And it was this **** that caused the ancient one to work overtime for thousands of years!

Compared with other gods who were also transformed from the remains of the ancient **** Gaia, the Aesir not only kept their own land on the main material plane, but also tried to invade the earth many times with ambition.

Compared with the gods of Olympus, Sumer, and Egypt, the Asa gods are obviously more like a group of aliens.

But they are indeed gods. In a broad sense, they are gods. They lived and ruled the earth earlier than humans. Asgardians are just gods living in the mortal world.

The Supreme Mage cannot fight the Asa Gods, peace is hard-won, and Midgard's ignorance is already a very good result.

So Gu Yi planned to add a block to Asgard. She predicted the worst twilight of the Asa Protoss in the Nordic region where Asgard descended, and then spread this legend all over northern Europe.

Thor died in the mouth of the serpent, Odin was buried in the belly of the wolf, the King of Flames burned the Golden Palace, and the world was in the hands of mortals.

"The Venerable will tell you again with their own actions that Asgard is not enough to be feared, they are also the gods of sorrow destined to be destroyed." Mu Feng said lightly, and all his words revealed his respect for the ancient one.

"You have such respect for Master Gu Yi, but you still killed her?"

"Gu Yi is not dead, and I can't kill her. As long as she doesn't want to die, no one in the Nine Realms can take Gu Yi away."

Mu Feng glanced at the clichéd Nick Fury and said lightly.

"Can't the prophecy be changed?" Nick Fury rubbed his chin as he looked at Sif and Jane Foster, who were somewhat tit-for-tat in the live broadcast.

It's obvious that this black gravy intends to bond him through Thor's girlfriend, master his weaknesses, and then do some underworld work.

"Yes, but what you want is doomed to not come true." Mu Feng sneered.

"And why do you think Jane Foster could be Queen of Asgard?"

"I think he likes Miss Foster more than that Sif now."

"Like is just a temporary illusion, it's just an illusion brought by hormone secretion to the brain." Mu Feng said lightly

"Even if Thor chooses to be with Miss Foster, how long can they be together? Ten years? Twenty years? A hundred years? Miss Foster is destined to pass away, and for Thor it's just a fleeting moment. moment."

"And Sif is Thor's doomed mate and Asgard's eternal queen. They'll have six heirs to inherit the throne, it's a doomed future, and Miss Foster is not destined to be named—and Why do you think the Asgardians should abide by the Christian monogamy?"

Jane Foster is a woman with a future, but her future is at most a goddess of Thor, and it's just a gift that relies entirely on Thor's Hammer. Those so-called Thors who pick up Thor's Hammer are essentially Miaoer. Neil's gift.

And the top of Thor's future is to become a Rune King more powerful than his father.

Even though he may not grow to that point, Thor, anchored by Odin's prophecy, is destined to have the same power and deeds as the father of the gods in the future.

For such an existence, love is really just a flash of light. The responsibility of being king always made Thor understand that he had no choice at all.

Just then, the door suddenly opened in front of Thor.

"It's about to start." Mu Feng stood up with a smile, watching Nick Fury play with his taste

"You are determined to let yourself be noticed and intervene in this Asgard infighting. In this case, you must witness the consequences of participating in this interstellar war with your own eyes."

He opened the portal and left instantly, and in the huge crack that opened in front of Thor, a giant foot made of scarlet magic iron trampled out!

The roaring fel engine, the huge body crushed the earth, and the fel green brilliance instantly penetrated into the clouds!

It wasn't the Destroyer who walked out of the portal! It is a magic mecha about fifteen meters high, a heavy war machine built by the legion to deal with powerful enemies!

Garothi Slayer!

"Odin is on, what kind of evil did Loki make a deal with!"

Vorstag looked at the huge creation in front of him in horror. Obviously, it was not a product of Asgard, and the aura of destruction that escaped all around just because it existed was not the style of the Asa Protoss at all.

The first to start was the army that Nick Fury had arranged for a long time.

After all, the King of Agents still couldn't restrain his heart to die. He arranged the army here to test Asgard's military strength under certain circumstances.

"This is the earth, let us earthlings solve the problem."

Coulson advised the four warriors of Asgard not to do anything, and Thor also meant it—he finally understood how to write the words "diplomatic etiquette" during his time on Earth.

"But that thing is not an Asgardian creation!"

Sif said with an ugly face, if it was any weapon from Asgard, Sif would not look so ugly, but the appearance of an unexpected weapon may indicate that the situation has been out of the control of the father of the gods!

The next moment, more than a dozen tanks that had already been prepared drove in here and fired at the Garothi Slaughterer, which was still stabilizing its engine.

A flurry of cannonballs staggered the Garothi Slaughterer, which gave Nick Fury and the GIs a lot of confidence.

