The scene is gradually being pulled back by Hulk.

Although Hulk's speed was almost completely crushed by the Sabertooth Demon at the beginning, with the constant injuries, it looked like he was about to end.

But he is Hulk after all, after all, he is the best able to fight and resist the Avengers!

As the injuries on his body increased, the anger in Hulk's heart continued to accumulate, and this anger made him stronger!

This made Mu Feng, who was observing secretly, narrow his eyes slightly.

In fact, in the setting of the movie universe, Hulk does not have the kind of BUG ability that the more angry and stronger in the comics, that is to say, the origin and origin of the Hulk in the movie universe is not the real **** abyss in the comics. , the power of OBA as opposed to OAA.

The Hulk of the movie universe is just a big man with mutated powers exposed to gamma radiation and failed super soldier potions, which means, it's not that magical.

But this setting has not actually been hammered to death. The setting of the movie universe will be changed at any time, and the power shown by Hulk at this moment is obviously full of metaphysics.

The mad anger stimulated the power in his body, causing his body to unconsciously emit strong gamma radiation.

This gamma radiation affects the surrounding environment, feeding the Hulk to a higher level of strength, speed and endurance!

There is no doubt that something in the Hulk is emitting this gamma radiation.

That 80% won't be the product of any special science, Mu Feng is also very curious, but for now... let's watch the play first.


The furious Hulk finally found an opportunity to seize the blade-tooth ghosts who were scurrying around, grabbed a large piece of concrete wall next to it and smashed it directly!

The blade-toothed ghost, who was oblivious for a while, was directly knocked to the ground by Hulk, and then he was greeted by a stormy beating!

Hulk's fist is very heavy, and every landing can cause severe tremors around him, and the blade-tooth ghost who was directly attacked feels the shattering of his entire body!

He tried hard to get out of this predicament, but when Hulk grabbed his body directly, he was like a dog pinned to the ground, beaten ruthlessly!

At this moment, the roaring characteristic armor-piercing shell suddenly exploded on Hulk's body!

The shell's attack stopped Hulk's movements. Although it didn't cause much damage, the sudden impact still blew Hulk out.

The blade-tooth ghost immediately seized this opportunity to escape, and the fragmented body was even falling into pieces like metal shards.

"Full fire! Don't let that green thing get the upper hand! Reinforcements are coming soon"

General Ross roared and gave orders. In his opinion, it didn't matter which side of the battle was victorious - the important thing was that they were deadlocked like this!

The snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and he will be the fisherman!

"I don't know what you call an idiot."

Although the Sabertooth Ghost escaped from death, his evaluation of Ross is still quite "objective"

Ross, who did not hesitate to drop high-explosives in the city, has become mad. Even if this is Hell's Kitchen, his behavior has undoubtedly stepped on the line seriously!

Most of the block was ignited by the flames of aviation explosives, and most of Hell's Kitchen was really like being on the devil's barbecue at the moment!

You must know that even if most of the people in Hell's Kitchen escaped before, there are still many people who choose to hide in the buildings on both sides, hoping to avoid the two monsters.

However, they did not wait for the monsters to leave, but waited for the saturated shelling of the US military.

"Target him! Empty all your bullet holes, Bronski, and you're bringing your squad to fill!!!"

Ross didn't care about the people calling for help in the smoking corridor, he just roared with red eyes and a walkie-talkie

He's a total lunatic!

To know that Ross even used a tactical nuclear bomb when he captured Hulk before, you know how crazy this Samsung admiral is to capture Hulk.

As long as you catch the Hulk, it's all good to say!


A roar full of anger, accompanied by a figure rushing out of the sea of ​​​​fire, wrapped in flames!

The extremely angry Hulk was like a fireball shot from the ground. The huge body burned and hit Ross' carrier plane, and all the shelling and bullets could not stop him from approaching!

Hulk's speed is too fast, and the speed of this leap has even broken the sound barrier! The speed of this moment made Ross unable to react at all!

Just as Ross was about to turn into a fireball in the sky with his carrier, the Hulk noticed Betty beside Ross.

Hulk still has some sense of it after all.

In other words, he is more like an ignorant child, emotional, and likes to lose his temper, but because of this, he knows what is best for himself.

