He is not a stupid Thor, he knows that the so-called qualification of becoming a king that Odin said is completely nonsense, whether or not he can lift the hammer is only related to the rune power that Odin set on the Quake of Thor.

Just like the legend of the Midgard about that King Arthur, there are so many unknown so-called qualification examinations, but it is just a reading of the ending that has been predetermined.

"What I'm asking for is not valuable, not even in Odin's treasury."

"Then what do you want?"

"Infinite Gloves." Mu Feng chuckled lightly.

"That fake Infinity Glove."

"Fake Infinity Gloves... why do you want that thing?"

Loki was stunned for a moment, not because the price Mu Feng offered was outrageous, but because what he wanted was really not a valuable thing.

Odin's treasury collects the fruits of the father of the gods' thousands of years of war, and a large number of treasures are hoarded there, but only a few of the most valuable are there.

Fakes of the Infinity Gauntlet are definitely not among them.

In fact, even Loki didn't know why Odin kept such an obvious fake in such a conspicuous place.

"Then do you agree or not?"

"Of course, no problem!" Loki replied without hesitation.

Not to mention that the thing itself is worthless, compared with the current Loki, this kind of empty check is written without paying any price.

If his plan is successfully completed, it is up to him to pay the price or not.

"Very good." Mu Feng smiled and snapped his fingers

"Then in return, I can tell you an answer you must have wanted to know - why did Odin choose to take you in? An Asgardian half-blood frost giant."

"Wait, what do you say I am?" Loki interrupted Mu Feng's words, frowning tightly.

"You are a mixed race." Mu Feng said lightly

"You are the descendant of Laufey, the king of frost giants, and an Asgardian. I don't know who your mother is, but you did inherit the strength of the Asgardians and the physique of the frost giants, didn't you?"

But even so, it sounds very awesome, but Loki's development prospects are destined to go wrong.

He was not Thor, and he did not inherit the powerful bloodline of the father-of-the-gods family. And he did not progress in the direction of his father's blood, but went to the path of magic under the control of Odin.

But this road he walked was smooth and even strong, and it could be inferred that the bloodline of Loki's maternal line must have a lot of origin.

It is worth mentioning that in the mythology, Loki's mother is Laufey. Today's Frost Giant King is actually the result of Marvel's sinicization, while his father is the giant Fabti, but in Marvel, he became A female giant, with very little mythological description of this giant.

But the funniest is when the name Fabti means "dangerous blow", which means "lightning", and the name Loki is actually a variation of that - it's the flame (Loki) that is made of lightning (Fabti) Generated by hitting a tree (Lauffy).

So the question is, before Thor, who was the most famous for driving lightning in the Nine Realms?

In different universes, different settings will always bring about completely different plots. If Loki is really a descendant of Odin, Mu Feng has reservations. Maybe... Maybe it's true?

"Okay, let's get the conversation back on track. Do you know why Odin chose to take you in, a descendant of the Frost Giant King?"

"He wants me to manage Jotunheim to bring about lasting peace in his Asgard." Loki said in a tone of suppressed resentment.

"Yes, this is indeed one of the reasons." Mu Feng smiled.

"But not the biggest reason. Loki, do you know who Odin's father is?"

"Paul Blissson." Loki frowned slightly, he didn't know why Mu Feng mentioned his grandfather at this time

"Then do you know how many children Bao Er had?" Mu Feng whispered

"Bauer and the giantess had four children together, Kool, Willy, Vi, and Odin."

"Bauer's favorite child is the youngest Odin, because he is the most like himself, the same courage, the same bravery, and the same... ruthless."

"I've never heard of these names!" Loki frowned

"That's because these histories have been erased!" Mu Feng laughed.

"You can try to smash the frescoes on your father's throne when you go back, then you can see the first history hidden by Odin, but it is far from all the truths he has hidden."

"Kul, his elder brother, the Serpent of Fear. Being able to rely on the fear of his life to strengthen himself, he is the third Asgardian god-king after Bauer. But he has disappeared! Whether it is his existence or his The history of the world has all died in the silence of the long rivers of Asgard."

Regarding the existence of Kool, Mu Feng heard from Hela.

