Nick Fury's face was a little embarrassed for a moment, of course, it was difficult to see clearly based on his skin color.

He really couldn't get into Tony's house. His original plan was to hide in Tony's office and wait for him to come in to scare him and show his elusiveness.

But the ghost knows that the defense of Tony's seaside villa has suddenly risen by several levels recently, and his agents say that unless they are allowed to blow up Stark's villa, don't even think about sneaking in!

"Now that you know S.H.I.E.L.D., you should have seen our agents..."

"Natasha Romanoff, and Phil Coulson, right?" Tony continued without expression.

"You put a beautiful ex-Sister Su spy and a nice bald guy in my company, tell me Captain Hook, what do you want?"

Now even a guy as thick-skinned as Nick Fury is a little speechless.

The spies who were put into other people's companies were caught before they started to act, and this wave of words could not be explained clearly.

"That's for your safety, your father..."

"You didn't protect my father." Tony's face was even colder now

"Like the Stars and Stripes man who fell into the ice, your spy organization has nothing to protect. Get out of my house now or I can shoot you on the spot - killing a black man is nothing to me."

"...We'll see you sooner or later."

Nick Fury can only leave here with reluctance to support his long-lost mystery.

Tony ignored it, S.H.I.E.L.D. had no secrets to him. To put it horribly, just with their shit-like network technology, Tony turned them upside down after knowing the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But unfortunately, he did not find the 'truth' about the death of his parents

Either Mu Feng is lying to him, or just like what he said... SHIELD is not trustworthy.

And as far as the information he parsed, SHIELD and its subordinate organization, the World Security Council, are on the surface an international protection organization, but in fact they all act from the standpoint of the U.S. government.

Some time ago, I helped suppress the news of Ross' massacre of civilians, and then sent those "protected" alien creations or other things to American research institutes everywhere.

In fact, Tony has no responsibility for this position. He is also an American, and there is nothing wrong with fighting for his country.

But Tony Stark can have a nationality, but Iron Man shouldn't.

But he still had it, and even Tony himself put a restraining lock on the identity of Iron Man. When everyone knows that Tony Stark = Iron Man, all his actions will be infinitely magnified in the spotlight.

Iron Man has long been unable to, nor can he maintain true world peace.

Since he has already had to play this role, don't expect him to be a newcomer whose nature and existence are similar to those left by his father.

"Jarvis, play the No. 4 video backwards."

Tony, who handed his body over to the sofa, let out a long breath and watched the press conference of Handshine Technology, which he had watched many times.

Compared with its own press conferences, although there are great conflicts in many professional fields, it has no basis for most journalists.

Compared to himself, the Iron Man, in the past, now, and in the long-term future, he will definitely steal the limelight. !

Mu Feng quickly ended the press conference, and no one asked him about the real identity of the driving knight, because everyone would not simply connect them together.

As promised, he did not sell or even announce the news of the GN solar furnace, but only declared that Zhanshi Technology would start the first batch of gene repair factories...

The calm Tony didn't work **** this aspect that has not been studied for the time being. To be honest, he has nothing to do with Mu Feng.

The mysterious origin and mysterious abilities of this man are both big problems, and even if we want to deal with him, we have to wait for the development and perfection of new technologies and can ignore the interference of GN particles.

The time of day is thus temporarily over.


At night, when the dark sky covers everything, and the paintings made by the stars replace the oil paintings, the night comes.

It's a time to rest, but for most people, it's a fantasy to expect to end their work with darkness.

Into the night, the work is continuing, only for some people, tonight will be the last of his life.

"Here he is! That monster, he said he would sell me all for trial!!!"

There are three groups of people gathered in a palatial villa. The second generation of the rich house consists of a busy housekeeper, a restless lawyer, and a hysterical thug.

It was the hysterical **** who screamed.

"Night is falling, and the night is hunting! I heard that monster say that it will take me and all my accomplices tonight!"

The gangster roared with his hands in his hands and his head collapsed, his voice sharp and crazy

"Calm down, don't worry."

The lawyer calmed down gently, but in this group of people, he was actually the one who shivered the most.

"Okay! This is downtown New York!"

Fu Erdai waved his hand irritably, took out a box of guns from under the table and threw it to them, coldly said.

"The tight-fitting maniac in your mouth has no ability to make trouble here. It only takes three minutes for the New York City Police Department to come to support! And the defense here is the best. We will fly to the Maldives tomorrow!"

