

Hail(hail), what\'sthematter (hey, your thoughts and actions)

withyourmindandyoursign? (What the **** happened?)

And-aooh-ohh, Hail(hail) (oh oh ohh~~~, cheers (cheers)


In a Ford sedan galloping on the winding mountain road in Inorit, a handsome man with a unique temperament drove with one hand and embraced his beautiful and gentle wife beside him with the other.

"Sing so well, my water lily."

Men laugh and kiss their wives, like every man who loves his family.

Although, he is not human at all, but a god.

A cosmic **** who shouldn't have any affection with mortals.

Egg woke up from his sleep again, maintaining his human form, he silently looked at his body shaped by cosmic energy, and then suddenly exploded it.

His body exploded like fireworks into countless azure cosmic energies, and then returned to normal in an instant.

Egg took a long sigh of relief, yes, he is still the same self, he is still the **** Egg.

He is not a mortal on earth.

"Master, are you having nightmares again?"

The mantis woman looked at Egg, who blew her body apart again, in puzzlement. As the 'assistant' who helped the cosmic god's human form to fall asleep, she felt a wonderful emotion from Egg's body when he was sleeping.

Miss, rejoice, love, and... fear.

There is no doubt that this should be contradictory. Why should there be fear in a beautiful dream? Why do horrible nightmares breed love?

"This has nothing to do with you." Eagle responded coldly

His figure sank into the ground beneath his feet, and in an instant he appeared in front of a waterfall where birds and flowers were fragrant.

I don't know why, his recent situation is very wrong. Every time he falls into a dream, he will dream of the good memories of his time on earth.

This is not a good thing. You must know that although Egg was nostalgic for life on Earth, he still left there resolutely, and even chose to kill his favorite wife with his own hands.

Because he is the **** of the universe, his expansion and perfection must be accomplished.

A good dream is not a good thing for Egg, but the biggest bad thing. The more he recalls the good, the more painful the choice he makes.

Egg stood silent for a long time under the waterfall, and on the water under his feet, an eyeball hidden in the darkness flashed slightly, showing a malicious gesture.

Sataras had never encountered such a special planetary life form.

The 'special' here is not a compliment. In the long history of Void's corruption of reality, existences such as Titans and Star Saints are mostly without unnecessary emotions.

They are born to order beings with a grand understanding of their purpose and existence. They're not without emotions, they just don't have the fragile, tiny emotions of mortals.

Just like humans can't simulate the thinking of ants anyway, how can a living being with an existence that is close to that of a Titan, how can there be a simple love-hate relationship like a mortal?

Yet Egg has it.

It is really ridiculous to say that a cosmic **** actually has emotions that are almost the same as those of mortals. Even in the depths of his memory, he is still attached to his past as a mortal, and even his seemingly grand plans are almost because of this ridiculous emotion. And cancel.

For Sataras, it was like pie from the sky.

Corrupting star souls is a good thing for them, the light and dark parasitic species, and eroding emotions is their unique skill, not to mention that Sataras is the best at playing with people's hearts among all the ancient gods who came to Azeroth. .

In just one month, Sataras successfully penetrated into the depths of Egg's consciousness, and even controlled a part of the self of this cosmic god.

If Azeroth also has such a stupid love-hate relationship, then it is estimated that it has been controlled by the ancient gods.

Sataras, who is full of emotion, is not in a hurry to completely corrupt Egg. Since there is such a stupid and ridiculous planetary life form, she must of course have a more grand plan!

But... cooperation must continue.

11. Trapped Ancient One

What prison is the strongest and most indestructible in the world?

Is it steel? Is it gold? Is it light? Is it a vacuum? is the universe? No, none of these are.

The strongest cage in the world is called time.


When Gu Yi stepped out of the portal, he felt something was wrong.

An invisible and huge force enveloped the small town of Denver. This gentle force was attached to the other side of this land, and it was also attached to the minds of everyone who stepped into this land.

Although its form is something Gu Yi has never seen before, there is no doubt that Gu Yi, who is proficient in dimensional travel, immediately recognized what was interfering with this world.

A... dimensional fragment.

In theory, dimensional masters like Dormammu are almost immortal, but that doesn't mean they can't die.

