these countries, it doesn't matter if he is mentally handicapped or not. It doesn't matter if you are stupid, the scary thing is that you have to do stupid things even though you are smart.

Everyone can understand the fact that the **** is bigger than the head, but at this time, everyone is not sitting on the "human" chair, it would be too stupid.

And which one of the present is not a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and which one is not an elite who was killed among the general public? However, one by one is so stupid...

Kosaki sighed and tilted his head to avoid a flying shoe.

"Prime Minister Arasaka, you haven't spoken since the meeting started?"

At this moment, the diplomatic delegation on Rabbit's side suddenly spoke up, and the meeting room where the shoes were flying around just now became silent.

Sure enough, the reason why this meeting was held in Tokyo was really for this.

"We Neon are just a small country, and we have no right to speak to such a big fact that determines the fate of mankind."

Kosaki kicked the ball out without hesitation.

"It's just a matter of discussion, we just provide a venue."

"Where is Mr. Mu now?" Ao Song asked with a frown

"Mr. Mu is busy with some personal affairs, and in such a state and diplomatic occasion, Mr. Mu is not qualified to participate."

After saying this, everyone in the meeting immediately scolded the old fox in their hearts!

Everyone knows that the person who talks about Neon is a Chinese. Compared with the previous Neon, which was a hot weapon of the Bald Eagle and the East Asian Alliance, the status of this Neon, which is now controlled by the company that runs the world and is controlled behind the scenes, is undoubtedly rising.

But the face that everyone gives to the company is not the face of neon.

Neon is at most someone's 'shell'. As a company that has reached the top of the theory, people only use the shell of Neon to complete further listing.

It is also very funny to say that a company has a higher status in the international community than a country, and even a rogue can choose to give him face...

The Arasaka Saburo in front of him is undoubtedly a group with Mu Feng, and he himself is the spokesperson who was pushed out to control the puppet government without any decoration.

But it does not mean that the other party has no power at all. Although Arasaka Security has now been incorporated into the Zhanshi Company, its military power in the whole territory of Neon is still second only to the Zhanshi Company, far higher than that of the mascot. Different Self-Defense Forces.

"How can you say that, Mr. Mu can be an important person in this meeting, and we have invited him."

Rabbit's diplomat follows

What they want is to get some new technologies from the Palm World Company, some new technologies that can be used by Galakrond.

In all fairness, it's not that they can't kill this big monster. The biggest problem is not killing it, but how to lock Galakrond, who has a portal that can elude the whole world.

The build-up of troops, the calibration and delivery of weapons, it all takes time. And often, before their arrangement was finished, Galakrond had already done a lot of damage and left.

So is there a powerful weapon that can both sit and aim at the same time, and is powerful enough to kill in one hit?

Of course, orbital satellite weapons are the best choice!

The stunning appearance of the 'Destruction Sword' has been talked about by military personnel and scientific researchers all over the world, but even if Mu Feng selflessly contributed technology, no one has been able to develop a truly qualified orbital satellite weapon. .

Since they can't imitate it, then simply find the righteous master and let him make it for them!

"Oh?" Kosaki narrowed his eyes and showed a sly smile that seemed to be absent.

Now, she is no longer the stupid stupid white sweet she used to be. She has been soaked in the political arena for a long time, and she also understands these intrigues hidden under the words.

They secretly made demands, and secretly indicated that they could give in or compensate for something.

Political transactions are not as complicated as literary works at all. In fact, they are just exchanging some **** interests and putting on a coat of inhumanity.

In essence, a transaction is still a transaction. You make a condition, and I bargain. The essence of the affairs between countries is to buy vegetables in an enlarged vegetable market.

"I can invite Mr. Mu to come over." Xiaosaki crossed her fingers and said with a free and easy smile.

"If that's the case, please contact Mr. Mu directly, and I'll retire for the time being."

Kosaki gave up her seat graciously, and she felt heartfelt joy at being able to get out of this boring place.

The door opened, and Mu Feng walked into the hall as if waiting for an opportunity. In an instant, he attracted everyone's attention, just like the protagonist who was the focus on the stage.

"Mr. Mu, we..."

The first to speak was the bald eagle delegation. They came not only to hope that this black-tech man could kill that big monster, but also to find a way to repair the environmental pollution.

Although Australia Song, the surrendering country, and the **** stick are also miserable, they are at most only one city that has been polluted, and the Bald Eagle is different. The three affected sites are all inland, and the core diffusion pollution caused by them is impossible cure.