The corner of the gangster's mouth trembled slightly, but he finally clenched the pistol. The lawyer didn't pick up the pistol and lowered his head without saying a word.

What they're talking about is the 'shadow' that has swept over New York City in recent days

It is the demon of the night, the monster of the hunt, the legend of the night, and the gospel of death. A tale of an illegal hunt after nightfall to eradicate evil.

But that's not a story, especially for those who have actually committed a crime, and they tend to be declared dead by the Night Demon.

The next day, or just that night, he would die tragically that way.

In the face of such a demonized Batman in all aspects, it is natural for people to remove the fear of curiosity.

Especially...these rich rich people use money to wash away their sins and leave the sinful people behind.

In an instant, all the lights in the villa went out, and the disappearance of the light seemed to be deprived of all the light in this area.

"Michael Jason, four homicides, twenty-six serious wounds, multiple minor wounds, numerous accomplices, and three days ago, you held the girl's arm and assaulted after that took her."

The cold and ruthless voice echoed in every corner of the villa, like the ubiquitous wind, drilling into everyone's ears

The gangster's face turned extremely pale in an instant. He grabbed a pistol, but his trembling hands couldn't even aim, so he could only scream and fire indiscriminately.

In an instant, he felt a sense of weightlessness, and the next moment, an almost crazy pain spread over his body!

A light hit, and the faces of Fu Erdai and the lawyer instantly became extremely pale.

I saw that the bastard's limbs were completely cut off at the roots, and assembled at the fractured position in a nearly twisted posture, and the skin of his upper body was completely peeled off. Under his mournful wailing, the scarlet flesh The organization looks eerie and terrifying like a nightmare!

"Quick, go and notify the NYPD!!!"

The second generation of rich screamed like a goose that was strangled by its neck, and the cold voice was entangled like a gangrene.

"Karen Amber, you have helped others escape legal punishment 92 times in total, and have illegally traded 219 times in private. Three days ago, you helped the scum next to you solve the family of the girl who wanted to call the police. , and brought her sister here."

A cold and windy voice echoed in every corner of the building, and the next moment of light hit, what Fu Erdai saw was a lawyer who was suspended in the air, 'twisted' a little bit from his ankles.

Howling, screaming, these couldn't come out after his lungs were twisted. He was like a rag that was twisted with force, twisting his flesh and bones like a rag. The tatters are generally squeezed out.

"Ah, haha, hahahaha!!" The rich second generation fell to the ground and laughed as if he was scared crazy, and then roared in horror.

"You can't kill me! My dad is the director of Dell Bio! My uncle is the justice! You have no right to punish me..."

"Anthony Dyer, you are guilty of forty-three crimes of obsession, twenty-nine of strong crimes, fourteen of intentional homicide, and seventy-three of serious wounding..."

Night Demon's icy voice was like a judge who pronounced sin, or that he was the judge. It's just that he didn't follow the law, but the justice in the dark.

"Three days ago, you not only sharply killed the girl, but also brought back the girl's sister. People like you, playing with a twelve-year-old child will make you happy, right?"

The devil with wings on his back suddenly descended in front of him, his eyes as dark as the night sky reflecting it

"Your judgment will be with your father, your uncle, and all the outlaws in your family, wandering in eternal darkness."

Screams, howls, all of which have been lost.

He couldn't see, he couldn't hear, he couldn't smell, he couldn't speak, he couldn't touch, there was only... nothing but eternal darkness.

With long, piercing sirens, several NYPD vehicles surrounded the villa, and soon George Stacy, then the NYPD chief, hurried over.

"Is it him again?" the New York City police chief asked anxiously

The police officer who arrived first nodded lightly. The murder scene here was appalling, even bloodier than the slaughterhouse.

The whole of New York - no, the only crazy "killer" in the whole of America that is still so active today is the Night Demon.

Even if a forensic doctor who has worked for many years sees the murder scene of the Night Demon, he will feel physical discomfort, and if he can kill such a ghost and efficiently, there will be no one other than the bat in that night.

"Damn it!" George slammed his fist on the threshold, growling unhappily

There is no doubt that the behavior of the Night Demon is to smear the mud on the face of the entire New York City Police Department. In just two months, more than 300 people have been killed. The horror of the Night Demon has surpassed the concept of ordinary criminals.

He has not received so many complaints against him since he took office, not to mention the pressure from above. George has been so busy these days that he feels like he is dying from overwork!

But even more helpless, and what makes George angry is that...