For example, the most famous dimension master, Mephisto, the king of hell, as the representative of the **** dimension has lost his throne more than once in the devil's infighting, and then regained it.

The Lord of Dimension who has been taken from the throne will inevitably bring down some dimensional fragments, and these miniature small worlds will become the opportunity for the Lord of Dimension to compete for his own throne once again.

Therefore, most of the time, the new king who launched the war to drive the current dimensional master from the throne will not hesitate to kill the previous dimensional master to take back the dimensional fragments to ensure his uniqueness.

Of course, there is another possibility-that is, after a certain dimension is shattered, the dimensional fragments captured by people.

This possibility is relatively small, but not impossible. After all, the powerful and arrogant dimension masters like Dormammu and Cyktora have invaded other dimensions more than once to shatter the world for profit.

Gu Yi must consider this possibility.

Gu Yi, who closed his eyes, activated the magic of the mirror dimension, and Gu Yi, who was immersed in this land, soon found the jade dream fragments attached to it.

"Is it about the dimension of 'dream'..."

Gu Yi whispered softly, and then let the tentacles of this dimensional power pull her into the Emerald Dream without resisting.

When he opened his eyes, Gu Yi was already on the side of a road. The road that stretched forward seemed to be endless. At the end of the road was the environment of the desert red rocks in Illinois.

The rising heat stretched out his arms like invisible tentacles, the evaporated air and dust danced in the whisper-like wind, and the whistling sound seemed to be whispering in his ears.

A lizard died on the side of the road in this hot weather. The rotting corpse bloomed like a sea anemone in the deep sea, and the internal organs were like burnt and shrunken corpses. In the billowing dust, there seemed to be a few coyote-like animals hidden, and the dark eyes were quietly watching Gu Yi.

This is what constitutes the subject of this dream.

Gu opened his arms, and Wei Shandi's magic power was swayed by him as if he didn't want money. Gu, who launched the trip to Aiken, spent tens of millions of himself flying in all directions.

After a while, these figures returned to the main body, but Gu Yi, who opened his eyes, had a serious expression on his face.

This dream... is not a big one.

This is a dream with a radius of less than ten kilometers before and after, a ring road that stretches and loops endlessly.

The smaller the dream, the smaller the fragments of this dream dimension, but this is obviously not right.

This dream fragment shrouded the entire town of Denver, and its volume should be at least the size of this small town, but the dream displayed in front of Zaigu is obviously too small.

So where does the extra dream space go?

There is no doubt that, in connection with Nick Fury's experience and statement, this dream dimension fragment must have been brought here, so what is the purpose of them who arranged all this?

Gu Yi showed a thoughtful expression, breaking this dream dimension was not difficult for her, but it was a bit too aggressive.

The duel between mystic mages is not a brute force confrontation, or a mindless bombardment with each other's shaping spells. The confrontation between intelligence and intelligence, strategy and planning is the normal state of spellcasters.

It is not uncommon for dimensions with the main body to be a 'dream'. In fact, many small and medium dimensions are dominated by dreams or similar things.

The thoughts of the creatures on the main material plane will give the essence and magic of the existence of different dimensions to a certain extent, and the dream state is the most intense state of thoughts and emotions of most of the main material creatures.

The dimensional fragments of the dream state are separated from the body and must be attached to a 'subject' to function - if there is no dreamer, then the dream state has no basis for existence.

Generally speaking, the caster who owns the dimensional fragment of the dream often turns the owner of the dream into himself, because only in this way can the power of the dimensional fragment be maximized...

So, the one who binds this dream dimension fragment is the murderer who caused all this, the 'dreamer'?

Gu Yi seems to have some eyebrows...

Just then, a Ford sedan approached from the other end of the road, with a man and a woman parked on it, singing and laughing in this silent and creepy road.

Gu Yi's eyes were fixed on the car, but until it drove in and Gu saw the face that seemed to be covered in mist, her mind seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant.

That man is—Ego? The master of this dream is actually him!

Damn, something happened!

Gu Yi almost unhesitatingly opened the mirror dimension and wanted to forcibly drag away this dimension fragment, and at this time, this dream finally revealed his minions.

The water lily singing loudly beside Egg, the body of Star-Lord's mother Meredith suddenly swelled and turned into a collection of countless twisted limbs!

