Is that your future self? Or in another world? Peter knew it wasn't a lie, just watching, his heart started to twitch constantly.

As if aware of Peter's gaze, the tired man raised his head and pointed to the other side.

"Where is he."

After all, the man left with his head down, and Peter left in the direction he pointed as if fleeing.

There he saw a young, trendy, carefree-looking boy with headphones and a skateboard. He was holding a copy of Nietzsche's philosophy, and the magic red song was playing in his headphones, and he knew at a glance that he was a student.

This is a carefree boy, his Uncle Ben didn't die under his recklessness, he and Aunt May live a simple and happy life, he executes his hero identity, and he's still in high school so don't worry about being together. He didn't even have a love, he was giggling with his friends every day.

His life is very simple and very happy, even if you count his status as a superhero. Until one day Tony Stark visited his home, but even so, he was the happiest of them all.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker."

Seeing Parker approaching, he extended his hand kindly, Peter took it numbly, and after shaking hands, the boy stepped on the skateboard and left.

They are like three parallel lines, extending from each other, extending but not intersecting.

They're all Peter Parker, they're all Spider-Man, they're all part of each other.

"Humans think that their dreams reflect the reality of another world, and their avatars in dreams are themselves in another world."

The elusive little girl suddenly appeared in front of Parker and smiled.

"Every choice, every action, ultimately leads to a very different world. Peter Parker, the choices you make have given you the world you are today."

"What do you want to say?" Peter growled, clenching his fists.

"It's very simple, I can cure your Aunt May for you and change your choices. Let you usher in a world that is completely different from now!"

The little girl's smile became more and more treacherous, and the scarlet shadow stretched out from under her body, with the surging smell of sulfur.

"Peter Parker, I want your..."

49. The Contract of the King of Hell

"Do you want my soul?"

Peter looked at the girl in front of him with despair. He had ignored everything that happened to this girl, even the shadow of the devil and the smell of sulfur on her.

All he wanted was a chance to break free from his current bad fate.

It doesn't matter if he sacrifices his soul, or that's fine, he will get the only gratifying emotion in this series of setbacks by sacrificing himself.

"No no no no no, I don't want a soul like you."

The little girl shrugged her nose and said with disdain

"There are too many souls like you in hell, holding their heads high and being tortured by demons with great pride. They think that their sacrifice is noble, and that **** is the price of someone's happiness, they think that The torture is willing, so we dismiss our torture and regard the scars as a badge of honor."

"I haven't made a loss-making business like this many years ago."

"Then what do you want?!"

"It's very simple, Peter Parker." The little girl showed a cold and malicious smile

"I want your...existence!"

"……What's the meaning?"

"Your present, your past, and your future, everything you have will be erased from this world."

She surrounded Peter and said softly and happily

"Everything you have will be replaced by someone, your love, your hate, your everything will be inherited. And you, you will be banished from this world, and what will greet you next will be the deepest fear— -unknown."

What other options does Peter Parker have? What other chips does he have?

As long as he can save Aunt Mei, he is willing to sacrifice everything. He is willing to dedicate his soul and sell everything he has, but...

It's not only him that has lost, but also Gwen, is he really qualified to sacrifice Gwen and his love? Do you really deserve to sacrifice those memories of Gwen with him?


The sound of the clock echoed in this empty field, the girl looked at the non-existent clock and smiled maliciously and happily

"Listen, this is the countdown to your aunt's death. When the bells stop, when poor May Parker is dying, there will be no one else in the universe to help you."

The tick of the clock, like a hammer on Peter's heart, destroyed his sanity, his everything, his mind.

Peter Parker, tired, all these choices seemed like a heavy boulder on his shoulders. He had a choice, but he didn't have a choice. He wanted to sacrifice his own switch to Aunt May, but the devil didn't accept it.

As the devil said, a person who considers himself noble sacrifices himself for the happiness of others. Such a person's sacrifice has no pain at all. They choose to sacrifice for pleasure, and that pleasure is the worst thing for the devil.