"Alien technology is nothing more than that!" They cheered and raised their hands

But then, the unscathed Fel Iron body of the Garothi Slaughterer and the Phase Fel Defense Matrix that appeared in front of them made all their cheers choked to death in their necks.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

The only thing the commander could do was tilt the cannons to bombard the Garothi Slaughter, but these kinetic shells didn't even have the ability to penetrate that layer of the Phase Defense Matrix.

The Garothi Slayer entered with firm steps, and... faster and faster.

This killing machine is adapting to the basic environment of this world under the program designed by Kin'garoth, and then the Fel can mobilize all functions.

Garothi Slayer raised his hands.

The scarlet light that emerged from the palm was detected as a very high heat energy rise, and the two fel energy rays that were directly bombarded in an instant cut and tore more than a dozen tanks accurately and fatally, compressing the evil energy brought The martyrdom of the explosion caused the front position to be a sea of ​​fire!

"Air support! Support! I need fire support!"

The commander roared almost hysterically, and the two F22s that had already launched into the air also released two AIM-120C medium-range air-to-air missiles and two AIM-9X short-range missiles at the scarlet killing machine!

The roaring missile blasted a wave of flames and air in front of the Garothi Slaughterer, and the storm that opened up made the four warriors of Asgard standing in front of them unable to open their eyes.

But that's all.

The warriors of Asgard will be amazed at the progress of the Midgards, but it is only limited to this. If it is only such a technology, there is no threat to Asgard's qualifications.

Likewise, there is no qualification to threaten Asgard's enemies.

The scarlet beam shredded the dust of the explosion, and the unscathed Garothi Slaughterer sprayed dazzling scarlet fel energy beams with both hands, accurately targeting two F22 fighters thousands of meters away and completely out of sight!

Falling and ruining in the blink of an eye, the Garothi slayers tell everyone with their **** victories that your weapons are useless.

empty empty empty empty ~~~~

The roar of the engine roared from the body of the Garothi Slaughterer, and the scarlet brilliance had enveloped the four warriors of Asgard in front.

They are fearless! Even in the face of an unstoppable formidable enemy!

The round Vorstag roared and rushed forward first. This guy, who was dressed and looked very 'dwarf', slashed fiercely on the layer of Fel Phase Defense Matrix with a giant axe!

Pure physical attacks are difficult to shake this layer of protection, but Asgardians' attacks have never been so 'pure'

Weapons made of Ulu metal have strong resistance to magic and armor-piercing properties. By extension, in the essential sense, alien energy will fall into a state of inertness after touching Ulu metal.

Vorstage's attack worked, and there were bursts of disturbance from the phase matrix, which was unscathed even against missiles.

The four warriors in Asgard practiced and carried each other, with swords, axes and hammers, and all attacks were added to this fel energy machine!

The besieged Garothi Slaughter seemed to be at a disadvantage, and his reaction was a bit too slow, at least compared to the four Asgard duel champions.

"For Asgard!!!"

The roaring Vorstag slashed the battle axe to the head of the Garothi slayer, and with a piercing sound, the fel energy matrix loaded on it burst!

But before the warriors of Asgard cheered their victory, Sif let out a startled cry.

"Be careful, get out of the way!!!"

I saw that at the moment when the fel energy matrix shattered, a dazzling torrent of fel energy suddenly burst out from the Galosi Slaughterer.

The scarlet fel energy that was refined to its essence scorched everything around him like an erupting volcano. Vorstag blocked his face with a huge battle axe for the first time, but that was the case, before he was knocked into the air. After that, more than half of the battle axe made of Ulu metal was actually dissolved!

empty empty empty empty ~~~~

The body of the Garothi Slayer once again released the strange sound of the engine, and the opposite of it was its sudden increase in speed!

Scarlet blades stretched over its arms, and the Garothi Slayer displayed a speed that was almost like two machines compared to before.

The speed of the sudden increase, and the destructive power brought by the terrifying weapon, the killing situation that the warriors of Asgard had just maintained collapsed in an instant!

Vorstag was in a state of embarrassment, Hogg's weapon was cut in half, Sif was sent flying dozens of meters with his shield, and Fandral was left with a scarlet burn that ripped through his armor!

Thor, who was watching from a distance, let out an angry and unwilling roar. He broke free from the hands of the people around him and ran over to support Sif. Picked up her sword and walked towards the Garothi Slayer!

"Loki! If your target is me, then..."

What responded to Thor were just two scarlet torrents of fel energy

30. Oath of Hela

Asgard has been maintaining two false things.

The first is their peace, the second is their military.

