The stories of Greek mythology are constantly circulated along with the opening of Homer's epics, and after being nurtured by many big movie studios and pornographic industries in the West, the little thing about Olympus has almost reached the level of a household name.

The quality of the stories of Greek mythology is indeed very high, so that it was directly robbed by the Romans, descendants of the Trojans, and changed its name to become Roman mythology and the Roman Pantheon.

And then, with the death of the Son at the behest of the Roman consuls and Jewish elders, the biblical story was born.

Most of the content in the Bible is a copy of the myths of various countries.

For example, the story of Cain and Abel, the son of Adam, few people know that the story of the brothers cannibalization is actually a complete reference to the Egyptian mythology of the desert **** Seth killing his brother Osiris, the **** of the sky, and even Cain. And Abel's youngest brother is called Seth.

In the Bible, many demons are simply gods in other myths. For example, Baal, the head of the seventy-two demon gods, is the sun **** in Semitic mythology.

The story of the Jews leaving Egypt and the ten plagues of God are simply a story of a large-scale comparison of human power. The core of this story is that God in the Bible beat the gods of Egypt violently.

And the archangels in the Bible, whether Vulkan, Michael, or Gabriel, are mostly copied from Roman mythology, and even the story of the Great Flood is copied from Deucalion story.

It's not that all the flood stories in the world come from Greece, but the problem also has many elements such as "due to human sins", "good people survived" and "opening up a new era". .

The description of the image of God in later versions of the Bible is simply a copy of Zeus or Jupiter, and the huge stitching monster of the Bible can be said to be the ultimate product of stitching based on Greek mythology.

Then he became the number one religion in the world.

This is still a story of a tragic ancestor and a grandson who is exceptionally prosperous.

"People always link the images of Zeus and Jehovah together, but in fact the present Jehovah uses the image of the past Zeus, and now Zeus uses a different set of images."

Standing at the door of a small local bank in Athens, Wednesday with a cup of hot coffee in hand, overlooking the Parthenon in the distance, Banner told these stories with a smile while he put on a hooded jumper.

"Interesting story, so does God still defeat all gods?"

Banner shrugged and said, he's not a believer or a devout believer, so he doesn't care about making a **** joke on Wednesday

"Can't say that." Wednesday laughed

"In Exodus, Raco didn't come out to kill Moses, and when Gabriel smashed the tower of Babylon, Marduk didn't come out to kill it, and when he only caused a great flood, the people who drowned were basically faith. his Jews."

"Do you mean that except for the Flood, when God punishes mortals, it is always in the absence of other gods?"

"You can understand that." Wednesday shrugged

"But in terms of religious belief, I don't recommend you to believe in Christianity. Although most gods are bastards, a **** like Yahweh who kills everyone else because of one person is definitely a **** among bastards. And he is not merciful. He has suffered and gone through all kinds of hardships to be eligible to serve him after his death? Oh, even if you go to Valhalla, you can have fun for a while."

Wednesday showed extreme disdain for Jehovah, and Banner thought about it and retorted.

"I can't say that. In fact, isn't the story of the Great Flood in the Bible imitated by Zeus?"

Zeus decided to go to the world because of the evil deeds of mortals. He came to Arcadia to meet the king Lycaon, and the cruelty and arrogance of the king did not change even after Zeus revealed his identity.

In order to disgust and blaspheme Zeus, Lykaon even killed an innocent person and served Zeus after cooking. Then he ordered the sea **** to provoke a tsunami to destroy mankind.

And this story is highly similar to Noah's Ark in that Zeus also left the lives of two kind and good people, and warmly entertained the two old men of Zeus who had hidden their identities, Deucalion and Pylar survived, but because of They, humans, also began to reproduce again.

"When we're discussing whether a guy is a jerk, you can't prove he's not a **** because someone else is a jerk."

Having said that, Wednesday sighed and shrugged.

"Forget it, in fact, if I have to say, which mythical **** has a clean ass? From a human point of view, everyone is just a smaller **** and a bigger bastard."

Banner didn't know why the other party was talking about such a topic, and they had been here for a long time.

"Aren't we going to meet someone?"

"Of course, of course we're going." Wednesday laughed

"But we have to be polite, this visit is a lady, so we have to bring gifts and be adequately dressed - that is, we need money."

Banner was stunned for a moment. Although he had been on the run for so long, to be honest, he really didn't think about money.