Under the roar of pain and unwillingness, Hulk grabbed the sign at the top of the building and changed the track in the air, and Ross, who was still in shock, looked at the falling Hulk and immediately ordered to continue to rise 100 meters!

At this time, the Sabertooth Demon was ready to run away under the cover of the flames.

At this moment, a cold voice spread throughout Hell's Kitchen.

"The day is coming, the night devil."

The dark sky covered the entire night sky.

Darker than the night is this eternal night sky.

The most vicious hearts in this world will never belong to those criminals. The most vicious and darkest people in this world will always be those bright and bright big men.

Matt feels great now.

Under the action of the monster cells, his body has turned into a monster like a night devil. Compared with the tight clothes he used to wear, now he is more in line with the title of night devil.

Daredevil, demon of the night, nightmare of the night, the monster that brings fear under the cover of the night.

Weird cells make him powerful, but they don't make Matt a crazy bipolar monster.

He became calmer, even colder. He is determined to fight sin, but he discovers that he may have been too naive.

The most wicked man should die.

Once he was Matt Murdoch, a lawyer, a lawyer who insisted on his own justice and principles in the face of the injustice of justice trampling everywhere.

He didn't want to kill people, and he didn't want to lynch mad criminals. His nickname is the devil, but he has an overly compassionate heart.

He beat those criminals over and over again, watched them get caught, sent to court, but finally left the court with money and power in his hands safe and sound, and then they continued to commit crimes, and Matt continued to arrest them, and finally this The **** process still keeps repeating itself.

He used to be angry, sad, and painful, trying his best to execute this justice as a lawyer - but as Daredevil he can punish sin, as a lawyer, he can only watch the sin and the blindfolded The goddess of justice is embarrassed.

Why is the statue of the Goddess of Justice blindfolded? There are two explanations for this.

Because the judges who are the spokesmen of the goddess of justice will have to blindfold their eyes and judge sins with absolute justice. But for lawyers, there is another explanation.

Lawyers who are the spokespersons of the Goddess of Justice will blind themselves to good and evil, and fight only for their clients, regardless of good or evil.

After studying law for so many years, Matt has long understood a truth - the law is a cage, but he can only keep those who are willing to be locked up by him, and for those who are naturally outside the cage, the law only It's just a plaything they use to restrain the lower class from being exploited at ease.

Some people in this world are born above the law, and the rules made by people cannot bind people themselves in the end.

Matt, who has lost his light, sees good and evil far better than anyone else, but because of this, he always doubts and regrets some of his choices every day and night.

He once personally helped a man whose wife and daughter were both raped and murdered by a gang boss in a lawsuit, but the result in court was that the surveillance was destroyed, the witnesses changed their testimony, and the evidence he tried so hard to get, still couldn't change that The **** was acquitted.

The day after the verdict was handed down, the man committed suicide, while the gang boss continued to show off his power arrogantly.

Matt beat him seriously that night. At that moment, he actually wished he would just let him die, but in the end... he still called an ambulance.

Right now, Matt was just scared. He was afraid that he would cross the line and become something like these villains.

If the law can't punish those villains, what's the point of my actions? If I am above the law, am I another villain?

Now, everything is different.

His eyes have despised everything, even in this darkness deeper than the sea, his eyes will pierce all the shadows!

He will transform into a demon king who hunts evil in the dark night, ruthlessly taking the lives of those ugly sinners! He will trample the unjust laws of this country and let the order of fear appease the city!

Conan Doyle once told Officer Lestrade through the mouth of Sherlock Holmes that when the law could not bring justice to the parties, lynching was noble at this moment.

Since villains can trample the law, they can't do it without reason! If individual heroism is destined to conflict with the social order, come on!

Last night, Daredevil Matt Murdoch, who was on the side of the law, died!

The one who survives now is the Night Demon King who stands on the side of justice and hunts evil!

"The day is coming, the night devil!!!"

With Matt's gloomy voice, the entire Hell's Kitchen block was instantly covered by a spreading dark sky!

"What's the matter? Lights! Turn on the searchlights!"

"No, I can't see it at all! I can't see anything!"