As Odin's eldest daughter, Hela accompanied her father when he was not a king. Although she was still young at the time, Hela clearly remembered that she still had an uncle.

However, when Hela grew up, Kool, along with his history and existence, was completely gone. Odin became the third god-king of Asgard, a legitimate and reasonable god-king!

No one remembers the existence of Odin's three brothers and sisters, just as no one remembers how Odin once led his subordinates to defeat his brother and seal him.

The whereabouts of this fearful snake, Hela, are not known, but according to the plot of the comics, Kool was sealed at the bottom of the deep ocean of the earth by Odin.

Regarding his existence, in the big event "The Origin of Fear", it was considered to be an image synthesis with another big BOSS of Marvel's earthly python, Yemengarde, and there is no doubt about the power of Kuhl, only the prosperous Odin of the period can confront it.

In the plot of Avengers III, there was actually a paragraph about Kool, but it was deleted.

Thor's Storm Axe was supposed to be guarded by Yemengarde, and Thor, Rocket Raccoon and Groot went to take it away, but in the end, the plot was all condensed into the simple creation of dwarves.

There is no doubt that there is a great chance that there is a snake of fear on the earth, but for now, Mu Feng does not intend to find or release him.

There are too many enemies to destroy Asgard, and with a Kool, that one is too unbalanced.

"And why did Bauer suddenly pass the throne to Kuer? That's because... he died unexpectedly." Mu Feng smiled maliciously

This memory was dug out of Laufey's mind, and the Frost Giant King also knew a lot of dirty little secrets about Odin.

"The original Bauer was attacked by a wizard during his expedition to Jotunheim and was frozen in the deepest ice valley of Jotunheim. At that time he was actually saved, but when Odin arrived , your father realized a problem."

"At that time, Asgard's expedition to Jotunheim was nearly ten years, and it was still unable to win the world of the frost giant. If Bauer continues to live, then the glory of the expedition to Alfheim to unify the nine worlds will be Never belonged to him, and his brother. He would never be king of Asgard, his father would opt out of the expedition to Jotunheim, and for him, for the whole of Asgard The best possible outcome is—"

"Bauer died here, and Odin inherited his father's legacy and fought Jotunheim."

"You are lying!"

Loki retorted excitedly. Although he was full of resentment towards Odin's behavior, he could not accept other people's insults to Odin's reputation.

"Do you think your father is such an upright existence?" Mu Feng sneered

When Hela got out of trouble, she made it clear that Thor, who looked the most like Odin, didn't look like him at all, while Loki, who looked the least like Odin, was similar to him.

"The last battle for the throne of Asgard was far more brutal than you might think. Odin betrayed his father, and Bauer wasn't dead, his soul wandered and wailed on the ice, sneaking in every night Odin's dream."

"Your father was strong-willed, and maintained his ruthlessness even when he was infested by Bauer's spirit every night. And when Thor was born, Bauer realized that his son would never break his ice— So he made a deal."

"As long as Odin takes in a Frost Giant's baby as his heir, then Bauer will never disturb Odin's soul, he accepts this, and then he waged his final war against Jotunheim. Before that battle, he sealed your sister, lost the entire Valkyrie Legion, and then he hanged upside down on Mimir's Fountain and sacrificed his left eye, and finally gained supreme power."

"He defeated Jotunheim, and then took in a frost giant baby as his own as agreed. That person is you, Loki Laufesen!"

Loki was speechless for a long time, just because the 'information' provided by Mu Feng was too... unbelievable.

And to be honest, the credibility is really too low.

Why should he believe the words of a Midgard wizard who suddenly came out? Just because he beat him?

Mu Feng said so much, but he didn't expect much of a reaction from Loki.

After all, this is just an experiment.

One quiz on the timeline again and again.

Because if according to the plot line of the comics, then the wizard who attacked Bauer and led Bauer to let Odin adopt Loki was Loki himself!

This itself is a closed loop of time. Of course, it may just be countless worlds that have been cut to maintain the sacred timeline, but in any case, this is a test of time stability.

Randomly sprinkled seeds often produce unexpected and delicious fruits.

"Then, I have already delivered the deposit, and I look forward to your next statement, Your Majesty Loki."

Mu Feng took a step back, smiling and disappearing transparently.