Not only Betty, he himself had several unregulated personal accounts overseas before, many of which were "gifts" from others, and Banner also lost weight. After all, research costs money.

But now he has no bank cards or anything, and the re-submission business on the Greek side will have to wait more than two months for these slow guys!

However, money is a big issue.

"We're here to make money." Odin smiled, pointing to the bank behind him

"...You don't mean to rob a bank, do you?"

"No no no, although this city has always had a tradition of taking robbers proud, but this time we won't rob it, we will—borrow it."

"Borrow?" Banner raised his eyebrows, but Wednesday hugged his shoulder and patted him affectionately

"Come on, Vodice, imagine an extreme weather?"


"I mean, imagine an extreme weather, blizzard, torrential rain, hail, whatever. Come on, let your imagination run wild."

39. Science and Magic

Wednesday is a very mysterious person. At least in terms of Banner's "wonderful" experience, he has never met such a mysterious and special person in his life.

Banner knew that he was definitely not a normal person like himself, and he was full of nonsense. If Banner was not a scientist who insisted on materialism, he might really think he was a **** or something like that.

But even so, since he stepped into Athens, Banner felt that this guy's mental illness became more and more serious.

"An extreme weather, come on Vodice! Give me an extreme weather, one where no one wants to take the extra step!"

"Uh...that storm?" Banner gave his answer

"Very good! Lightning is thundering, rain is pouring, and thunderstorms are raging! This is a good weather that most people are reluctant to take an extra step!" Wednesday rubbed his hands excitedly and pressed Banner's head.

"So now, imagine a storm, the biggest storm you can remember! Then sit here and don't move, I printed a business card and poster last year."

Banner confusedly did as Wednesday said, or he also wanted to see what medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

He closed his eyes and began to imagine the biggest storm he had ever seen.

That was the night he and Betty slept for the first time, uh... In New Zealand, they just went to the Helm's Deep filming location during the day and saw the Lord of the Rings venue, returned to the Hobbit hotel where they stayed, and started Torrential rain poured.

There were thunderstorms in the sky, dark clouds filled the sky, and the hobbit's wooden house, which was blown by the violent storm, began to shake.

Betty slept with Banner unable to sleep. She said she was afraid, and Banner was actually a little bit, but he was more afraid that this unreliable house would be blown away by the wind.

After that day, he vowed not to live in the wooden house, but that night, he logically completed the great harmony of life with his girlfriend.

When I think of Betty, your graceful figure at night, your faint body fragrance, and...

Eh, Banner is also a normal man, and he can't help it when he thinks of this. But he turned his attention to calm himself down and began to imagine the storm that night.

The wildly blowing storm rolled up the grass and photos, the thunder roared the sky as if it was about to shred the world, and the torrential rain beat on the roof as if someone was playing drums again.

That cloud layer, he should be covered with dark clouds! He should be pouring rain! He should be thundering!

His imagination is getting deeper and more specific!

It all seemed to happen in his ears!

"I think enough, Vodice, the city will be paralyzed if this goes on."

With hands on his shoulders, Banner opened his eyes, and wed shoved a cup of hot coffee into his hands, smiling at him with a business card and a poster in one hand.

Banner wanted to say something, but the icy rain hitting him made him shiver all over. He looked behind in disbelief. The sky, which was still clear just now, was now a crazy storm!

Pedestrians on the road screamed and hid under the cover, the wind blew the signboard, and the rainstorm bombarded the ground like a drum!

Everything is as he imagined!

"This this……"

Banner seemed a little incoherent, although he himself was an unscientific creature, but what appeared in front of him today was beyond common sense!

Of course, all of this can be explained by the weather, but at this moment Banner could not regain his calm scientific thinking.

"Shh~~~ Vodice." Wednesday put his finger to his mouth, stopping Banner's incoherent questioning.

"We are making an analogy. You can trust the villain on TV to predict the weather in the future. Why can't you believe that you can predict the weather in ten seconds? Maybe this is just a little psychological suggestion from me."

"Meteorology is science! And you're saying this... you're saying it like..."

"Like magic?" Wednesday smiled

"But no, Vodice, it's not. Remember what I told you on the plane, believing, faith, these are magical enough powers. For ordinary people, this is thin, but for you In terms of belief, it is a powerful force.”

"But this is fantasy... we are in reality!" Banner was obviously a little frightened

"Really? Is the world a reality except fantasy?" Wednesday seemed to be mocking Banner.