Odin claims that he and Asgard have brought long-term peace to the Nine Realms, but the essence of this peace is actually nothing more than a false peace that suppresses those who want to make a move, a kind of absolute force that suppresses everyone, but does not. Choose to go further and completely conquer.

Frost giants and flame giants have never had a day when they are not eager to tear up Asgard. Dark elves lurk in the dark night just to drag the universe into darkness. Light elves are always ambitious, even Warnerheim. Garde's throne is salivating.

The so-called peace that Odin created was based on the violent repression that he personally brought about.

And this is about Asgard's second lie - martial.

It is true that Asgard's social ethos reveres force, and almost all education is about how to become a qualified warrior.

But Asgard's power is not as strong as before. In the peaceful era of Odin's rule, it can almost be said that Asgard was the weakest.

Cruel, ruthless, and full of suspicion, the Heavenly Father exiled his eldest daughter, sacrificed an entire Valkyrie army, and buried the countless Asgardian elites who followed Hela into the darkness.

This series of operations has made Asgard weak to this day, and it is even rude to say that Asgard is just a balloon placed in a piece of iron.

The iron sheet of Odin protects Asgard, allowing the entire Asgard to continue to maintain this invincible illusion, and no matter how much he protects, when the outer iron sheet is torn apart, the balloon inside is nothing but a Breaks with a poke.

Hela can easily slaughter Asgard without Odin by herself, but in today's Golden Palace, the test she faces is more than a death goddess full of revenge desires?

"Burn! Kill! Destroy!!!"

The flame giants wrapped in flames and lava roared and wielded their flame weapons, wantonly slaughtering the civilians of Asgard, and destroying everything within sight!

This raid came so suddenly, Asgard, whose defense system was not triggered at all, was caught off guard.

But soon, the superb military literacy still allowed the Asgardians to quickly deploy a response force.

Hundreds of golden Val'kyr spaceships soared and took off, surrounding the surging flame giants and shooting beams of light.

Asgardian warriors in Asgardian-style armor wield spears and brave the flame giants.

But they don't have the upper hand.

The flame giants are not afraid of the Asgard artillery fire at all. They are composed of flames and lava, and they are the characteristics that are most resistant to such weapons.

Regardless of Thor's ability to be unparalleled among the flame giants, in fact, most of the time, the physical quality of any giant is superior to that of the Asgardians.

"Stand up! Hold up the line of defense!!!"

A guard captain holding a golden giant shield and a golden spear in the other roared loudly. The spear in his hand exudes faint runes, and the powerful force extends along the shield and the spear tip!

Golden rays of light enveloped every soldier on this line of defense. Under the shower of golden rain, they shouted battle roars and used armor and flesh and blood to firmly block the strong enemy from the door!

On this road to Asgard's palace, they guarded to the end!

However, when the figure with a height of tens of meters, looking a little thin but wielding a burning magic sword, appeared, all these emotions and defenses were useless.


Surtur, who wielded the flaming sword Levatin, completely smashed the tight defense woven by the Asgardian soldiers with one sword, and then he swung the burning iron chain in his hand, as if sweeping through a thousand troops, all involved were involved. The Asgardian soldiers burned to ashes!

Even without the eternal fire, the source of his power, Surtur is not as powerful as these Asgardian soldiers.

The defense before Asgard collapsed at a touch, but what was even worse was that Asgard did not have a strong man who could deal with Surtur.

The four warriors of Asgard left Asgard, Thor was exiled, Odin fell into a deep sleep, and Asgard of Noda couldn't find anyone who could resist and stop the Fire Lord.

"Let the flames purify everything!!!!"

Surtur laughed wildly and waved flames to kill, and a shadow passed over his head. The dead **** riding the gallows passed over his head, and the cold golden one-eyed glanced at everything.

Those greedy and bloodthirsty Dead Servants under his command had already penetrated the defenses of the Asgardians like puffs of light smoke, and their sharp claws and fangs like ravens pierced their throats and took away the temperature.

The dead **** did not do anything from beginning to end, but his existence was the greatest deterrent and blasphemy for the Asgardians.

That 'imitation' gesture of the father of the gods is too terrifying. Even though the gesture he imitated is vastly different from that of the father of the gods, the gloomy aura of death has made more people abandon it. Visual denial, giving him deep fear.

The dead **** looked at Surtur, and Surtur looked at him. The Flame King didn't like this outfit very much. If he hadn't considered that there were Asgardians beside him, he would have been the first to have **** with him!

He didn't know what kind of madness Lau Fei had drawn, or was it just a conspiracy?

The dead **** didn't do anything, he just took a deep look at Surtur, and aimed the gun of the world branch in his hand at the highest palace in Asgard.

The gallows rides on a **** like a death messenger, heading towards the tallest building in Asgard.

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