Chaos shrouded the entire Hell's Kitchen in an instant, and the darkness covering everything blocked the eyes of all the test questions, and all the light was completely deprived at this moment.

"Someone deprived that entire area of ​​light particles!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. science agent Leo Fitz, who was hurried by the dispatched special team, looked at the detection instrument in disbelief.

The above shows that the electromagnetic wave response of the light particles in the entire urban area of ​​Hell's Kitchen has completely disappeared, the wave-particle phenomenon has completely collapsed, and the light particles in the entire area are like being 'digged' away!

"That means we must not be able to see what's going on inside?" Agent Natasha the Black Widow frowned slightly.

"All the pictures captured by our eyes, including the night scene, can only be observed through light particles." Fitz explained succinctly.

"Simply put, once the light particle stops moving, or simply disappears, that area is completely undetectable by sight."

"The ultrasound..."

"Neither!" Fitz shook his head.

"With the light particles disappearing along with the magnetic field response in that area, ultrasonic radar can't observe things without the magnetic field response."

"In other words, we can't do anything now?"

Natasha frowned, and now she felt more and more that she couldn't cope with these more and more ghostly things.

"I don't know, we haven't stepped into that area yet, and we can't collect accurate data."

"Then let me go in." Natasha opened the safety of the double guns around her waist and calmly said

"Since you can't see and hear, let's feel."

The darkness that enveloped the entire Hell's Kitchen made everyone blind, and they couldn't see anything. No matter how Wulu tried to create a light source, they could only see absolute darkness.

Chaos began to spread in an instant!

Hulk attacked everything around him crazily and indiscriminately in fear and anxiety, while the Sabertooth Ghost stumbled and wanted to escape. The soldiers were like headless flies, and some even walked directly into the flames caused by the bombs.

This is Matt's world.

There is only this darkness that engulfs everything, there is no light, no color, and nothing. The black firmament and sky cover everything and hide all evil under it.

But now, he is the clearest person peeping in this darkness.

The figure of the Night Demon swept across the darkness like a dragonfly, and the sound of his wings flapping was insignificant. Against the backdrop of this dark night, he felt like a duck to water!

There aren't many here that don't deserve to be damned!

The soldiers who carried out the orders of their superiors without hesitation and slaughtered the civilians in this block should be damned!

Destroyed everywhere, killing the worthless Sabertooth and Hulk should be damned!

Inform this neighborhood that Jin Bing, who has done all kinds of evil but can't stand up at this moment, is even more damned!

Of course, the most damned is General Ross. As Matt said, the most sinful things in this world are not those demented criminals, but these high-ranking bigwigs.

Self-proclaimed nobility, self-esteem, separates himself from ordinary people, and regards the lives of others as pawns that can be discarded at will.

Matt couldn't condone such evil.

Into the dark night, Matt quietly approached General Ross's car in the sky, and at this time Ross even calmly instructed the driver to lift off from here.

At this moment, Matt, who swept out of the darkness as deep as water, swept into the transport helicopter like a goshawk catching prey, grabbed Rose's body and flew out!

"Damn! Let go of me you monster!!!"

General Ross struggled in the air to pull out his pistol and shoot blindly in Matt's direction, but the bullets couldn't even touch Matt's body, and were blocked in the darkness that spread like a corrugated plate on his body.

General Ross was slammed to the ground by Matt, and before he could stand up, an extremely frightened face suddenly appeared in front of him!

The bat-like face, but the whole face is full of mouthparts with dense teeth that open in a triangle shape, and it is like the night demon-like monster in the bedtime story. Screaming!

A huge sense of fear that could not be contained instantly hit Ross's heart. He screamed and dropped the gun in his hand, turning around and running!

In the absolute darkness, only the sound of fear of the wings flapping, it seems to be everywhere, fear is everywhere, lurking in every corner of this darkness!

Suddenly, a radiating pain spread in Ross's right foot, or it was already injured there, but it was only now that the pain broke through his fear.

Ross fell to the ground almost instantly and couldn't stand up, and the sound of flapping his wings was getting closer and closer to the spread of fear!

"Thardius E. Ross, you are shouting for the United States, self-righteous and carrying your so-called patriotism, but choose to wantonly slaughter civilians to become the capital of your promotion."

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