Night Demon is not doing evil. When the law fails to bring justice to the parties, private revenge is justified and even noble from this moment on.

Knights, superheroes, products of this nature were born based on this theory.

It is difficult for you to define or judge such a profession with pure good and bad, because there is neither absolute good nor absolute bad in them.

You have to admit that a group of grotesquely dressed superhumans are roaming the streets, punishing the bad guys with their laws is an act of breaking the social order and the overall structure, but you also have to admit that this group of heroes punishing bad guys is in Do good things.

As far as the law is concerned, the existence of a hero is an unstable factor detached from the rule of law, while for individual justice, a hero is an existence that stands up to protect the legitimacy of the law when the law cannot uphold the justice of others.

Superheroes are not only law enforcers, judges, but also executioners. This way, the overall existence of the entire concept of the judicial system is prone to flaws and sentimentality, but it also ensures the absolute efficiency of maintaining justice and fighting evil.

Moreover, there will always be people in this world who cannot be punished by the law, and at this time, it is the time for those outside the law to stand up.

Arguments about whether superheroes should exist can almost go on and on, but there is no doubt that superheroes must be very unpopular with police officers and even with the entire justice system.

The reason is very simple. If the heroes do everything, what should the police do?

If the individual can arrest, try, and finally execute the crime of his person, then the police, the judge, and the executioner have no meaning to exist. . . .

Or even more so, if an existence is so perfect, then there is no need for even laws to exist.

Why do most superhero comics always describe these heroes as preventing evil rather than punishing it? Because that's beyond the realm of superheroes and even individuals.

So for the judicial system, their distaste for superheroes is ingrained in their bones. As long as they get the chance, they will definitely try to bring down the superheroes. After all, the only way to prove the superiority and prerequisite of the judicial system has been to VW proved they weren't a bunch of tax thieves.

Like Tony Stark, there is a whole team of lawyers and they have the level of law-making. They can't move, but they have the courage to attack those street heroes. Law, especially the law of the sea, is often the case. Whoever has more money will have more powerful lawyers.

Especially when superheroes completely cross the border and start judging sinners with death, they, the members of the justice system, must do something to them.

It's not about good or evil, it's about position. The police are not the defenders of justice but the defenders of laws and rules, and laws and rules constrain justice to the greatest extent, and a small number of omissions allow superheroes to survive.

But honestly, police and superheroes, law and private justice, which one keeps more people safe?

There is no doubt that it is the law and justice, but because the justice of the gene and the law is the majority, it makes the few injustices that transcend the law become so dazzling.

The significance of superheroes' existence lies in the existence of these few spaces, so they have more exposure and are supported by more people under the protection of the law.

In fact, from his own personal standpoint, George Stacy would even applaud Daredevil's extreme behavior.

As the police chief of New York City, George has tried his best to be as upright as possible, but even so, he has seen too many **** relying on money and power to escape the arrogance of the law.

In all fairness, what would have happened if Daredevil, like Spider-Man, arrested these people and handed them over to the police along with the evidence?

80% of these people will be acquitted.

The laws of this country, or the vast majority of the laws in this world, are for power and money. What's more, here, even if the evidence is complete, don't you think that the illegality of your methods has also appeared like the Simpson case?

It's good for the world that these scumbags die, but George is a cop in addition to being a man, and he has to fight for his position.

"Collect on-the-spot evidence, check personnel, and contact those who are involved in the offense they committed - protect, protect all!"

George rubbed his aching head and gave an order that made him feel sick to himself

They must protect these scumbags in order not to let the damned sinners be killed by unscrupulous vigilantes. This is by no means just, but necessary, the judicial process and his duty as a police officer.


Although the subordinates were reluctant, they still followed suit. Looking at the corpse covered by cloth, George sighed faintly.

All this was clearly seen by Matt, who was a few buildings away.

Maintaining the posture of the Night Demon, the shadow-like darkness enveloped the body. Without getting close to Matt, who could not see at all, he silently watched the police deal with the scene.

In the past, he was also a person who stood by the police and believed in justice.

And now he is standing here, becoming an enemy of justice.

He hasn't changed, he's still the same Matt Murdoch thirst for justice. But he has also changed a lot. He just clearly understands that many things in this world cannot be punished by law.

The world needs the correction of the law, and it needs extrajudicial sanctions like him even more.

He doesn't resent the police who are chasing him, nor does he resent how the newspapers smear him and describe him as a murderous maniac.

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