"I... accept!" Peter stretched out his hand tremblingly, as if in a low voice like a poor **** who had all his will defeated.

Perhaps the devil was right, Peter was such a person who indulged in self-gratification. The greater the sacrifice, the more willing he was to do it.

"very good!"

The girl laughed wildly, his voice suddenly became wild and ethereal, the scarlet flame ignited in the shadow wrapped her body, and in the raging flames and the smell of sulfur, the devil appeared his real body.

Wearing a scarlet cloak, the devil shrouded in the light of hell, the crimson light just appeared to corrode everything around him. The moment he came, the surrounding fields seemed to sound like countless voices begging for relief from torture.

He is the king of hell, the master of the tormented. The Lord of Demons, the Demon God of the Hell Dimension, his name once flowed in every corner of history, and almost all of those false names chanting demons were his incarnations.

Mephisto, Lord of Hell.

"I thought you'd be a little wiser after seeing the two of you, but now it seems I'm overthinking it!"

Mephisto's sharp and wild laughter seemed to fill the entire space, and in Peter's wide eyes, Mephisto pointed at the girl who had turned into ashes under the flames and laughed wildly.

"Peter Parker! You sold everything about your existence and Gwen, your past was erased, even this girl... you and Gwen Stacy's future child."

The girl pointed at herself maliciously and smiled

"Because you have completely become two intersecting parallel lines, your future is not destined to have any intersection. And this girl will have no reason to exist."

Peter's heart twitched fiercely, and his expression was instantly replaced by a twisted rage.


The moment he signed the contract, Peter already knew the name of the Lord of Hell with whom he had traded, and he also knew more about what kind of guy he had traded with.

It is rude to say that Mephisto definitely has the ability to fulfill Peter's wish.

He is also a very special one among the dimension demon gods. He masters contracts and subverts reality. After meeting the conditions, he is even close to omnipotence!

But those who make deals with demons never end well.

Especially with the kings of demons, with whom the deal will always be so. Stupid and self-righteous humans think they are taking advantage of the devil, but in reality it is just a bait.

Just like the current Peter Parker, reckless choices and transactions, and finally disappeared, and his unborn daughter!


"Also, I forgot to tell you." Mephisto grinned wildly, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth

"It's not just your daughter that disappeared, but also your Aunt May and your Uncle Ben. If the variables that stand in historical arithmetic are replaced, then the corresponding constants will also be changed, right?"

Peter wailed and roared in despair, but he couldn't touch Mephisto and his contract at all.

When he recklessly agreed to Mephisto and signed his name. The resistance and anger together turned into a senseless and stupid struggle.

"That's it! That's it!!!"

Feeling Peter's rage and sadness, Mephisto let out a sharp and protracted laugh. In this wild laughter, Peter's figure gradually dissipated and shattered under the flames!

Peter Parker, 'erased' from this world.

His past, his future, everything about him, and everything related to him are instantly replaced at this moment!

And Mu Feng... observed this change.

A force, an unspeakable force of time and world, engulfed the universe.

The history of Peter Parker was erased, and the new Peter Parker and his family were filled in.

Yes, the little Spider-Man who originally belonged to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Peter Parker who wasn't even ten years old now, had a beautiful aunt, and never met Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane.

Tony wondered why he was here, but he quickly flew back to take care of the trouble. The Night Demon also left after clearing the monster, and Peter Parker's memory was completely wiped from his mind.

History is being revised and rewritten by a pair of invisible hands. After forcibly embedding a person who shouldn't exist, the world is in the process of restoring and correcting itself.

Is it TVA? Mu Feng frowned slightly, but he immediately rejected this conjecture.

He didn't see TVA's clerks come at all, and the ability to swept the universe and directly tamper with the records of historical existence was obviously not the work of TVA, or, in other words, the ability of those arrogant mortal employees.

This time, it was a failure.

He didn't catch the Time Crisis Administration's tail, the point, it can't be said that it all failed.