It is dirty and twisted flesh, uncovering the scarlet flesh and blood vessels under the skin, resentful eyeballs mixed with pale teeth, but even more terrifying is the invisible and unknowable hidden behind this twisted limb exist!

Egg screamed in fear instantly, and his spirit reached the highest point in an instant! He also has something to fear, and he also has the deepest fear in his heart!

Spreading genes among the universe, and absorbing those children who do not have the ability to inherit their own abilities as nutrients. Killing one life after another that has had a relationship with him, and finally even killing the woman he loves.

If there is love, there is fear, joy, rejection, and overcoming, there is regret.

The more he insists on something and thus reluctantly erases something he loves, then this love, this seemingly overcome weakness, will become the biggest gap in his heart.

With the help of the Emerald Dream, the power of Sataras devoured Egg's riddled spirit like a pervasive mosquito, but in any case he is also a cosmic god, and his will will not be as fragile as a mortal.

This momentary manifestation of fear and disgust did not break Egg's spirit. Although he still felt the fear pouring out of his heart, it was precisely because of this that his emotions instantly became extreme.

A life with love, hate and fear is destined to be at the mercy of its thoughts.

At the moment when the fear fell, the boundless anger surged in Egg's heart! This kind of emotion, or more suitable to be called anger and anger, must find a vent!

He, a cosmic god, was actually frightened in his own dream!

He has been 100% sure that his nightmares must have come from these days, and that someone must be playing tricks!

As the owner of the dream, he naturally found Gu Yi who wanted to leave.

Of course, Egg also knew this Supreme Mage who is also famous in the multiverse, the super nail household. Almost in an instant, Egg formed a perfect logic chain.

In order to avenge himself for leaving a seed on the earth, or to kill himself, this powerful Supreme Mage is ready to control or even kill his spirit through the seeds he planted!

That's all. Egg, the **** of the universe, can look down on those who challenge him, but even the supreme mage on the earth is only a small and low-level creature in his eyes.

He can't stand Gu Yi humiliating himself with his memory!

Whether it is Gu Yi's opponent or not, he will have the Supreme Mage pay for his actions!

"Lowly ants!!!!"

The furious Egg recklessly unleashed the seeds he planted in the universe! In an instant, the azure-blue meat burst out of the ground in the small town of Denver, devouring everything within sight!

It was too late to stop it. Although Gu Yi had discovered the existence of Yigo long ago, she did not find the seeds that Yigo had planted, but this problem should have been solved by his own son.

Huge variables have taken place in the future, and the crisis that should have been solved has been triggered in advance. If Egg's seed explodes and expands, at least half of the people on this planet will die!

And even if she saves the earth, the seeds of Egg that expand from other planets will bring unpredictable and huge changes to the world.

"The Eye of Agamotto!!!"

Gu Yi's hands made a gorgeous handprint, and in an instant, the Eye of Agamotto hanging on her chest was opened, and the green brilliance swept the entire Emerald Dream instantly!

Time, start running backwards!

When Gu Yi stood in front of the hot road again and again, she wanted to get out of this dream dimension for the first time.

However, almost at the moment when her action started, Egg once again launched his own seed in anger.

So, time turns back again.

This time Gu Yi didn't do anything, but Egg still found Gu Yi. This was his dream, and any distance and speed in the dream were his momentary moments.

Time turned back again.

Gu Yi can't reverse his time back before entering the Emerald Dream, because the difference in dimensions makes the reversal of time impossible to happen perfectly - unless he destroys the Eye of Agamotto and fully utilizes the power of the Time Stone.

But obviously, she couldn't do it, because such behavior would prevent Strange, the heir of the ancient one, from ushering in the trial that would transform him.

Gu Yi was trapped in this time stream.

She can only use the Eye of Agamotto over and over to turn the time back before Egg finds her, otherwise Egg's seeds will start to devour the stars, and she can't leave here, only in the established time stream. backtracking.

And, it's still a dream.

The time in the dream dimension is bound to be different from the real time flow. That is to say, even if Gu Yi finds a way to break this cycle, he can't tell how much time has passed in the outside world.

"Fighting wild geese all day long, but still being pecked in the eye by geese."

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