Harry Osborn, twenty-one, was one step away from death.

The family inherited genetic disease, the anxiety and pain that plagued him all the time, described his miserable father on the sickbed.

After taking over the family business, those hungry wolves who rushed forward like jackals and couldn't wait to devour his family's property, as well as his body that was festering all the time, were like hailstones hitting his sanity one after another. Slowly dragged into the abyss of darkness and despair.

He was dying, and he was desperate.

For him, life is nothing but a clock that keeps turning back and forth. When the minute hand points to zero, everything will come to an end. There is no last beauty, and there is nothing to love. The more you feel that death is approaching, people will Will be more and more eager to survive.

Such Harry, his only life-saving straw is only one.

Spider-Man, only his blood, only the complete spider serum in his body can save his body that is on the verge of collapse!

He tossed and turned, he found his friend Peter Parker, because he is the person who took the most pictures of Spider-Man, he must have a way to contact Spider-Man - he hopes he can help himself contact Spider-Man, he only wants him a tube of blood!

"Harry, no, I can't do that."

Facing the pleading of his former best friend, Peter was silent for a moment, then shook his head in refusal.

"I can't give you your blood."

"Why?" Harry looked at Spider-Man in disbelief

"It's too dangerous, my blood...may kill you." Peter explained helplessly

"If your blood type doesn't match, my blood won't cure your disease, it will only make you die, and..."

And the spider serum was too dangerous, his father said, that such a thing would be even scarier than Dr. Erskine's super soldier serum if it fell into the wrong hands.

"I'm dying!" Harry pleaded in a low voice

"It's all dead anyway, I just want to try the last resort!"

"But it could lead to something worse than death."

Harry was silent for a moment, he flipped his head, as if torn off some disguise, looked at Spider-Man, and said in a low voice

"How much money can you give me a bottle of your blood? Do you want a boat? Or a plane? Just ask how much you want!"

"I don't want your money..."

"Everyone wants my money!" Harry frantically grabbed the whiskey glass on the table and smashed it against the wall, and inside the shattered glass shard, he growled in a state of madness

"I thought, I thought you were a hero who saved people's lives! But now you are not helping me, and you are watching me die."

"I just want to protect you." Peter stood up and replied uneasily.

"No no no no, no, you just want to protect yourself."

Harry collapsed and roared angrily, the festering wound on his neck so obvious

"Look at me! I'm dying! I'm as rotten as a piece of chewing gum!"

"Feel sorry!"

Peter, who didn't want to look at Harry like this, turned around and fled out the window, wandering away with the spider silk.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Harry fell to the ground in a broken-hearted cry, whimpering and thumping the ground, not even noticing the approaching footsteps.

"Don't cry! Stand up Harry!"

The stern and familiar reprimand sounded in his ears, and Harry turned his head to see his father standing beside him, his expression dignified, without any signs of weakness on the sickbed.

"Father... how did you do that?" Harry looked at his 'lively' father in disbelief. Compared to the dying man on the sickbed, who seemed to be dying at any time, Norman was no different from a normal person now!

"Harry, my illness will be cured, and yours will be cured." Norman rudely helped Harry up and sternly reprimanded

"You're the Osborn child! Don't cry like a man!"

"Really, Father!" Harry grabbed his father's arm tightly, like someone in **** holding onto the only spider silk that can get out of here.

"Yes Harry, we'll get fit and we'll make Osborn great."

Norman sneered and opened a hidden compartment with the remote, and Harry recognized who the force was tied and gagged.

Mencken, the **** who always taunted him on the board of directors, prepared human trials in private, and wanted to usurp his company!

"Harry, you have to learn to grow up, sending you to boarding school seems wrong, you need a little different education."

Norman shoved a pistol into his son's hand, patted him on the shoulder, faintly.

"Father..." Harry looked at the gun in his hand, then at the **** he wished to be stabbed with a thousand swords, gritted his teeth slightly, and stepped forward with a fierce look in his eyes

bump! !

Facing that pleading look, Harry pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the gun barrel and pierced Mencken's forehead. The splash of blood indicated that a life would be easily deprived.

Harry breathed lightly, killing for the first time. He didn't have the particular nausea or excitement described in the novel.

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