"Tell me, Vodice. Have you ever seen the world? Have you ever seen the planet beneath your feet? Have you ever seen the entire solar system? Have you ever seen the Milky Way?"

Yes, I haven't seen it.

We've never really seen the planet beneath our feet, any more than we've ever seen magic that was thought to be non-existent.

Banner could answer without hesitation. In fact, 99% of the people in this world could not have seen the planet under their feet with their own eyes.

"Do human beings know the world by their eyes? No, they rely more on their ears, or, in other words, by 'the words of others'."

Wednesday's fingers twirled in his ear, whispering

"What do you humans often say... The essence of practice is the material activity that actively transforms the object. What kind of doctrine is that?"


"Ah yes yes, that's what Marx said. And then there's the fact that truth and falsehood can be converted into each other. Vodice, tell me, how can you determine the truth without real practice? And why can't you think of the truth? And what about the fallacy conversion you think?"

Banner was silent again, he couldn't refute Wednesday that he was not a Marxist, so let's not eat this.

After all, most philosophies in this world will have the essence of having a say in a practice.

But as we said on Wednesday, most people in this world know the truth not by practice, but by others telling him.

Because his parents told him that he thought the teacher educated him, because most people in this world think so, so this is the truth.

This is the truth of the vast majority of people - people tell you it is the truth, so it is the truth, and it is not so much that you see the truth as that you feel that it is the truth.

"Come on Vodice, we'd better hurry up and make a little money instead of talking about philosophy here."

Wed patted Banner on the shoulder and took a trance to the front of a store

"Go and do some random shopping, then wait at the phone booth on the corner of the street, and if anyone comes you tell him you're waiting for your girlfriend to call back."

As he said that, he also handed over a stack of business cards, and Banner stared at it for a moment.

"J. Vodice, Director of Security at Hyperion Services, what is this?"

"This is you." Wednesday shrugged, then handed over a business card of his own.

"Get to know me, I'm Green Andre. My friends call me Greer. This is my new identity. Get ready now and go to work."

Having said that, Banner watched Wednesday with a large package of things in front of the ATM. He first put the poster saying "Failed, Unusable" on the ATM, and then pulled a small stool. Sitting next to the umbrella, he greeted a person who wanted to make a deposit in a hurry when he passed by, and then handed him a document, a pen and a business card, and after the person signed his name, he The money was handed over to Wednesday.

Banner seemed to suddenly understand what Wednesday was doing.

He disguised himself as a service person who replaced the malfunctioning ATM for bank deposits, and stayed in front of the ATM. The store of the nearest bank is three blocks away, and in such bad weather, people are always reluctant to walk so far.

Laziness is the commonality of human beings all over the world, and people will always give some instinctive trust to the elderly who wear formal clothes.

This guy is actually doing bank fraud to get money.

For a moment Banner felt a huge sense of absurdity. Such a powerful, mysterious person—he was there to cheat money in an unsavory way?

"Oh, **** it."

Banner's expression changed after seeing a police car parked there, no matter how perfect the real hoax was, it was useless in front of the police.

But he looked at the business card in his hand and seemed to realize something. He came to the phone booth next to him, and sure enough, the phone rang soon.

Banner hesitated for a moment, he answered the phone, and there was the voice of the police questioning

"I'm looking for J. Vodice!"

Across the street from here, the police are checking the information on the phone handed to him on Wednesday, and right here, Dr. Banner, the kind and upright, is playing a role in Wednesday's scam game.

It's all ridiculous and absurd like a farce.

"...Yes, I'm Jimmy Vodice." Banner was silent for a moment, then said in his laboratory tone

"Mr. Vodice, do you have any employees at First River Bank? The intersection of the supermarket and Second Street..."

"Yes, before a broken ATM, the name is Green Andre, is there a problem?"

"No problem, everything is fine, it's just a question. It's best to let two people handle this kind of thing."

"Yes! I think so too. You'd better talk to the people at Shouhe Bank. The people under me deal with this kind of trouble and will be questioned by you more than a dozen times a day!" Banner accelerated his speech. like he is angry

"Uh, yes sir, sorry for wasting your time."

The phone was hung up, and the police across the street took off their hats at Wednesday and left, with Banner straightening up and looking like he had eaten shit. Aware of Banner's gaze, Wednesday raised his head to look at him, showing a pleasant smile.

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