The arrogance and fury from the Nine Realms captured the fleeting message with the space gem in their hands, and captured the coordinates of that parallel universe!

That replaces the original Peter Parker's parallel world coordinates.

Interestingly, Mu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, but now, he has a more important guest.

A scarlet figure rose in front of him.

50. Loach and upstart

Mu Feng wanted to catch TVA, but he did not expect to catch an old loach.

If you want to run for the No. 1 troublemaker in the Marvel world, then only Mephisto can be compared with the group of Illuminati who do nothing all day and cause trouble.

But Mephisto's strength is not particularly strong among the masters of dimensions.

At least among the top batches like Saitorak, Sishorn, Set, and Weishandi, Mephisto's strength is really the one that can't be seen.

At most, he can beat Dormammu 5-5, and in many cases he can't even beat him.

The reason for this problem lies in the dimension of **** - the **** in the Marvel world is also a different-dimensional space similar to the dark realm of Dormammu, and this dimension will naturally have the master of the dimension, the so-called king of hell.

The reason why Mephisto is weak is that Marvel's **** dimension has multiple **** kings.

Mephisto may be the most orthodox and strongest among the kings of hell, but he still has no ability to unify **** and conquer all injustices.

The most straightforward example is Lucifer, who shares a part of the **** dimension with him. Unlike the wall hanging in DC next door, Marvel's Lucifer stands out as a shame, and basically belongs to the kind of brainless.

And Mephisto hates violence.

Perhaps because of his personality, or because of his innate disposition as a demon, Mephisto is obviously more inclined to tricks and conspiracies than the debt business and strength crushing of the masters of other dimensions.

Weave a huge web of conspiracy with frequent layouts, while he sits in the safest place laughing and watching everything happen, tasting pain and despair.

Just like Peter Parker just now, the best victim of Mephisto's conspiracy.

In general, this is a guy who has bad taste, has brains, but especially likes to hurt people.

Saying hello to such a guy would also make Mu Feng feel pressured.

"Forgive me for not being able to visit you the first time."

Mephisto, who put on the coat of a white old gentleman, bowed slightly to Mu Feng and smiled.

"Thank you very much. If you hadn't trapped Gu Yi, maybe the situation today would not have happened."

"It seems that I have become the benefactor of all of you visitors from other worlds?" Mu Feng raised his eyebrows and squinted slightly.

"If it's from another world, we should be half a catty." Mephisto seems to be the old god.

Unlike other dimension demon gods, Mephisto is not the mortal who was given his power to interfere with the mortal examination. But those mortals who signed the contract and offered their flesh willingly.

Because of this, Mephisto often came to Earth to make trouble, and then was repelled by the ancient one. And thanks to the widespread spread of Catholicism, there are a large number of **** believers on the earth. The Lord of the Dimension, who made the ancients so bad, knows how many vests there are on the earth.

"But I don't understand, what do you gain from Peter Parker's disappearance?"

Mu Feng touched his chin and narrowed his eyes playfully.

Mephisto's transaction was done very well, very powerfully, and Peter Parker was directly eliminated by him. But the problem is that his operation can be said to have almost no profit at all.

The old Peter Parker was replaced by the new one, and the original one was thrown into an unknown place - and in the final analysis, the value of Peter Parker itself is not necessarily equal to this transaction.

Although it is not difficult for Mephisto to save Aunt May, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a negative equity investment. As a shrewd **** with a number of dimensions, Mephisto should not do such a loss-making business.

"The price has already been paid." Mephisto smiled.

"And when I came to see you, someone paid revenge - you don't have to worry about TVA, or, in other words, don't worry about the one you worry about."

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes, Mephisto's words were full of information and misleading, but... he also seemed to understand something.

"Okay, while Gu Yi can't find time, I have to find some old friends. I hope we will have a more pleasant meeting next time."

Mephisto took two steps back, greeted Mu Feng slightly, and disappeared into the shadows.

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