"Shh~~~ let's save the boring red tape."

Mu Feng put his finger on his lips, shook his head slightly towards them, and said softly.

"I hate these boring diplomatic rhetoric, so let's get straight to the point."

His fingers flicked a few times in front of the light screen, and the content was immediately sent to everyone who participated in the meeting—including those bigwigs who didn’t leave for this place.

After seeing the request made by Mu Feng, their faces were very ugly.

"This - we will never agree to this condition!"

The first bald eagle diplomat to stand up to the table, his expression was angry, and his acting skills in politics all the year round made him perfectly play the image of a righteous man who 'fights against NAZI'.

"You are trying to establish global hegemony, and we will never agree to this condition!"

"Calm down, calm down, the conditions I mentioned are not harsh."

Mu Feng waved his hand, smiling very calmly and happily

"Promise me, then I'll play the savior. Otherwise, let that lizard continue to wreak havoc."

40. Mu Feng is crazy, he said he wants to build a new United Nations!

The conditions he offered were not harsh on the surface, at least in its view, they were very 'generous'.

First, he called for the abolition of the Outer Space Treaty, which was revised last year. This space constitution, after revision last year, stipulates that no country or everyone shall occupy outer space as their own; Place weapons of mass destruction in orbit, celestial bodies (planets), outer space;

The establishment of military bases and military exercises on celestial bodies is prohibited; the use of outer space should avoid adverse effects on the earth's environment, etc.

There is no doubt that this revised treaty is specially designed to deal with Mu Feng. In order to restrict him from deploying weapons such as the Demon Sword of Destruction in Earth orbit again, it also prohibits him from taking the lead in exploring and colonizing outer space.

Although there is no definite evidence, the current aerospace community believes that Mu Feng holds technology that can achieve moon colonization - such technology in the hands of individuals is something they cannot tolerate.

In fact, this treaty was no different from waste paper in the days when the bald eagles were still hegemonic, but as they were no longer invincible in weapon technology, these guys became the first supporters of this bill.

This treaty can be said to be both good and bad. It is a treaty established in the context of the US-Soviet hegemony that limits the colonization of outer space, but as far as Mu Feng is concerned, this treaty is completely an annoying chain.

"I just hope that our future deep space exploration can be more 'controversial'. You see, a big monster has the taste of hitting us back to the Stone Age. It's not wise to stay in the cradle all the time."

Mu Feng said with a smile

"It sounds nice, you just want to monopolize the resources of outer space to carry out your evil colonization plan." A diplomat who stirs **** is cold but jealous.

"Then you can beg that big lizard to take you to space - oh I forgot, your capital is gone." Mu Feng laughed maliciously

"The great empire on which the sun never sets doesn't even have its own capital. The queen and the prime minister have all ascended to heaven. I guess the next step is whether you should break away from the United Kingdom and establish the city-states of England? There are also city-states of Scotland and Ireland. I will definitely do it then. Bless you."

"You—" The so-called swearing and not revealing shortcoming, Mu Feng's unceremonious act of unraveling the scar of the **** stirrer made the diplomat get angry.

However, nothing here cares about him.

The empire on which the sun never sets has long since become a thing of the past with the end of World War II, and even until 2010, it has been the most hip-stretching of all the rogues.

Nuclear weapons - in the hands of the bald eagle.

Aircraft carrier - whether it can be opened or not is a question.

Royal Navy - fish in the tub now.

Everyone is happy to insult the law, but the current **** is not worthy of lifting shoes for Gallic chickens.

Galakrond's actions in destroying London killed most of the British royal family, the Windsor dynasty was close to extinction, and the independence of Ireland and Scotland from England was basically a sure thing.

Mu Feng was very curious as to whether there was only a 'Empire on which the sun never sets', which was not as good as a country at that time, and whether it could keep the rogue's seat.

I'm afraid it wasn't that time, Asan would dare to step on their wild father casually.

"Okay! Mr. Mu, your behavior is very lacking in etiquette and grace!"

Although the diplomat of the surrendering country looked like "I try not to stop laughing", he still coughed slightly and said relatively seriously.

"Demeanor and courtesy are reserved for valuable people, such as Your Excellency." Mu Feng smiled at him

Although the surrendering country is always insulted by various memes on the Internet, its strength among hooligans should not be underestimated. At least outside the rogue you can hardly find anyone who can fight him.

Is the title King of Africa a blow? Although all kinds of breastfeeding, but the strength is still there.

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